Wednesday 5 October 2022


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When bishops were bishops and Catholics were glad of it


Better that New Zealand's Catholic Bishops have millstones hanged about their necks and that they should be drowned in the depth of the sea (Mt 18:6).

Some might argue that in writing their latest public statement, giving "new diversity guidelines for Catholic schools", the bishops' motives were pure as the driven snow. Perhaps. Only God knows.

But on the face of it, NZ's Catholic Bishops are no longer Catholic. The very title of their press release yesterday directly contradicts the first chapter of Holy Scripture, the rock on which Catholic Church doctrine is established - for ever, no matter what Antipope Francis may say. "Male and female He made them" (Gen 1:27). 

And please spare us any sophistries of modernist, heretical theory which attempt to explain how there is now any number of genders to which "our rangatahi" as the bishops with all woke, undue regard for Te Reo, may claim to belong. The bishops are wedded to the world now, rather than to Christ and His Mystical Body, the Church.

And look at them now, with the Jesuit Bergoglio. 

The bishops have publicly repudiated Church and Scripture on the issue of 'gender diversity'. They do not believe what the Church has taught for millenia; they proclaim heresy, so they have incurred the penalty of latae sententiae. According to the 1983 Code of Canon Law, <latae sententiae> excommunication is incurred for these seven offenses: apostasy, heresy or schism (c. 1364, §1).

Let's not be squeamish about this. The Church as our Holy Mother defers to God our Father who as the model for earthly fathers (especially priests and bishops) must and will inflict just punishment on those who do evil, especially to His little ones - even unto millstones. Latae sententiae is just such a metaphorical millstone. 

The offender is barred (c. 1331, §1) from: having any ministerial participation in the Mass or, indeed, any ceremonies whatsoever of public worship; celebrating the sacraments or sacramentals and receiving the sacraments; and the discharge of any ecclesiastical ministries or functions whatever. 

While the Church is indeed a graced community empowered by the Spirit, its members are sinners reflecting the weaknesses and limitations of the human condition. Occasionally, their attitudes are contrary to the faith or their behavior is contrary to the Christian way of life...The community simply cannot afford to take no notice of those who reject sharing in the Church's mission or refuse the call to Christian witness in a significant way>. (Thomas J. Green in <The Code of Canon Law: A Text and Commentary>, James A. Coriden, Thomas J. Green, Donald E. Heintschel, eds., New York/ Mahwah, Paulist Press, 1985, p. 893.)

Can. 1369: A person who in a public show or speech, in published writing, or in other uses of the instruments of social communication utters blasphemy, gravely injures good morals, expresses insults, or excites hatred or contempt against religion or the Church is to be punished with a just penalty.  NZ's Bishops would seem to fill the bill.


There you have it. The bishops having incurred latae sententiae are barred from celebrating or receiving any sacraments of the Church. Of course, in the 'Francis Church' such trivia as excommunication are a bagatelle, a pre-Vat 2 hangover to be ignored with impunity by Antipope Francis and his disgraceful and disgraced hierarchy. But God will not ignore it and neither can faithful Catholics.  We and New Zealand as a nation will suffer His just chastisement for this. 

Faithful Catholics throughout New Zealand should be outraged by the NZ Bishops' denial of Church and Scripture teaching, that a homosexual lifestyle is intrinsically disordered. Not the homosexual, note, but the practice of homosexuality. 

This document undoubtedly serve to hasten the demise of our non-Catholic Catholic schools where, the bishops blithely assert, "Many are in a traditional nuclear family, many share living with mum or dad in different homes, some have two dads or two mums." How can a 'Catholic' school countenance children living in such an overtly sinful and harmful environment? BISHOPS, PLEASE EXPLAIN.

CATHOLICS, HOME-SCHOOL YOUR CHILDREN! Over 11 per cent of families in the United States are already disillusioned and disgusted enough to have withdrawn their children from the state system and teach them themselves. But that's another story.

