Thursday 13 October 2022


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On the 60th anniversary of the start of Vatican II Antipope Francis attacked “traditionalism” as being “evidence … of infidelity” to the Catholic Church.

Your Holiness, it is your own not-so-covert campaign for the legalisation of sodomy that is 'evidence of infidelity' to the Church.

And how dare you quote "If you love Me, feed my sheep"? Do YOU love Our Lord Jesus Christ, your Holiness? If you do, how come you refused to feed His sheep all over the world when you spear-headed the globalists' weaponisation of Covid-19 by closing our churches and denying us the Sacraments?  


Using a passage from St. John’s Gospel – “Do you love me? Feed my sheep” – Francis had launched his attack on the traditionalist movement.

Stating that “we are always tempted to start from ourselves rather than from God, to put our own agendas before the Gospel,” he decried those who wished to “retrace our steps.” 

“Yet let us be careful,” he said, “both the ‘progressivism’ that lines up behind the world and the ‘traditionalism’ – or ‘looking backwards’ – that longs for a bygone world are not evidence of love, but of infidelity.”

A reader of this blog points out that traditionalists, who typically face God rather than man, cannot be said to be 'looking backwards'. When you face God, you don't look backwards. Neither do you look forwards. You live in "the sacrament of the present moment' ("Abandonment to Divine Providence",Fr Jean Pierre de Caussade SJ, a classic work for faithful Catholics). 

He's as cunning as a Maori dog - as we used to say in the days before that pithy saying might be called 'racist'. Bergoglio pretends to park in the middle, knowing that millions of Massgoers are leery of the German bishops and their ilk, who the better-catechised know to be wedded to the world. Or - going by his definition of traditionalism as 'looking backwards' - he's a case of arrested spiritual development. Maybe both. 

Francis styled both “traditionalism” and “progressivism” as “forms of a Pelagian selfishness that puts our own tastes and plans above the love that pleases God, the simple, humble and faithful love that Jesus asked of Peter.”

Praising the Council for its actions, Francis stated that it “rediscovered the living river of Tradition without remaining mired in traditions.”

He told the assembled congregation not to be concerned with being “on the climb” towards heaven, or with attempts to “shepherd yourselves.”

Your Holiness, when the shepherds shepherded by you refuse to shepherd us, what do you suggest we do? 

Rather, Francis urged a rejection of everything in the service of fraternity. 

There you go. Rejection of 'everything', including God Himself Who always comes first, in favour of serving man - the community. Classic masonic ideology, of which our utterly unrevered Prime Minister is another proponent.

Ardern on election night - ever so slightly Masonic? Not to say Messianic?

How often, in the wake of the Council, did Christians prefer to choose sides in the Church, not realizing that they were breaking their Mother’s heart! How many times did they prefer to cheer on their own party rather than being servants of all? To be progressive or conservative rather than being brothers and sisters? To be on the “right” or “left,” rather than with Jesus? 

The traditionalists of our acquaintance your Holiness, simply choose the Catholic faith - the three pillars of which are Scripture, Tradition and Magisterium - which direct us to be 'servants of all', but only and always 'in Christ Jesus Our Lord'. That means that we do not serve, but rather resist, those who urge us to sin, especially those in authority who do so.

Francis opposes Latin Mass but warns of ‘polarization’

In promoting Vatican II, Francis’ homily was flush with ironic phraseology. While his 2021 restrictions on the traditional Mass were entitled Traditionis custodes (guardians of Tradition), Francis yesterday attacked those who “present themselves as ‘guardians of the truth’ or ‘pioneers of innovation’ rather than seeing themselves as humble and grateful children of Holy Mother Church.”

His restrictions on the ancient liturgy, pronounced in the name of Vatican II, have since decimated parishes and communities, yet Francis said that the Church should “leave aside the ‘isms,’ for God’s people do not like polarization.”

“How timely the Council remains,” he argued. “It helps us reject the temptation to enclose ourselves within the confines of our own comforts and convictions. The Council helps us imitate God’s approach, which the prophet Ezekiel has described to us today: ‘Seek the lost sheep and lead back to the fold the stray, bind up the injured and strengthen the weak’ (cf. Ezek 34:16).”

Your Holiness, you yourself, during the Covid scam, locked the sheep out of the fold of their churches. Instead of binding up the injured and strengthening weak by feeding them with the Sacraments, you left us to star,ve. By wrecking countless thriving Traditional Latin Mass communities like St Columba's Ashhurst, New Zealand, you drove us out into the cold of the Novus Ordo, or those of us who simply cannot bear Novus Ordo sacrilege, heresy and irreverence without suffering harm to soul, spirit and even body, to survive on spiritual Communions and/or find shelter and sustenance in the churches of the Society of St Pius X. As a result of which, one SSPX church - St Anthony's Whanganui - is rebuilding.

St Anthony's has outgrown itself and has to find more room for its faithful. A reader of this blog, asked to look out for a mutual friend at Sunday Mass there, failed: "There were so many people!" And the first church on the site looks likely to find its way on the back of a truck to an undisclosed location in rural Hawke's Bay as a chapel for the Latin Massgoers there.

The Pontiff closed by repeating his call to “let us overcome all polarization and preserve our communion.” 

However, some pointed to Francis’ own record on “polarization,” warning that his homily was a promotion of his assault on the Church’s Tradition.

Antipope Francis is a past master of polarisation himself, insulting faithful Catholics at every opportunity.

