Saturday 10 August 2024


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Canterbury women who have taken private vows of poverty will be looked after by supporters after their ouster from the diocese (Christchurch Press)


How do Novus Ordo Massgoers feel about Church persecution of a small group of Christchurch women who have given their lives to God? As if their suppression by Bishop Michael Gielen weren't enough, the Marist Order's Cathnews is putting the boot in too, seemingly attempting to shame the Daughters of the Most Holy Redeemer for accepting charity by way of a Givealittle page.

Cathnews - peeking out from under the protective mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which their lack of charity hardly deserves, and coddled by their comfy status as approved members of Francis church - having already got away with calling the Daughters "apparently illicit" are emboldened to state now that they're simply "illicit".

How come? What's the rationale? Canon law does not require consent from the bishop to begin a private association. Perhaps Cathnews would be so good as to wheel out their tame commentator on Church affairs, Prof Peter Lineham (ex-Brethren, “Baptist,  Anglican and gay churchgoer") to enlighten their readers on their use of the epithet "illicit".  

The Daughters assisting at Mass: now not publicly allowed


An order of unregistered nuns can rely on help from supporters for the meanwhile.

What order of nuns does not rely on help from supporters, please? 

When the Vatican was investigating Catholic priests and brothers from The Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer about abuse and unauthorised exorcisms, it found Canterbury-based women known as the Daughters of the Holy Redeemer to be operating as an illicit order of nuns.


Please explain. 

They share a leader with the Sons.


Christchurch Catholic bishop Michael Gielen has asked the Sons to leave the diocese and the Daughters to disband.


Qué? He asked the Daughters to "disband"? When? Do tell. Ask Prof Lineham, perhaps.


We’re not nuns!

In a kind of peek-a-boo with reality, the Daughters insist that to some people they are not nuns, yet they call themselves nuns on a Givealittle page.


Qué? On the Givealittle page the Cathnews link takes us to, the Daughters call themselves "sisters". This claim by Cathnews appears to be pure invention, possibly termed a falsehood. 

Founded in 2014, they registered as a charity in 2017. Since then, The Press reports that they have collected hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations for work and living expenses.


They say they don’t need church recognition to solicit donations, claiming donors know their “unofficial” status.


In a published statement to supporters, the women said they did not seek official recognition as nuns because they did not want Church authorities to interfere with their activities.


The Daughters are only too well aware of the fate of women religious in traditional orders in the counterfeit church of Jorge Bergoglio. They are aware also of the fate of all the 480 nuns who have disappeared since Vatican II, in the Christchurch Diocese. Official recognition for nuns who rely, as the Daughters do, on the Traditional Latin Mass for their spiritual sustenance, is the kiss of death. 

While supporters might call them nuns, the Daughters stated they are officially a private association of women who had made private vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.


They said they felt “deeply shocked and scandalised” by the church’s action against them and that former Christchurch bishops knew about the group.


At the same time, they said “a nun is a nun, officially recognised or not” and “a rose by any name would smell as sweet [sic]”.


What's with the snide (sic)? Is Cathnews illiterate as well as ill-informed, that they don't know that quote from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet? 

Not without support


Given that neither the Church nor the Sons are able to help the women, religion expert Peter Lineham was concerned the women were effectively “stranded”.


Nice that the ex-Brethren Anglican Baptist has expressed the sympathy conspicuously lacking in its absence in the Marists at Cathnews. 

However a spokesperson for the Sons said community members had been volunteering to help the Daughters with property maintenance and other needs.


He said their support would continue while the Sons appealed Gielen’s request. 

Illicit Christchurch nuns solicit funds on Give-a-Little (


Let's not harbour any illusions about this witch hunt at Cathnews. It's all about the Mass. The true Mass and the faith of our fathers is slated by Antipope Francis and all his minions in the Ape church, Cathnews included - although perhaps unwittingly, given the latter's I Q - because it is THE MASS THAT MATTERS. Meaning the Mass of Ages, the traditional Latin Mass, not Annibale Bugnini's Vat II Protestant invention. 


And from LifesiteNews, their angle on the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer and their expulsion from Christchurch Diocese:


The Sons celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass at their Oratory in Christchurch


A traditional Mass community of priests is taking legal action against the local diocesan bishop who ordered their eviction from his diocese upon receipt of a Vatican investigation. 


Local news media recently reported that the New Zealand members of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer are suing Bishop Michael Gielen of the Diocese of Christchurch over his sudden July decision to evict them from the diocese.


The Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer, also known as the Transalpine Redemptorists, have been based in the diocese since 2017 after being invited by the now-deceased Bishop Barry Jones.


In a shocking development, Bishop Gielen ordered them on July 13 to cease their public ministry within 24 hours. Stating that the measures were “for the good of the church and the faithful,” Gielen ordered the community to leave his diocese reportedly within 90 days.


Gielen announced that a Vatican investigation had been performed by Bishop Robert McGuckin on behalf of the Congregation (now Dicastery) for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (CICLSAL).


The Vatican investigation had presented Gielen with a “series of recommendations” that he said he had accepted. Gielen did not outline what prompted the investigation or what the recommendations were specifically. 


Since then, the traditional-Mass offering community has been able to offer only private Masses. Should they be forced to leave the diocese, they would have to abandon the community along with property and land valued at around $4.5 million.


The term "private Mass" does not refer to Mass with neither a server nor a congregation, but rather to an unscheduled Mass, regardless of the number of faithful present and regardless of the degree of solemnity (a High Mass can still be a private Mass). 

