Wednesday 12 October 2022


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You didn't 'do this', so get out of politics. Please.

"Ardern campaigned on the promise to combat child poverty, and made herself the first minister for child poverty reduction in 2017. The government says all nine child poverty measures are trending downwards, resulting in 66,500 children being lifted out of poverty, but those working on the ground say in the nearly five years the government has been in power, the dial on poverty has barely shifted" - The Guardian.

New Zealand’s ‘national disgrace’: ‘One of the worst places to bring up a child’ - NZ Doctor. 

UNICEF New Zealand is calling for significant investment and policy change to address deeply embedded and terrifying childhood trends around obesity, suicide, as well as declining proficiency in reading and maths. 
Yes, this is kicking a woman when she's down, but when that woman is Prime Minister and responsible for the loss of thousands of lives and livelihoods, voters need to know just why she's down and Christians need to pray for her repentance, healing and conversion - and healing for our grievously wounded nation also.

 The Guardian continues:

More than 10% of New Zealand’s population lives in overcrowded housing. The reasons are many, but a runaway housing market, high rents, stagnant wages, a lack of social housing and increasing costs of living are the most significant factors. Meanwhile, the country has widespread problems with damp, mouldy housing.



The PM reacts to Labour's thrashing in the local body election results

Okay, it may be kicking a woman when she's down - and the problem is universal

150 million additional children plunged into poverty due to COVID-19, UNICEF, Save the Children say ( September 2020).

But in New Zealand the buck stops with Ardern. And she could be said to contribute personally to child poverty, overcrowded housing and associated ill health by her chosen status as an unmarried woman living in sin, with just one child whose putative father one can only doubt she has any intention of marrying.

Qué? How does that work? you say. It works like this: New Zealand is an aging, infertile society which isn't replacing itself. In other words it's dying, and deliberately; New Zealand is suicidal.

Our nation is aging and suicidal because the stats show more than ever before that Kiwis choose not to marry and not to have children. We prefer to cohabitate and have fewer children - often by more partners. The children we have are more likely to be randomly conceived and/or killed before birth - to the tune of 500,000 abortions by July last year - than welcomed into a family in a committed marriage relationship. 

The poorest children in this nation, spiritually as well as physically, are those with only one parent, and that parent is almost always the mother - or an unrelated 'carer'; they have no father to exert discipline as a father must, except remotely and at best, every other week. 

Demographer Paul Spoonley notes that in 2013 the median household income for a couple with children was $92,000 but for sole parents it was $33,100. Around 30 percent of all family households in New Zealand are sole-parented and the OECD expects this figure to rise to 40 percent in 2031 – a 29 percent rise since 2006, and the highest rise among developed countries. Our 40 percent would compare with an estimated 27 percent for the US and 18 percent for Germany. Without incremental government spending, there will be more and more poor families in New Zealand (and does raising the benefit ever truly benefit the poor?

Stats, as well as common sense, show that it's children with married parents, a mother and a father who are THERE, who do best in life. And they show that couples who did not cohabit before marriage are much less likely to divorce than couples who tried a pre-marital 'relationship' with no commitment to each other. Common sense would also suggest the reason for that is a belief in God and His laws; that couples who go by the traditional engagement/marriage route instead of sleeping together are Christians. 

And nobody ever mentions it, because everybody's family is affected by this - but isn't the 'housing crisis' largely generated by the moral crisis? Because every time a couple 'break up' one of them usually requires another house and at the rate of Kiwi 'break-ups that's an awful lot of houses. Maybe that's why the upper strata of society are much more likely to do the decent, trad marriage thing: it's better protection for their investment in a home.

Carolyn Moynihan at the BFD:

A government that really cares about the poor will encourage education about marriage and for marriage. Instead, in line with a 2018 report, schools have been issued “relationships and sexuality” guidelines this year that don’t even mention marriage but promote “gender diversity” and sow confusion in young minds about sex. 
Start offering tax incentives to married couples with young children. Enlist the help of community organisations that can offer relationship and parenting education and support. Instead of government taking over more and more as the family provider, make marriage attractive and viable for low income couples so they can enjoy the self-esteem that comes from being able to provide for their own.

A sound scheme but not one with any appeal whatsover to this Marxist regime and its  pathological leader, ideologically bound as she is to Herr Klaus Schwab's crazy dream of one world government entailing the demise of individual nations, of which New Zealand by its size and isolation makes the ideal guinea pig.  

Ardern in 2017:


“…we are small enough that we can absolutely introduce child wellbeing policies so that New Zealand is once again a great place to bring up children and be a child.”

Promises, promises. Lies and more lies.

Since then, more children are being investigated for family harm incidents:

More children are victims of intentional injury and sexual assault:

I am being selective but so is the Prime Minister when she announces:


One can only feel sincerely sorry for Jacinda Ardern as a woman with no faith or belief in God.

She famously described her divorce from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as a result of the impossibility of reconciling its anti-homosexual stance with her loyalty to her own gay friends and flatmates.
"There are always going to be things you can't reconcile, but I could never reconcile what I saw as discrimination in a religion that was otherwise very focused on tolerance and kindness," she said.

Which just goes to show she can't think straight - but that's another topic. 

(T)he evidence that she is a pseudo-religious leader for a secular age is everywhere. Her assertion last year that when she and Dr Ashley Bloomfield speak to media they are the "single source of truth" recalls an ex-cathedra pronouncement by the Pope. During lockdown last year, there were flashing signs above motorways and along suburban streets encouraging drivers to "Be kind!". When asked in 2017, "Is it possible to survive in politics without lying?", she not only said it was but claimed she'd "never told a lie in politics". Ardern positions herself as floating above the cut-and-thrust of politics. In May last year, a memo from her office suggested ministers need not agree to be interviewed given how popular the Government's Covid measures had been. John Campbell, who interviewed the Prime Minister, said he at first thought it could be a sign of "arrogance" but decided it was more likely that she simply didn't have confidence in her ministers.

