Sunday 29 September 2024


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Bishop Michael Gielen who expelled the FSSR: he's "torn" on the question of married priests


It's ominous tidings. Two days ago the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter (FSSP) reported "the opening of an apostolic visitation of the Fraternity " by the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (the Vatican). It could be the writing on the wall for this Catholic order, created in 1988 for traditional clergy to disassociate themselves from the Society of St Pius X (SSPX).

In 2021 the FSSP were expelled from the diocese of Dijon, France, by Archbishop Roland Minnerath who ignored FSSP District Superior Fr. Benoît Paul-Joseph's request to discuss his decision. Sounds familiar? There are obvious parallels with the visitation of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer (FSSR) in Christchurch, NZ, last year and their subsequent expulsion from the diocese by Bishop Michael Gielen. 

Just why does the Vatican have the FSSP and FSSR in the crosshairs? An educated guess would postulate their traditional Catholic faith, which finds its supreme expression in the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM). 

The FSSP had refused to concelebrate the Novus Ordo Mass and the French Bishops' Conference found that to be problematic. They called for steps to “induce the faithful of the extraordinary form (the TLM) to participate more in diocesan life,” to avoid the creation of a “parallel Church.” Which is pretty rich, considering the man they call Pope Francis has been busily creating a parallel church (the Ape church prophesied by Ven Fulton Sheen - who should have been canonised by now) since his 'election' in 2013. 

Fr Michael Mary FSSR has now published an open letter to supporters of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer, giving a resume of the sorry situation created for his community and parishioners by the unexplained - and inexplicable - decision of Bishop Gielen to expel New Zealand's first home-grown religious order from Christchurch Diocese. Fr Michael Mary doesn't mention in his letter that the FSSR are taking +Gielen to court. 

The response of the FSSP in Dijon to the plight of their 300 abandoned parishioners was to launch a Facebook page and online petition in support of the Fraternity, which gathered almost 2,500 signatures in a week. Ah, but the diocese proved equal to that. It stated that the initiative “will not change anything” because a majority of the signatures were from outside the Dijon archdiocese. aas

Pre-Vatican II, the astonishing lack of charity evinced by the Vatican in its "recommendations" that +Gielen expel these holy priests would have been inconceivable. Once again, it's the Novus Ordo effect. In his letter (below) Fr Michael Mary refers to enmity as "a mortal sin". Although - as this blog is told by FB commenters who can't tell the difference between judging words and deeds (right) and judging those who do them (wrong) - one cannot discern others' motivations, one can clearly see that while Bishop Gielen is "consolidating" (i.e. closing) parishes, the Sons' support - especially with young families - was growing. That scenario of Novus Ordo failure and Latin Mass popularity worldwide, is a big burr under Rome's saddle.

Fr Michael Mary prepares with participants for the Our Lady of Christchurch procession 

Dear Reader,


May Christ reign in our hearts! May Mary shed abundant graces upon us all!


Like so many, I have also been bewildered by several months, and even by more than a year, at the controversy that has surrounded our community. It is bewildering and takes time to absorb and think about it. I am now ready to write some reflections, and although they are personal to me, I think that they are worth sharing with all who wonder what it means.



The reality of what we have been living through does not make sense to me.
Nobody has been found guilty of anything. There is no crime committed. There is no canonical crime either. Yet as criminals we
have all been sentenced to forfeit our priestly faculties, and all of us (including the sick), are under expulsion orders to be cast out
of the diocese as the worst of men.



Speaking of canonical crimes, Fr Timothy Radcliffe (Dominican) and Fr James Martin (Jesuit)Ahead of Synod, Prominent Prelates Publish on ‘LGBTQ Issues’ ( 

There are religious orders in New Zealand who have had their members sentenced to prison; or who have had members commit enormous and multiple crimes and who would have been put in prison if they were still alive. But no religious order in New Zealand - whatever the crimes of some of their members have been – have, for that reason, had all their members expelled from
one diocese to find no shelter in any diocese in the country.


