Wednesday 14 August 2024



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"Priests and bishops," says Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, "should show more courage in celebrating the Latin rite and refusing to celebrate the Novus Ordo. They would probably face sanctions, but they should ask themselves what sanctions will await them before the Lord's tribunal when they have to answer for not doing their duty, preferring servile obedience to the powerful rather than obedience to God."

As every Catholic ought to know by now, Archbishop Vigano has been "excommunicated" by Antipope Francis. Many of the faithful (especially said priests and bishops) who've seen his recent interview with Dr Taylor Marshall may put his Excellency's challenging and controversial revelations down to sour grapes. But +Vigano has issued shocking statements for years. He saw his excommunication coming at him like a freight train long ago and it hasn't, doesn't, and won't prevent him from telling the truth as he sees it.

And the truth, as any logical analytical mind would see it, is that "(t)he evidence that (Jorge Bergoglio, aka Pope Francis)e is completely alien to the papacy, his multiple heresies, and the coherence of his subversive acts of government and “magisterium” can mean only that he is  false pope, a counter-pope, a usurper, a false pope; and that all actions of the Roman Dicasteries are therefore null and void - including +Vigano's own "excommunication".  

It's a lengthy interview, two hours in two parts. We go cherry-picking (below) to save time for faithful Catholics who need to familiarise themselves with the thoughts of arguably the greatest mind in the Church today. 

"The Tridentine Mass came to "ordination" through centuries of use and the Quo Primum of Pope Pius V.  It is a priceless treasure  - canonised by centuries of use - the voice of Sacred Tradition. If the hierarchy, abusing its purpose against that which the Lord has given it, prevents celebration of the Ancient Mass it commits an abuse and its prohibition is null."

So if the prohibition of the TLM is null it may be ignored by priests and bishops who remain faithful to the Lord's purpose. 

If the Mass is further restricted and made unavailable - especially in certain parts of New Zealand where the TLM is celebrated only by the Society of St Pius X (SSPX), +Vigano's advice is as follows:  

"Laity should organise themselves into small communities by purchasing churches that are now up for sale 
or setting up home chapels, seeking out priests will to offer the Mass and Sacraments according to the Apostolic Rite and helping them materially."

As for example in Buffalo, New York, where the historic church of St Anne's has been sold to Muslims to be repurposed as a mosque, or the private garage in a vineyard near Napier they call the Celatus Chapel, where SSPX priests come once a month, from Whanganui or Wellington.

St Anne's, Buffalo NY - sold to Muslims to become a mosque

"Ecclesia Dei societies were born out of Vatican's intention to weaken the SSPX after Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre's ordination of bishops in 1988. Because the authorisation of the Latin Mass had and still has as its condition the acceptance of the post-conciliar magisterium and the licitness of the Novus Ordo.


"This premise is completely unacceptable because it reduces the celebration of the TLM to purely ceremonial question, when it's evident the TLM summarises all the doctrine and spirituality of the Catholic faith in antithesis to the Protestantized rite of Paul VI, which ecumenically silences that Faith. ... Whoever celebrates the Mass of Pius X cannot accept Vatican II. ... Many priests who left the SSPX and joined Ecclesia Dei continued to have strong reservations, and rested on an equivocation in that the Vatican did not ask that their objections (to the Novus Ordo and Vatican II) be made explicit."

Which is a nice way of saying that Ecclesia Dei (FSSP, ICKSP) priests are prevaricating.  


"In Traditionis Custodes Bergoglio declared the right of every priest to cclebrate the Mass had been abolished and was reserved only to the former Ecclesia dei communities (ICKSP, FSSP etc).


"An Indian Reservation was created of more or less conservative priests who depend on Francis and who are required to celebrate the N O at least once a year. It is not realistic to expect priests to rebel when bishops and cardinals do not.


"These institutes are therefore under blackmail."

English is not +Vigano's first language and he describes as "blackmail" (which is a threat made in secret) what is actually coercion. It's a common mistake. 

"The Ancient Rite calls into question the ecclesiology and theology of Vatican II and as such it does not represent the post-conciliar Church.


+Vigano explains the irreconcilabilty of two rites which excommunicate each other just like the two churches - catholic and synodal - of which they are a cultic expression, and that you can't merge the two as Benedict wanted, in his Hegelian ethos, to happen.


