Monday 31 October 2022


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"Ecumenical flattery", says former chaplain to the Queen and  convert to Catholicism Dr Gavin Ashenden

(I)f “a Pope creates confusion and ambiguity regarding the integrity of the Catholic faith and the sacred Liturgy, then one must not obey him, and one must obey the Church of all ages and the Popes who, during two millennia, were teaching constantly and clearly all the Catholic truths in the same sense.”

The glorious feast of All Saints seems an appropriate one for airing the teaching of the saintly Bishop Athanasius Schneider, Bishop of Kazakhstan, on the limits set by God Almighty to the authority of popes and bishops, and the opportunities afforded for sainthood to lay people by these prelates' dereliction of duty.

“Obedience,” he says, “is not blind or unconditional but has limits. Where there is sin, mortal or otherwise, we have not merely a right, but a duty to disobey.”

Bishop Athanasius Schneider kindly gave LifeSite an analysis (see full text below) in which he discusses the nature, and limits, of obedience to the Pope. Quoting Saint Thomas Aquinas and other sources, he explains that all authority and all obedience have limits.

“Obedience,” he says, “is not blind or unconditional but has limits. Where there is sin, mortal or otherwise, we have not merely a right, but a duty to disobey.” 

The Pope, being the vicar of Christ, is bound to serve Catholic truth and not to alter it. Therefore, “one has surely to obey the Pope, when he proposes infallibly the truth of Christ, [and] when he speaks ex cathedra, which is very rare. We have to obey the Pope when he orders us to obey the laws and commandments of God [and] when he makes administrative and jurisdictional decisions (appointments, indulgences, etc.).”

However, the Kazakh bishop explains, if “a Pope creates confusion and ambiguity regarding the integrity of the Catholic faith and the sacred Liturgy, then one must not obey him, and one must obey the Church of all ages and the Popes who, during two millennia, were teaching constantly and clearly all the Catholic truths in the same sense.”

To "obey the Church of all ages" would seem to indicate, does it not, that we should use the Mass and the Missal of the Church of all ages.

Earlier this month Bishop Schneider described Pope Francis’ restrictions on the traditional Mass as a “gross abuse of the papal office” which “violate the 2,000 year tradition” of the Catholic Church.  He stated that “a restriction or prohibition of the traditional form of the liturgy is baseless,” since the “Holy Spirit does not contradict Himself.

He said that the Church was in a “fight” which was being waged “against the time-honored traditional rite of the Holy Mass, which all the saints – for at least a millennium – have loved, and in the case of priests and bishops, celebrated reverently and with great spiritual gain.

The powers that be hate what is holy, and therefore they persecute the traditional Mass,” he stated. “Yet our answer should not be anger and faint-heartedness but a deep sureness in the truth and inner peace and joy and trust in Divine Providence.

"Just as the Pope cannot abolish the Apostles’ Creed, noted Bishop Schneider, neither can he “prohibit the use of the traditional Mass,” for to do so would be “an abuse of power.


Bishop Schneider celebrates the Traditional Latin Mass 

 Now declaring the reformed of Pope Paul VI as the sole unique expression of the lex orandi of the Roman Rite as Pope Francis is doing, this violates the 2,000-year tradition of all the Roman pontiffs who have never shown such a rigid intolerance.

“It is a rigidity,” continued the bishop, employing one of Francis’ words oft-used in his campaign against the ancient liturgy.

"The splendour of truth, sacredness and supernaturality of the traditional rite of Mass worries those clerics in high Church positions in the Vatican and others (like Cardinal John Dew and the modernist NZ Bishops - ed) who have embraced a new revolutionary, theological stance, which is closer to the Protestant view of the Eucharist and of worship, and which is characterised by anthropocentrism and naturalism.

 “The Novus Ordo of Paul VI without doubt,” he stated, “weakens the doctrinal clarity about the sacrificial character of the Mass and weakens considerably the character of sacredness and of the mystery of the worship itself.” 

Paul VI’s new Mass was an act of “true revolution,” said Schneider, noting that he was “the first pope in 2,000 years who dared to make a revolution of the order of Mass, a true revolution.”

In times of crisis, where Church leaders are failing to fulfill their duties as shepherds leading the flock to Christ, other members of the Mystical Body of Christ are called to help out and defend the faith.