The Congregation of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer is a
religious order without a criminal record. Yet this religious order is to be cast out from the Christchurch diocese, and out of New Zealand, sentenced to the gills with double signatures and many stamps!
 Humanly speaking it doesn’t make sense to anybody that I know.

However confused reality may appear - and it does - it cannot and should not be separated from the spiritual life. Spiritual life cannot be separated from reality. Therefore, what we have been living through in Christchurch has been and remains something spiritual, and therefore also containing a dimension of the mysterious.


Casting about for some understanding of all this, has brought me to the following facts that I am sure about:


1. The Congregation of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer is a Religious Institute in the Church. 

2. It is also the first and only religious order that finds its beginning with New Zealanders. 

3. As such then, it is New Zealand's own religious Order, the only clerical religious order begun by New Zealanders. 

4. The order was not only started by Kiwis, but in God's Providence the bulk of its members come from this part of the world.

5. As of today, our Congregation counts 33 men: 12 New Zealanders, 2 Australians, 2 NZ Residents; 5 of us are Samoan.

6. Over half of the Congregation of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer are from here.

7. Our Congregation is enriched by brethren from nine other countries, with 10 different mother-tongues.

8. We form a small but strong unit in the Mystical Body of the Church.

9. Is it significant to note that as an order we number 33 men.

10. When our different years of birth are noted down, the median or average age of the Congregation is also 33 years.

11. There are 33 of us with an average age of 33 - the age of Our Most Holy Redeemer when He was crucified.

12. It is the speciality of this religious order to strive to directly imitate the Most Holy Redeemer, Our Lord Jesus Christ.


May the Most Holy Redeemer grant us the graces we need that we might bear the Holy Cross with Him.

All the above is examining reality that is factual. There is nothing speculative.
It is factual that the Congregation of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer is:
1) A Clerical Religious Institute; its priests belong to the Congregation and not to any diocese.

2) An order that is legally established in the Church.

3) Its Constitutions were overseen personally by the Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith;
4) The first Constitution is to imitate Jesus to the point of: I live, now not I, but Christ liveth in me. (Gal 2:20).


In this context, I ask: How have the Christchurch events been part of the imitation of the Most Holy Redeemer?

For a long time I have mulled this question over in my prayer and in my free moments. I come to this conclusion: If it is true that I live now, not I but Christ liveth in me, then I am living, and Christ is living in me, the mystery of the: In propria venit, et sui eum non receperunt (the He came unto his own, and His own received him not) (Jn 1:11).


This has been the reality of a New Zealand Congregation coming to its own people in New Zealand; and its being rejected. The high point of the “non receperunt” (they received Him not) was the blanket decrees and precepts officially rejecting each and every Son of the Most Holy Redeemer,
receiving them not’, although they had done no crime and there was no guilt upon them.


It is a spiritual mystery. Christ came to His own. His own received Him not. If in Christchurch we must have Christ live in us, then it is in living the mystery of His rejection by His own people. We must live it in us, to the Glory of His Holy Name.


It is a fact that every religious order is violently attacked by the devil especially in its early years. The devil tries to destroy any
new order that will do him harm.
 The trials nearly always come from within the Church by persecutions of one kind or another.


We are a new order. We expect persecution; and as every novice is told by the Holy Ghost: Son, when thou comest to the service of God, stand in justice and in fear, and prepare thy soul for temptation (Ecclesiasticus 2:1) and as Our Most Holy Redeemer tells us: If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. (Lk 9:23).

The devil loves to force souls into exile. The Holy Family were forced into the exile of Egypt. Many early Christians were banished into exile. St John Chrysostom was exiled twice. Scottish and Irish Catholics were sentenced to exile for trivial crimes; but unlike them, none of us have been found guilty of so much as stealing a loaf of bread.

And so, I return to the spiritual world to find an answer in direct imitation of Jesus who came to His own. And they rose up and thrust him out of the city (Lk 4:29).


