Saturday 3 August 2024


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The defrocked Marko Rupnik and friend Francis

Our Lady of Lourdes church in Havelock North is something of a Hawke's Bay icon. It's beautifully kept and obviously treasured by its Novus Ordo Massgoers. But above the main door is an image which can only be from the black hand of Fr Marko Rupnik, SJ, arguably the world's worst priestly sexual predator since Cardinal McCarrick. 

Conversely, only a few miles away is a garage in a vineyard where Traditional Latin Massgoers meet monthly to celebrate the Eucharist. They call it the Celatus Chapel. 'Celatus' means 'hidden'. These Catholics, who remain faithful to the teachings of the Church - teachings which being the truth cannot change - are forbidden to gather for the Mass of Ages at Our Lady of Lourdes, or in any of the disused or under-used Catholic churches in the area, because the priests who say Mass in the vineyard belong to the Society of St Pius X (SSPX). 

Now, before you start -  the SSPX is NOT in schism. Bishop Athanasius Schneider, after visiting two SSPX seminaries for the 'Holy' See, noted that only “a very narrow, legalistic view of the reality of the Church” could lead one to believe the SSPX is schismatic and that those who state as much are “putting the letter of the Canon Law above the importance, the primary importance of the fullness of the Catholic faith and of the traditional liturgy. ... Each true Catholic should only be glad and thank God, when the SSPX with all their priests and Catholic families, from which the majority are faithful Catholics, would be recognized by the Holy See, so that there would be a new considerable force for a renewal of the Church." Unfortunately the Novus Ordo effect is so deadening that the holy Bishop Schneider's words have little effect.

Although not verifiably a work by Fr Rupnik - who was excommunicated and then un-excommunicated by Jorge Mario Bergoglio, aka 'Pope Francis' - the image at Our Lady of Lourdes, commissioned by its architect John Scott in 2007, was recently refurbished and replaced just as debate heats up all over the world over removal of the disgraced Fr Rupnik's oeuvre, particularly at Lourdes itself and at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Aparecida, the second-largest Catholic church after St Peter's Basilica. It was noticed by a Latin Massgoer who visits OLOL to pray before the Blessed Sacrament - which is not available at the garage  between Masses, when it has to revert (with time and effort) to housing cars instead. 

Evidently an early work of +Rupnik's, now that all the world and its dog knows about his vicious abuse of women, and of the sacrament of Confession in absolving a nun for having sexual relations with himself, it should surely be removed.  Oh, but wait: that same sacrament is abused at OLOL and practically any N O parish in New Zealand, by its terrible neglect. 

Havelock North is well-heeled. It's also 'God's waiting room': OLOL Massgoers would be above the national average in income, IQ and seniority. And yet it seems they know nothing of Fr Rupnik. Or maybe they're aware of it but lack the will to confront the issue.

Francis with Fr James Martin: effeminacy personified

That issue is the vice of effeminacy. which is rife in the post-Vatican II Church. St. Thomas Aquinas defines effeminacy as a reluctance to suffer due to an attachment to pleasure (II-II q38 a1).  The Novus Ordo effect has made effeminacy positively endemic, as evidenced by bishops, priests and laity who consistently baulk at making unpopular decisions. In a word, they find themselves incapable of obeying "God rather than men" (Acts 5,29).   

Why is that? Because the Novus Ordo doesn't teach love of the Cross. It fails to teach humility and that love of suffering which Jesus Christ has told us is essential to gaining heaven. If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. (Mt 16,24). 

And in effect, in its Freemasonic style the Novus Ordo reverses the order of Christ's two commandments.

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. And the second is like to this: Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments dependeth the whole law and the prophets (Mt 22, 37-40).

Not in the Novus Ordo, which elevates the commandment to love our neighbour over love of God. Instead of priest and people humbly offering sacrifice on an altar to God Almighty, they proudly offer it across a table to one another. God the Father is a bystander. In many churches He's not there at all until the priest says the words of Consecration, after which He is dolled out like lollies by lay people. Novus Ordo-ites, priests people and bishops, consequently thereby lack a Father, a Role Model if you like. Hence, effeminacy. 

So as a digression, it's hardly surprising that three of the four regular pro-lifers standing near Hastings Hospital on baby-killing days (Fridays) are Latin Massgoers. The texts which speak of self-denial, fasting and suffering were almost entirely excised from the Mass by modernists who wanted a Novus Ordo which was acceptable to Protestants and to the world. They pulled the wool over the eyes of traditionalist prelates at Vatican II to the extent that the N O has nothing in it which Protestants would find unacceptable, with the predictable (and desired) result of turning the Mass of Ages into a Protestant communion service, except for the miracle of Transubstantiation - which if Pew research in the US is to be believed, is now an optional belief for N O Massgoing 'Catholics'.

And the Liturgy of the Hours (or Divine Office, as the pre-Vat II Church knew it) has been similarly bowdlerised, with modern translations and banal 'intercessions' replacing the humble admission of sins and repetitious praise of God which are now available only, it seems, in monastic breviaries. If few priests and bishops still faithfully pray the modern office every day, the reason might lie in its potential for boredom to the point of stupefaction. 

It's a I-pad case ...

In New Zealand as in other countries we have a Nanny Church now, to match our Nanny State, 'keeping us safe' from hardship and suffering in this life and sending us to hell in the next. 