This is the age of the laity. This is our calling now, and our path to holiness: resistance to wolves in shepherds' clothing such as New Zealand's bishops, and courage to proclaim the splendid truths of our faith in private and in public if necessary.  

States the bishop:

When those in authority in the Church (Pope, Bishops), as it is the case in our time, fail to fulfill faithfully their duty to keep and defend the integrity and the clarity of the Catholic faith and the liturgy, God calls the subordinates, often the little and simple ones in the Church, to compensate for the defects of the superiors, by means of appeals, proposals of correction, and, most powerfully, by means of vicarious sacrifices and prayers.

We need to pray daily for the cleansing of the Church (of the Augean stables, you might say), to include that as an intention in our daily Rosary. 

With much clarity and charity, Bishop Schneider thus gives all Catholics guidelines for the proper response to the erroneous teachings and gestures coming out of Rome these days, such as the appointment of pro-abortionists to the Pontifical Academy for Life and the open promotion of the LGBT agenda on the part of officials.

Cardinal Gerhard Müller, a former prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, recently also made it clear that prelates who promote such erroneous teachings should not be obeyed.

He stated: “You don’t have to obey an obviously heretical bishop just for reasons of formality, otherwise religious obedience would be blind obedience that contradicts not only reason but also faith. The right to resist is, of course, strictly related to the revealed truths.”

This statement could of course also be applied to the Pope who himself is not above the law of God and does not have “unlimited power,” contrary to what a close collaborator of Pope Francis seems to have suggested at the recent meeting of the college of cardinals in Rome. Meanwhile, the German Cardinal (Muller) has called the Synod on Synodality “the hostile takeover of the Church.

In light of this Church crisis, disobedience could even become a duty, remembering the rule that one must obey God more than man. Bishop Schneider writes:

To the authority of a Pope or a bishop which exceeds the limits of the divine law of the integrity and the clarity of the Catholic faith, one must mount firm resistance, which may become public.

This is the heroism of our time, the gravest path to sanctity today.

To become saints means doing the will of God; doing the will of God means obeying His law always, in particular, when this is difficult or when this places us in conflict with men, who, though as legitimate representatives of His authority on earth (Pope, bishop), are, unfortunately, spreading errors or weakening the integrity and the clarity of the Catholic faith.


All Saints, on your feast day please pray for the Church

Sunday 30 October 2022


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Halloween in Seoul- all dressed up and nowhere to go now but home, thanks be to God

"There's nothing we can do to please Jesus." The speaker was an elderly priest who studied for ordination before the time bomb that was Vatican II and before its noxious fruit, the Novus Ordo Missae, became de rigueur.

But since that time countless consciences in the Church have been further clouded by a Masonic influence, especially in Palmerston North Diocese, for so long and still today the preserve of Bishop (now Emeritus) Peter Cullinane.  And the "Don't Worry Be Happy" theme (because you're going to heaven No Matter What) has pervaded many more parishes than this one.

A good Proddy who overheard Father quoted was scandalised. Incredulous. As well he might be, as in one fell swoop that single sentence negates the entire Gospel, the whole of  Scripture and all the saints. 

Scripture, the saints, the Magisterium, Sacred Tradition all teach us that EVERYTHING we do should be done to please Jesus. That's the virtue of purity of intention. God created us to give Him glory and praise, now and in eternity and if we don't do it now we won't do it in eternity.

In our current bishops-who-are-not we see this denial of the Catholic faith made painfully apparent to all and sundry (one might think, although a steadily decreasing percentage of their flock still turn up on Sundays for their weekly dose of anaesthetic rather more than to receive Our Lord and God in the Eucharist, going by the manner of reception and the nature of the thanksgiving, both liturgical and personal).

It's this tragic state of Catholic affairs which partly drives the problem complained of by Karl du Fresne on his blog and picked up by Bassett Brash and Hide today. Du Fresne writes of cowardice in conservatives who will not stick their heads up over the parapet to challenge Ardern, Robertson&Co, Death Dealers to the Nation. Karl du Fresne: Why the culture wars are being lost by default (

Had the Catholic Church courageously resisted the tide of modernism - a heresy condemned by successive popes whom some would call King Canutes - which engulfed bishops worldwide in their proud yet cowardly refusal to accept Pope Paul VI's Humanae Vitae condemning artificial contraception, she would have remained the influencer nonpareil that she had been for centuries and confirmed millions in the faith, in the gifts, graces and virtues including courage and fortitude (and purity of intention of course) which the faith bestows.   

