Saturday 31 August 2024


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Father Michael Mary of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer

The Vatican has suspended Bishop Michael Gielen's unexplained expulsion of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer (Transalpine Redemptorists, FSSR) from Christchurch Diocese. Which, considering the fact that +Gielen was directed to move the Sons out of the diocese by the Vatican itself, is intriguing to say the least. 

Father Michael Mary FSSR says the case against the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer and against the Daughters will be properly reviewed by the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life. The priests remain suspended and their Masses will remain private until the review is completed.

Could Rome's suspension of its own diktat be a reaction to the Sons taking court action against Bishop Gielen - if necessary, to the Dicastery which issued the recommendation for expulsion in the first place? In the interests of not causing any further trouble for the Sons, we'll say no more. For the nonce, that is.

The Sons follow the monastic rule of St Alphonsus Liguori (1696 -1787) 

Below is the letter issued yesterday to the Sons' supporters:

My dearly beloved faithful


I am pasting here a message from Fr Michael Mary about our recourse to Rome. This is not the end, but indeed a good beginning. Thanks be to God we are being listened to.


"I have just heard from the Dicastery in Rome that they have SUSPENDED our expulsion from the diocese until they have properly reviewed the case.


The Daughters' expulsion from the diocese and suppression of their community has also been SUSPENDED until the case is properly reviewed.

As expected, the priests remain suspended and their Masses remain private until after the case is reviewed. That is to be expected because it would be a very negative and confrontational thing to force a bishop to return us our faculties. This is not so difficult to live with either.

The term "private Mass" does not refer to Mass with neither a server nor a congregation, but rather to an unscheduled Mass, regardless of the number of faithful present and regardless of the degree of solemnity (a High Mass can still be a private Mass).


We have a priest present for Confessions and the others of us, while in the diocese of Christchurch, offer our Masses privately.

I suppose the Bishop of Christchurch is not going to tell people that his case against us and our expulsion have been suspended by Rome. But we will be able to tell anyone who asks. Please pass the news around."


God bless


Fr Anthony Mary


Raising the Young Man of Naim (Paolo Veronese)

"And he that was dead, sat up, and began to speak."

- Gospel, Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost


  1. All very questionable

  2. What’s the backstory here? Why were they expelled in the first place?

    1. See

  3. My first guess, without knowing anyyyyything - they were too Catholic

    1. They look kinda Catholic 😉😉😉
      (Which you know, is a problem ...)

  4. No more of this heavy handedness from Rome.

  5. I wonder if anyone involved was ever capable of doing anything productive or if they were only ever capable of wandering around in silly costumes and doing things that are a waste of time.

    1. If only you knew now, how devastatingly SILLY your comment is. Because one day you will - but it may be too late.

    2. Something tells me you're not capable of wondering about much anyway.

  6. Fr Michael Mary is a liar and should not be trusted. Where there is smoke there is fire, not many priests have 18 complainants against them over several years.

    1. Anonymous, you could be sued for defamation for your statement (above). That is, you could be sued if you'd had the honesty to put your name to it. But you didn't. Of course the Sons wouldn't sue, they'd simply pray for you.

  7. In all fairness, Bp Gielen needs to publicly inform the diocese just as he had earlier informed them of the expulsion. This is to prevent confusion and yes, a sign of humility. And lo and behold, for that elusive transparency.

  8. #TruthBubbles only way is up and out

  9. I don't like putting money in the plate for that crap, nor a war.

    1. I refuse to contribute to the coffers of Francis church. Rather than attend any more of his N O Masses I now assist and donate at the SSPX a couple of hours away once a month; otherwise at the nearest diocesan Latin Mass an hour and a quarter away, where I contribute to the local diocesan priest's travelling expenses.

  10. Great news. Praise God. Total over-reach.

  11. Praise God, hopefully they’ll get back to saying Mass, only the Truth will prevail

  12. Praise God!! Someone is clearly listening to the Holy Spirit and not to man!!

  13. Bishops Gielens own niece (a poor clare nun based here in UK) is fed much information from her uncle claiming the parishioners particularly who go there are out of step with Francis and V2. Thats the real reason. I asked her if those are the only exception our new synodal church must not journey with? She turned her back and resumed her vow of silence now.

  14. Yes, it is very unusual. But before we dream up “conspiracy theories “ let’s see what truly emerges.

  15. Can Rome do anything without being criticized? Geez

    1. Hardly anything, these days. And I'd add that 'Geez' is most likely a corruption of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, so an expression to be avoided.

    2. Devan Narbone-Brandalick10 September 2024 at 14:32

      Dante Duran, Rome is a den of theives. Those true sons and daughters of the Lord belong to tradition, rather than homosexual blessings and pachamama

  16. Let’s see how many conspiracies we can dream up, since this has NEVER happened before in 2,000 years of the church.

  17. I could not follow the original post. The Vatican ordered the bishop to ban the Sons group but they sued him so the Vatican suspended the order to cancel the Sons....etc.?

  18. Novus Ordo nonsense! They don't believe in anything in terms of the true Catholic faith. Much ado about nothing!

  19. The world Jewish congress opened an office at the Vatican. Need there anymore to be said?

    1. Antipope Francis would call that an act of love. Of charity.
      In reality he is in the business of obliterating the truths of the Catholic faith in the interests of subsuming the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church into a new World Church to serve Satan and the Antichrist. We must pray that his demonic designs are defeated.
