Monday 5 August 2024


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The unvaxxed have been declared the winners in the Covid-19 pandemic but it looks like now they're marked men. And women. And children. 

Because Bill Gates and the WHO are calling for the military to round up mRNA vaccine refusers in the bird flu pandemic they assure us is bound to happen. Everyone remembers Prime Minister Chris Hipkins' threat to come and find the unvaxxed and now the Government's new “pandemic plan” grants police the power to “detain and restrain” members of the public for forced vaccinations

Not to be alarmist about this, but it's a fact that Kiwis were a walkover for the totalitarian Ardern regime during Covid. We need to be on our knees in prayer, and on the qui vive for bird flu hysterics from the incumbent Prime Minister Christopher Luxon, who looks to be no more of a bearer of Christ than Hipkins was. 


Breaking: Bill Gates and the WHO Call For Military To Round Up mRNA Vaccine Refusers During Bird Flu Pandemic

Bill Gates has joined forces with the World Health Organization in calling for vaccine refusers to be rounded up by the military and force-jabbed with mRNA during the next pandemic.

Gates and the WHO have ordered governments to lay the groundwork to mobilize the military because they claim that vaccine scepticism is “morally reprehensible” and vaccine refusal is an “act of aggression” that must be met with force.

Bill Gates and the Dr Tedros of the globalist World Health Organization have announced a new project to turbo-charge the development and distribution of mRNA vaccines for an apparently looming bird flu pandemic.

However, the elite are rattled by the wave of vaccine scepticism which has spread around the United States and the world in the wake of the disastrous Covid mRNA vaccine roll out.

As more people refuse to submit to their vaccines, the elite are working on new and authoritarian ways to force their slew of new injectables into our bodies without our consent.

A prominent Bill Gates-funded funded doctor has called for police forces and the military to be deployed as part of an effort to deal with what the pharmaceutical elite are now calling “anti-vaccine aggression.”

Dr Peter Hotez and accomplice - mad scientists?


According to Dr. Peter Hotez (above), a close associate of Bill Gates and Dr. Tedros, they are now pushing to get NATO on board with militarizing the next mRNA vaccine roll out around the world.


Hans-Ulrich Jörges: Τhe unvaccinated were declared the winners during the COVID-19 pandemic


Hans-Ulrich Jörges

“In a stunning segment on Germany’s MSM Die Welt, the government was openly criticized and the unvaccinated were declared the winners during the COVID-19 pandemic, although in my opinion, I think nobody won.

Anyway, the segment, featuring columnist Hans-Ulrich Jörges, called for public apologies from key government officials who perpetuated the narrative that the pandemic was solely a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

Jörges began the discussion by reflecting on the COVID-19 era, which he described as a challenging time marked by confusion and fear. “The winners for me are the unvaccinated during the Corona times. They have now been rehabilitated. And there’s nothing left to argue about that,” he proclaimed.

The bombshell revelation that turned the conversation was the unredacted crisis team protocols from the Robert Koch Institute.

Jörges highlighted, “It was officially determined by them that the statement, ‘the pandemic is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,’ is not correct. Literally not correct.”

Emphasizing the severe implications of this misinformation, Jörges painted a poignant picture of the injustices faced by the unvaccinated. “There was this 2G rule, that only vaccinated and recovered people could move around freely. The unvaccinated were not allowed to go to the cinema, theater, concert, or restaurant. They couldn’t do anything except work, even though they had to get tested every day,” he lamented. For many, these infringements were not just inconvenient but a significant blow to their personal freedoms and dignity.


In a powerful call for accountability, Jörges named prominent figures who should come forward and apologize. “Those are all those who championed the phrase ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated.’ Mr. Spahn, the Health Minister. Mr. Söder, Mr. Lauterbach, Mr. Ramelow from the Left Party. And, hear this, the Federal President, Mr. Steinmeier, also propagated this,” he stated. The columnist’s tone was one of disbelief and disappointment in these leaders.
This portion of the segment resonated deeply: “And they have been insulted and berated in such a way that one can only be ashamed of it in retrospect.”

Jörges didn’t stop at merely naming those responsible; he demanded direct action. “I think they should now publicly apologize for it. I want to see someone stand up, have the courage, and say, I was wrong back then, I’m sorry, now I see what has happened to many people because of this, I apologize,” he implored. In a moment of significant impact, he recalled Spahn’s earlier statement, “we will have to forgive a lot at the end of the pandemic,” pushing him to be the first to act and ask for forgiveness.