Instead of which, apostate priests and bishops have deserted the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church en masse to preach denial of Scripture, Tradition and Magisterium as instanced above, and to embrace that old whore, the world, whose worthless values are celebrated annually in the pagan festival of Halloween. 

And before anyone protests that Halloween originated in the Christian, Catholic feastday of All Hallows' Eve, that merely serves to illustrate our point. The feastday  which pious Catholics pre-Vat2 celebrated by visiting the Blessed Sacrament to pray for the holy souls in purgatory - a practice faintly ridiculed by our priest, who was taught in seminary to pray for people before they die, as they are dying, instead of afterwards (because that would be tantamount to admitting the reality of purgatory) - has been bastardised and degraded into the trick-and-treating of 'Halloween'.

Catholics should beware. At its best Halloween is superstition, and superstition, any exorcist will tell you, is an entry point for the devil.

And don't we see that today, as 151 people are reported dead in Seoul, Korea, in the party part of town when satan lured 151 people to their death. All dressed up and somewhere to go which you can never leave. We must pray for the souls who made it to purgatory, where even if, like little St Lucia's friend as Our Lady told her at Fatima, you might be detained until 'the end of the world' you wait with the glorious vision of Christ at your particular judgment to console you, certain of your eventual release to enjoy Him for ever.

And BTW: that beautiful expression seen by our priest so often, he says, on the face of the dying as they breathe their last, is no guarantee they will retain that expression for any longer than it reflects the vision of Christ at their judgment, after which they will retain it in heaven, or regain it after purgatory, or lose it for ever. 

Before we go - a little bit of wit and repartee online among the Vendeeans (the St Columba's Ashhurst Traditional Latin Mass community that Cardinal John Dew and Bishop Peter Cullinane hoped they'd obliterated). Inspired by our priest's idea that there is nothing we can do to please Jesus, the chat went like this:

Vendeean 'A': "The Mass is irrelevant. Christianity is irrelevant."

Vendeean 'B': "Include a SARC Tag if you're going to say stuff like that. It's 2022. Not everyone understands sarcasm."

'A': "OK, I will put a /sarc tag on in future. Our ultra liberal priests should put tags in their homilies also, eg /heresy or /radicalinclusive."

'B': "They do.Their lips are moving. /sarc." 

Vendeean 'C':”Priests, has the Latin Mass been replaced by Netflix which pleases Jesus?"  

Vendeean 'D': 


"The message of Pius X is such simple truth.  Why in the past 100 years have our priests hardened their hearts to the Truth?"

Saturday 29 October 2022


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Just what would it take to foment a revolution in New Zealand, oops sorry, Ah-taya-rower? 

Lots. And lots.

Like Tuhoe burning down all the DOC huts in Te Urewera. Which are not theirs to burn. Like lowering the local voting age to 16 (the premise being that the more immature you are, the more likely you are to vote for Ardern,Robertson&Co).

Like taking powers and positions of authority from your elected representatives and doling them out to unelected Māori who can't be voted out. Like the media being paid to say and print what the government wants.

Like a young plumber in Dunedin being killed by the jab and young women' s menstruation ceasing and young men acquiring heart disease by means of same - you might say by government/Church decree. 

And that brings us to the infinitely more important, spiritual dimension. Are Catholics all that happy with their pope asking priests and nuns to delete porn from their phones?  Would they perhaps see it as doing the Church's dirty washing in public?

Nah. Kiwi Catholics apparently take such things in their stride. Well, were Italian Catholics ecstatic at their bishops' invitation to Italy's leading soft porn rapper and singer to perform in St Peter's Square to an audience of 60,000 teenagers last Easter Monday? That the teenagers were taken to St Peter's Square for the event by 60 bishops?

  • Riccardo Fabbriconi: soft porn at St Peter's

  • So, back to the public square and the question of Three Waters, take two.

Three Waters was only the beginning...


(Yesterday) morning, the Government's 'Future of Local Government Review Panel' – a group of 'experts' handpicked by Nanaia Mahuta – released proposals that would fundamentally shift local councils from democratic institutions into unaccountable 'co-governed' fiefdoms.

