Tuesday 13 August 2024


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The Ministry of Ed is so sexed-up, this is only to be expected 

Your school days are the happiest days of your life. Isn't that right? If you're on the wrong side of fifty, you'd quite likely agree. But an examination of (rather than in) the classroom now would lead one to conclude that the "wrong" side of fifty is now the right one. Who'd want to be a kid again now?

Catholic kids, at least, learned on their first day at school that they were made by God to know, love and serve Him in this life and be happy with Him for ever in the next. It was as if you were privileged and protected. And you were. You were just a kid, and expected to behave like a kid. You were "seen but not heard", and sent out of the room sometimes because "walls have ears" or left in the car while your parents "had to see a man about a dog".

Pity the poor kids of today, taught from day one to worry about their gender - is it the right one, should they change it? Or their ethnicity - is it better or worse than the other kids', and should they feel good about it, or bad? It seems their teachers and the Department of Education feel that normal is boring and sex in any way shape or form should be indulged sooner rather than later. It's Marxism and it's mad.

Rodney Hide is pretty hot under the collar about things in the blackboard jungle, and rightly so. 




The Ministry of Education must be abolished. Kids' lives are at stake.


I wish it was just a failure to teach. It’s much worse than that. The Ministry is stripping kids of their sanity.


It was Let Kids Be Kids’ Elisabeth Cave who explained the darkness to me. She did this by describing the work of Dr Steven Stosny. It’s terrifying when you see it.


Dr Stosny explains the importance of identity. It’s what “helps organize conscious thoughts, feelings, and behavior choices”. He models identity with the following pyramid:


The important rungs are the bottom ones. It’s upon these that our identity is built. That’s what schools in our day focussed upon. It was our humanity -- our connection with all humans and our character -- that was built at school, at home, in church, in sports, and in clubs.


Our teachers brought us up with our ideology -- our belief in God and Country -- and honed our skills and talents. That was what schooling did. We were brought up with a great sense of self and were well prepared to live successfully and joyfully.


Not now.


The bottom rungs are washed away and schools now hyperfocus on the top three rungs -- at the exclusion of all else. It is now race, sexuality and gender.


Dr Stosny explains:


Identifying with any of the upper rungs of the pyramid, at the expense of the foundation, causes prolonged stress or dysphoria.


Most of the ideological and cultural strife in the world (not to mention hate) stems from hyperfocus on any of the upper rungs while violating the foundation.


Parents and grandparents who take an interest in their kids’ schooling know exactly that this is happening but without the Stosny Pyramid it is difficult to see the loss of humanity and character.


How bad is it? Let me illustrate. The Ministry decided it would be a good idea to have a Ministerial Youth Advisory Group because “Children and young people …. have a right to participate, be heard and have their opinions considered in decisions that affect them”.



As an aside, the statement demonstrates just how intellectually bereft the Ministry is. No one has a right to be heard. That would suggest someone has an enforceable duty to listen. No one does. We are still a free people. We can freely speak our minds but no one has to listen to us. Just like we don’t have to listen to anyone else. That’s what it is to live in a free society.


But no, for the Ministry, children have the right to be heard.


The Ministry doesn’t explain how they chose the 12 members of the Advisory Group but in describing them the Ministry focuses entirely on the top rungs.

From Hamilton, age 17:

I hold pride within my indigenous identity and heritage as a young Iban woman. … For as long as I live, I will keep on fighting to work for inclusivity.


From Wellington, age 15:

As a Muslim and an Arab I am really looking forward to being a part of the action and truly making a difference in our education system


From Wellington, age 14:

As a bisexual myself, I hope to bring this progressive movement to the table


From Wanaka, age 14:

Last year I broke my C4 vertebrae and as a result I spent a lot of time navigating around in a wheelchair

From Otorohanga, age 16:

I have been brought up and enriched in my maori culture through the Kiingitanga. ….

It is my hope that rangatahi can provide fresh and vibrant ideas, such as including maramataka maori (lunar calendar), and trying to include maori philosophy in the way we teach so that it remains relevant in our world.

From Whangarei, age 15:

as an Indian and gifted learner, I have faced challenges and obstacles in my learning path

From Auckland, age 18:

I am a proud daughter of Tongan immigrants …. I have a strong passion in changing the way our education system caters to its students; more specifically the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Colour - ed) youth community


From Christchurch, age 18:

the 2011 Christchurch earthquakes,.... I experienced for the first time, a scary city-wide lockdown during school that lasted well into the night, when the tragic Mosque shootings occurred ... From 2020, I experienced for the first time, online learning, remote learning, zoom/team’s meetings, mass numbers of teachers and students away sick and raised anxieties, feelings of isolation and uncertainty from both students and adults in my school because of Covid.


From Taumarunui, age 18:

I have a passion for using my voice and fighting for what's right.


From Hamilton, age 17:

I have an ultra-rare genetic disorder KBG syndrome


From Taranaki, age 17:

I am queer nonbinary and of mixed and Vietnamese descent. My areas of passion focus on activism, inclusivity of minority communities, mental health, and LGBT+, POC, and BIPOC issues.

From Auckland, age 17:

I’m a 17 year-old Māori/European and live in South Auckland….. I have two younger brothers, both with Tourette’s Syndrome and Autism, and I myself am neurodiverse too.