The faces of the shepherd children to whom the BVM gave a vision of hell

 The Third Secret of Fatima:  

"The text of the third part of the Secret of Fatima was delivered by Sister Lucia to the Bishop of Leiria in 1944: it refers to the vision that the three shepherd children had in 1917 and which the Virgin Mary expressly stated was to be revealed in 1960.


"Pope John XXIII read it in 1959 and decided not to make it public. Paul VI did the same in 1967.  John Paul II read it in 1978 or perhaps in 1981. In 2000, on the occasion of the Jubilee, he ordered its publication, leaving people to believe that it was the complete text.


"The “revealed” content was censored, so as not to confirm what is there for all to see: the demolition of the Catholic Church from within and the apostasy of the faith through a “bad Council” and a “bad Mass”.


"The decision not to jeopardize the revolutionary outcome of Vatican II led Roncalli to decide not to reveal the Third Secret. Montini (Paul VI) acted in the same way; also because the revolution of the Council had in the meantime extended to liturgical reform.


"It is not surprising that a Hierarchy that adulterates the Sacred Scripture and the Magisterium can also go so far as to censor the words of the Most Holy Virgin in the context of apparitions recognized by the Church.

The Vatican Bank:


"Bergoglio was only interested in knowing who the corrupt people (in the Bank) were in order to be able to use, control, and blackmail them. Nicolini was among his protégés – a man who, as we have seen, he not only kept in his place but promoted to higher positions, eliminating anyone who opposed him.


"Within a few months (of +Vigano's investigation and management) the deficit of over 10 million dollars that existed in the 2009 fiscal year changed to a surplus of 44 million dollars, putting an end to the illicit affairs of both prelates and lay people.  (It) should obviously have entailed the removal of the protagonists of such malfeasance, starting with Cardinal President Lajolo and the Administrative Director of the Vatican Museums, Monsignor Paolo Nicolini.

Cardinal President Lajolo 


"Lajolo, who reeks of freemasonry, is roped together with Cardinal Silvestrini, who is in turn a creature of Secretary of State Agostino Casaroli, the man of Ostpolitik, a key figure in the pontificate of John Paul II. Silvestrini, head of the Second Section for Relations with States, was a prominent member of the St. Gallen Mafia.


Cardinal Silvestrini

"Monsignor Paolo Nicolini belongs to the so-called Lavender mafia, the Vatican homosexual lobby. ... My work was nullified and dissolved the team of collaborators I had set up, and confirming in their places all the corruption protagonists I had reported. 


+Vigano cites Bergoglio's immediate expulsion, with brutal and vindictive methods, of Eugenio Hasler, a man of integrity and my close collaborator, son of the Major of the Swiss Guard, who saw his reputation, his professional career, his good name, and indeed his very existence destroyed.


 "(Cardinal) Bertone obtained my being sent to Washington, away from the Roman Curia and those I had “disturbed” in my fight against corruption.


The status of 'Pope Francis'

"The evidence that he is completely alien to the papacy, his multiple heresies, and the coherence of his subversive acts of government and “magisterium” are very serious elements that cannot be hastily dismissed.


"Regardless of the method and merit of the extra-judicial canonical case, the vacancy of the Apostolic See and the usurpation of the Throne of Peter by a false pope render all the acts of the Roman Dicasteries completely void of validity and efficacy, so even the excommunication against me is null.


"We are faced with a canonical short circuit: the one who holds the supreme earthly authority in the Church, at the moment in which he is denounced for heresy, responds by accusing of schism the one who denounces him, and excommunicates him. This instrumental use of justice – typical of dictatorships – contradicts the mens of the Legislator and rightly falls under what is foreseen by the Bull of Paul IV: it is the very adhesion to heresy that expels the heretic from the Church and renders his authority illegitimate, invalid, and null.

The most dangerous men in the Vatican


Secretary of State Peña Parra

"The most dangerous are Fernàndez, Hollerich, Roche, Peña Parra… These men, together with the Secretary of State Parolin, are all accomplices in the disastrous management of the Vatican and the entire Church. I recall in passing that Parolin was a member of the network of the Second Section of the Secretariat of State, at that time headed by the Freemason Silvestrini, a leading member of the St. Gallen Mafia, to whom he owes his rise.

