Saturday 7 September 2024


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Wellington's Victoria University wants to destigmatize paedophilia and is calling for volunteers to do the necessary research. Suppress your involuntary shudders, you normies, and see how we've arrived at the end (almost) of the "long march through the institutions" of the socialist revolution.

It started with the Bolsheviks in 1917. The world was warned even then - at Fatima, in Portugal  - and ever since in several succeeding Marian apparitions, of the errors of communism and its eventual triumph in every nation on the planet. Vic's Queer Theorists of the Left are steering the evil marxist machine closer and closer to its goal of the dissolution of all societal norms, among them the prohibition on child rape, aka paedophilia.

And what are New Zealand's Catholic bishops doing to save Kiwi mankind from this publicly funded massacre of the Gospel? They actually assist it, by their dead silence on abortion - the sacrifice of children to adult self-interest - and their Aroha and Diversity in Catholic Schools, which offers abortion survivors to a modern Moloch on the altar of sodomy. The thing is, abortion and Catholic schools are publicly funded. Like Victoria University. 

Victoria University of Wellington studying ways to reduce stigma towards people with paedophilic tendencies


In brief

  • Victoria University of Wellington is researching ways to reduce stigma towards people with paedophilic tendencies.
  • The researchers ask whether more educational modules reduce stigma more effectively than a single module.
  • The study has sparked outrage, especially regarding the language used, with terms like “people with a sexual attraction to children” instead of “paedophiles,” raising public concern.
  • Some question whether a publicly funded university should engage in such controversial studies.


Controversial research draws criticism

Victoria University of Wellington is conducting a study to explore whether education can reduce stigma towards individuals with paedophilic tendencies. 


The study, titled “Testing the Effect of Educational Modules for Reducing Stigma Towards People with a Sexual Attraction to Children,” is supervised by Associate Professor Hedwig Eisenbarth and researcher Courtney Spiller. 


It involves two surveys and four educational modules over ten days.


Victoria University of Wellington studying ways to reduce stigma towards people with paedophilic tendencies - Centrist
Posters seeking participants for the study were photographed on campus. Image: X

This research has been widely criticised on social media where it has even caught the attention of Canadian clinical psychologist Dr Jordan Peterson. These posters state that the study was approved by the university’s ethics committee ...

"University's ethics" is an oxymoron 

... further intensifying public criticism.


Bob McCoskrie, CEO of Family First NZ, criticised the study, stating: “The stigma is there for a good reason. It’s a very healthy stigma which hopefully redirects the offender. But more importantly, the stigma is there to try and protect the victim.”


Disturbing survey questions

In simple terms, the study’s hypothesis is that by providing “educational modules,” participants may not only increase their knowledge but could also reduce their “stigmatising attitudes” toward “people with a sexual attraction to children.”


In other words, participants might view these individuals with less judgement by the end of the study.

There's no "might" about it. 


The study also seeks to determine if more educational modules are more effective in reducing stigma compared to just one. As the study states, “the decrease in stigmatising attitudes… in the Multiple Intervention Modules Condition will be greater” than in the group that receives fewer lessons. 


Survey questions raise concerns over softer stance on paedophilia

The study’s survey includes questions that have raised alarm for appearing to adopt a softer stance on individuals with paedophilic tendencies. 


For instance, participants are asked to agree or disagree with statements like “People are not responsible for their sexual preferences, but they are responsible for their behaviour” and “People with a sexual attraction to children should experience leniency when dealing with the legal system.”

And they will experience "leniency" from  New Zealand's judiciary, invaded and corrupted like all our institutions, especially the Catholic Church which should serve as a bulwark against them, by socialist thinkers.


These questions suggest an openness to understanding or even empathising with individuals attracted to children, a notion that many find deeply troubling. Critics, like McCoskrie, argue that terms like “people with a sexual attraction to children” are part of a broader effort to normalise paedophilia, which they see as dangerous.



Should taxpayer money fund such research?

The study argues that reducing stigma could mitigate negative consequences, such as mental health problems, and ideally reduce the risk of sexual offending by encouraging help-seeking behaviour.


Similarly, a 2018 Massey University study stated that: “Participants expressed a need for greater support options for minor-attracted persons and approaches to support that are not founded on stereotypical understandings of minor-attraction. This would recognise that minor-attracted persons who have not offended are not simply “potential offenders” but are human beings who can be prosocial and wish to be accepted in society.”  


University of New South Wales Professor Michael Salter has previously warned about the dangers of framing paedophilia as a misunderstood sexual orientation, saying, “The myopic focus of ‘MAPs’ scholarship on the supposed ‘stigma’ suffered by paedophiles has close parallels with the cognitive distortions of child sex offenders.”


