Friday 21 October 2022


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wolves got up like sheep: New Zealand's Bishops

New Zealand's Catholic Bishops must resign. "Aroha and Diversity in Catholic Schools" is a downright denial of the three pillars of the Catholic faith: Scripture, Tradition and Magisterium. What the bishops  really mean is "Anything goes in Catholic Schools" - LGBTQI+, transgenderism, homosexuality and logically, polygamy. 

International accolades," Cathnews announced breathlessly today, "are pouring in for the NZ Catholic Bishops' trailblazing document on sexual diversity." 

Among the chorus of applause they cite the pro-LGBTQ New Ways Ministry, condemned by the Vatican and the US Bishops for its dissent from Church teaching.  

We can only wonder if the bishops have opened themselves, by habitual sin, to the devil.

Because they have trodden this broad path of pride which leads to destruction (Mt 7:13) for some time now. 

In defiance of canon law and a recent Vatican ruling they urged their clergy to offer sacraments to Catholics who kill themselves when legalized euthanasia came into force (Nov 2021).

The Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care found the Church in New Zealand had not taken sufficient steps to solve the problem (December 2021).

New Zealand's bishops segregated Catholics based on vaccination status, forcing the faithful to attend separate "apartheid-style" Masses (November 2021).

The Catholic Church in New Zealand helped commemorate a pagan ritual surrounding Matariki, historically worshipped in native Maori culture in association with a wind deity, with prayer services (June 2022).

Trailblazers? Mob followers more like 

"By their fruits you shall know them. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? (Mt 7:16).New Zealand's modernist bishops have exposed themselves as 'false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves' (Mt 7:15). They are running a new, faux church, a branch of Francis church which will usher in the New World Church of the global elite.

In this mythical country called 'Aotearoa', employing pidgin English, the bishops teach children and teenagers about 'sexual diversity'. 'Diversity' meaning a variety, they are teaching our children and teenagers in Catholic schools that there are more than two sexes. They say this is a 'complex reality'. God thinks otherwise. 

"Vulnerable rangatahi should not feel pushed or coerced to make decisions about themselves too soon," says Bishop Stephen Lowe, who seems to be the ringleader as well he might, given that he has stated that he has no difficulty with the homosexual lifestyle (does he realize what he said?). That is, the bishops imply, young people should not feel pushed or coerced too soon to make decisions about which of the 'diversity' of sexes they belong to.

Don't let this garbage get you down. There will be very significant resistance to this treachery, this betrayal of Our Lord Jesus Christ and of young Catholic New Zealanders, on the part of these false prophets. Specifically, a petition and a series of public meetings will be forthcoming. Stand by.

In the meantime, for bishops and lay people alike there are four ways of keeping habitual sin and the devil at bay.





Évariste Carpentier (1845–1922), The Alert (1884)
The French Counter-Revolution


  1. They are all guilty of not only promoting heresies, but they also promote the Mark Of The Beast vaccines as well, ensuring the the loss of souls!

  2. Anything goes, where were the Bishops when they promoted the Mark of the Beast "vaccines" for everyone,especially school children? What can one expect from them ? They also help cover up child abuse!

  3. Do you really think the Bishops care about you and your soul? Do not support them or their phoney corporate "Charities" and their so called "Church" collections!

  4. The Church is a disaster unfolding before our eyes, but it's of limited value criticising our Bishops or writing letters to the Nuncio. The lead for most of this comes from Pope Francis himself. In advancing the modernist liberal agenda you will notice our bishops quote for their justification, documents that come mostly from Pope Francis in the past decade (eg Amoris Laetitia, Evangelii Gaudium etc). Long- standing doctrine is mostly ignored. It gets mentioned occasionally to try to give the appearance of balance, but the overall trend is unmistakable towards total modernism.

    It is Pope Francis who is preparing the way for all this.

    Catholics love their priests, bishops and the Pope. It 's crossing a wide line to admit these men are wrong, and then to go even further and actually say something to correct them. If the Church is to survive, the Catholic laity must get used to saying it out loud - "the Pope is wrong".

  5. I was gobsmacked to find the bishops had issued guidelines last year, I must be the last to know (although the way the bishops have been delivering this material is quite confusing)..

    Catholic bishops issue guidelines for working with people who choose “assisted dying” 28 Oct 2021

    The bishops Pastoral Statement referenced at the end of the above release is mostly waffle, as is the Principles and Guidelines also referenced at the end, but the latter document has oblique lines that tell us the bishops have caved in to euthanasia:

    Section 4
    vii. Similarly, it is proper that the Church’s sacraments – encounters with God – are ordinarily provided to the
    person who requests them. As Pope Francis has reminded us in Evangelii Gaudium, we are to be prudent and
    bold in the administration of the sacraments and we must act not as the arbiters of grace but as its facilitators:
    “The Eucharist … is not a prize for the perfect, but a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak …
    [and] the Church is not a tollhouse; it is the house of the Father, where there is a place for everyone, with all
    their problems” (47).
    viii. The Church’s ministers are advised not to be present at the date and time of the administration of the
    lethal drugs – this represents a legitimate limit to the Church’s call to faithful accompaniment.

    Note ministers are 'advised' not to be present, not 'instructed'.

    Section 7 Accompaniment is always voluntary and respectful of conscience
    i. Any cooperation in the act of facilitating or administering an assisted death must be excluded in all cases.
    ii. No priest, chaplain or pastoral worker should ever feel obliged to minister to a person contemplating
    euthanasia. If an individual priest, chaplain or pastoral worker decides that there is a limit to their ability to
    accompany a person seeking assisted dying, such a decision must be fully respected.
    iii. In these circumstances, every effort should be made to ensure that provision is made for the person to be
    accompanied by another.

    So, priests are told not to physically assist with the killing, and if they don't want to be there make sure they get someone else.

    The bishop's euthanasia documents hardly mention long- standing Church doctrine, they quote modern statements mostly from Pope Francis. I can now see how the modern documents from Pope Francis have for a decade been priming the Church for this descent into heresy and modernism. There is no point complaining to our bishops or the Nuncio, the damage comes from the man at the top.

    I believe the briefing we had from Kleinsman on euthanasia in Palmerston North, which many attended, was a clever snow job, designed to mislead rather than inform.

    Pray, pray for the Church, things are going to get worse.

  6. Yes, things will get worse, because dumb people make it worse!

  7. If you are telling people to attend the N.O. "Church" and follow their churchmen, then you are decieved , and are misleading other people. Please follow the guidelines of the True Unchanged Roman Catholic Church. Do a search for a Traditional Latin Mass Directory. They should help you decide what Latin Masses to attend . If one cannot attend a Mass or if there is no alternative in your area or if there is travel difficulty or any kind of hardship, one should stay home and read Holy Mass and pray. Whatever one does, one should stay away from the Novus Ordo!
