Sunday 11 August 2024


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Is the Catholic Church near tipping point? Have enough faithful members of the Mystical Body of Christ now come to recognise that the man the world calls 'Pope Francis' is nothing of the sort, to arrive at rejection of his faux papacy and his heresies? 

Even Novus Ordo Catholics must recognise Jorge Bergoglio as a non-Catholic. Surely. He doesn't believe all that the Church believes and teaches; ergo he is not a Catholic. So he cannot be a pope. But the endemic vice of effeminacy makes bishops and priests (and people) incapable of resisting his evil diktats. Doubtless, they pray. And as things get worse and worser, we may hope they pray harder and so effect, not Bergoglio's fall from grace which he's already achieved, but his downfall, his resignation. 

This blog has recently lamented the scourge of effeminacy inculcated by the Novus Ordo, evident particularly in prelates who lack the courage of  Bishop Strickland or Archbishop Vigano. They prefer to obey Francis and his minions rather than God. The phenomenon is typified in New Zealand by the unfortunate Bishop Michael Gielen, Christchurch, in his persecution of the Sons and Daughters of the Most Holy Redeemer (FSSR, Transalpine Redemptorists).

After years of courageous cerebral and trenchant criticism, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has at last called Jorge Mario Bergoglio what he is: an Antipope. Or perhaps more accurately, a counter-pope: he is opposed to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and her Magisterium. Which means that as an antipope, or a counter-pope, he opposes Jesus Christ Himself. 

"Oh but," the effeminate will say, "what +Vigano says doesn't matter. He's excommunicated." He's nothing of the sort. By his heresies Bergoglio has earned himself automatic excommunication, and as a non-Catholic he has real power to do absolutely nothing in the Church. Zilch. Zero. 

It's very disappointing to see someone like Michael Matt, the redoubtable editor of the Remnant newspaper, take issue with the archbishop for tactics Matt doesn't approve, and for resisting the summons issued by Bergoglio to face his kangaroo court at the Vatican. Matt is a mighty talent and true servant of God, but as a journalist and as an intellect he is not on the same level as Archbishop Vigano. 

True humility, meaning that self-knowledge which is the foundation of all the virtues, is a pearl of great price, discovered only by a degree of knowledge of God.


FINALLY. Better late than never. +Vigano at long last clearly states the obvious truth: “Bergoglio is an ‘anti-Pope,’ Benedict’s resignation was ‘certainly invalid’.




This is a good step. People will cite +Vigano’s fake “excommunication” from the Bergoglian Antichurch as discrediting him, but I think at this point faithful Catholics who aren’t financially dependent upon remaining in the public “good graces” of the institutional Antichurch and are thus blinded by their own unwillingness to suffer, know perfectly well that Antipope Bergoglio and Touchme Fagnandez have as much genuine authority in the Catholic Church as Kim and Khloe Kardashian.


In fact, I’m still seriously awaiting my own “official” Antichurch document of “excommunication”. I would frame it and carry it up to the Communion Rail with me every time I made a Sacramental Communion to show to Our Lord. đŸ˜‡


Bergoglio embraces a Lutheran woman minister at a service commemorating the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation


+Vigano makes several excellent points in this statement.:


-A holy Pope would/will declare Vatican II a failed council and declare it null

-A holy Pope would/will abrogate the Novus Ordo Mass, obviously

-The Third Secret almost certainly regards a “bad council and bad Mass”. Again, pretty obvious.

-+ViganĂ² calls out the SSPX for their sloth and effeminacy for playing nicey-nice with the Bergoglian Antichurch. Hear hear!


-ViganĂ² rightly shoots down 1958 Sedevacantism, and then uses a turn of phrase which I REALLY like and will use myself: “Even if it is appropriate to suspend … judgment on the popes of the Council, it is necessary to put everything that they have produced ‘in parenthesis’ so to speak,”


That’s exactly right. Everything in this past Vatican II/Novus Ordo/Bergogkian Antipapacy epoch will obviously all go “in parentheses” for all of history. It’s clearly a state of emergency exception.


Do click over and read/watch the whole thing.


And shout-out to Dr. Mazza, NonVeniMark, and all of the other people of good will who have been beating this drum for going on a decade now. This is no time to back off. Quite the opposite. We must lean FORWARD into this momentum.


We must never let up, because as I’m sure you’ve noticed, evil never lets up, never relents. We must match and exceed evil’s effort until evil is completely crushed under Our Lady’s heel.


Let’s GOOOO!!!


If you’re interested, I have three videos on the Bergoglian Antipapacy: Part 1 (ARSH 2018), Part 2 (ARSH 2019), and Part 3 (ARSH 2023). My Bergoglian Antipapacy page with links and timestamps is HERE. And here’s my Part 3 video from last year, which is a stand-alone presentation for those just getting up to speed on how the Bergoglian Antipapacy happened in the first place back in February-March of ARSH 2013.


As always, I hope this helps.




Pray for the Petrine See, vacant these 588 days and counting, and for the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, outside of which there is no salvation.

St. Lawrence, St. Matthew, St. Andrew, St. Peter, Our Lady of Copacabana, pray for us!

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us!FINALLY. Better late than never. +Vigano at long last clearly states the obvious truth: “Bergoglio is an ‘anti-Pope,’ Benedict’s resignation was ‘certainly invalid’ | Barnhardt


The Good Samaritan (Vincent van Gogh, after Eugene Delacroix 

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on your Church 


  1. We are in a critical time in the church…keep praying for the one, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic church .We have to believe Our Blessed Mother will sort it out in the end when she will triumph.There are still some very good Holy Priests out there at present.

  2. Gabriel Alberto Garcia11 August 2024 at 16:13

    The pope of Rome hasn’t been part of the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic church for about a thousand years now, at least many Latin worshippers are now starting to realize this. Look East.

    1. I wonder what are the facts to support your view?

    2. Gabriel Alberto Garcia11 August 2024 at 16:15

      facts recognized even by the Latin bishopric

    3. There is nothing here to support your view that "the pope of Rome hasn’t been part of the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic church for about a thousand years". It simply states that the Orthodox Church ALSO has apostolic succession.

  3. Its unfair to compare Pope Francis with Kim Kardashian, she might have Christian faith.
