Sunday 30 October 2022


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Halloween in Seoul- all dressed up and nowhere to go now but home, thanks be to God

"There's nothing we can do to please Jesus." The speaker was an elderly priest who studied for ordination before the time bomb that was Vatican II and before its noxious fruit, the Novus Ordo Missae, became de rigueur.

But since that time countless consciences in the Church have been further clouded by a Masonic influence, especially in Palmerston North Diocese, for so long and still today the preserve of Bishop (now Emeritus) Peter Cullinane.  And the "Don't Worry Be Happy" theme (because you're going to heaven No Matter What) has pervaded many more parishes than this one.

A good Proddy who overheard Father quoted was scandalised. Incredulous. As well he might be, as in one fell swoop that single sentence negates the entire Gospel, the whole of  Scripture and all the saints. 

Scripture, the saints, the Magisterium, Sacred Tradition all teach us that EVERYTHING we do should be done to please Jesus. That's the virtue of purity of intention. God created us to give Him glory and praise, now and in eternity and if we don't do it now we won't do it in eternity.

In our current bishops-who-are-not we see this denial of the Catholic faith made painfully apparent to all and sundry (one might think, although a steadily decreasing percentage of their flock still turn up on Sundays for their weekly dose of anaesthetic rather more than to receive Our Lord and God in the Eucharist, going by the manner of reception and the nature of the thanksgiving, both liturgical and personal).

It's this tragic state of Catholic affairs which partly drives the problem complained of by Karl du Fresne on his blog and picked up by Bassett Brash and Hide today. Du Fresne writes of cowardice in conservatives who will not stick their heads up over the parapet to challenge Ardern, Robertson&Co, Death Dealers to the Nation. Karl du Fresne: Why the culture wars are being lost by default (

Had the Catholic Church courageously resisted the tide of modernism - a heresy condemned by successive popes whom some would call King Canutes - which engulfed bishops worldwide in their proud yet cowardly refusal to accept Pope Paul VI's Humanae Vitae condemning artificial contraception, she would have remained the influencer nonpareil that she had been for centuries and confirmed millions in the faith, in the gifts, graces and virtues including courage and fortitude (and purity of intention of course) which the faith bestows.   

Instead of which, apostate priests and bishops have deserted the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church en masse to preach denial of Scripture, Tradition and Magisterium as instanced above, and to embrace that old whore, the world, whose worthless values are celebrated annually in the pagan festival of Halloween. 

And before anyone protests that Halloween originated in the Christian, Catholic feastday of All Hallows' Eve, that merely serves to illustrate our point. The feastday  which pious Catholics pre-Vat2 celebrated by visiting the Blessed Sacrament to pray for the holy souls in purgatory - a practice faintly ridiculed by our priest, who was taught in seminary to pray for people before they die, as they are dying, instead of afterwards (because that would be tantamount to admitting the reality of purgatory) - has been bastardised and degraded into the trick-and-treating of 'Halloween'.

Catholics should beware. At its best Halloween is superstition, and superstition, any exorcist will tell you, is an entry point for the devil.

And don't we see that today, as 151 people are reported dead in Seoul, Korea, in the party part of town when satan lured 151 people to their death. All dressed up and somewhere to go which you can never leave. We must pray for the souls who made it to purgatory, where even if, like little St Lucia's friend as Our Lady told her at Fatima, you might be detained until 'the end of the world' you wait with the glorious vision of Christ at your particular judgment to console you, certain of your eventual release to enjoy Him for ever.

And BTW: that beautiful expression seen by our priest so often, he says, on the face of the dying as they breathe their last, is no guarantee they will retain that expression for any longer than it reflects the vision of Christ at their judgment, after which they will retain it in heaven, or regain it after purgatory, or lose it for ever. 

Before we go - a little bit of wit and repartee online among the Vendeeans (the St Columba's Ashhurst Traditional Latin Mass community that Cardinal John Dew and Bishop Peter Cullinane hoped they'd obliterated). Inspired by our priest's idea that there is nothing we can do to please Jesus, the chat went like this:

Vendeean 'A': "The Mass is irrelevant. Christianity is irrelevant."

Vendeean 'B': "Include a SARC Tag if you're going to say stuff like that. It's 2022. Not everyone understands sarcasm."

'A': "OK, I will put a /sarc tag on in future. Our ultra liberal priests should put tags in their homilies also, eg /heresy or /radicalinclusive."

'B': "They do.Their lips are moving. /sarc." 

Vendeean 'C':”Priests, has the Latin Mass been replaced by Netflix which pleases Jesus?"  

Vendeean 'D': 


"The message of Pius X is such simple truth.  Why in the past 100 years have our priests hardened their hearts to the Truth?"


  1. Dieu le Roi! Happy Feast of Christ the King :)

  2. Halloween should not be celebrated by anyone. It is a day dedicated to the devil and black magic and the occult.

  3. Julia, you are wrong but right when you describe Vatican II as a "time bomb" and the Novus Ordo mass as "its noxious fruit." Vatican II was meant to rejuvenate the liturgy and the sacraments, it was never meant to totally redefine the Catholic faith. But Vatican II has been willfully misinterpreted as the 'spirit of Vatican II' to try to subvert the Church.

    Speaking for myself, I can accept the validity of the letter of Vatican II and the Novus Ordo mass. I totally reject the way both have been deliberately manipulated and bastardised.

    1. See: Vatican or Most Holy Family Monastery.

  4. Vatican
