Wednesday 7 August 2024


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EIGHT DAYS after the outrageous blasphemy of the Olympic Games opening ceremony Jorge Bergoglio, aka Pope Francis, finally got around to it. He said he was "saddened". "Saddened" - by arguably the most egregious offence against the Sacred Person of Jesus Christ in the Mass, EVER.

True Catholics were angry, rather than sad. Not to be angry in a right-ordered way at blasphemy, says St Thomas Aquinas, is a sin, because blasphemy offends God directly. Compared to blasphemy, every other sin is slight. But the truth we need to face is that the man the world calls pope is in fact not a Catholic. To be a Catholic you must believe EVERYTHING that the Church believes and teaches: Jorge Mario Bergoglio's heterodox views, even before his 'election' as pope in the conclave that never was, automatically exclude him from membership in the Mystical Body of Christ.

So who can be surprised that Bergoglio's Vatican 'recommended' the expulsion from the Christchurch Diocese of an orthodox, truly Catholic order of priests - the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorists, FSSR)? The stated reason being that they performed unauthorised exorcisms, which the Sons deny; the real reason may be that they celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass, the Mass that made nearly every saint ever canonised and that Bergoglio abhors. Who can be surprised that it took eight days for Bergoglio to respond to the insult to the Mass at the Olympics? 

The Wilderness Oratory of St Joseph, blessed by Rt Rev Dom Hugh Gilbert O S B,  Bishop of Aberdeen Scotland, 2017: the Sons must leave it

But it may surprise some that it took an infidel (as a Muslim was termed before the post-Vatican II Age of Woke and false ecumenism) - Turkey's President President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan - to prod Bergoglio into action. Erdoğan, an Islamist, told the supposed head of the Catholic Church how he should react to the Olympics' blasphemy: 

“)T)he immoral displays performed at a section of the opening of the Paris Olympic Games have caused outrage and provoked reactions.”

Erdoğan apparently argued that “religious and moral values have been ridiculed and that the honor of humanity has been trampled upon under the guise of freedom of expression and tolerance.”



Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Oratory, Christchurch: the Sons must leave it

Nor should anyone be surprised that Palmerston North's +John Adams has not ruled out any possibility of FSSR refugees finding sanctuary in his diocese. Or that the modernist (as in heretical) Marist publication Cathnews should translate that putative conclusion to read, Bishop John Adams may welcome expelled Christchurch priests. Almost as good a headline as Pigs might fly.

"(+Adams) will seek advice if the Sons' (sic) ask to move to his diocese", is the guts of the story. The line, "He will also be considering recommendations from a Vatican investigation" should surely read that "he would also", etc. That is, if the Sons asked him. They haven't. Bishop Adams has quite enough to do without voyeuristically swotting up on the problems of a brother bishop. An informed guess would be that if he has any time to spare for the Christchurch Diocese, it will be spent on his knees at Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament in his own cathedral of Palmerston North.

"Adams supports the use of the Latin Rite, the same rite that the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer is controversially using."

The controversy concerns the alleged exorcisms, denied by the Sons, not the 'Latin Rite' (an esoteric term compared with 'Latin Mass', especially when employed for a readership like Cathnews') 

"Some of the Sons were spotted at Adams’ episcopal ordination in Palmerston North in 2023."

Cathnews' style of reportage owes something perhaps to Paddy Gower and his "Issues" - Paddy Gower and Michael Morrah, also of Newshub, being largely responsible for the media beat-up that drew Rome's anti-Latin Mass eyes to the Sons in the first place. (Let's note in passing that Newshub is no more and both Gower and Morrah are lapsed Catholics.)  

"Before becoming bishop of Palmerston North, Adams, also from Christchurch, regularly offered the old Latin Rite Mass in his Waimakariri parish."

If one had a nasty, suspicious turn of mind, one might think that Cathnews are trying to put Bishop Adams on the spot. One might think that in chasing up all New Zealand's bishops to ask if they'd offer to have the expelled Sons on their turf - when the Sons have said they won't consider that option until their legal action against Christchurch Bishop Gielen is concluded -  Cathnews is keen to shut all New Zealand's episcopal doors to the Sons. But who could suspect a Marist publication of such a lack of charity?  