A leaked confidential copy of the report's proposals – called ‘He mata whāriki he matawhānui’ includes:

  • Transferring powers that are currently elected councils’ directly to hapū/iwi and other Māori organisations
  • Unelected positions held by mana whenua are to be given status equal to elected members’,including voting rights. But unlike councillors, mana whenua representatives cannot be removed at the ballot box
  • Requiring council staff to conform with ‘te ao Māori values’ by law
  • Funding of ‘Tiriti-based partnership in local governance’ (no matter the cost to ratepayers, apparently) 
  • Removing the requirement for local referenda before changing the voting system (for remaining councillors to be elected) by imposing STV across the country; and 
  • Lowering the local voting age to 16.. 

You couldn't make this up: the future of democracy is at stake.

In what is either an Orwellian misstep, or an attempt to gaslight you, Mahuta's Panel literally claim that these recommendations are to "strengthen democracy". Imposing co-governance does not increase democracy.

There is now no denying where Ardern, Mahuta and the Government want to take New Zealand.Peter Williams <>

Even if the rest of the country is happy to take all of this lying down, there is at least one enraged hunter/gatherer/deerstalker - a reader of this blog - who is not. And even in the Wellington beltway there are the likes of Heather du Plessis-Allan, who knows of many more, in Te Urewera:  

If you’re interested in the emerging co-governance debate, here’s a tip: Keep an eye on what’s going on with Tuhoe and the DOC huts and the area formerly known as Te Urewera National Park.

I think this is becoming the most of obvious example of why co-governance doesn’t work. Tuhoe is doing this despite a huge amount of opposition. 

Hunters don’t like it, conservationists don’t like it, trampers don’t like it, and even Tuhoe’s people don’t like it.

There were huge protests yesterday. Hundreds of people both Maori and Pakeha protested in Taneatua, waving placards saying “hands off our huts” and “stop state-funded desecration”. 

There’s an 8000 strong petition calling for the removals to stop.

But what can we do about? What can the conservationists and the hunters and the trampers and even the people of Tuhoe do about it? 


Because there is no accountability. The iwi's governing body calls the shots. 

That is the opposite of how our democracy works.

Normally if you don’t like something you can complain to a higher authority or vote them out, but you can't do that with Tuhoe.

And that in a nutshell is the problem with co-governance.

And a crowd called Hobson's Pledge weighs in:

The  He Mata Whariki, He Matawhanui report on proposals for reform to local government in New Zealand is another nail in the coffin of New Zealand's democratic heritage.

Astoundingly, many New Zealanders believe co-governance is merely due recognition of the Treaty of Waitangi. In reality it is a failed social experiment that has been unable to deliver a tangible benefit to anyone, including Maori.

Inability to reach final decisions due to co-governance is crippling progress as endless consultation and consensus decision-making (read giving one side a veto)This is evident in nearly every public service.

In a fitting irony, this inability to deliver outcomes is even evident in the development of the next plan to justify “co-governance” even more extensively than is currently done through The Treaty. 

Trotter on Jackson


Minister of Maori Development Willie Jackson committed to delivering a plan for New Zealand to implement the United Nations Declaration of Rights for Indigenous People (UNDRIP). The plan was for delivery by July.

Trying desperately to explain the delays with the new plan, Jackson admits the working group “were a bit off base.”

At the end of June Jackson said even he was concerned the report would be thrown out by Cabinet. 

If it is not possible for Maori to reach a consensus agreement on something as foundational as “indigenous rights” then how will co-governance work?

The founding assumption in co-governance, a term that this Government still refuses to define, is that Maori will miraculously agree on the basis of some universal “Maori perspective”.

Look at the fighting between the Maori Party and the Labour Maori Caucus. There is not one Maori view – and that’s besides the many, many Maori individuals who want nothing to do with that side of politics.


Tuku Morgan consensus


Explanations by prominent Maori voices like Tuku Morgan suggest co-governance will be based upon unanimity. Clearly you can keep talking for months and still be unable to achieve a consensus. The voters can just wait until their self-proclaimed representatives are ready.

The inability to reach an agreement within Maori is becoming more evident as a self-appointed minority – who claim to speak for all Maori – grapple among themselves for controlling influence. Remember, if you do not agree, you are ridiculed by this Government’s Maori MPs as being “useless” or “not Maori enough.”