For example, Christchurch's Bishop Michael Gielen has banished the Redemptorist Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer (FSSR) from his diocese on charges of unauthorised exorcisms which the Sons refute. He has suppressed their sisters, the Daughters of the Most Holy Redeemer. for no stated reason, rather than resist 'recommendations' from the Vatican. Bishop Gielen is evidently unwilling to upset either the applecart (the unHoly See) or the apples (his flock, uncatechised as his sheep are by the Novus Ordo Mass). 

We see that false obedience and effeminacy everywhere. It's typified by the priest who, when asked recently by a parishioner (a would-be Latin Massgoer) why he never mentions abortion in his homilies, replied that he knows many women in his congregation have undergone abortions. 

Fine. So these poor women, like those observed at the hospital vigils driving past the pro-life billboards with frozen faces -  and their husbands - sit through Father's anodyne blah-blah and then troop up to receive Holy Communion. In the hand of course, because it requires humility to go down on one's knees which can be scary, and always risks a refusal. 

That priest is sending his flock to hell through the mortal sin of abortion which cries out to heaven for vengeance, compounded with the mortal sin of sacrilege. "So then whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in a way that is unworthy [of Him] will be guilty of [profaning and sinning against] the body and blood of the Lord "(1 Cor 11,27).

A reader of this blog first encountered SSPX priests at St Anthony's Whanganui. A refugee from her own Novus Ordo parish - a spiritual Land of Mordor - she was so deadened by her experiences there that the effect of Fr Michael Johnson's sermon was electrifying. An American who's since returned to the States, he can now be found at Our Lady of the Angels somewhere in the southern states, where he preached last Sunday on the appallingly blasphemous Olympic Games opening ceremony, which he called "an insult to God, a public national act of sacrilege". 

Here in New Zealand we still await a statement of any kind on that insult to Our Eucharistic Lord and Holy Mass from our Bishops' Conference. Such is their effeminacy, we're not holding our breath. Fr Johnson preached also on the sacrament of confession, and called priests out for wrongfully absolving professed penitents who have no real intention of amendment. 

Fr Johnson found no difference between that "tragic spirit of rebellion and mockery" of the Olympic Games and "the principles of what moved and still moves today, the spirit of the Second Vatican Council, and the monstrosity which they have inflicted on the liturgy of the Church. "I tell you sincerely that the New Mass is a mockery of God." 

Fr Michael Johnson SSPX is certainly not effeminate

In obedience to humanity, the King of the Universe came down from heaven! In obedience to humanity, He lives imprisoned on the altar! I shall not resist. He allows humans to keep Him wherever they wish-in monstrance or tabernacle; to carry Him in procession; to bring Him into the homes of the sick and dying; to dispense Him to all, whether saint or sinner. The gospel tells how marvelously He obeyed Mary and Joseph. Today He obeys every priest in the world.
-St. Alphonsus Liguori


  1. Regarding Bishop Gielen’s apparent unwillingness to upset the ‘un-Holy See’, for me adds another instance of our bishops seeming to go along with everything that comes out of Rome without question – noticeably so since the Pope’s vaccination recommendation.

    You will recall too that the recent Fiducia Supplicans issue, which was questioned by concerned bishops from other countries for example, brought forth no public response whatsoever from NZ bishops – or from any of our priests that I’m aware of.

  2. Wonderful, you have woven Fr Johnson’s words perfectly into your essay. Fr Johnson ... is indeed fearless when speaking the truth of our faith.

    I pray that there may be Catholics who read your blog post and take heed of the words spoken by Fr Johnson ... or will find his sermon on line and listen to it in its entirety.

    So the N.Z. Bishops have remained silent on the mockery of God at the Paris Olympics. Shame, shame, shame.

    Continue to write and speak out for God and the Faith of our Fathers.

    Yes, we know what it is like having to turn a room into a space for the underground church. In our case, it is our lounge. Fr Johnson used to call having Mass here ‘ the underground church’. I believe that we are being prepared for when there will no longer be churches available for Mass and the sacraments. Michael Matt and Taylor Marshall have both alluded to being prepared for priests to say Mass in our homes.

  3. Certainly effeminacy is an important part of the equation. However, the heart of the matter is the loss of faith. Hence Christ's question 'when He returns, will He find faith on earth'? And that is one of the main reasons why the 'Traditionalist' church is under overt attack. Because 'they' still believe what Holy Mother church teaches. And has always taught. There is no new spirit, born from the 60's.

    1. Yes, effeminacy is but one facet of the most serious issue confronting the Church, which as you say is the loss of faith. Where there is faith, as inculcated by the Tridentine Mass and exemplified in priests of the SSPX as I know it, there is the virtue of perseverance, which St Thomas Aquinas explains as opposing the vice of effeminacy.
      Traditionalists are persecuted by the modernists in Rome simply because the Latin Mass is the major stumbling block to the agenda of the globalists and their spiritual leader, Jorge Mario Bergoglio. It's always "the Mass that matters". Not the bogus Novus Ordo, but the Mass of Ages.

    2. Julia, you don't have a photograph of the alleged Rupnik artwork at OLOL do you?

    3. None other than the one in the image in the post where it's indistinct above the main door. Its positioning makes it difficult to photograph.