Our rejection is extreme. Those who pressed for this expulsion may in fact bring about what they first hoped for; they would also have to live that fact. And the consequences of a successful expulsion would also be theirs. Chaos would come in the wake of the physical disappearance of this Kiwi religious order from our diocese and our country.

Someone said to me that we are on the right side of history. May Jesus in His mercy grant through the graces of reconciliation that we may, one and all, find ourselves on the right side of history; and more especially may we be found as sheep to the right side of our Most Holy Judge when he weighs our souls for eternity.

The Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer are the victims. We, for our part, bear no ill will towards anyone who has spoken or acted against us. Enmity is a mortal sin, and this is the Vale of Tears where reconciliations, and the humility that is needed to bring them about, is what Our Lord asks of us all, if we believe in heaven and hope to go there.


Take up my yoke upon you, and learn of me, because I am meek, and humble of heart: and you shall find rest to your souls (Mt 11:29). I hope for goodness to come. I await the coming of someone (perhaps you who read this), who might act efficaciously to establish fraternal unity: Blessed are the
peacemakers: for they shall be called children of God 
(Mt. 5:9).


In the Vale of Tears we surely expect our share of tears, as many as God permits us, and for as long as He permits them. What a small exchange they are to be, for the tears of joy we firmly hope to weep for all eternity.


May the Blessed Trinity bless all who read this letter, whether friend or not; we offer our present difficulties for all without exception. In the hope of goodness yet to come.


Devotedly, in the strength of the Holy Name of Jesus
and in the Sweet Name of Mary His Mother, the Mediatrix of All Graces,


Father Michael Mary, F.SS.R.
Rector Major
Congregation of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer
Monastery of Our Mother of Perpetual Succour
145 Rutland Street
St Albans, Christchurch, 8052
21st September 2024
Feast of St Matthew, Apostle.



St Michael, Archangel, please pray for the Church 


  1. The right hand of the enemy, the false prophet in Revelation and we are in the End times...


  2. All I know is that I either follow the Catholic Church and its doctrine....or I follow Pope Francis.


  3. Not a true pope ,a very evil man.a masonis heretic who will idolize the antichrist

  4. An excellent article. Summing up everything well, highlighting the lack of charity shown by the Church towards those who attend the TLM.


  5. This selected false pope is another installed globalist puppet that is an infiltrator of the Church and is obviously creating a new cult - a new religion. It’s obvious. Take away the sacredness of the Mass and water things down. Even “creating new sins” and this synod of synod garbage is very Unitarian or Masonic in nature if you know that all religious texts can be found on a Masonic altar for example. You can see a direct correlation since Vatican II with the removal of the sacred parts of the Mass of the ages, stripping of altars and churches and the watering down of the faith. The further we get away from that, the worse the numbers get, and the greater the cry even from young people that want the sacred and fullness of the faith taught and lived and in liturgy. The fruit and the numbers don’t lie.


    1. Because Rome and the Vatican are in apostasy…


  6. Continue to pray for the FSSP wonderful well formed Priests.


    1. Rod Eterman Please pray also for New Zealand's own FSSR (Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer). You may judge their formation I think, by reading the letter of Fr Michael Mary FSSR in this post.


  7. Total vindictiveness on the part of the Vatican! So much for acceptance of all religious beliefs and practices!!!

  8. Jackie Olexa White30 September 2024 at 13:39

    Debby Blum exactly!!!


