Thursday 1 August 2024


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The Remarkables Ski Field is truly remarkable. Or at least it would have been when New Zealand was still sane but now we must assume that 'women' with penises are free to share the loo with young girls, not just on the ski slopes but all over the country. And Inland Revenue provides tampon-dispensing machines in the men's. And Health New Zealand advises that "people of all genders menstruate, including non-binary people, agender people, and even plenty of men”.

If you feel like complaining about this rabid nonsense, spit it out quick. Because NZ Police are even now being trained in how to recognise 'hate speech', in 'hate crime training' from a Hate Crime Learning Hub set up in response to the Commission of Inquiry into the Christchurch mosque attacks. Yes, Dame Jacinda's vax-stained claws are all over it.  

Police are now being trained in 'hate-motivated offending'.  So listen up, because it's not just our speech that will be policed, but our thoughts. Don't think the Coalition Government will prevent this - the political will for that has evaporated. Since Vatican II the Catholic Church has deserted her post and as a result New Zealand's MPs, like those of the rest of the world and her own churchmen, have grown effeminate and weak. 

Because as Rodney Hide says below, we're witnessing "the elimination of truth and morals. Of God and Country". 

We've eliminated God the Father. Lacking their ultimate Role Model, men emulate women instead - and women try to take up the slack. But they can't.

Now the Spirit manifestly saith that in the last times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to spirits of error and doctrines of devils, Speaking lies in hypocrisy and having their conscience seared (1 Tim 1,4).


The Ardern years continue to blight the nation. It’s not just the destructive policies and debilitating debt but the lasting dysfunctional governance both public and private that routinely lies to us and infantilises us. 


The legacy media are gone. They are now pimps for government and corporate propaganda. 


Endless repetition makes lies truth, with dissent deplatformed and demonised. 

The liberating internet is now throttled by tech companies themselves pumping and pimping government messaging. 


The pumping and pimping isn’t for government as such: it’s for The Narrative and favoured government. The pumping and pimping is partisan. 


Merit and competence are gone. Diversity and inclusion rule. Productivity and service give way to performative virtue signaling. Gobbledygook has replaced plain speaking. 


It wasn’t Ardern who did this. It’s throughout the West. It happened here under Ardern and deepens under Prime Minister Luxon. 


So far I have explained what happened in generalities. Now let me illustrate with a specific. Readers will recall my concern for my daughters' safety at Remarkables Ski Field. The female toilet that my girls use has been labeled transgender. Men are now invited into what should be a safe and private place for my girls. 


I complained and received the following response:

The Remarkables has introduced 1 gender-neutral bathroom in addition to our 3 gender-specific bathrooms, to create a more inclusive environment where everyone feels safe and respected. It's important to us that we provide options that cater to all individuals. 

Both men and women still have access to gender-specific bathrooms within the base building, ensuring that no one’s needs are overlooked.

Here’s the soothing messaging: The trans bathroom is for inclusion. It’s only fair. We want everyone to feel safe, not just your girls. 


Besides, we have “gender-specific” bathrooms downstairs. That means everyone is cared for and made safe. Your girls can just pop downstairs.


But “gender-specific” is a red flag. I wrote back asking Remarkables Ski Field if the women’s “gender-specific” toilet was open to “women with penises”. 


Of course, women with penises is oxymoronic. But that’s the language we are forced to use to determine whether my girls are at risk from men in their toilets. 


The reply took two weeks:

Thank you for your patience in awaiting my reply. 

At this stage, we have our gender specific toilets downstairs however we are looking at potentially moving them upstairs. If you chat with our Guest Services team up the mountain they will be able to point you in the direction of our gender specific bathrooms. The gender specific bathrooms are for those who identify as the gender outlined on the bathroom signage. We are unable to police guests biological sex when they use our bathroom facilities.  

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have further questions.

And so women and girls with penises are free to use the gender-specific toilets supposedly reserved for females.