We confess we haven't read the Bishops' statement in its entirety. We doubt whether we have the stomach for it.

Faithful Catholics should demand that these bishops resign. Let them start their own Church, like Luther - or join some Protestant sect. The trouble with that scenario is, none of the Protestants we know would want them. The Protestants we know teach their children to live by the Bible. Some Protestants we know are appalled by Antipope Francis and the treatment meted out in some New Zealand Catholic parishes to those faithful to Christ's teaching who refused the jab peddled by the 'pope' and the NZ Conference of Catholic Bishops, which is causing such untold heartbreak and misery throughout this country.

Stand up, Catholics! Speak to your Bishop and be counted for Christ! 

 Counted for Christ: Fr Miguel Agustín Pro SJ, executed in the Cristero War, Mexico, for the crime of being Catholic

"May God have mercy on you. May God bless you! Lord, thou knowest I am innocent! With all my heart I forgive my enemies"

- Fr Pro's last words.  




  1. The document codifies what they have been teaching in Catholic schools for years. It was all over the walls when Julia and I went to St Catherine's Catholic school in Wellington.

    Kids see through the lies and distortions, that is why there are so few young people in the faith these days. The liberal formula is already a complete failure. Only a few gay activists win, they get political power and more young flesh (but they almost certainly lose when they finally meet Christ).

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. It's a very un-catholic document.

    It completely ignores the sinfulness of homosexuality (LBGT+++).

    It just assumes the correctness of humanism and modernism, when both are heretical..

    But very tricky in its structure as they can point to different parts to support either their 'inclusiveness ' or to try and defend it as still being Catholic.
    What is missing Is the rejection of Sin. The teaching of the whole of the Catholic Faith, and that it must be believed in its entirety in order for a person to be Catholic.

  4. "Dear New Zealand Catholic Bishops, we would like to state, first and foremost, that this document is not acceptable to us nor to many other Catholics who know that there is no such thing as sexual diversity. We shouldn’t need to point out to the bishops that God created only two sexes, male and female. Where exactly are the bishops intending to draw the line, if any, when a young person decides they may want to identify as an animal, for instance? That is to be supported is it?

    As bishops, you are constantly failing in your duty to uphold Catholic moral teaching. You have set no proper example to young people over the years by pointing out to them the error of living in de facto relationships, drinking too much, taking drugs etc. We have heard that priests are instructed not to even mention hell or purgatory. Have the bishops lost the faith all together, not just the plot?

    As Catholics, we have a right to expect holy bishops who will uphold Catholic teaching. With this document, instead of finding ways to help confused young people, and setting out the moral standards and guidelines that were taught by generations of holy bishops and priests, which led to generations of good Catholic families, instead you are dragging young people into the mire with your acceptance and support of sexual diversity. Shame on you. What respect should any Catholic have for bishops who capitulate to the world? Sad to say that many protestant ministers are head and shoulders above the NZ “Catholic” bishops when it comes to upholding Christian moral teaching. We are utterly ashamed when asked by non-Catholic friends why the Church has sunk so low. It is not the Church that has sunk low it is the moral guardians, so-called.

    Quite frankly, bishops, we have had enough. We want Catholic bishops upholding Catholic teaching and, if you’re not prepared to do that, then you should resign. This document needs to be rescinded and an apology made to Catholics in this country."

  5. Previous 'Anonymous' is right, if you look carefully its a clever mix of gay activism with a bit of more or less correct Catholicism. But the overall drift is to promote the gay agenda. Pope Francis said make a mess. This document will do just that, make a mess.

    What is particularly bad is the way parents were left out of the consultation for the document. I know many parents who are desperately worried about the pro-fornication and pro-gay garbage that is being fed to their children in Catholic and state schools. Parents understand the damage these things do to their children. One Catholic parent told me their child was being bullied and told she was a lesbian because she wasn't hanging out. At the age of 7.

    So did the bishops consult parents, of course not. Perhaps parents are just too 'rigid'.