A young man on the run after a serious assault looks stark staring mad 


I don’t wish to take anything away from the young members of the Advisory Group. They are all lovely kids I am sure with families that love them.


But I feel sorry for them. They have not had their character developed, a belief and faith instilled, or their talents and skills extended. That is the state of our schools.


It is in plain sight everywhere you look. The hyperfocus on gender and race to the exclusion of what is truly important. It is little wonder that more and more young people are struggling.


They lack critical skills and while they proselytise they can’t reason or debate the issues they care so deeply about.


What the Ministry does is precisely what you would do if you wanted to strip young people of a strong sense of self. It is exactly what you would do if you wanted to destroy a society from within.



Pope St Pontianus and St Hippolytus, Martyrs, please pray for us


  1. Trans person here. Thought of myself as part of the alphabet community for all of 10 minutes after coming out.
    Disagreed with the screwedup victm mentality forcing their shit on everyone. I just want to leave alone and be left alone.
    This shit though.... absolutely f**king not. Anyone touches a child like this should be burned alive. Twice if it were possible.


  2. https://odysee.com/.../europa-the-last-battle-full...

    1. Wynne de Lautour13 August 2024 at 15:19

      It's a hard watch and history is repeating itself.

    2. it is hard to watch .... found it in my saved files ... so watching it (all 12+ hours) again ... its still hard to watch ....its an important one to share privately or ilink n comments 👍

  3. It's a spiritual battle. The ultimate goal is a perversion of everything healthy. An obscene caricature of what we're supposed to be.

  4. Sickening.

    1. Agreed. This is a rebellion against God in cooperation with Davos' globalist agenda of depopulation.

    2. Lorna Keith Leggett13 August 2024 at 15:25


    3. I bought the book 'Welcome to sex'. It's a manual approved for primary school libraries in NZ. Beyond disgusting. I took some screenshots from it, if you're interested in assessing for yourself the depraved, immoral depths to which the ed departments (across the 'civilized' world) has sunk.
      But we're winning. These are the last throes of a terminally morbid system. Light ahead.

    4. Lorna Keith Leggett13 August 2024 at 15:27

      I was onto this from the beginning and when I tried to inform others was ridiculed until I also got hold of data that was being introduced to our kids. I worked with young people so of course it was a concern for me even though I had no young kids but even having conversations with my granddaughter sent alarm bells and I thank God that her father was all over it. I have my fingers crossed that sanity prevails and parents who blindly follow the process will see how evil and insane it all is.

    5. Good on ya for maintaining your position. I have 2 granddaughters, respectively 8 and 5 who like yours have the benefit of a protective (rather than submissive) parental set. I'm very grateful for that.
      Not sure how far the destructive momentum will still take us. The average western adult has been successfully zombified, but there is a layer of resistant conversion occurring. Let's hope/pray for the best.
      Good luck.

    6. Lorna Keith Leggett13 August 2024 at 15:50

      The sad reality is that many of our teens who are in that period of their lives are being taught that they have the power, and we all know, having been there ourselves, how vulnerable and open to persuasion they can be. It is already on display with them totally believing all the climate change rhetoric and if you asked most of them to sit down and explain it, they couldn't. When an education system tries to alienate parents from their child's schooling then you know it's not well, and as a parent it is your duty to act accordingly. Good on the parents who choose home education.

  5. Could see this coming years ago it's completely disgusting

  6. Noeline Raewyn TePania13 August 2024 at 15:52

    Yes if you are a child of a parent who loves you and protects you then you love them back.
    Absolutely. But not if youre an adult who thinks they love a child like they should love an adult for sex. HELL NO!!!!

  7. Rachelle McKenzie13 August 2024 at 15:53

    Totally deluded. Totally against the Bible.
    Any of you come near my babes, and it won't be a silver Bu****.
    Totally perverted minds.
    But ...As in the days of Noah, so shall the coming of the Son of man be....
    God will become Evil and Evil will become good 😭

  8. That picture is promoting lunacy and peodophilia..fkn disturbing and disgusting...to say the least..not to mention peodophilia is illegal and a jailable offence..
    Well seing as this is okay by governments in todays society..ill be promoting my style of violence to anyone that tries to indoctrinate me with this kind of love..fairs fair in a world of diversity..let there be balance..i say

    1. hmmn sentencing is a slap on the wrist where something reminiscent of gallows would be more appropriate.

    2. agree whole heartedly

  9. Pedos have no rights!!!

  10. Are these people condoning pedophilia with the consent of the government 🤔if this is not fake news, 🤔then we are ruled by demonic powers

  11. Education system is absolutely stuffed!

  12. You are so right Julia, the world has gone bonkers.

  13. 21st Century Teachers Are PATHETIC!!

  14. School is an indoctrination center, because we as parents are too lazy or caught up in the other manufactured stuff meant to keep us busy (bills, work, consumerism etc...) to properly teach our own children. Our parents were indoctrinated, and their parents before them and so on. Doesn't matter what kind of school, those are just different flavors of indoctrination, the "education" system is only focused on the outcome, that being a compliant and malleable creature that does not ask questions and follows all orders from an "authority" figure.