The Remarkables Ski Field are “general supporters” of the Pride Pledge meaning they are onboard but “just starting their rainbow inclusion journey.”


No doubt it’s a commercial decision. The Winter Pride Festival is a big money spinner for Queenstown. 


The Pledge involves staff training and ongoing support. The Remarkables Ski Field’s reply is a classic Pride Pledge response and ticks every blight inflicted upon us through the Ardern years. 


It’s lies, dysfunctional governance, diversity and inclusion, and performative virtue signaling, all in the one response. And gaslighting — that apt term that describes making you, the truth teller, the one with the problem. 


I make my example Remarkables Ski Field only to illustrate the general problem. The same complaint would apply to every corporation, every council and every government department. 


We have always been able to police biological sex in female spaces. My kids at five could tell a man a mile off and would not be fooled by a dress and makeup.   Women only need to call the male out in their bathroom and the men will respond. But we need the property owner to stand for the clear rule and not to abandon women and girls to predators. We men will do the rest. As would the Police — before they took the Pride Pledge and got the Rainbow Tick. 

And training in 'hate speech' in anticipation of hate speech legislation. 

Our women aren’t safe. We have opened their safe spaces to rapists, voyeurs, exhibitionists and pedophiles. Our government institutions and corporations have declared themselves inclusive and unable and unwilling to back the simple rule of exclusion based on biological sex. 


We men acting to protect our girls and womenfolk will now be the ones arrested.


I should note that I am not accusing transvestites of sex crimes. The transvestites I have known have always been gentle and empathetic souls.  It’s not transvestites that concern me.  But in our mad infatuation with diversity and inclusion we have given rapists and pedophiles the perfect cover. Transvestites are being used too.


And it’s not about toilets or transvestites. It’s about demoralising men and women. Erasing the difference. It’s about the destruction of marriage and the family and care of women and children. It’s about men losing their ability to stand up and to fight.

It's called effeminacy and it's rampant in the Catholic Church too. 

It’s the elimination of truth and morals. Of God and Country. 

It’s the destruction of all that is Good and Great in favour of all that is Base and Corrupt. 


Our political leaders and corporations are but pawns in this seismic cultural shift. It’s supra-national. The United Nations and other multinational organisations are the source. Yes, our politicians sign off on it. But our public servants cut and paste the policy advice from above and our politicians are just led along, too weak to stand as men, too weak to stand as women. 

We know the UN doesn’t have our best interest at heart.  We only need look at who finds a home there. RODNEY HIDE: Endless repetition makes lies truth (

Olympics boxing: a guy beats up on a woman and wins


Health NZ puts the ‘men’ in menstruation.



I know New Zealand is down the rabbit hole of gender ideology, but I can still get surprised at just how far down. Gobsmacked is probably a better word.

When our public service organisation in charge of health services across New Zealand, Health NZ, comes out with a draft ‘Gender Diversity Policy’, which says in the section titled Menstruation that “Having a period is not a feminine thing, and people of all genders menstruate, including non-binary people, agender people, and even plenty of men”¹, picking our jaws up from the floor after reading that may be least of our problems with this organisation.



As co-leader of the Women’s Rights Party, Jill Ovens, says in her interview on The Platform “it’s bullshit”. No argument there. In a statement about Health NZ’s ludicrous communication written by Sunil Williams, he points out that “The policy’s definition of ‘menstruation’ has been lifted word for word from the Australian Transhub site, which describes itself as a “resource platform for all trans and gender diverse (TGD) people in NSW, our loved ones, allies and health providers”.


So, a Transhub site is now where our public health service gets its information on menstruation to disseminate to the public? Surely this has to be rock bottom.

If only that were the case. We haven't bottomed out yet. Far from it.


Those of us in the know about the convoluted language which ‘trans’ activists have successfully persuaded our public service, schools, and universities to use, realise this Health NZ draft policy has in all likelihood been written by a ‘trans’ indoctrinated uni graduate.


