Friday 13 September 2024


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There are those who'll cry "RACIST" at the sight of the image (above) posted on this page. You know what? We don't care. Because although it pertains to Maori wards rather than the Treaty, the principle is the same. The image graphically depicts the bully-boy reaction of the tiny minority of Maori who feel entitled by their colour to privilege, when that privilege is threatened.

New Zealand must never give in to racist bullies but on the issue of ACT's Treaty Principles Bill, National is waving a cowardly white flag and reneging on the Coalition's promise. Cabinet has added a nasty word salad to the Bill which indicates Luxon and Co reckon that as long as it's Parliament who decides New Zealand should be divided on the issue of the colour of your skin, racism is fine and dandy.

Luxon and Co seem driven more by a lust for power than a love of principle and our Marxist media will be egging them on in much the same way as the US media are all for Killer Kamala Harris. New Zealanders who love their country and hate racism must do all they can to support the Treaty Principles Bill but oppose the second of Cabinet's principles which would negate the Bill.

Here's Don Brash to explain and encourage. 


The Government put out a press release this week about the Treaty Principles Bill and it included something we weren't expecting... trust me when I say we are going to need everyone to pitch in if we are to secure a victory now.


The Cabinet has agreed in advance to three principles being added to the Bill as it now heads off to the drafters. It has been clear to all that National are deeply uncomfortable at having to deliver on their coalition promise and it appears they have attempted to neuter the Bill before it is even written. Here are Cabinet's additional principles:


  1. Civil Government: The Government of New Zealand has full power to govern, and Parliament has full power to make laws. They do so in the best interests of everyone, and in accordance with the rule of law and the maintenance of a free and democratic society.

       2. Rights of Hapū and Iwi Māori: The Crown recognises the rights that hapū            and iwi had when they signed the Treaty. The Crown will respect and                    protect those rights.
Those rights differ from the rights everyone has a reasonable expectation to enjoy only when they are specified in legislation, Treaty settlements, or other agreement with the Crown.

3. Right to Equality: Everyone is equal before the law and is entitled to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination. Everyone is entitled to the equal enjoyment of the same fundamental human rights without discrimination.

Number two would entrench the race-based rights that we were hoping that this Bill would do away with!

The Cabinet's position is that it will be perfectly ok for two levels of rights; that it is perfectly acceptable that different groups get different rights. That so long as Parliament legislates race-based discrimination, then that's ok.

This is madness! It is the very opposite of what the Treaty Principles Bill is meant to do.


We must do two things in order to get a workable Treaty Principles Bill over the line:

1. We need to get as many submissions on the Bill as possible. More than we have ever had before.

2. We need those submitters to support the Bill but oppose the inclusion of number two of the Cabinet's principles as currently worded.

The media is going to be no help to us whatsoever. They have decided that the Treaty Principles Bill must be defeated and they will publish open letters on the front page to ensure that outcome. Meanwhile, they refuse to print our ads.


We must find ways to communicate with New Zealanders that don't involve the partisan and patronising media. If you're as frustrated as we are, join the fight.

We will need a dedicated website to facilitate submissions and provide information. Then we've got to send New Zealanders to it.


You will have seen us run campaigns on Facebook and Instagram before and that is one tactic we want to use again. But running ads on social media comes at a cost. Fortunately, our ads always have an incredibly low 'cost per click' because people eagerly engage with them and this means we can get good bang for our buck. Click here to chip in to fund social media ads.


We also need to find friends who have websites, large social media platforms, billboards, signage space and similar because experience tells us the mainstream companies will be too afraid. We will hear "we just want to stay out of it" over and over.


Please reply to this email if you can help in this regard.


This is a 'now or never' situation. It isn't the first time Parliament has attempted to define the principles, but one gets the feeling the door will slam shut if this Bill fails too. Will you take this rare opportunity to change the course of our country for the better? Chip in to the Treaty Principles Fund.


The Prime Minister says the Bill will be introduced in November. That leaves us a matter of weeks to build our website and prepare our strategy. But without the involvement of supporters like you we won't be able to do it. Are you in?


Elliot and I will stand on the side of the road waving a sign if it comes to it, but if we want to succeed we have to go big!


So what do you think? Will you answer the call?



  1. Check.out Chris Trotters opinion piece in the Otago Daily Times.

  2. The voting should have been done in private to prevent any intimidation from either side No fear When the referendum is completed there will be no intimidation so Councils will find out the mindset of the ratepayers Councils are trying to squirm out of it citing costs but the govt will have none of it The people rule

    1. Similar kind of thing happened at the Ruapehu District Council meeting regarding the same subject......a suspicious person might start to think this type of action has been planned around New Zealand.


    2. Andy Harland Agree! "planned" - imagine a spread sheet of all the land claims, all the payouts, handouts, generational beneficiaries; New Zealand has paid out to maori? New Zealand has been probably bought and sold, several times over, and has nothing to show for it, but more grievance, together with a dying economy!?

  3. It’s a scam by a very small number of corrupt politicians and mega wealthy Māori who have milked the fascist regime, acting as our elected government, which it is not ! But is simply run by others from overseas, ie Blackrock, and the UN, WEF, WHO, IMF all of which are unelected, corrupt corporations with the evil intent of stealing this country and enslaving those left alive .. this type of control is being done from within our parliament by corrupted greedy puppet politicians, to name a few Ardern, Hipkins, Luxon, Seymour, & others who work for other government departments like health, education, police, judiciary, central banks etc.. this entire government is a joke and it’s a huge scam by evil intent