Stunning Segment from Germany’s MSM Welt: Unvaccinated Declared Winners, Apologies Demanded from Government by Aussie17

“It was officially determined by them that the statement, ‘the pandemic is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,’ is not correct. Literally not correct.” 

Click on the link to see the video from Germany's MSM Welt.


The New Zealand government’s new “pandemic plan” grants police the power to “detain and restrain” members of the public for forced vaccinations, among a raft of new authoritarian measures.

The “framework for action” was updated in July 2024 and includes “special powers” authorized by the Minister of Health which will apply in the case of a pandemic declared by the World Health Organization or an emergency declared under the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002.

Under the special powers, police will have the authority to detain and restrain members of the public for forced vaccinations by medical staff.

Specifically, police will have the power “to do anything reasonably necessary (including the use of force) to help a medical officer of health or any person authorised by the medical officer of health in the exercise or performance of powers or functions under sections 70 or 71.”

The government will also grant medical officers the power to “detain, isolate, or quarantine” any member of the public for any reason related to public health.

Members of the public may be “isolated or quarantined until they have been medically examined and found to be free from infections disease” and “until they have undergone such preventative treatment as the medical officer of health prescribes.”

The New Zealand government was among the most tyrannical in the world during the Covid pandemic, with the country suffering under brutal lockdowns when their was a single Covid case in the community.

New Zealand’s Ministry of Health also granted vaccine exemptions to senior staff while hypocritically rolling out the world’s most draconian vaccine mandates and insisting the public be vaccinated.

TRENDING: Japan Launches COVID mRNA Vaccine Taskforce To Investigate ‘Crimes Against Humanity’

The vaccine exemptions for the elite were granted by former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s government before she stood down and accepted a new role as the World Economic Forum’s global “disinformation czar.”

Ardern’s decision to allow the elite to refuse the vaccine while forcing the vax on normal people was revealed by an Official Information Act (OIA) request HNZ00023978 dated 2 August 2023 which asked the following question:

“According to the legislation at the time in 2021, there were operational exemptions available for those who were not getting vaccinated against Covid 19. Your website outlines the process of applying for an operating exemption under clause 12a. How many requests were received? How many were approved by the ministry?”

Matt Hannant, Interim Director, Prevention, National Public Health Service, Te Whatu Ora replied:

“From 13 November 2021 to 26 September 2022, a total of 478 applications for Significant Service Disruption exemption (SSD) were received. 103 applications were granted, covering approximately 11,005 workers. Please note that it is not possible to provide the exact number of workers that were covered by SSDs. This is because it was possible for an organisation to submit an application to cover more than one worker.”

This article is available in its entirety as a PDF document.

Meanwhile, a New Zealand government official has gone on the record and blown the whistle on how the 

COVID jabs have killed at least 20% of the population.

The database administrator who worked with the New Zealand government compiling a list of vaccine recipients came forward revealing the spike in deaths associated with the experimental mRNA jabs.

According to the whistleblower, who called himself “Winston Smith,” he worked on a program logging vaccine compensation for providers and was able to pinpoint how deaths began occurring shortly after the vaccine rollout.

Not captioned but looking like Parliament Grounds 

WEF Memo Reveals Plan To Depopulate the World of 1 Billion White People by 2030

If you thought the Great Replacement was nothing more than a conspiracy theory, you might want to think again.

According to a WEF report, white people are responsible for the vast majority of the world’s problems including climate change and colonialism, and in the interests of an equitable future for the globe, the number of white people must be reduced as a priority.

The WEF has enlisted the United Nations to help with the plan and the results are already playing out before our eyes.


For the NZ Government's Pandemic Plan in all its enormity, click here. Go to 71A, bottom of p 125.


"Our Lady of the Snows" - attributed to St Luke, Apostle

Our Lady of the Snows, please pray for us


  1. Winston has said many times that NZ is a sovereign nation and will not kow tow to globalist entities such as the UN, WHO or WEF. Thankfully he is now back in government.

  2. This is just crap. Luxon forgets that there are 2 other players in this government. Gates can get stuffed.

    1. I have sent a previous post on this topic to Winston and David Seymour asking them to verify and explain this information

  3. If anyone is dumb enough to fall for that then they deserve everything they get ..Once bitten twice shy !!!

  4. Bring it on. I don't mind the idea of jail. Free meals, a bed and free heating in winter. All good I'm 74 and you are not going to vax me while I'm still got breath in my body.

