Monday 19 August 2024


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"The Foot Washing" by Fr William Hart McNicolls: Pope Francis kissing the feet of Christ with two same-sex couples embracing. 

"The Catholic Church holds it better for the sun and moon to drop from heaven, for the earth to fail, and for all the many millions on it to die of starvation in extremest agony, as far as temporal affliction goes, than for one soul, I will not say, should be lost, but should commit one single venial sin, should tell one wilful untruth, or should steal one poor farthing without excuse."

Who said that? Who on earth would say that? Can't you just hear the howls of protest, not only from Protestant trolls but from Novus Ordo Catholics - even or especially from New Zealand's Catholic bishops? Who apparently cannot think of anything better way to  revive the faith that's been lost than to print prayer cards teaching us to pray, not the Catholic Our Father but the Protestant 'Lord's Prayer' in Te Reo Maori

The explanation above of the truly awful nature of just one venial sin comes from the pen of the celebrated 19th century Anglican convert St John Henry Newman - who knew nothing of the N O queues of communicants receiving their Eucharistic Lord in the hand with souls stained not just by venial but mortal sin because they haven't been absolved of those sins in the sacrament of penance, and thereby incurring the grievous mortal sin of sacrilege.

St John Henry Newman knew nothing, either, of priests who won't say the "A-word" in a homily because they KNOW - they admit - that among their flock are women who have had an abortion. These false shepherds, aka hirelings, would rather allow these women and their spouses (or partners, perhaps?) go to hell rather than hurt their feelings. This is not compassion. It's effeminate cowardice, and it's only to be expected from priests led by bishops who are similarly inclined to this vice. It's the Novus Ordo effect.

More evidence of that phenomenon is one Fr William Hart McNicolls, whose "icons, paintings and images," according to sodomy sympathiser Father James Martin, “hang in Catholic churches, as well as colleges and universities, around the world.”  The original painting of “The Foot Washing” (image above) now hangs in New York in the media headquarters of America magazine, the Jesuits’ flagship publication in the United States. 

Another "icon" by Fr William Hart McNicolls

America - whose editor at large is the aforesaid +Martin - has no problems apparently, with naming +McNicolls as "a gay priest".  The "icon" was commissioned by the "LGBTQ Catholic Resource" (never mind the oxymoron) for their 2024 conference, with which Antipope Francis - whose "outreach to the LGBTQ community is well known" said he was "united in prayer"

What would St John Henry Newman have thought of this tawdry, blasphemous, cheap and nasty depiction of Our Lord Jesus Christ, depicted with sad, sorry sodomites and an Antipope who not only condones but blesses their intrinsically disordered unions? 

And what would the saint's reaction have been to the sale of the historic Catholic church of St Anne's in Buffalo, New York, to Muslims, to be repurposed as a mosque? St John Henry Newman knew a thing or two about property deals, having established in Birmingham, the first Oratory of St. Philip Neri in the English-speaking world. St Anne's in Buffalo was sold off to Muslims for the paltry price of $250,000. Father Ronald Vierling's  posts on X drawing attention to the sale, had elicited nearly 2 million views by August 12.


St Anne's, Buffalo NY

For any Catholics who don't follow the NZ Catholic Bishops on Facebook, a few notes on  recent posts:

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the patronal feast not of "Aotearoa New Zealand", but of New Zealand. New Zealanders have not signified their political will to change the name of our country. "Aotearoa New Zealand" is a woke fiction and in forcing it on the faithful the bishops are unjust. And, in passing, an observation: "openness" is not a virtue. The Blessed Virgin Mary is our model of all the virtues but "openness" isn't one of them. Dear bishops, what you're actually talking about is Mary's OBEDIENCE to the will of God.

Perhaps Catholics would prefer to learn the Our Father (not 'the Lord's Prayer', as it's called by Protestants) and the Hail Mary, in the language of the Catholic Church, which is Latin. Dear bishops, you may have forgotten, or perhaps never knew, that the devil hates Latin. Which is one of the reasons why the Ape church of Antipope Francis has tried so hard to exterminate the Latin Mass - and failed. 

The best way to prepare for Mass is by confessing your sins in the Sacrament of Penance. To receive Holy Communion in a state of serious (mortal) sin is to add the mortal sin of sacrilege to that already committed. "Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood" (Jn 6, 53) ... "unworthily eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh judgment to himself, not discerning the body of the Lord" (I Cor 11, 29).

English convert G K Chesterton 

St John Henry Newman followed his famous declaration on the true character of sin, even venial, with the ensuing clarification in his lecture Certain Difficulties felt by Anglicans in Catholic Teaching Considered, delivered in 1850. 

"I think the principle here enunciated to be the mere preamble in the formal credentials of the Catholic Church, as an Act of Parliament might begin with a "Whereas". 

"It is because of the intensity of the evil which has possession of mankind, that a suitable antagonist has been provided against it; and the initial act of that divinely commissioned power is of course to deliver her challenge and to defy the enemy. Such a preamble then gives a meaning to her position in the world and an interpretation to her whole course of teaching and action." 

Anyone feeling depressed by this post and in particular by the sale of St Anne's Buffalo, to Muslims, might be comforted by the image below. It was miraculously imprinted in 1531 on the tilma of the peasant (since canonised) Juan Diego. 

Our Lady of Guadalupe stands with feet implanted on the crescent of Islam. 

Our Lady of Guadalupe, please pray for us 


  1. Could the God Squad give it a rest? We don't care.

  2. No one's forcing you to care, but the love of God impels His people to remind others, in this atheistic, materialistic age, of His existence and His justice. You will certainly care one day; I hope not too late.