The “Who am I to judge?” pope recently told an interviewer (in 2016 -ed) that he has a hard time understanding why so many young Catholics worship in Latin on Sundays. “Why so much rigidity,” Francis asked.
That represents an ugly departure from his predecessor, Benedict XVI, who allowed for wider use of the pre-Vatican II Mass in 2007. “What earlier generations held as sacred, remains sacred and great for us too,” the pope emeritus wrote, “and it cannot be all of a sudden entirely forbidden or even considered harmful.”
Then only a little over 200 Latin Masses were celebrated in the United States. That number has since more than doubled. The Massgoers aren’t a bunch of old anoraks, either. It’s millennials and hipsters who tend to prefer the smells and bells. 
“This rigidity always hides something, insecurity or even something else.” Francis has wondered why a growing number of Catholic youth reject the hand-holding and modern music in favor of a more solemn and sacred form of worship. When the pope received bishops from the Czech Republic in 2014, he reportedly said attraction to the traditional liturgy “is rather a kind of fashion. And if it is a fashion, it is a matter that does not need that much attention.”

Ah, but the traditional liturgy is not a fashion is it, your Holiness, and that's exactly why you have paid it so much unwanted attention. 

“This is Bergoglian speak for ending the Traditional Latin Mass,” wrote catechist Deacon Nick Donnelly.

Donnelly added that Francis has “relentlessly attacked ‘the living river of Tradition’ since the beginning of his pontificate.”

Vatican II underpinning current pontificate

Francis and his close advisors have continually cited Vatican II in their recent moves against the Church’s Tradition, including in Traditionis custodes and the current Synod on Synodality. Indeed, the latter has been described as “an extension” of Vatican II since the process was announced last year.

Speaking to LifeSiteNews last year, Matt Gaspers – managing editor of Catholic Family News – said that the Synod: “calls to mind what Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò wrote in his first major intervention regarding the Council (June 9, 2020), namely, ‘that from Vatican II onwards a parallel church was built, superimposed over and diametrically opposed to the true Church of Christ. This parallel church progressively obscured the divine institution founded by Our Lord in order to replace it with a spurious entity, corresponding to the desired universal religion that was first theorized by Masonry’.”


Readers of this blog know what we think of the Synod. It is at once silly, sinister and sinful.

Meanwhile Pope Paul VI said in his address at the last public session of the Council, that Vatican II “made its program” from “the pastoral character” (7 December 1965). Furthermore, as Bishop Athanasius Schneider has recalled, a November 16, 1964, note by the Council’s Secretary-General reads: “Taking conciliar custom into consideration and also the pastoral purpose of the present Council, the sacred Council defines as binding on the Church only those things in matters of faith and morals which it shall openly declare to be binding.”

Traditional Catholics are unto Antipope Francis, his sodomitic entourage and his global elite cohorts a stumblingblock. And they will remain so.



St Callistus, Pope and Martyr

Surrender me not, O Lord, to the desires of the wicked; they plot against me, do not abandon me. They carry high their heads, they that surround me; the mischief of their lips shall overwhelm them 

- Psalm 139, Vespers, Thursday


  1. The vaccine is the Mark Of The Beast. Those who still say that it is not, are lying and abvious shills for the government and Big Pharma. The Church and other religious leaders have no right to tell people to do evil and commit mortal sin,especially that which may damn them for eternity just for their own agendas and the agendas or rich gobalist and satanic lunatics.Do not comply with them! There will be more evils unleashed on the world.

    1. this is a non sequitur ( IOW it does not follow) . It is not the mark of the beast because it does not completely fit the biblical profile for such. It . is not tied to the direct and personal worship of the antichrist as God, chiefly as he is not here. I could go on but a book length email is pointless here

      and the pope is not the False Prophet. A heretic and blasphemer, yes. but he does not have custody of an image that can destroy people with literal fire Revelation 13:14-15.

      I am no shill for govt or Big Pharma and look to see them convicted of crimes against humanity.

      But I care for Bible scholarship.,

      and neither the vaccine, its passports nor the current anti pope fit the Biblical profile for the Mark of the Beast, even though they are unquestionably great evils

      unfortunately failed arguments such as you present only discredit biblical prophecy

      hysteria in these times serves no rational purpose

      I remain Stefanvs Svm

    2. Do not worry, these criminals will never come to man's s "justice". If anything, they will get a slap on the wrist and retire with their ill gotten monies and pensions and move on.

    3. Tell that to Bill Gates and company, mate !

    4. You are a shill Stefanvs!

  2. Francis is a reflection of our twisted selves and our society, which we have created !

  3. What s sad situation. Eventually we will get a new Pope. God please bring a calm and rational direction to our Church.

    1. Only a good new Pope when we deserve one!

  4. Yes! It is the Mark of the Beast and will allow more Mark of the Beast technology to come. It changes people's DNA People just do not want to listen to the truth. Even documented information is coming out on tv, telling them how dangerous the vaccines are and were never tested. People just want to be stupid and follow the herd. As it was in the days of Noah. Until the worst comes. They will all answer to God.

  5. People look for old technologies and false ideas in the Bible. We now have nanotechnologies. And yes "pope" Francis is one of the false prophets who helps lead the world astray! He certainly acts and wants to be. So wise up and turn back to God and His Truth. Repent!

  6. I pray for his conversion.......🙃

    1. Repentance, healing, conversion: pretty much covers everything.

    2. Only if he cooperates with God.

  7. There is no excuse or repentance for willfully ignorance!