    1. I do mind the idea of jail, but I'm with you anyway!

    2. Jail is fun, you get beaten and raped by the gangs.

  5. Hunk of s**t, who does he think he is

  6. Time to leave. Permanently.
    Unless ofcourse you want to receive experimental mRNA shots laced with nanoparticles and graphine.
    Autoimmune dlsease?
    Heart attack or a stroke?
    It will be another Russian roulette.

  7. Does he want kill all the people? (Or only 95% of them?)

  8. Gates can go jump, totally over this p.o.s

  9. Robert Blandford5 August 2024 at 15:49

    Does this, we will get you include the 11,500 Govt and celebs they gave exceptions too.

  10. Which begs one question. Why do they need to force it on people? You gen ix? Suggest they go forth and multiply.

  11. Everyone needs to rise up against this tyranny, it's been proven before, with numbers you can deal to this matter.

  12. Barbara Macilqham5 August 2024 at 15:58

    There are a lot more who they have to deal with now. a lot have woken up.i have a plan if they come knocking!!

  13. Did our lovely government set aside sone who can’t be force jabbed??? Like them and the health department

  14. Hear hear!

  15. You can be sure that gates and his mates didn't get the poison

  16. I’m yes, Luxon is a snake.
    He and all his cronies will be held to account one day.
    I pity all those involved in the plandemic,

  17. This is just around the corner.

  18. How Facebook doesn't pull this bulls**t down pure evil makes a mockery of every living person who hasn't toed the line

  19. Luxon was just as bad as Hunt you down Hipkins. But back then it was just a pissing contest to see who pushed cov response better as a political party. He’d be crazy to even try it. Surely Winston wouldn’t agree, but who knows on the day

  20. Christine Gospodarczyk5 August 2024 at 22:48

    Christine Gospodarczyk
    I have never understood why Ga**s has any say in this - he's never been a medical person!

  21. S**t if they try there will be a extremely large resistance certainly a lot more than there are police or army personal it will not end well

    1. Try it and see what the people do to protect themselves from this evil

  22. Riaan Van Schalkwyk5 August 2024 at 22:55

    I'm Gen X try that shit and see what happens

  23. They will have a fight on their hands. Once bitten …. You know the rest. There will be mass resistance and short of tying us down we will not have mandatory vaccinations.

  24. Lock n load

  25. More than 1 million Kiwis didn’t get 1 jab….so we are not alone. Stand strong & push back against these tyrants who have no interest in supporting the average Kiwis

  26. Winnie was on board with the shots then and can’t see why he wouldn’t be now

  27. So much for our media informing the population of anything of significant interest as news. There are so many Bills before, and passed by parliament that affect us badly, but no news. Not good news.

  28. Our Army refused to help Agerm in the protest so fingers crossed .

  29. New Zealand has not signed the pandemic treaty.
    _National Interest Test_
    The National Interest Test is a framework used by the New Zealand government to evaluate whether a proposed international agreement, including the pandemic treaty, aligns with the country's national interests. The test considers factors such as:
    1. _Economic benefits_: Will the agreement promote New Zealand's economic growth and trade?
    2. _Security and defense_: Does the agreement align with New Zealand's security and defense interests?
    3. _International relations_: Will the agreement strengthen New Zealand's relationships with other countries?
    4. _Sovereignty_: Does the agreement respect New Zealand's sovereignty and decision-making authority?
    5. _Public health and safety_: Will the agreement protect and promote the health and well-being of New Zealanders?
    6. _Environmental and social impacts_: Does the agreement consider environmental and social implications?
    7. _Consistency with domestic law and policy_: Is the agreement consistent with New Zealand's laws, policies, and values?
    By applying the National Interest Test, the government aims to ensure that any international agreement, including the pandemic treaty, serves New Zealand's interests and promotes its values.

  30. NIcki Withell-O'Grady6 August 2024 at 01:22

    NZ Govt has updated its own Pandemic plan in July to incl the below

  31. The NZ Government are in charge of nothing. They are puppets for the Mafia and for more than 50 years have done exactly as they are told. They would love to sign the Pandemic Treaty drawn up unelected UN Criminals who think they have power over us. To even consider anything they say is nonsense so all your 7 points are irrelevant as all you are doing is buying into a lost cause of Evil Satanists that were trying to kill us all on a 2nd attempt of another false Pandemic and a bird flu, omg are you serious! Wake up people, we are in charge of our Country. We do have help from the World Alliance Military and the power shift is almost complete as massive changes will be taking place over the coming months as we take back our Sovereignty and Democracy will be restored and being a slave no more.

    1. Stop trying to peddle this utterly discredited garbage. Nobody is going to save you or us. It's actually quite despicable that you constantly push this crap.