The risk that this study could provoke public outrage and political trouble for the university is acute.

Public outrage and political trouble for NZ universities generally already exists. 

It may lead to a loss of trust in Victoria University of Wellington as a publicly funded institution, especially among those who believe taxpayer money should be directed towards less controversial research.


Birth of the Virgin Mary (Luca Giordano)

O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee


  1. There is NOTHING normal about paedophilia! Just ask ANY child that has been abused by one! It is not to be normalised! Disgusting!

  2. Stephen Magendans8 September 2024 at 00:06

    Stephen Magendans
    Putin warned of this over a decade ago

  3. Dear Mother of God how are we letting this happen.. You are right we never hear from our Bishops. I know Bishop Steve has gone to New Guinea to see the Pope, as he was not present at Bishop Dennis Browne's funeral. There is worse to come and we must be strong.

  4. No .. they will always be filthy paedophiles . It will NEVER BE ACCEPTED

  5. Oh come on - get real "The world was warned at Fatima in 1917 of the errors of communism and its eventual triumph in every nation." Stop idolizing the RC religion, and especially veneration or worship of Mary. "Our Lady of Fátima is the title given to the Virgin Mary as she appeared before three shepherd children near the village of Fátima, Portugal, in 1917. She identified herself to them as the Lady of the Rosary. The Roman Catholic Church officially recognized the Fátima events as worthy of belief in 1930." The true church does not recognize Mary as an object of worship, nor any sort of reincarnation of her. This is no different that other false prophets that have arisen and started new movements and religions and cults. Worship of Mary is cult worship.
    " Our Lady of Fátima supposedly gave the children three secrets and repeatedly exhorted them to pray the rosary for world peace and emphasized the necessity of devotions to her Immaculate Heart in order for souls to be saved." En. Britannica.
    "devotions to her Immaculate Heart". What rot, Mary was a woman that was privileged, and was herself a true worshipper, but not of herself, and she would have abhorred any worship towards herself.

  6. Mary is not and has never been worshipped by Catholics.

  7. Perhaps then, Julia, God is to blame.
    For if it were not for him this situation would never have come about.
    Heaven and Hell wouldn't exist, no religion too, nor would love brother love and all that other wearying waffle.
    Folks would use rationale, common sense.... and blugeon the dirty pedos when they attack their kids.
    As for Vic Uni and it's parading pompedours of faux intellectuals they'd be put in the public stocks and pelted with dog shit.
    Simple solutions are best

    1. Dear Greg, if it weren't for God nothing would have come about. Nothing would exist. There would be no folks to use rationale and commonsense or blugeon (sic) the "dirty pedos". Neither would Vic exist, nor its faux intellectuals.
      You are right in saying simple solutions are best - God, Who is Love, is simplicity Itself. It's mankind's insistence on its own self-will, instead of God's perfect will, which complicates everything.

    2. But, but, we are made in God's image, apparently;..... was he thus wilful?
      Us then being wilful too.
      This God business is very confusing for an aged beginner.

    3. Yes we are made in God's image. Our first parents, Adam and Eve, were graced with all the beauty and glory of God Himself and were intended by Him to enjoy that beauty and glory for ever. But they defaced the image in which they were made with the "original sin" and we inherit their sinfulness.
      If I were you I'd get hold of Bishop Athanasius Schneider's "Credo". He is a very holy man and states God's truths with great clarity and simplicity.

    4. All very well but I fear snakes, apples and holy men are a pot pourri for mischief making.
      Though Bishop Athanasius Schneider name I shall file for future reference; who knows, we all have something to offer and something to learn.
      However, Bishop's, too, authorities of all kinds give me great cause for the Willie's.
      You know what I mean?

    5. God casts out fear. That's why I recommend +Schneider's "Credo". So that you may discover God.

  8. What's next as this world spins into deathly spirals of negativity and the decline in humanity thru such actions and changes in our so called being a human....😔 Wake up people and protest.Stand in your pwoer...and dont get caught up in this demonic shift in consciousness.

  9. Time our university's are shut down ,not for for purpose anymore.

  10. It is NOT, NEVER HAS BEEN and NEVER WILL BE A NORMAL SEXUAL PRACTISE. This is just an attempt to open a gateway for these abusers. Any sexual activity with a child is ABUSE and YES EVERY SINGLE PAEDOPHILE IS AN ABUSER I don't care what anyone says.

