Tuesday 4 October 2022


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Would anyone still take this man seriously, if he were not generally regarded as the head of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church? 

Any more than one would pay attention to poor Charles III, if he were not King of England etc etc? And incidentally, quite incontestably head of the Anglican Church? Incontestably probably because Satan doesn't bother his ugly head much about Anglican affairs.

Because Anglicans don't possess Jesus Christ, Son of God, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, in the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist. It is He whom Satan hates and opposes implacably. So it is Francis who, because of his incomparable status, is so much more in need of our fervent prayer for his repentance, healing and conversion.

LifeSiteNews and The Remnant have been engaged in this controversial yet necessary fight for truth and true religion for years, even more so as the errors and dangers of Pope Francis’ pontificate have become increasingly more evident.

For the very latest in the fight, from The Remnant, view this epic RTV documentary which explores the history, the present, and the future of the Pilgrimage from Paris to Chartres, the premier event uniting faithful Catholics from countries all over the world. Michael Matt reports a growing concern in France that the French bishops may prohibit use of the Chartres Cathedral for the 2023 pilgrimage. In light of the motu proprio of Pope Francis, Traditionis Custodes, restricting the Latin Mass worldwide, the Pilgrimage emerges as a powerful counteroffensive in support of the Mass of history.

Paris-Chartres Pilgrimage


From the very first moment of this pontificate in 2013, there was scandal.


newly-elected Francis with pope-maker Danneels (r), still then concealing an icky past

On the balcony at his proclamation, Francis was accompanied by none other than the dissident cardinal, Godfried Danneels. The same Danneels who reportedly encouraged the Belgian King to legalize abortion, and has openly admitted to being part of the clerical “mafia” that plotted Francis’ election.

We love him enough to call him out, and it is because of this love that we must call him out frankly and encourage his brothers in the episcopate to do the same. For our sake, for the sake of our children, and for Pope Francis’ own soul – we must resist.

In 2016, Cardinal Burke remarked in the wake of Francis’ controversial exhortation Amoris Laetitia that he was particularly concerned that “there are those who refer to the objective reality of the grace of marriage as merely an ideal to which we more or less seek to conform ourselves.”

This statement was of course in response to the doctrinal bomb found in the footnotes of the pope’s document which seemed to change unchangeable Church teaching on divorce and remarriage.

But Burke called on us to “resist” the temptation to accept novelties that contradict tradition, no matter the source.

That is why we can say here with full confidence and no fear, that we, as faithful Catholics, have a duty before God to resist the attempts to undermine defined dogma on moral questions which are being relentlessly attacked by faithless globalists, Vatican bureaucrats and even by Francis himself.

In 2021, Pope Francis addressed the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund at their spring meeting, calling for “global governance” in light of COVID-19, pushing strongly for “universal vaccines.” 

In a book-length interview in the same year titled, “God and the world to come,” Francis called for the creation of “a new world order,” echoing the sentiments of the World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab who pines for a global technocratic “Great Reset” as capitalism.

Even when this 90 year-old prince of the Church travelled recently to Rome to speak with him. 

He has cozied up with depopulation fanatics like Jeffrey Sachs, and has seemingly endorsed the use of contraception to prevent pregnancy in regions with the Zika virus, causing both confusion and scandal to those trying to defend the orthodoxy of the magisterial tradition of the Church.

Of course, there too is the pachamama debacle that took place in 2019 at the Amazonian Synod, when a demonic idol was processed into the heart of the Vatican.

Francis was also at the forefront of the COVID agenda, supporting the criminal lockdowns and mass vaccination campaigns that have led to untold consequences that far outweigh the harm caused by the virus itself.

Finally, and most recently, bishops – the successors of the Apostles – of the Catholic Church, including Bishop Joseph Strickland and Bishop Athanasius Schneider, have issued a formal correction relating to heresy found in Francis’ June letter, Desiderio Desideravi.

We, the faithful, must continue to pray fervently for Francis. We love him enough to call him out, and it is because of this love that we must call him out frankly and encourage his brothers in the episcopate to do the same. For our sake, for the sake of our children, and for Pope Francis’ own soul – we must resist.


St Francis at Prayer
Esteban Murillo
St Francis, on your feastday we implore you to intercede for your namesake in Rome 


  1. Francis is no Pope. He does not deserve any respect. He is a complete disgrace, not only for his heresies but especially for all the Covid nonsense and "vaccines" he pushed on people. He does not work for you and your soul.it was simply to increase the wealth of the Vatican. Wake up !

  2. Yes, Jorge Bergoglio a.k.a. pope francis is the false prophet! He is the Deadly Beast mention in the BOOK OF REVELATION. A Wolf's in Sheep's clothing! Please bear that in mind. No prayers accorded to him because he is destined to be in hell. He is the Second person of the UNHOLY TRINITY!
