Monday 2 September 2024


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"Potentially problematic"

There are a zillion reasons why a chap like Lindsay Perigo might eschew religion (any and all religions, he says here), but with witty luminaries like GK Chesterton adorning the annals of the Catholic Church we may asssume lack of a sense of humour isn't why he doesn't embrace the only religion that finally matters. 

A much more likely reason for Perigo's recalcitrance in regard to Catholicism would be rampant wokery in Francis church - you know, the antipapal establishment which pretends to be the Mystical Body of Christ. Which ackshually now resides only in "the remnant", the millions of faithful laity and priests who assist in growing numbers at the Traditional Latin Mass worldwide, in spite of a degenerate hierarchy's demonic efforts to get rid of it.

Anyway, it's Monday and we all (especially rad-trads) need a laugh to start the week, so here's Linz. But for current calamities in the Bergoglian Bunfight begging for disclosure (especially to Novies), he would have been posted here last Thursday. 

Can you imagine the word salad of "Commie La La's" other 23 minutes? 

Perigo's Perspective, Paul Brennan Breakfast, Reality Check Radio, Thurs Aug 29, 2024


Audio [NB - Those who merely read and neglect to listen will be sentenced to an hour of Commie La-La's fry-quacking every day for the rest of their blighted lives!]:


First and foremost this week, by overwhelming popular demand, I'm going to revisit the place at which we ended last week, so positive was the feedback.


Amanda wrote, "I was wetting my pants laughing. Best way to start a beautiful day."  Dale: "What a great way to start the day, with a huge belly laugh."  Anon: "That song was hilarious.They will probably arrest us in a few years for downloading that. Thank goodness for RCR." Beth: "Lindsay knocked it out of the park this morning. To infinity and beyond. Loved it." Dave: "We're all mental now. Love it Lindsay. Play it again, Sam." Jan: "Please could you replay "We're All Far-Right Now." It was hilarious!" Sharon: "Lindsay Perigo, never stop! I look forward to your opinion every Thursday, and today was no exception. The song had me roaring with laughter. Who was it?"


It was Dominic Frisby, libertarian comedian and commentator from Britonistan, member of the now-defunct Brexit Party, precursor to the Reform Party. He has a YouTube channel called Dominic Frisby Comedy Videos, which, miraculously, has not been taken down by Woke-Fascist Google. I'm going to end today with his very naughty self-confessed hate speech. But right now, by popular request, We're All Far Right Now.    We're all Far Right Now


Part of the fun of YouTube is reading the comments. Among those on this video:

"We are not 'far right,' we are just right so far.

"This is exactly what is happening in every Anglo nation right now. You could play this in London, New York, Toronto and Sydney, and everyone could relate."

"This should be the anthem for 2024."

"It's Okay everyone, the BBC fact checkers said none of this is in fact true."

"This song rings so true to me. For quite a while now I've been thinking that when the news says 'far right' they just mean normal people."

I doubt I would qualify as normal, but a bit of "normalcy" would be nice in these times of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Commie La-La squawked Trump's name 16 times during her acceptance speech at the DNC. She's now trying to worm her way out of the debate with Orange ...

 "Orange" being short for Orange Man Bad which is short for Trump. Geddit?

... scheduled for September 10 on Fake News ABC, having already declined his challenge to debate on Fox on September 5th.




She's demanding the rules be changed: rules already agreed upon by her and observed during the CNN debate with Beijing Biden the Bribed Bastard. Each candidate's microphone to be muted while the other candidate was speaking. That was insisted upon by the Biden camp to protect him from interjections. It's actually what did him in, because he had to speak for two minutes uninterrupted, and he couldn't do it.


It was the first time television audiences apart from Fox's got to see Beijing's dementia in unambiguous terms. Commie La-La has equal difficulty speaking coherently, spontaneously, for two minutes, without the excuse of dementia, though delirium might be valid. So she's asking for that rule to be dropped. Open mikes at all times. Please Donald, interrupt me so I don't have to finish a thought. And I get to do my "I'm speaking" routine!   Commie La-La  whole clip


I can't wait for a debate. Commie La-La will have to defend the evil legacy of the Beijing Biden administration, not pretend that Trump has been President these last three years. She will have to articulate  policies which she is studiously avoiding right now.