Frs Michael Mary and Anthony Mary - now homeless

But the issue of the Sons' expulsion isn't a moral one so much as political. Without the 'transparency' included on the agenda for October's Synod of Bishops, without disclosure of the results of the Vatican's investigation, the faithful are left in the dark which as we all know is the domain of Satan. You can't get away, after all the Vatican's blather on transparency, with saying glibly as Cathnews does, that "the Vatican's findings are secret". Without diminishing its hierarchical order, the Church needs to build a greater culture of transparency and accountability. 

“[T]hese servants of a most merciful but sometimes severe God,” wrote the 19th century polemicist, Edmond About, in his work On the Roman Question, “simultaneously abuse both mercy and justice.”

“[F]ull of indulgence for the indifferent, for their friends, and for themselves,” About wrote, “they treat with extreme rigor whoever has had the misfortune to become obnoxious to power,” and “more readily pardon the wretch who cuts a man’s throat, than the imprudent citizen who blames an abuse.

If occasionally officials of a certain rank are punished,

... such as the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer in Christchurch ... 

"if even the law is put in force against them with unusual vigor, rest assured the public interest has no part in the business: The real springs of action are to be sought elsewhere.

Justice must not only be done, but must also be seen to be done. In the case of the Sons and Daughters of the Most Holy Redeemer in Christchurch, the scandalised faithful and public who without disclosure of the Vatican's findings know only the allegations and rebuttals, and are left to draw their own conclusions. That is unjust, uncharitable and unkind.

"This is my commandment, that you love one another, as I have loved you" (Jn 15,12)

And holy priests and religious are left without a home  - which faithful Catholics in the Palmerston North Diocese, especially in Hawke's Bay where the Traditional Latin Mass is offered only once a month, in a garage - would gladly offer, and be overjoyed to have their offer accepted.  

Pope St Sixtus II and Companions, Martyrs, pray for us


Ousted Catholic leaders investigated for abuse take legal action | The Press   

Ousted Sons of The Most Holy Redeemer taking legal action (


  1. Tina Grbich Tahitahi7 August 2024 at 15:26

    I would be suprised catholic church even cares now they joined with Muslim, soon have catholic kids running around in letters boxes. "Evil church"!

  2. No excuse!

  3. So hard to watch what he does and doesn’t do

  4. He says it best when he says nothing at all. That's his true color.

    1. It certainly would be best if he said nothing at all.

    2. Very true! Because everytime he opens his mouth, he put his foot in it.

  5. Morally a coward. Jesus was never a coward so this man can't claim to speak for Him.

  6. No, “the most egregious offense against our Lord Jesus Christ in the Mass ever” is the novus ordo. Not a one-time skit put on by fools.

    1. I guess I was meaning a one-off offence. The most horrible aspect of the N O is that it continually offends Our Eucharistic Lord.

  7. That's because he's one of the Elites

    1. Yes, Bergoglio is their spiritual leader.

    2. Alison Davies, think he already sold his soul a long while ago

  8. How can anyone get upset over a fairy story?

    1. You'd better believe it. Or one day you'll be a whole lot more than upset.

  9. Why the outrage when all Christians practice abominations like Christmas and Easter all the time ?

    1. I guess it's only rational people who are outraged.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. This FSSR Christchurch game is being played out in a perverse manner. First a huge public media beat up, then Bp Gielen gets a Vatican report done that is kept secret, but which seems to go along with the public media beat up. FSSR provides several meticulous, and seemingly reasonable and credible responses to the public media beat up and the unseen Vatican report. But these reasonable responses seem to be ignored by the public media and the church. Now Cathnews (also it seems mostly ignoring the reasonable and credible FSSR responses) publishes an arguably leading article implicating Bp Adams of Palmerston North, suggesting he will offer a home to FSSR. It seems FSSR may be the only party to have been clear and unambiguous. Are we a synodal, listening church, or a pack of idiots trapped in our own individual echo chambers?