S/he, in all their glorious know-it-all wokery, will fully believe it’s okay to mix up the words ‘women’ and ‘men’ in a health policy to appease the feelings of women who say they’re men, and men who say they’re women.

We in the know, know that wokester language needs to be translated into comprehensible language for mutual understanding – or do we? Maybe our health professionals and policy makers really do think that words can change the sex we were born. How do we know if they think the same as the majority of the population any more, about women and men?



Gone are the days, it seems, when public information was written to be understood by most people most of the time in the shortest practicable time. Now, we have to translate messages from the preferred language of the wokester who wrote it into something comprehensible, and then second-guess ourselves afterwards.


But what about those who aren’t in ‘the know’, for any reason? It’s arrogance by Health NZ’s policy writers to even propose putting this bulls**t into policy, in complete disregard for the majority who need to clearly understand it. That arrogance shouldn’t be tolerated in our public service.


And how does saying that men can menstruate fit into the tikanga (Māori lore) that our public service tries to incorporate into its systems? As one commenter on X noted, how can Health NZ claim to follow tikanga, yet promote breaking the tapu (sacred, set apart) of women’s menstruation? It’s an insult to wāhine (women) and tāne (men), they said.


I only have a superficial knowledge about Māori culture, so usually opine little about it, but possibly there’s a point there. Mana Wāhine Kōrero would know more about that.


It's pleasing to see that it’s created a bit of a furore here, which may not be ignored this time. Having said that, our ‘leaders’ in all spheres have been very adept at ignoring gender-identity nonsense, or letting it quietly slip off the radar in the past. So, we’ll wait and see.


Incidentally, we’re still waiting for Health NZ to issue a new statement about puberty blockers, after reassessing the erroneous information they had on their website in light of new information from overseas – e.g. the Cass Review. If this yet-to-be-seen statement about puberty blockers doesn’t have PATHA’s fingerprints all over it, then Health NZ may not have entirely lost all credibility.


However, if the latest cringeworthy draft policy telling us than men can menstruate is any indication, their staff have found even further depths to the rabbit hole than we ever imagined were there.



²Jill Ovens Discusses Health NZ’s Gender Guidelines Draft Document | The Platform (9.53 mins)

³Who menstruates? Health New Zealand doesn't know. (

Laura Trask Reacts to Health NZ’s Bizarre Gender Diversity Policy Draft | The Platform (7.57 mins)

PS: Full disclosure about the title of this piece – I filched it from Bernard Lane on X @Bernard_Lane, and who also writes Gender Clinic News :-)

Martyrdom of the Seven Maccabees (Antonio Ciseri)

But I, as my brethren, offer up my body and life for the laws of our fathers, beseeching God that he would speedily be merciful unto our nation; and that thou by torments and plagues mayest confess, that he alone is God; And that in me and my brethren the wrath of the Almighty, which is justly brought upon our nation, may cease.


  1. List Remarkables Ski Field and Health New Zealand on Family First's Woke Up New Zealand webpage
    It lists all the organisations to avoid.
    Great news that Health NZ top management was sacked for wasteful spending. A future Health NZ will likely be stripped down and won't have the money or staff or woke-ness :)

  2. I'm looking forward to catching a 'woman'' with a penis in the ladies.....just so I can slam it in the door. Quick way for 'her' to get it removed.

  3. John Kelly Butler2 August 2024 at 00:52

    We will see what happens if I catch them …..

  4. Alan Douglas Ferguson2 August 2024 at 00:59

    Yes, the rot has set in big time. We need the great reset and return to family values and meaningful lives…

  5. Wait and see what happens if a couple of girls are molested in the ladies loo.

    1. Alan Douglas Ferguson2 August 2024 at 01:01

      hopefully the girls won’t be charged for hate crime by the policethingies

  6. Ladies don't have Penises, woman don't either.
