Friday 9 August 2024


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The latest psy-op is getting into gear. BEWARE! Get yourselves worked up! It's monkeypox (Mpox) - which almost exclusively affects men who have sex with men. Homosexuals. Transgenders. Sodomites, that is, who need prayer to heal their disorder. In fact this scenario is demonic. Prayer and repentance are needed worldwide.

Today Dr Tedros at the World Health Organisation said he was convening an Emergency Committee under the International Health Regulations (IHR) to decide whether or not to call Mpox a "public health emergency of international concern". Tedros' side-kick, Dr Michael Ryan (a charming chap) said "Monkeypox (Mpox) is a virus that can be contained if we do the right things at the right time and put all of our minds and all of our efforts together."

International concern would more likely result from the IHR than Mpox - at least, in New Zealand where the Pandemic Plan has set off alarm bells. Any fears should be allayed by the Plan's statement that "In no case may a direction require an individual to submit to compulsory treatment." Oh well, that's all right then. But is it? What's the definition of "treatment" in this context? And the definition of "require"? The Ardern regime taught us that if we give tyrants an inch they'll take a mile and the words "treatment" and "require" could turn out to be elastic.

Mpox, at least, could hardly be declared asymptomatic. If that were possible, all the Pandemic Plan's draconian, Orwellian powers could be unleashed against any perfectly healthy individual (as some were during the Covid lockdowns).

In the UK, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) is posting on X (Twitter): "Think before you post." It's not a suggestion, it's a threat.



Police officers face protesters in an anti-immigration demonstration in Rotherham, England

"Content that incites violence or hatred isn't just harmful - it can be illegal," the government agency wrote. "The CPS takes online violence seriously and will prosecute when the legal test is met. Remind those close to you to share responsibly or face the consequences." 


Meanwhile, in Australia:

Former NSW premier Dominic Perrottet has finally acknowledged that vaccine mandates enforced during the pandemic were “wrong” in his parliamentary valedictory speech as he concluded his political career. 

"(O)ne mistake which was made by government  ....  was the strict enforcement of vaccine mandates.”

He acknowledged that although health authorities and governments acted with good intentions, individual choices should have been respected.

“If the impact of vaccines on transmission was limited at best, as is now mostly accepted, the law should have left more room for respect for freedom,” he said. "People’s personal choices shouldn’t have cost them their jobs.”



Kirsten Murfitt, a lawyer who stood for NZ First in 2023, an anti-Covid vax campaigner, points out that there is no “compulsory treatment” for Infectious and Notifiable Diseases in New Zealand under the latest Pandemic Plan (“the Plan”), but concedes that could change in the future.

The Mpox scare could possibly be a result of the Bird Flu panic campaign falling over. After all the hype and 92 million dead chooks, people don't seem to care much. Perhaps because hardly anyone ever catches it and no one ever dies from it. So the tactic seems to be to slaughter the poor chooks before they die from it (thus incidentally reducing an important food source).   

Oh dear.... can't be that bad then?

There is no “compulsory treatment” for Infectious and Notifiable Diseases in New Zealand under the latest Pandemic Plan (“the Plan”). Yes, this could change in the future.
But for now, here is a summary of the powers: The Health Act 1956 (“the Act”) is one of three primary pieces of legislation that feeds into the Plan. The relevant parts of the Act are: 1) Part 3: which deals with Infectious and Notifiable Diseases (SS 70 to 92); and 2) Part 3A: which deals with the management of infectious diseases (SS 92A to 92ZZH). This part of the Act includes the powers of medical officers of health to issue directions and notices to individuals such as directions for treatment. Section 70 of the Act sets out the “Special powers of medical officer of health” in regard to what an individual can be compelled to do such as: 1) Medical Examination: “require persons to report themselves or submit themselves for medical examination at specified times and places” (section 70(1)(e)). 2) Medical Testing: “if the spread of the disease would be a significant risk to the public, require people to report, or submit themselves for medical testing, at stated times and places (section 70(1)(ea)) and "if the spread of the disease would be a significant risk to the public, require people … to be tested as he or she thinks fit” (section 70(1)(fa)). 3) Quarantine: “require persons…to be isolated, quarantined, or disinfected as he or she thinks fit (section 70(1)(f)) and require people to remain in the health district or the place in which they are isolated or quarantined until they have been medically examined and found to be free from infectious disease, and until they have undergone such preventive treatment as he may in any such case prescribe” (section 70(1)(h)). 4) Denying Entry: “forbid persons … to come or be brought to any port or place in the health district from any port or place which is or is supposed to be infected with any infectious disease” (section 70(1)(g)). Under Section 92I of the Act a medical officer of health may give directions to individuals posing public health risks. However, section 92I (5) expressly states the following: "In no case may a direction require an individual to submit to compulsory treatment." (Emphasis added.) The same prohibition on compulsory treatment also applies where an individual has been in contact with someone who poses a health threat and for directions for medical examination (SS 92J and 92K). For a full version of the Act, click here: As set out in my previous post, these provisions are not new. This is no doubt why mandates were used for the vaccine rollout, instead of compulsory vaccinations. Yes, Parliament could change the legislation in the future. Link to the post below:



So the Act in 1956 expressly forbade compulsory treatment. Well and good. In 1956, who could possibly have imagined the dystopian New Zealand of the 2020s? Except of course, George Orwell. Things have changed: that's not the case in 2024.



Dr Kat Lindley, President and co-founder of the Global Health Project, points out on X (Twitter): 

New Zealand Pandemic Plan page 125. Special powers. Straight out of the horror movie:

Section 71A “a member of the police may do anything reasonably necessary (including the use of force) (added emphasis) to help a medical officer of health or any person authorised by the medical officer of health in the exercise or performance of powers or functions under sections 70 or 71.

We would take "any person authorised" to mean the police. Mr Plod. The Keystone Cops, as since 1956, as New Zealand has gradually descended into the chaos of nihilistic atheism, they have revealed themselves to be, especially in their deplorable action at Parliament Grounds against the "deplorables" who had the wit and the courage to stand up to Jacinda Ardern and the Covid plandemic's lockdowns and effectual mandates.

Also on X (Twitter), Medical Freedom NZ has this to say: "The NZ Pandemic Plan ‘ethics’ section is not strong enough! We need legal clauses and statute around informed consent, human rights, the right to decline, limitation of powers, task force for human rights advocacy and discrimination."


The Martyrdom of St Lawrence (Francesco Trevisani)

St Lawrence, Martyr, please pray for us


  1. Vaxxination is not reasonably necessary. There are other reasonable options.

  2. This is happening in New Zealand. Officials want you to be arrested for thinking there are only two genders let alone other equally moronic suggested laws.

  3. Had privvy to the woke rubbish the coppers are being forced to undertake from a new recruit that walked out. 'Kiwi not Iwi' just one other term being considered as hate speech. I think NZ has become the test country for the WEF to introduce all their evil division causing intentions on and the NZ govt appear only to willing to assist. New movie in the making "Once Was Gods Own'

  4. The UK is out of control

  5. We all know, and must NEVER forget Feb/Mar 2022, which was the 'bar setter'

  6. This is where we’re at , and some in power think you should be JAILED for your thoughts

  7. Arrested in England

  8. Remember the woman arrested for praying the Rosary in her head in the UK ? Yeah. I do.

  9. Wow - constitution up 💪🏻🇺🇸

  10. Cops are on the side of the bad guys nowadays. Never thought that would happen!
