Wednesday 26 October 2022


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Italy's new Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni - a Christian. Grazie, Giorgia!

"As Italian premier Giorgia Meloni forms her new government, we need to ask some serious questions about why an Italian Catholic politician takes the lead on the traditional pro-Catholic agenda, while the Pope and our NZ bishops seem to stagger in the opposite direction."

Another anguished reader of this blog - there are a lot of them about - is calling our would-be 'world-beater' bishops to account for their heretical modernist version of the Catholic religion. He'd like to know just what's going on in their heads/hearts. He has a genuine reason for remaining anonymous. He goes on: 

Meloni campaigned on a “God, homeland and family” platform.  She has said "yes to the natural family, no to LBGT lobbyists." She openly states she is Christian. She has said “Defending Christians, wherever they may be, also means defending our identity,” .... “It means reaffirming our connection to the sanctity of life, equality between men and women, the defence of the natural family founded on marriage.”

 As our reader indicates, New Zealand's 'trailblazing' bishops are merely playing follow-the-leader, tiptoeing timidly along the broad path to you-know-where behind Antipope Francis and his heretical hierarchy. Take a butcher's at the following, from Church Militant:

Jesuit Fr. Antonio Spadaro (is) blasting Italian politics as "bipolar," calling for a more centrist and moderate approach.

Father Spadaro and his La Civiltà Cattolica, are considered the unofficial mouthpiece of the Vatican due to his proximity to Pope Francis, also a Jesuit.

... In response to the election victory, president of the Italian Bishops' Conference Cardinal Matteo Zuppi harshly warned Meloni he would promote the common good and not personal interests ... the Church would defend "inviolable rights of the person and the community," he said - mentioning immigrants but not the unborn.

        (6,171,132 Italian babies have been murdered in their mothers'                               wombs since Italy legalized abortion in 1978.) 


Cardinal Zuppi - need we say more?


Faithful Catholics should note Cardinal Zuppi has reportedly condoned homosexual unions by the Church and later lied about it when confronted by an Italian Catholic newspaper. 

 Meloni keeps her pro-family and pro-life views no secret, blasting gender ideology.

Giorgia Meloni, president, Brothers of Italy:

"Why is the family an enemy? Why is the family so frightening? There is a single answer to all these questions: Because it defines us. Because it is our identity. Because everything that defines us is now an enemy for those who would like us to no longer have an identity. I can't define myself as Italian, Christian, woman, mother, no."

But - a big 'but': 

During China virus, Meloni got behind abortion-tainted jabs and lockdowns. ttps:// 

Maybe she believed the Antipope's spin on the jab - although she has said that she has "failed to understand Pope Francis". “I’m a believer and I listen to the words of His Holiness,” Meloni said in 2020, “but on a political level I don’t always share them.” What a tactful way of putting it. No wonder she got herself elected prime minister.

Many Catholics who elected Meloni are anti the Antipope. They oppose his modernism and favour the Church's traditional teachings.

In 2020 Meloni as president of Fratelli d'Italia stated: "In Europe, we care about every minority, but people don't want to see the biggest persecution of all — the global persecution of Christians." Meloni was flying the next day to attend President Trump's White House prayer breakfast.

Meloni identified "the main enemy today" as "the globalists" who "view identity in all its forms as an evil to be overcome and constantly ask to shift real power away from the people to supra-national entities headed by supposedly enlightened elites."

She was alluding to Pope Francis' call for supra-national institutions when addressing the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences in May 2019.  Today, "Pope John Paul II would be on the European Union's blacklist as a dangerous subversive" because of his patriotism, which "also enabled him to view current events in the light of Christian realism," Meloni added.  "(He) never tired of repeating that there is no Europe without Christianity."    

Rod Dreher, author of bestseller The Benedict Option: A Strategy for Christians in a Post-Christian Nation, warned that audience in 2020 that the religion of social justice is "a utopian political cult" and signals the rise of a "pink police state."

How right he was. As high priests of 'the religion of social justice'  New Zealand's bishops now lead 'a utopian political cult' and Jacinda Ardern's regime is 'a pink police state'.


Dreher identified today's revolutionary class as "not the German volk or the international proletariat, but the 'marginalized' and 'oppressed' — the sacred victim," and noted that "Western people will surrender political power to a state and to authorities who promise to protect their therapeutic desires — especially maximizing sexual freedom."

Dreher called upon conservatives to follow the example of Pope John Paul II by reclaiming and defending cultural memory, establishing solidarity by creating bonds among small groups, strengthening the Christian faith and embracing the value of suffering.

"This strikes at the heart of the pink police state and its therapeutic totalitarianism," he exclaimed.

Viktor Orbán, who caused a media stir at the conference, lauded Pope John Paul II as "the biggest defender of Central European countries on the world stage, whatever their religious background."

Orbán explained how his "new approach" of "Christian democracy" had replaced "liberal freedom" in Hungary. He explained how Christian democracy was based on "the universal Catholic approach" - "the only one which appreciates and accepts national sovereignty," adding: "That is the reason why in Hungary, where 75% are Catholic and 25% are Calvinists, we are able to cooperate for national sovereignty on a Christian-democratic basis. ... It is very unique, nobody likes it outside Hungary, the liberal press is always attacking us, making jokes of us, but it works," he said. "And the people vote for it again and again and again. ...

French National Front leader Marion Maréchal told the audience that France, "considered for centuries as 'the eldest daughter of the Church,'" was now turned "into the backroom of Salafism" with "150 French districts in the hands of Islamists."

"Every day in France, Catholic churches and cemeteries are ransacked and the media remains indifferent," Maréchal lamented.

