Sunday 9 October 2022



PM Ardern on her 'podium of truth' last night 

"There are shouts of  joy and victory in the tents of the just” (Ps 118:15).

Last night New Zealand saw Labour get the thrashing it richly deserved. Freedom-minded candidates took seats on community boards, local boards, district councils, city councils, regional councils and even mayoralties. Deo gratias.

And where was that lover of the limelight, PM Jacinda Ardern? Nowhere to be seen. "We always do a bit of reflection across local government elections," she told Breakfast a week ago. Oh, so that's where she was, then. At home with Clarke, reflecting. 

Reflecting on the fact that she very publicly endorsed two lefty Labour candidates, a thing unheard of in local body history, and they were rubbished. Reflecting on her attempt last year to empower her government to adjourn polling day multiple times without constraint, not just in an election year, but the year after as well - and perhaps pondering on whether to try pulling that one again.

And the mainstream media especially Stuff, after their treatment of truth campaigners Voices for Freedom (VFF), will be licking their wounds. 

TvOne tonight in their lead story, and the PM in that interview a week ago, pretend that the real issue is low voter turn-out. And that did contribute, by creating a vacuum of low public morale, into which the so-called 'disinformers' and 'mis-informers' like VFF stepped, cunningly taking advantage of voters' demoralisation and mistrust to spur their followers to fill out the voting papers spurned by the vast majority.

"All across the country," Voices for Freedom (VFF) stated today, "Kiwis chose tobtoep outside their comfort zone to make a difference by courageously standing for positions in local government. They bravely endured the harassment, hounding, and out-of-line intrusion into their private lives by the mainstream media to stand firm in their convictions." 

The Taxpayers' Union too, can stand up and take a bow. Following their Three Waters Roadshow earlier this year, says board member Peter Williams, councillors who stood on the platform of opposing Nanaia Mahuta's 'reforms' and 'reigning in' (sic) out-of-control council spending were elected 'in droves'. The Taxpayers' Union, like Voices for Freedom, want to strike while their irons are red-hot by gaining more financial support to accelerate their campaigns for truth and justice

May Kiwis 'get in behind' them!


In an earlier press release VFF had stated:

Reporters within Stuff have been unrelenting in asserting that VFF poses “a direct threat to democracy.” We believe any concerns academics raise are heavily influenced by widely-circulated Stuff articles and videos containing disinformation and false quotes, or representations repeated so often they have taken on a life of their own.

VFF has yet to be presented with any examples of dis/misinformation allegedly circulated by our organisation.

Presented with evidence, we would be happy to provide a response.

Detailed information to help New Zealanders understand and navigate the election and voting process has been made freely available on our website at VFF has urged people to research their local candidates and make informed decisions.

A survey to our subscriber list of over 100,000 people identified that more than 450 Kiwis with views aligned with ours had been nominated around New Zealand. Subsequent to the nomination deadline we have been made aware that several hundred additional candidates are sympathetic to our views."

Friends, Voices for Freedom have given us the template for ousting Ardern's outrageous regime next year! 


"Stuff newspaper," comments Guy Hatchard PhD, "in conjunction with sophisticated websites and government-funded scientists, led the campaign charge to identify and publicly attack any candidates who had safety concerns. 

The most revealing part of these attacks was the selection of the candidates’ personal interests which it seemed should have disqualified them from seeking office. Among them:

  • Knitting, Yoga, Wellness
  • Freedom, human rights, Free speech
  • Permaculture, home gardening, crochet
  • Adverse effects, herd immunity, lab leak theories
  • Social media, natural products, meditation
  • Dairy farming, protest, sharing links
  • Oh yes, and FB friendship with me.

There (was even a hotlink button to anonymously dob in colleagues and report misinformation to the police and other government bodies, including an emergency report team. Instructions encouraged you to report lawyers, health professionals, teachers, and worksafe breeches.

One of the principle advocates of Ardern’s biowave politics is a newly minted PhD and expert on, you guessed it - disinformation, who, as reported by Stuff, has the incredible distinction of having written ‘a million words’. Yes, a whole million.

According to some of those words, the principal danger of the above interests was that they all lead, after about a year, to a desire to replace democracy with far-right extremism and eventually ‘war’. Dangerous Stuff!! (Warning: they might have got some words confused here.)

How could anyone imagine that a political movement can be built around an ineffective and risky biotech intervention? Well apart from Jacinda Ardern of course … Oh wait, let’s add Justin Trudeau. And Joe Biden. I could go on. Covid vaccination doesn’t make you gullible, does it? Nah.

If Ardern has her way on the global stage we will never know what happened. Knitting needles, crochet hooks and yoga mats will disappear overnight and health food stores will close their doors. They will all be erased from our internet history and excluded from printed books (if anyone is still taught to read).

Jacinda Ardern is a protege of Klaus Schwab and a champion of that old saw of dictators—if you keep saying the same thing often enough it should stick, no matter how batty it is.

Labour didn’t do too well in the elections - there are far too many knitters in New Zealand. Or is that nutters? Some newspapers and political pundits seem unable to distinguish one from the other."



 Dominica XVIII Post Pentecosten - Missa 'Da Pacem Domine'


  1. Made my day, maybe my year to hear this news. Yay - go VFF and like minded freedom loving people.

  2. I have a clip here on Ardern's desperately spinning the local body election result.

    I submit that if the elections were really as irrelevant as she claims in this she would also not crow if they were a big win for labour

    but if irrelevant why the look of being on the edge of tears (or am I a sentimentalist to see them?) and why the gurns?

    I am no body language expert but even to one as blind to such as I this seems clear to me

    Our hyper delicate Princess so sensitive as to feel the pea of the slightest dissent is clearly upset by this.

    here it is

    and as for voting against the govt in said local body elections, I made a point of it and i suspect i was not the only one

    I remain Stefanvs Svm