Her web site displays not one single policy, just a donate page. The Border Tsar will have to defend open borders. The Vice-President will have to defend the treasonous conduct of the Afghanistan withdrawal, where she says she was the last person in the room with Beijing when the decision to pull out the military without first getting out Americans and those who had helped them, and gift a strategic airbase and $83 billion worth of military equipment to those famed upholders of women's rights, the Taliban.



21 Egyptian Coptic Christians beheaded by Islamic extremists for refusing to convert to Islam.


That'll be a hard one.13 American soldiers lost their lives that day after a crazed Muslim suicide attack. Trump, looking every inch like a President, commemorated the 3rd anniversary of the event with those soldiers' parents at Arlington National Cemetery this week;  Beijing Biden infamously looked at his watch every time a coffin was unloaded when the bodies were first returned.


While Trump was at Arlington, Beijing snored on a beach. Small wonder, given all the evil she would have to defend, Commie La-La hasn't given a single interview or press conference in over a month and is only now on the verge of doing one with her running mate Tampon Tim Wuhan Walz on Fake News CNN which is in the tank with her.


Not that we'd be any the wiser if she had been doing interviews, necessarily. Her excruciating word salads would have us lunging for the Shiraz. One of the things I look forward to with the return of Orange Man Bad is plain speaking, our contemporary equivalent of Reagan's "Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall."


I got to thinking about who, among OUR politicians, would be capable of "Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall"? Luxon would have kittens at the merest suggestion. Seymour would have to run it by the law firm of Franks, Pfizer, Soros and Schwab who would undoubtedly say no. Winston would have to hold a referendum first. Hard Labour, the Shoplifters' Party and Te Paaaaati Apaaaaaartheid would say, "Mr Gorbachev, build the wall higher."  


And that's the problem. The latter three parties  always state their case unapologetically. They are militant in their evil, commies proudly. Our lot, we the normal people, are too often we the weasel worders. Disgusting, vile totalitarian things are never called that; according to  weasel-worders; they are merely "disturbing," "troubling," "concerning," "potentially problematic," or at best, on a really brave day, "unacceptable." Disgusting, vile totalitarian things should be called disgusting, vile and totalitarian.


Peter Sellers was onto this penchant for word salads and weasel words, this flowery puffery signifying nothing, decades ago, in this spoof of a party political address.    Sellers Party political speech


The absence of weasel words among good people is depressingly rare.  Therefore my heart leapt when I heard the former chaplain to Queen Elizabeth reacting to Prince William the Woke's desire not to be head of the Church - sorry, community - of England when he becomes King. Dr Gavin Ashenden spelled out explicitly whom this would encourage:.    Queen's Chaplain on Islam   Dr Gavin Ashenden   4.50  "Islam is not shy"  to  6.59  "Virtues of different religions."

Dr Gavin Ashenden, ex-Anglican priest and chaplain to Queen Elizabeth II, would seem further evidence that the Catholic religion is the only one that matters. In the end. 


I don't think any religion has any virtue - all religion as best as I can tell requires the abandonment of reason, and credulous submission to nonsense.

Which is to say, Dr Ashenden has abandoned reason and credulously has submitted to nonsense. Is that reasonable? 

But everyone should be free to adhere to any religion of his choosing as long as he doesn't try to force it on others. Christians don't, these days; Muslims do. There is a verse in the Koran that says there is no coercion in religion. Let the followers of Muhammed remember that one! 


Let there be no coercion in anything! Which leads us neatly, back to Dominic Frisby,  from his album Libertarian Love Songs:


The Resurrection of the Widow's Son at Naim (James Tissot)

And he that was dead, sat up, and began to speak. 

-Gospel, Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost


  1. Yep....that's what it's coming to......

  2. Lindsay Perigo is a follower of the Ayn Rand cult; Objectivism. Her views can be reduced to, "There is no God, and man is made in His image." If you are interested Scott Ryan's critique of Objectivism is brilliant.