    1. Debby Blum he is the Number One hypocrite of these times. So sad. Makes me sick what francis is doing to our beloved church


  9. First, that photo tell me all I need to know. 😟😷‼️

    1. Adriana Teresa-Rosario30 September 2024 at 13:41

      Jenice Anderson agreed


    2. Jenice Anderson absolutely!


    3. Jenice Anderson et al, I thought the pic needed no explanation and it seems I was right. Deo gratias.


  10. The false prophet bergoglio will stop the CONTINUAL SACRIFICE spoken in Daniel and the ABOMINATION THAT CAUSES DESOLATION will be set up


  11. The Church is in Complete disarray ever since they created The "Novus Odor"...You will know them by their fruits..not much good has come from The "New Order" Mass. It was the Mass that was to unite Many..So they Said! ..but, instead, it has done NOTHING but Seperate, divide, confusse, destroy and well today we know the rest of the story...we are in GREAT DISARRAY, AND lost to truths!
    Bring back The Traditional or Extraordinary Latin Mass..Exactly as it was Set in Stone to be The Only Mass Allowed to Celebrate.


  12. Is that photo from FSSP priests? They definitely don't look like them.

    1. Maria Jose Asbury that photo shows the Novus Ordo episcopal ordination of Bishop Michael Gielen, who on the 'recommendation' of the Vatican expelled the FSSR from his diocese of Christchurch NZ. They say a picture is better than a thousand words ...


  13. No other reason than the TLM which Francis is trying to get rid of before he dies.


  14. They sent an apostolic delegate to the SSPX and he gave a very favorable report to the Vatcan.
    Sadly, this changed nothing with regard to how Traditional Catholics are treated.


  15. My interactions with FSSP have been nothing but great. If the pope wants to take them out, who are trying to accommodate draconian restrictions, that, could well be a line too far.

    1. Shows that he who sups with the devil needs a long spoon.


  16. Too much politics and too much money ( donated by the poor ) in the bank. Catholic guilt doesn't work any more.

    1. Errol Dyer, do please grow up. Politics is just human nature; the Church is human as well as divine; the Catholic Church is the greatest charitable institution in the world.


  17. The Holy Ghost will protect the Church. We have God’s promise. Pray and fast lest we get what we deserve. Jesus I trust in you.


  18. The last apostolic visitation was 10 years ago apparently obviously in recent years with the crackdown on the TLM and those Priestly fraternities, societies and orders are being persecuted. Those within the church trying to destroy tradition they will not succeed. Christ has already won the victory and He has assured us that His church will always stand. Pray for the FSSP and all those who keep the traditional faith and the traditional liturgy 


    1. hear hear!!

    2. Lyn Wade please pray for NZ's Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer (FSSR) also.


  19. Julia du Fresne TELL ME how do you or anyone else depose him?
    I agree he is wrong, absolutely wrong from what we have learned.
    Because WE HAVE NO RECOURSE what are we to do?
    May I suggest you go to and read
    , there are many articles that support your opinions. I read them all the time. They write in a manner that does not offend people but gets across exactly what you are trying to say.
    I read
    all the time, I love their insight and support them whole heartedly

    1. Deanna Scholz, firstly, the reality is that Francis does not need to be deposed because he is NOT THE POPE.
      I read OnePeterFive also. But because my blog has no advertising, I can tell what I see to be the unvarnished truth.
      OnePeterFive still refers to Bergoglio as Pope Francis, one assumes partly because not to do so would alienate many readers and consequently affect its revenue. So 1P5 is absolutely not getting across exactly what I'm saying.
      Our Divine Lord Jesus Christ offended people too.


  20. Be careful what you say. There have been many difficult popes in the past and yet Catholic church has remained United and doctrines have not changed

    1. Ani DAmbrosio, he is not a difficult pope. He is not a pope.


    2. Ani DAmbrosio I don't accept the heterodox Fiducia Suplicans and Amoris Latetia edicts and PANCHAMAMMA INCAN IDOL


    3. Julia du Fresne Correct. He isn’t a pope. He talks like an atheist. Like a homsexual . He’s anti Catholic. Allied to the enemies of Christianity.


    4. Ani DAmbrosio Apart from evil JP2, NO POPE IN THE PAST said,Islam and heathens and Protestants ARE EQUAL TO THE CATHOLIC CHURCH!