"Arrogance is just, I hope, something people would see as not in my nature," she said plaintively



Addressing the UN in September 2019, she made the extraordinary admission that she saw herself carrying the nation's burdens on her shoulders single-handedly. In her speech she mentioned a young Muslim boy who asked her to keep him safe after the mosque massacres. "My fear is, that as a leader of a proudly independennation, this is one thing I cannot achieve alone. Not anymore."

Oh, the histrionics. Oh the arrogance. One thing she could and almost did achieve, almost alone, was to destroy our nation's pride and independence. That achievement is what thousands of Kiwis will find the hardest to forgive.

The vast majority of New Zealanders would think her overwhelming responsibility is to advance the interests of those who pay her salary. She is also shameless at stage-managing her public appearances for maximum effect. The Labour manifesto before last year's election, taken at the party's campaign launch shows Ardern gazing towards the heavens. Behind her in the choir stalls sits a sea of clapping supporters. A white light illuminates her face. The religious undertones are unmistakable. 

The poor will always be with us, as Jesus said, but no one would have imagined in 2017 — when Ardern promised her "transformational" policies would wash away tears — that by 2021 so many more would have joined their ranks. her Government is seriously incompetent in battling the scourges that afflict New Zealand. https// 


I desire therefore, first of all, that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men: For kings, and for all that are in high station: that we may lead a quiet and a peaceable life in all piety and chastity. (1 Tim 2:1,2)


  1. Why am I not surprised?. This child with the EQ an probably IQ of a 16 year old was only ever an inveterate grandstander.

    So it figures that she would make big promises and deliver so little.

    A grandiose megalomaniac who thinks these burdens are hers alone?

    She is a perfect picture of how power corrupts and how so absolutely it does when a fake emergency is used to arrogate absolute power , and she is why I would not avoid political office, assuming i had the chance, like the plague.

    Of course she left the Mormons for the wrong reason., she did not see the intrinsic falsity of its claims, has likely never faced the fact that Joseph Smith was a con man, and also rejected them as "hateful" for their principled stance on gay

    My thanks to you or this, even though it shows that Ardern is even worse than I thought, to the degree of manifest criminality not merely naive self righteous incompetence

    I remain as ever

    Stefanvs Svm

    1. alas a typing error! my eyes are not what they were.

      paragraph 4 and she is why I WOULD avoid political office like the plague is what i meant. the "not" before "avoid" was a mistake.

      bad company corrupts good morals and politicians are the worst company of all

      Stefanvs Svm

    2. There is no excuse and repentance for those who choose to remain willfully ignorant, mate !

  2. Her agenda was more centred around child reduction.
    Having been through Scwab’s school of lefty loonies with a mindset based on depopulation there is little or no room left for fulfilling her false claims!

  3. LornaKeith Leggett12 October 2022 at 15:49

    I often wonder where her interest in children truly lies. She spends quite a lot of time hiding around the schools and I suggest her interest in them is reason for some conjecture as she does not come across as the maternal type.

  4. You watch her , she does something then goes around the world skiting about it & how great she is . She's an egomaniac . And has little regard for the consequences suffered by others .
    e.g two-tier society, that's exactly what it is .
    Is that not discrimination based on a person's personal choices & belief.? I'd call her an idiot , but the whole thing reeks of a very well planned agenda .

    1. Steve Somerville12 October 2022 at 16:00

      Trudeau in Canada seems on the same play book.

    2. Yeah they're good mates , she recently caught a ride on his plane after the queen's funeral , they know each other well from years ago ,. All part of the same WEF plan by the look of it .

  5. What a bloody hypocrite, she is evil personified, she needs to go and now before she completely takes beautiful NZ down the sewer. She will not win, none of those corrupt evil so called govt officials will, justice is coming and God will prevail.

  6. Yep she's a puppet Muppet 🤣 for the WEF and Bill gates

  7. The look of a liar being caught out lying AGAIN

  8. Another failure by Jabcinda and Labour. Failure and Labour go hand in hand. How come our media say nothing about it. That's right the self proclaimed protectors of truth, justice and honesty are paid to keep quiet..

  9. Bold faced lies. Not one ounce of heart or integrity from this woman. We need to vote her out and make our public servants accountable. That's right jabcinda, you are a public servant!!!!!!!!


  11. When will people ever learn, voting makes no difference. The entire system is corrupt and will stay that way, until people who vote change.

  12. The same evils that is happening in New Zealand and Australia, will happen to the rest of the world. That was the real intent of all this nonsense. People are such sheeple.

  13. Matthew Hadfield13 October 2022 at 15:47

    What a joke of a hit piece.
    “New Zealand’s ‘national disgrace’: ‘One of the worst places to bring up a child’ - NZ Doctor.”
    NZ Doctor! 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
    Nz Doctor? 🤣🤣🤣🤣.

  14. Yep, I'm generally no fan for NZ Doctor. But on rheumatic fever and its dangers they're on the button.

  15. Who cares,about. New Zealand? They are all a bunch of dummies!

  16. Why is New Zealand always mentioned? What is the bias about the people of NZ? So what!

    1. May I just gently point out that this blog is written in New Zealand, and so is primarily for New Zealanders but for an international readership of which I suspect you are not typical.