  3. Wendy Baumann Krzyzanowski19 August 2024 at 15:23

    Tell me my NO Mass wouldn’t be capable of thinking that. Almost 200 people at Mass. Over 80% of the females wore dresses, not slacks. Several ladies wore veils. Loud participation in saying prayers and singing. All reverence paid to Our Lord Jesus Christ. No one left early.
    We recently won our appeal to stay independent of a merger imposed on us. After we won, the Archbishop forced our Canonical Pastor to retire as to impose the pastor he wanted for us originally. He allows our retired pastor to live at the rectory. He had no choice. We now have three huge parishes with only one officially appointed priest. Sure there’s visiting priests to say Mass, so it’s a good thing our Monsignor is still around to feed us.

    1. Thank God for the faith expressed by your N O community. But the acid test is frequency of reception of the sacrament of penance - and Communion in the hand.
      I wonder if you clicked on the link? The post reminds us of the sin of sacrilege committed by those receiving Communion in a state of mortal sin. And receiving Communion in the hand risks profanation of the Host and guarantees lessening of reverence for the Real Presence.
      These two factors are I believe the underlying reason why "three huge parishes" such as yours have only one officially appointed priest.
      Unfortunately, dresses and veils and loud singing, while very good practices, don't address the basic issue of sin, especially the mortal sin of sacrilege, which underlies the lack of vocations to the priesthood.

    2. Wendy Baumann Krzyzanowski19 August 2024 at 22:13

      Wendy Baumann Krzyzanowski

      Level 2
      Julia du Fresne The Apostles received communion in the hand. As did early Christian’s. Doesn’t matter what we do, there are those who tell us we’re not good enough. I just hope Jesus Christ, said with a bowed head, will find us worthy. He’s the only One Who matters.

    3. The three major prophets of the Old Testament were all fed the Word of God into their mouths at the beginning of their ministry. The Apostles were the first priests. The Angel of Fatima gave Communion to the children as they knelt, on the tongue. Jews knew not to approach what was holy. The story of Oza jumps to mind. Only the Levites, who were consecrated by God, could touch the Ark of the Covenant. It would seem legitimate to ask if the apostles, Jesus’s consecrated (bishops), would have let unconsecrated members of the Church touch the body, blood, soul, and divinity of our Lord in the Eucharist.
      As to the early Christians, the council of Saragossa (380) excommunicated anyone who dared continue receiving Holy Communion by hand. This was confirmed by the Synod of Toledo (400).

  4. "JUDGE NOT " ...
    " FORGIVE " ...

    1. You express what is probably the most common misunderstanding of Holy Writ and the teaching of Christ.
      We MUST judge actions - and implicitly, lifestyles - as sinful or otherwise. But we MUST NOT judge the people who perform those actions and live those lifestyles. That judgment is reserved to Christ alone.

    2. Julia
      Thank you so much for your confirmation of two extremely important teachings

  5. The basis of most religions is fear. Catholicism is a good example.
    Shamanism by another name.
    Voodoo too.
    Witch craft... the list goes on.

    1. On the contrary, the basis of Catholicism is love: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind" (Mt 22,37).
      The only fear in Catholicism is the holy fear inspired in those who love God of wounding Him by sin.

    2. Sorry Greg. You see only that which you wish to see. To escape darkness, especially the eternal darkness of Hell, turn to the Light of the World, Jesus Christ, the head of the church he founded, the Catholic Church. Do not judge it by the actions of some who have erred, even grievously, but by the multitudes who lived saintly lives following faithfully in His footsteps. Go, and do in like manner.


  6. I agree with no communion in the hand for fear of desecration. But the criticizing of NO churches has to stop. There are holy priests offering reverent masses. I will agree that there are discrepancies that happen in some NO churches - my worst thing that has happened is the singing, blessing and giving cards to all Birthday and Anniversary celebrants. At least it is done after the final blessing. I watched the alleged miracle of the Host bleeding as a 14 year old girl received communion on the tongue in an NO mass in India. This happened for 3 weeks in a row. The last week she received intense pain and a bleeding wound in one of her hands. This is under investigation of course, but it did happen at a NO mass. I believe Our Lord wants us all united. Our NO mass has women who wear dresses and veils, just the dress wearers, some ladies wear feminine pants and tops with a veil and some who don't think dress is the most important part of mass. I judge none of them, I don't know their financial or medical status. I do know a couple of older ladies with leg issues who feel more modest in pants. Charity is the most important thing I believe. I actually don't notice who is at mass anymore or what they are wearing. I know that there is older music that I love more than the newer songs and we are working on having more reverent music. Our priest (from India) has mass everyday for us. This week he is gone for 4 days and found replacement priests to come and offer the sacrifice for us. I do believe that a lot of us were not cathecized properly but God is working on us and things are changing. May His blessing be on all His faithful followers💕🙏


    1. Julia du Fresne

      Level 3
      Carole Reichert When the bitter fruits of the Novus Ordo - churches closed, sold to be repurposed as mosques, the stunning drop in vocations to the priesthood and Mass attendance, and above all lack of faith in the Eucharist - are plain to see, charity (i.e. the love of God) demands that his faithful try to defend Our Lord from the abuses to which He is subject in the New Mass.
      Yes, I agree, there are holy priests offering reverent N O Masses but the single example personally known to me would far rather never offer it again and say only the TLM for the rest of his life.
      And of course Our Lord loves N O Massgoers, and greatly regrets that the TLM is not available to all. I believe He performed that miracle in Kerala in order to induce a greater reverence for the Eucharist - and that apparently was achieved, as on the second occasion everyone received on the tongue.

  7. We never enter a church with those kind of blasphemies or entreaties to sodomites. Because we know the priest closes the door on the moral teachings and the very meaning of life...and actually often hates faithful Catholics with a vengeance.