This week saw another example of division in the Tuhoe iwi. Even Tuhoe kaumatua Paki Nikora, upset by lack of consultation, joined the petition to stop the destruction of Te Urewera huts. 

Tamati Kruger, Tuhoe chief negotiator and Tuhoe Te Uru Taumatua Chair, seemed unconcerned about other Tuhoe being unhappy, saying that $2million per annum to maintain the tracks and hut was “miserly”.

Although additional funds were available for Tuhoe to invest the huts were allowed to run into disrepair. We can never know how the “miserly” $2million per annum since 2014 has been allocated. Lake Waikaremoana has been noted to have sharply declined since 2014.

The importance of tramping huts is explained eloquently by Robbie Burton in “Bushline – A Memoir” 

“…. give me the right hut to bed down in. I am not…..talking about the impersonal barns on our great walks but rather the intimate, remote, carefully sited treasures found all over New Zealand.

“I’ve been in enough wet, miserable, sometimes collapsing tents to appreciate the bulwark that four walls and a tin roof provide in a mountain storm. It is the simple pared-back hut life I savour, the gentle, comfortable potter of sorting gear, tending the fire, making brews and preparing food and, most of all, the conviviality of spending time with friends, but too, strangers.”

This destruction-first approach was applied when the public “mountains” of Auckland were clear felled in an effort to “decolonise” by removing non-native trees immediately, rather than waiting for new trees to gain maturity.

It’s hard to see how we are being encouraged to enjoy the Ureweras (sic), as the destruction of huts continues without any plan for alternatives and no requirements for accountability. 

Co-governance of natural resources and public services is being justified through a warped interpretation of the Treaty of Waitangi.

This governance model requires democratically-elected representatives to achieve consensus with groups or individuals who are appointed to represent Maori interests, without any verifiable mandate or accountability – even to the Maori they are supposed to represent.

Some commentators naively dismiss co-governance detractors as resisting the evolving culture of New Zealand.

This criticism of the legitimate concerns ignores the utter lack of democratic credentials this “partnership” model of governance offers.

The National Party claims co-governance of natural resources as a success.

National Leader Christopher Luxon is an Uncle Tom, and a woke Uncle Tom at that.

The Labour Government also proclaims victory in the co-governance they’ve slipped into the management of Three Waters and the implementation of Pae Ora health reforms. Both are dead wrong.

Through the absence of transparency, accountability and democratic process in co-governance, we are delivering enormous power to a small number of individuals who we are expected to believe will act in the best interests of us all.

Those advocating for change in how our natural resources and public services are managed like to disparage democracy as being the “tyranny of the majority,” but the alternative offered is just a direct swap to tyranny by an unaccountable minority, who are generally unable to demonstrate support from Maori collectively.

Co-governance is not a success and 35 years of “partnership” posturing has entirely failed to improve outcomes for Maori.

35 years ago, we were the nation that proclaimed to the world that in New Zealand we were one people on the water and one people on the land. A simpler time, with better outcomes delivered than now. The difference is striking.Casey Costello <>

This is the Vigil of Christ the King. The Collect for tomorrow's Mass suggests this nation is kept apart by the wound of sin - perhaps primarily pride and a refusal to forgive.  We pray that New Zealand may be reunited "under the sweet yoke  of His rule". 


Almighty and everlasting God, Who in Thy beloved Son, the King of the whole world, hast willed to restore all things, mercifully grant that all the families of nations now kept apart by the wound of sin, may be brought under the sweet yoke of His rule

- Collect, Feast of Christ the King


Thursday 27 October 2022


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Grand larceny by stealth. Our country, New Zealand, and its commonly spoken and accepted language of English has been stolen right from under our dopy noses by Ardern, Robertson&Co, Death Dealers to the Nation, who now go by the name of  'Te Kawanatanga O Aotearoa'.

"Pardon me?" you say, "what's that when it's at home?"  It's the New Zealand Government, that's what. 

If 67 percent of New Zealanders were to suffer cardiac arrest, say - as the 20 year-old daughter of a reader of this blog did, after her first Covid shot - and arrive at ED very ill, and in a state of shock, they would find themselves in an alien land.  Alien, that is, in that all the signage is primarily in a language they don't understand.

As if it weren't enough to hear pale male - and female - white Uncle Toms on the telly burbling in Te Reo, which we don't understand, and which as taxpayers we've paid them to learn so they could earn even more of our money by speaking it, but while we weren't looking and without our permission they changed the name of the country we love.