In the terrible fire of Notre-Dame Cathedral, "by a miracle, everything that was essential was saved: relics, statues of saints, stained glass windows," she remarked, seeing this as "a call: to rebuild this roof that protects us and this spire that connects us to Heaven."

However, establishment media, academia and left-wing Church leaders labelled the conference fascist, populist and anti-Semitic ...

Cardinal Parolin even used his pulpit while celebrating Mass at the papal archbasilica of Saint John the Lateran to attack the conference: "Rome means universality, fraternity, openness to others. No to nationalism and closure, which are reactions — fundamentally infantile — before the big global world, which seems invasive."  
For further reading:



So we see clearly what is the mind of the Vatican: lefty, socialist (when socialism has been definitively defined as heresy by several popes) and globalist: that is to say, determined to destroy nationhood and hoover the whole world up willy-nilly into Klaus Schwab's Fourth Industrial Revolution. At the same time, by satanic sleight of hand to transform the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church into the WEF's New World Church with Antipope Francis as the globalists' spiritual leader. 

And Giorgia Meloni is standing in the way. The Catholic Herald: “The stage is surely set for an uneasy relationship between the new government in Rome and the Holy See.”

Which takes us back to our anguished reader:

Meloni campaigned on a “God, homeland and family” platform.  She has said "yes to the natural family, no to LBGT lobbyists." She openly states she is Christian.  She has said “Defending Christians, wherever they may be, also means defending our identity,” .... “It means reaffirming our connection to the sanctity of life, equality between men and women, the defense of the natural family founded on marriage."  

How embarrassing for the Pope; his office in Rome will probably be very close to Meloni's. Imagine what it will be like when the Pope is forced to meet her publicly.  Remember when the Pope met Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, both of them pro-abort politicians, the warmth the Pope displayed was palpable, the Pope's smiles were so warm.  


The Antipope meets baby killer extraordinaire Biden and 'Dr Jill' - divorced and 'remarried'

The Antipope meets babykiller extraordinaire Pelosi 

But when the Pope met Donald Trump, the most pro-life US president ever, the Pope's frowning face wore the most incredible scowl.  

for the most pro-life US president ever, 'the most incredible scowl'

I imagine the Pope will be saving his most twisted scowls for Meloni; I imagine he will find her traditional pro-Catholic values intolerable, even if they are shared by the many millions of Italian Catholics who voted for her. 

Is Meloni's success the start of a global backlash against the woke feminist/gay/anti-colonial/far-left agenda? The vast  majority of people inside and outside the Catholic Church may think so, they are sick of having a small minority of church activists ram this agenda down their throats. 

The Pope and our NZ bishops need to get over the 1960s secular ideology that formed them in their youth, and start preaching real Catholicism again. Otherwise the likes of Italian premier Giorgia Meloni will make them look very silly.

"When I walk in the midst of trouble, Thou preservest my life; against the wrath of my enemies Thy hand protecteth me, Thy right hand saveth me"

 - Ps 137:7


  1. One should only trust in God, not put trust in man or political party!

  2. The Covid Lie is strong with everyone, since most have taken the vaccine. No resistance or real fight was put against it or from anyone, despite many warnings and documented information that comes out. It is too little too late and people will get more tyranny and the sheeple majority will take everyone else with them!

  3. That's s right look away from the vaccine and the tyranny it has caused and make those behind it, escape! People are easily conned! They will accept the next pandemic or tyranny without question!

  4. Covid is the worship of Satanism!

  5. Those who took the vaccine will have no rest day and night. Forever and ever. They rejected knowledge and God will reject them. God does not play around. Yes, God is a God of Love, but He is also a God of Wrath! Do not play around with God! He knows what He is doing and has ordained. Man's ways are not God's ways!

    1. God does not send anyone to Hell! Man sends himself to Hell by his or her's choice, just as they send themselves to Hell if they choose to take the "vaccine" or to reject God and bow to men or worldy desires. There is more evils to come upon the world, planned by Satan, if people do not wake up, repent and stop sinning!

  6. Trump is an actor and a traitor! He is the Father of Operation Warp Speed, which started the poison "vaccines" for everyone and did other things his handlers wanted. He is not Pro-Life. He was Pro-Choice and Democrat, before he ran on the Republican Party to become President of the United States. He continues to promote the vaccines and ignores vaccine injuries and death from the "vaccines". Trump plays both sides and continues to fool his followers. Trump is part of the Deep State. The Pope's dismay with Trump was planned and fraudulent!

  7. It is a scandel, to the true Catholic Faith for a Catholic to be present at non-Catholic services. And the Novus Ordo Mass is a non-Catholic service! Get out!

    1. People perish for lack of knowledge! People, even Catholics pick and choose what they believe!

  8. The Covid Scam and its aftermath, was all a politics on a global scale? Get ready for Climate Change Fraud, Digital ID, Chips, Social Credit Scores, Passports for all kinds of reasons and more!

  9. The lesson learned from the Covid Fraud: Never underestimate the stupidity of people, to accept anything as a fact of "normal" way of life. The NWO has won this round.

    1. Why do people refuse to talk about the "vaccines"?

    2. People, everywhere do not want to know the truth! That is why most take the broad way to destruction!

  10. Dear Julia, " The fort has been betrayed, even by those who should have defended it". The minds of people belong to the devil. They do not even know it.

  11. Dear Julia, please do a post that the "vaccines" are the Mark of the Beast as a last attempt to save the few souls who will listen. The Apocalypse has begun. This is only a test run, they have worse things to come! If people knew who were really running the world, they would run from them! They have just started going after children and babies. Soon they will go after animals with the jab! They will also put "vaccines" in food! Do not put trust in men or any toxic government or corporations! Please let the people know and spread the information to public circles!