    1. I hope +John does welcome them to Palmerston North. I have always adored the FSSR mass and would be a regular attendee if I lived in Christchurch

    2. Adoration is for God alone.

  12. Mafioso run the Vatican

  13. Curtis Mountfort8 August 2024 at 00:07

    Too little and too late

  14. Meanwhile the Sultan of Turkey and the Ayatollah of Iran clearly expressed their indignation about the blasphemy of the Olympic depravity.

  15. Shame on you, who ever is the author of this. France is a Catholic and the Pope, a poor one no doubt, non the less.

    1. To be a Catholic you must adhere to ALL the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostoic Church believes and teaches. A Catholic believes all "that which is contained in the word of God, written or handed down, and which the Church proposes for belief as divinely revealed" (Paul VI, CPG § 20)." Catholics cannot pick and choose their beliefs; they are proposed for our adherence by the Magisterium, in the Deposit of Faith.

    2. sad reality but we Catholic wake up the Church is in suffering the scourge is from with in. Jesus warn us all through the apostles "beware among you the wolves in sheep clothing. It means there is an infiltration in the Catholic Church and their mission to destroy it. JESUS said strike the shepherd and the sheep will scattered. For us to strengthen our faith and love to the Catholic Church and hope to Jesus words that the gate of hell will not prevail against it.

  16. What we have to remember is that the Catholic Church is Jesus' church. Not our church. We are adopted into it. Jesus and the Holy Spirit will clean the church when the time is right.

    1. St Teresa of Avila says, in effect, that we re the arms and legs of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, Who rely on us to carry out the will of God in defence of the Mystical Bride of Christ.

  17. Bergoglio bring so much confusion and deception to the Church.


  18. Francis the Unworthy

  19. Misty Butterfield23 August 2024 at 15:04

    Did not Christ give the Papacy power to “bind & loose”? Do you not believe that when millions of Catholics celebrate the Novus Ordo with reverence & faith, that Christ too does not make Himself present in the Eucharist ? Christ ACCEPTS the Novus Ordo just as He does the Tridentine Mass, for “Petra”, the Pope, has ordained it ex cathedra. It is MEN, who believe the Novus Ordo is not valid. However, because the Words of Consecration remain, & are said accordingly, Christs True Presence becomes available to us also in the Novus Ordo. For those who cannot access a Trad Mass, offer-up your New Mass to God, for the Souls in Purgatory if you are disgruntled by it.

    1. Firstly, Christ gave the papacy that power only when speaking ex cathedra.
      Christ is certainly present in the Eucharist to everyone, even when called down upon the altar by sinful priests or received into the souls of people not in a state of grace.
      Christ accepts the Novus Ordo just as He accepts sinful priests and people, because the N O is, sadly, an expression of our free will, just as all sin is. Its practice of Communion in the hand and neglect of the sacrament of penance constitutes a danger to faith and as such is to be avoided. Personally, I drive long distances to the TLM on Sundays and have decided to try attending a local N O on Fridays just for reception of Holy Communion, followed by thanksgiving in the Blessed Sacrament chapel..

    2. Misty Butterfield23 August 2024 at 15:05

      I will never speak out against the Holy Father. Let others do that. My job is to be obedient, and the Novus Ordo is legitimate. Would I prefer all parishes offer the Latin Mass ? Of course; but that’s not the case.

    3. It's the job of all Catholics to be obedient, but firstly to God. "But Peter and the apostles answering, said: We ought to obey God, rather than men" (Acts 5:29).
      "Superiors are not to be obeyed in all things" (Thomas Aquinas). Alerted by their sensus fidei, individual believers may deny assent even to the teaching of legitimate pastors if they do not recognize in that teaching the voice of Christ, the Good Shepherd. … For St. Thomas, a believer, even without theological competence, can and even MUST RESIST, by virtue of the sensus fidei, his or her bishop (or the pope) if the latter preaches heterodoxy (as Francis does)." (Parentheses mine.)
      (R)esistance (DISOBEDIENCE) IS INDEED NECESSARY AT TIMES, and ... its legitimacy is rooted in the supernatural sense of faith (sensus fidei) and the exercise of a properly formed conscience — a responsibility which precludes “blind obedience".