  32. Kathleen Stuart6 August 2024 at 01:25

    JESUS CHRIST IS The Only One To Put Your Trust In. HE Gives Us HOPE.
    The World Gives you FEAR.

  33. Kathleen Stuart6 August 2024 at 01:26

    Everyone needs to Stick together By FAITH. NOT FEAR.
    This is what they want.. Fear.

  34. Try it and see what the people do to protect themselves from this evil

    1. why do you think they took our guns away?

    2. it was planned Jacinda had her speech ready to read within minutes

  35. So long as Luxon is PM, he will do everything possible to 'sell-out' the people of NZ.
    He is a confirmed WEF puppet and as such, will obey his 'masters'. Don't be fooled all the smooth talking smilling and grinning (just a male version of Ardern) teams NOTHING!!!
    I call on Winston and David to step up to the plate and 'show us, what they are made of'.
    They have already at least 'stalled' the signing of the Pandemic Preparedness.
    .....A plan for total control via ENFORCING the mRNA injection upon EVERYONE.
    To the 'conspiracy theory howlers' is beyond time to Wake Up and realise what the WEF and our 'bought' politicians are attempting the achieve. It's absolutely useless to stay silent, then moan and bitch when it All 'hit's the fan'. This is NOT a conspiracy theory!!
    Read about the WEF Great Reset Agenda:
    / Great Reset Agenda/Strategies.
    Also read about it on Google: WEF Reset Agenda/ Agenda Strategies.
    Unless you have researched, you will have no idea just what is going on!!!

  36. They can Faark off. Maybe this is why they trying to employ another 500 police in prep.

  37. Can they come and just jab us.

  38. Maybe we all need to inundate (Peters and Seymour - ed) them with messages

  39. The harder they push the harder we push back

  40. you could be quarantined for an extended period of time if you refuse the new bird flu clot shots.
    Just another form of asylum for political dissidents.

    1. we KNOW it doesn't prevent infection yet the last line highlighted states "such PREVENTIVE treatment as the medical officer of health prescribes"

  41. Remember those people around you that othered you last time!? They will double down on their abuse next time!

  42. Donna Maree Parker6 August 2024 at 17:27

    Considering what the powers the WHO are soon to have then this scenario is realistic. Ou govt is happy to sign us up.

  43. Gillian Somerville6 August 2024 at 19:21

    Is all the stuff about the Olympics just a smoke screen giving THEM time to bring in measures to get everyone jabbed???

  44. Well.. they can plan all they like. Most people over being bullied by these monsters.

    We have legions of angels at our call. I'd like to see the try enter this house. Christ the King is Master of my home!!!

    Calling all you holy angels! Please protect and defend all our friends and family from this tyrannical madness.

    Blessed Mother cover us all with your mantle and give us your holy faith, hope and charity through the storms.

    I'm just going to carry on in Christ. Preparing prudently and peacefully. Quite looking forward to retreating from the world. Plenty to be done here..!

    Christus Vincit!

    'Does fear come from God?'...

    Pray for those who will struggle with this new propaganda and regime. 🙏 Their time will end and the Immaculate Heart will Triumph.

    Glory to God !❤️

  45. Trish Battersby7 August 2024 at 15:39

    Gates and his NWO cronies can get fkd. Had enough of them making billions out of our compliance and ill health. I don’t trust them! And I’ll fight them if I have too.

  46. In my opinion he doesn't need or intend to kill anyone. Those who continue to refuse centralised control will end up outside the global gated community (ie unable to legally transact or travel) and will end up self-selecting an early death (ie no medical treatment or quality food. Unable to pay rates or taxes as a result of rejecting RealMe

  47. Wow, difficult question. I don't think there will be much option in a few years time - either accept the global digital currency (and accompanying "social credit" system that will likely accompany it) or starve in the street. I plan to say no to any further vax coercion - but I dont think they will take no for an answer. It appears the Police will be empowered to drag vax rejectors off the streets.

  48. Antony Griffiths7 August 2024 at 15:59

    mRNA vaccines are unsafe! There is no way the pharma corporates can guarantee those vaccines can be safe when they rely on the cardiovascular system in the human body for effective delivery.
    They can not guarantee the vaccine with the spike protein will be delivered to the exact organs or virus infected part of the body only!
    That’s why all the myocarditis and pericarditis, excess deaths, increased cancers and ever increasing vaccine injuries continue to plague all of humanity!
    So this legislation will result in the deaths of New Zealanders! It’s that simple!

  49. This man is a terrorist.