The Sons have instigated canonical action against Gielen’s eviction notice, according to The Press, and are apparently prepared to appeal their case to CICLSAL and to the Vatican’s Apostolic Signatura if necessary. 


READ: Hermit priest doubles down on claim that Pope’s plans will ‘destroy’ contemplative orders


Gielen has yet to respond to the community’s canonical legal action.


In the meantime, he continued his warning against attending any of the community’s Mass – amid reports of members of their congregation appearing for private Masses – attesting that any “public Masses are illicit.”


“Bishop Michael would like to remind the faithful that any public Masses those priests celebrate are illicit – that is, outside the rules of the Church,” a note on the diocesan website reads. “The decrees remain in effect regardless of any challenge.”


In place of the traditional Mass offered by the community, Gielen has established a weekly Sunday Mass to which he has invited devotees of the Latin Mass to attend.


Asked by LifeSiteNews for more information and comment, Gielen’s press office simply pointed back to their public statement of July 13. The statement contains all the diocese has to say,” the bishop’s office replied. “The process of the establishment of the investigation, the appointment of the visitator and receipt of a report from the Dicastery is outlined in the letter.”



Sons of the Redeemer reject bishop’s claim

In a public statement issued shortly after Gielen ordered them to leave the diocese, the Sons argued they had “been targeted by a deliberate and coordinated misinformation campaign.”


“This campaign along with the outrageous, false, and fanciful allegations have not resulted in any discernible findings and have lacked any of the components of rigour or natural justice,” they added.


Furthermore, the community attested that:

The bishop of Christchurch only managed to turn up minor administrative issues which are being used to suppress and shut down the Holy Latin Mass and issue proxy deportation orders to several New Zealand citizens … The Bishop of Christchurch has repeatedly and continues to refuse to meet or open any dialogue with members of our congregation and community.


They deemed the measures as “a direct attack on a strong and vibrant multicultural Roman Catholic community that provides much fruit for Holy Church in the way of vocations,” and also expressed their doubts about the longevity of the alternate (ah, alternative - ed) traditional Mass that Gielen has established.


The bishop has patronisingly offered ONE Latin Mass at a different location in place of the 9+ masses, catechism, and confessions, said and heard weekly for 300+ souls.


This is grossly inadequate for a congregation of our size and given the bishop’s hostility toward the Holy Traditional Latin Mass, we have grave concerns for the longevity of this alternative arrangement.


 “We the faithful have engaged with lawyers and will pursue these cases in lengthy civil and canonical court cases until we are satisfied with the resolution,” the community noted.



Accusations of exorcisms


For over a year, local media reports have publicly attested that members of the traditional community have engaged in unauthorized exorcisms. 

In July 2023, a member of the community delivered a lengthy homily responding to what he called the “vice of calumny and the spirit of destruction that is targeting the chaplaincy and our religious community.”


READ: Pope restricts new traditional groups by ordering Vatican approval for associations of the faithful


“For at least six years now, there’s been a rising canker of destructive criticism detraction, and calumny, born out of malice and ignorance which echoes even as far as Hamilton and Auckland,” he stated.

This blog has been contacted by one of the detractors, asking for more information. He was referred to this blog for same and hasn't been heard of since.


He rejected the allegations of performing unauthorized exorcisms, and also rejected a series of other allegations made about members of the community.


Such media attacks on the community were exemplified, the community stated, by a journalist who had approached them last summer “with a number of speculative questions of a sexual nature concerning a priest who lived in our midst for 26 months between April 2015 and July 2017, leaving Christchurch almost exactly six years ago.”


An informed guess would say said journo was probably Paddy Gower (he who has "Issues") or his confrere Michael Morrah, both said to be lapsed Catholics.

The community stated that the journalist’s questions were “exactly the type and style that at least one individual has been fomenting against us for years. The tactic this time appears to be to snipe at us anonymously from behind the cover of an investigative journalist, who wishes to sell a story to destroy our reputations in the easily swayed court of public opinion. 


Appearing to refer to the same ex-member of the community, Father Michael Mary of the Sons denied last November any knowledge that the former community member carried out illegal exorcisms.


“We peacefully live in communion with the local bishop of Christchurch, where we have a canonical house,” he stated in July 2023.

 What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander: the issue the Vatican has with the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer is the same as with the Daughters. Rome intends to do away with the traditional Latin Mass which makes the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church unacceptable to Protestants and globalists alike. Because it is the truth, it is the Mystical Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ that the Mass re-presents, in His Sacrifice on Calvary for the redemption of mankind.

The Good Samaritan (Anthony van Dyck)

And Jesus said to him, "Go and do thou in like manner" 
-Gospel, Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost


  1. It's considered illicit because it's archaic and it's better distributed by a diocesan panel? Like Cardinal Mueller every order today that cherishes the faith should insist on cash and keep the money in boxes

  2. Scary with those things on there heads

    1. They're called veils. "Our head is covered not only by a veil, but by a wimple, an underveil, and then an upper veil: three layers! What a relief it would be to wear just a little less (for example, on our heads)—but we do not dream of doing so, and we would not wish to do so. Our habit is an ascetical instrument. By means of it, we “teach” ourselves to be detached from seeking our comfort."

  3. In the legion of Mary, we refer to each other as Brother and Sister. This is normal respectful practice, even tho members are ordinary secular, with families, leading everyday lives.
    If these were a rebellious bunch of nuns, the bishops would treat them differently; but for faithful Catholics who want to be totally faithful to Mother Chutch, the worse possible punishment. Go figure!