The Society of St Pius X (SSPX) 

"The Society of Saint Pius X, after fifty years of activity, is showing signs of tiredness, and sometimes it seems that its silence about the horrors of Santa Marta (the Bergoglio 'pontificate') is motivated by a tacit agreement of non-belligerence, perhaps in the hope of being able to become the collector of conservatism and of part of Catholic traditionalism, once Bergoglio has eliminated “the competition” of the former Ecclesia Dei institutes. 


(But) "this hope will in the end lead to ratifying the de facto schism that is already present in the Church, forcing Catholics to leave the official church, as if they, and not the Roman Hierarchy, were in a state of schism. Once the critical voices are eliminated, Bergoglio would find himself with “his own” heretical church, from which the priests and faithful who do not accept the permanent revolution have been banished.


"If the acceptance of conciliar and synodal errors becomes the conditio sine qua non of the enjoyment of the Traditional Latin Mass, ... the faithful must act coherently and seek out priests who are not compromised with the synodal church. The horrors of this “pontificate” are in any case eroding the consensus of the Clergy with regard to Bergoglio: a traditional faction could decide not to follow him on the failed path he has undertaken.

Viganò & Marshall interview - Fondazione EXSURGE DOMINE Ets


Assumption of the Virgin 
Peter Paul Rubens

Mary, Assumed into Heaven, please pray for us 


  1. The will of God Father Yahweh was that, in order to atone for the Original Sin of Adam and Eve, His DEARLY BELOVED SON, YESHUA or JESUS, would redeem us from the sin committed and for those we will commit. By His Infinite Love for the Father and Men, JESUS WILLINGLY ACCEPTED this task. It was the Will of God the Father that Jesus should be BEGOTTEN, INSTEAD of CREATED.
    Thus THE MYSTERY OF THE INCARNATION OF JESUS was carried out, through the divine intercession of the Holy Spirit on the Blessed Mother. VIRGIN MARIA. JESUS WAS BORN AND BECAME MAN. For this reason, the Blessed Virgin Mary is the SPOUSE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. AND ALL THAT THIS IMPLIES.
    The Blessed Virgin Mary, virtuous in the extreme of Humility and Simplicity in her capacity as Spouse of the Holy Spirit, those who invoke her Intercession and protection and Honor Her, making REMEMBRANCE of HER, also Honor and Remember her Divine Son, JESUS. The incarnation of Jesus was the first step in his redemptive mission. Through his life, teachings, miracles, and sacrifice on the cross, Jesus showed us the way to salvation and reconciliation with God the Father. His death and resurrection are the ultimate proof of his divinity and power over sin and death. As Christians, we should follow Jesus' example and live our lives in SERVICE TO GOD AND OUR FELLOW MEN. The Father's will IS THAT WE ALL BE SAVED THROUGH FAITH IN HIS BELOVED SON, JESUS CHRIST.

  2. Lorraine Grammatikakis16 August 2024 at 15:35

    Didn't listen yet, but I'm curious about the words 'not doing their duty.' Isn't 'their duty' to follow the results of councils and the magisterium? How can a logistical change in the mass with the allowance to speak in the people's language be against God? Isn't our main focus at mass The Consecration and Consumption of the Holy Eucharist with words and songs and kneeling in worship to The Most Holy Trinity? God bless us, please and thank you

  3. Charlotte Weiszer-Hendershot16 August 2024 at 15:36

    Lorraine Grammatikakis The magisterium has been innundated with freemasonry and moderisn has changed the way many think about the Holy Eucharist....just is not the way our Lord wanted it.....

  4. no, the main focus at mass is being present at the sacrifice on Calvary. The faithful are obliged to attend mass weekly but only obliged to recieve communion once a year. It used to be that the distribution of communion didn't happen as part of the mass but would happen afterwards for whoever wanted to wait for it.
    The words and songs of the congregation are a protestant addition and completely unnecessary at a Catholic mass. Watch "The Mass of Ages" there are three episodes. You will learn a lot about how and why the N.O. came to be how it is.