  11. The glaringly obvious fact of course, is that all sexually abused children and adolescents are abused by pedophiles, and not another group. And protecting children and adolescents from harm is what is important, not being the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff. The very word 'Pedophilia' refers to the abuse of children and adolescents. Having an attraction (temptation) to abuse children and adolescents might not necessarily make someone a pedophile, but nor does it make it 'normal'. It is problematic and threatening. It is toxic to the extreme and a red flag. Having a propensity toward anything evil or harmful, particularly when it involves hurting a child, is a serious problem. Like any other addiction, it needs help before the temptation becomes irresistible and a child gets abused. Just as those with a drinking problem need help before they harm another life. And a pedophile isn't just someone who is tempted to sexually abuse children and adolescents, it someone who DOES it. It is an addiction which is an illness. It would not be wise for an alcoholic to work in a pub, brewery, or bottle store, just as pedophiles shouldn't work or live around children. And changing the meaning of the word doesn't diminish the temptation to do it.

  12. Chrissie Quantrill Buckley Johansson8 September 2024 at 00:29

    Chrissie Quantrill Buckley Johansson
    It Will Be The Pedo's Pushing For That!! Sickos!!!

  13. Hi. Where can I find evidence of Vic University trying to normalize pedophilia?

  14. No matter the word salad they use these people are dangerous to children and should be locked away so that children are safe. What the hell are these so called academics thinking? This course needs to be shut down now.

  15. Peter Tait Shewan8 September 2024 at 00:36

    If I had my way I would shoot dead paedophils . Absolute scum of the earth do away with them they cause so much grief!! They are horrible people .!!!

  16. I'm not sure about destigmatizing. But I think woodchipperizing is a great idea.

  17. I knew this was coming.
    Total perversion
    We are really living in an Evil world.

  18. Bunch of sickos. Paedophilia is a heinous crime. It's affect on the victims is devastating. The following is what awaits those who practice and try to normalize it. May they be warned:
    Matthew 18:6 NASB1995
    [6] but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.

  19. No, it is NOT a normal orientation.
    Maybe they aren’t all abusers directly in terms of actual contact, but most will use child p*rn and that IS abuse.
    Saying NO to behaviours and proclivities isn’t demonising people. It’s remembering that we’re allowed to have standards.

  20. They should all be sh-t

  21. Im enjoying finally watching white culture fall apart, it's a fucking disgrace and all needs to come to an end , and yep I am a white person

  22. Geoff Brittain

  23. All it takes for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing. The government, academics and our Catholic Church will keep trying to push this stuff on us. We must fight paedophilia and sodomy at every turn. Good people must act to constantly tell the government, and our bishops, that their agenda is not acceptable.

    The New Zealand Catholic bishops with their revolting 'Aroha and Diversity in Catholic Schools' have shown they will support sodomy, and deliberately shut out parents in the process to prevent parents from being able to protect their children. Read the sick document if you don't believe me.

    Good people, in God's name, pray and fight!

    1. So many good Catholic people have been turned into zombies by the Novus Ordo Mass which was designed by the Freemasons to do precisely that. It seems Latin Massgoers must bear the NO's burdens.

  24. Sick and Evil

    1. Of course I agree; other comments saying more or less the same thing aren't posted.

  25. Certainly living in the END TIMES as prophesied by the BIBLE and GOD. Time to put your FAITH in Jesus to the test.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  26. Mike Gavin-williamson8 September 2024 at 16:18

    Our societies standards are hitting an all time low. What next are we going to hear from these so-called educators ? who by the way are influencing the young minds. How can there be screening in place to safeguard the young now?

  27. Top uni teaching racism and pedophilia


  29. Isn't praying to Mary a thing? Yet we are clearly instructed that there is only one mediator. "For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all—the testimony that was given at just the right time."

  30. Certainly praying to Mary is "a thing". Asking for her powerful intercession, however, is not "worshipping" her. God Himself made Our Lady to be a universal mediatrix, starting with her Immaculate Conception, and continuing with the grace of her virginal conception of Christ. Her mediation between man and the God-man Jesus was then seen by a few at the wedding feast of Cana, proclaimed publicly by Christ on the Cross, and manifested at Pentecost. As St. Bernard taught, “It is God’s will that we receive everything through Mary.”[3]

    Thus, Mary’s mediation is real, and it is as perfect as a creaturely mediation can be, given that her mediation is secondary and dependent on Christ’s divine mediation which is primary and independent. Mary is filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit and cooperates with God’s grace to mediate grace to others.

  31. They have a mental illness and its a clown 🤡 world for sure.

    1. No they don't have a mental illness. They have a vice.

  32. Its a demonic possession, as is certain mental illness, chronic behaviours like chronic alcoholism is demonic procession, thats why its known as the demon drink and spirits.. evil has taken hold... sin has won over....