Having primed us by calling New Zealand 'Ah-taya-rower' for long enough for us to get used to it, Ardern, Robertson&Co think they can get away with officially swopping 'New Zealand' for a name only recently invented, comparatively speaking but not as recently as a large proportion of the 'Maori' names adorning the new, expensive hospital signage. 

Anyway, a chap called A E Thompson has Had Enough. A.E. Thompson (pictured below) reckons he's "a working, tax-paying New Zealander who speaks up about threats to our hard-fought rights, liberties, egalitarian values, rational thinking and fair treatment by the state."

We are seeing huge changes to our government and its services under false claims about what the Treaty of Waitangi said, even assuming it's at all sensible to engage in the mental gymnastics required to apply any such treaty to circumstances far removed from the era for which it was designed. Let’s look at some of what's happening to our administration under our noses.


According to its new logo, our government now calls itself 'Te Kawanatanga O Aotearoa' with 'New Zealand Government' as a deliberately lesser postscript underneath. There appears to have been no warning about this, no opportunity for the public to consider it. It wasn't mentioned at all in Labour's election campaign. "Big deal, it's just a Maori name for government" some might say, but it's a lot more than that. It's not just adding a Maori name, it's prioritizimg that name and essentially renaming our government.


As has been the case for state services during the Ardern regime, the government’s own Maori name soon will be treated as its only name and mainstream media will fall in line because they were financially bribed to sign allegiance to Ardern's fake interpretations of the Treaty. 

All this Maori language foisted on a largely non-Maori population is patronizing. "You naughty children don't speak the correct language and it's time you did so take this."

And speaking of children - pity the poor kids who stats show can't function effectively in English, the most commonly spoken language IN THE WORLD but now have Te Reo force-fed them by teachers whom the taxpayer pays to learn Te Reo so they can teach it to kids who except for a tiny minority will never use it.

NZ Land Transport Agency is now exclusively referred to as 'Waka Kotahi' even though kayaks and canoes don't have number plates and the agency doesn't govern water transport at all. 

Remembering that before English-speaking 'colonialists' arrived, Maori didn't even have wheels.

Our Ministry for Children is now referred to only as 'Oranga Tamariki'. Our Public Service Commission is now called 'Te Kawa Mataaho' and if you go to its website you will see its list of government departments. In every case a new Maori name is given primacy by being written before the English name. As is the case for many of these names, no meaning of the words 'Te Kawa Mataaho' would give any clue as to that organization's role or function, making it even harder for all us naughty children to learn and remember.  


Some of the new Maori names include words that derive from mispronunciation of English words. For example, the Crown Law Office is now called 'Te Tari Ture o te Karauna'.  'Karauna' will have been an easier way for Maori speakers to say 'Crown' given that Maori words do not end in a consonant, the consonant blend ‘cr’ doesn’t exist and the ‘r’ is pronounced as a rolling sound. In most cases a government 'Ministry of ...' is translated as 'Manatu...'. 

For non-Maori, they might now lose their job for pronouncing Maori words in English ways, but use and formalizing of Maori mispronunciations of English words is considered entirely acceptable. Similarly it seems, it's ok for Maori to refer disparagingly to 'whiteys', 'pakeha', 'evil colonists', 'vanilla lenses' and so forth but for non-Maori mentioning even many basic facts about Maori either pre-European or current is now treated as 'hate speech'. Clearly, only Maori deserve respect and sensitivity.

More importantly, our government's new self-awarded name 'Te Kawanatanga O Aotearoa' renames the country by stealth. The Ardern government may as well just start using some new flag it prefers without announcement and next week they might as well change our constitutional head of state to the Maori Kingitanga royal family without bothering to mention this to us until it’s all done.




With one or two claimed but unlikely exceptions, 'Aotearoa' was not used as a name for New Zealand until late 19th century. Prior to European mapping there was no name combining all the islands of New Zealand which did not exist as a single entity. Te Tiriti did not use ‘Aotearoa’.

If adherence to Te Tiriti is considered so important then surely the Maori name it used for New Zealand should be the official term?  

Regardless, if we are to be given any prioritized formal name other than 'New Zealand', the people should make that decision through a vote, at the very least in a general election in which parties have made their intentions clear.

St Peter Chanel, patron saint of New Zealand, pray for us