    1. Lorraine Grammatikakis16 August 2024 at 15:40

      Ger Prunty yes, being at calvary is in the Consecration and consumption of the Holy Eucharist...His presence, our presence, His death, our receiving of His Holy Sacrifice. The Words are The Gospels and other writings the apostles wrote down and orally preached to evangelize the world. The words are absolutely necessary at evangelizers and feeds us. Scripture also says they sang songs...of worship and praise. It doesn't matter if protestants are authors of some of the songs we sing at mass. What matters is that they align with our faith. Psalms, afterall, means Songs! They were sung/chanted. Stories and accounts of saints express the need for the Holy Eucharist and that taking of Him every day, if possible, draws us so much closer to Him, unites us better with Him, is such a blessing. I will take your advice and watch The Mass of Ages later.

    2. I said the words of the congregation such as responses and prayers of the faithful, are not necessary, of course we need the gospels. The sacrifice is offered through the priest by Christ to God the Father. I didn't refer to authors of the hyms, folk songs etc. that are sung, I referred to the fact that they are included at all.

    3. the main focus of the Mass is the Eucharist otherwise known as the Breaking of the Bread a sacrifice in Calgary. It's not a Mass if the Eucharist is not there. The apostles did the Breaking of the Bread daily.

    4. Jody Pitchford-McCall16 August 2024 at 15:49

      Lorrain Grammatikakis, have you never once questioned the behaviors of modern clergy? Especially the behaviors of those involved in the abuse scandals?
      The evidence is hiding in plain sight and is laid bare here,
      all backed up with official documentation.

    5. Lorraine Grammatikakis16 August 2024 at 15:50

      that's called infiltration of evil in the doesn't make their Holy ordinations null.

  5. Jody Pitchford-McCall16 August 2024 at 15:44

    Quo Primum-Pope St Pius V
    BTW The False Council instituted a False Mass, False. Sacraments and a brand new Religion.
    It’s not that difficult
    Novus Ordo Religion is not Catholic

  6. Marshall is always poking the bear.

  7. Only archbishop that spoke out against church and government during covid scandemic.

  8. I stand with Archbishop Vigano ! He is the Saint Athanasius of the 21st Century!!!

  9. What is the position of "Catholics Faithful to Tradition" on Vigano and Marshall?

    1. Misty Butterfield19 August 2024 at 16:13

      I watch Marshall a lot. He is knowledgeable about Catholicism, but sometimes I feel he gets a little puffed up; almost as if he’s bragging about his perfection; his Texas cattle ranch, his Republicanism, his family of 8 kids, his chaste wife, his family Rosary EVERY NIGHT, etc etc. It can really bring one down; all of us imperfect souls who have broken marriages, kids who won’t speak to them, or are one drugs, unfaithful spouses, etc. He kinda bugs me. As far as Vigano goes. I have no opinion on. Same as I do Pope Francis. As a kid in Catholic School, studying St Therese on her famous trip to Rome to ask the Holy Father for a dispensation to enter Carmel at age 15, and watching local Priests & Cardinals while riding in the train or carriage, their “worldliness”, responded with “We must NEVER speak ill of a Priest. We must never mock or belittle them in any way, for they are Christs representatives on earth. And just as they too are crucified by the world, like Jesus was, many have succumbed to worldly pleasures, because they too are sinners, and in need of our prayers. We must always “Pray for Priests, and NEVER speak ill of them”.

  10. Misty Butterfield20 August 2024 at 16:09

    I will never speak out against the Holy Father. Let others do that. My job is to be obedient, and the Novus Ordo is legitimate. Would I prefer all parishes offer the Latin Mass ? Of course; but that’s not the case.

  11. It's the job of all Catholics to be obedient - but firstly to God. "But Peter and the apostles answering, said: We ought to obey God, rather than men" (Acts 5:29).
    "Superiors are not to be obeyed in all things" (St Thomas Aquinas). Alerted by their sensus fidei, individual believers may deny assent even to the teaching of legitimate pastors if they do not recognize in that teaching the voice of Christ, the Good Shepherd. … For St. Thomas, a believer, even without theological competence, can and even MUST RESIST, by virtue of the sensus fidei, his or her bishop (or the pope) if the latter preaches heterodoxy (as Francis does)." (Parentheses mine.)
    (R)esistance (DISOBEDIENCE) IS INDEED NECESSARY AT TIMES, and ... its legitimacy is rooted in the supernatural sense of faith (sensus fidei) and the exercise of a properly formed conscience — a responsibility which precludes “blind obedience".