    5. Ani DAmbrosio
      Keith Verrills calling John Paul II evil is very presumptuous of you


  21. He is a forerunner to the False Prophet


  22. Who among us has not had the experience of an elderly family member doing things and saying things that seemed strange to us until the end, when in retrospect, we understood those things were only the beginning, the increments of their mental and physical failure.


  23. never trust a man in a dress

    1. Liberty NZ yes, that Novus Ordo sect get-up is truly awful. Effeminate. Traditional Latin Mass orders such as the FSSR, the FSSP and SSPX, on the other hand, wear the magnificent priestly vestments of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.


  24. I'd like to know something...why, in horror movies, is it always the Catholics? It's never the Baptists, or the Pentacostals, or Anglican. Always Catholic and nearly always a priest or a nun. Why? I have my own theories, but I'm interested in what others think. Just something I was pondering when I couldn't sleep lol.


  25. Rachael Smith It's simply this: Satan, the father of lies, hates and fears the Catholic Church and the Mass just as he hates and fears Christ. So he inspires hate and fear in vulnerable people, to turn them away from the truth.

  26. How much longer do we have to put up with the stench from Rome?

    I love hearing the feel-good messages from the three NZ representatives sent to Rome for the Synod on Synodality. How can they bear the smell?

  27. Dominic Schuster7 October 2024 at 14:15

    SSPX is the Only TRUE Representation of the Catholic Faith as it has been for centuries!

  28. Christina Horton8 October 2024 at 13:48

    Fssp accepts all the heresies in Vatican II and they never condemn the novus ordo which was created by Freemasons and Protestants. Fssp is just the novus ordo religion with a traditional flavor much like high Anglicans, but it’s not the authentic Catholic Faith.


    1. Christina Horton Let me guess- you to go an SSPX? Sadly that ship is not going to get us where we're going. We cannot condemn the NO without doing more. We should question a lot of what they do, but... not condemn.

    2. Christina Horton8 October 2024 at 13:50

      Christina Horton
      Top contributor
      Jen St Clair no sspx has its own set of issues. I do not attend sspx. They practice recognize and resist which has been condemned numerous times. They sift through what’s coming out of the Vatican and pick and choose what to accept and what to reject based on their own judgement. This has been condemned and is 100% heretical. Fssp does similar but sspx is more vocal about it.

    3. Christina Horton, SSPX and all Catholics in good standing have every right to reject what comes from the conciliar, N O, synodal sect of Francis church and its leader Jorge Bergoglio, as common sense and logic dictate that they are all excommunicated latae sententiae, for heresy.

    4. Christina Horton10 October 2024 at 00:28

      Julia du Fresne not if they recognize Bergoglio as a true Pope. One cannot pick and choose what to accept and what to reject from a true Pope. The only reason we are permitted to reject the novus ordo religion is because it is NOT the Catholic Religion and because Bergoglio is NOT a Pope.

    5. Christina Horton can you cite references to SSPX recognising Bergoglio as a true pope, please?


    6. Dominic Schuster really they are modernists and put all child abuse under the carpet


    7. Dominic Schuster absolutely


    8. Dominic Schuster it USED to be. But they're going the same way as the FSSP in their courting of modern Rome. Archbishop Lefebvre would not approve of Fellay's dream of getting purple buttons.

  29. Timothy P. Stewart10 October 2024 at 00:24

    Timothy P. Stewart
    "who will hide their face before the Lord but the wicked?"

  30. Susan Mazzarella10 October 2024 at 00:50

    Get tough FSSP. Be brave true shepherds


  31. Beegoglio hates the Traditional Latin Mass


  32. Sorry to hear that. Pope Francis only investigates solid Catholic traditional orders and Bishops. He does nothing to the openly heretical orders like his own Jesuit order, Father Martin, Cardinals Cupich, McElroy, Gregory, Wuerl and many others.


  33. Stop fear mongering.


  34. I believe they want all the traditionalist to group together so they can ban all of us at once


  35. How can the Catholic leadership, in good faith, suppress "traditional Catholicism"? Isn't that what our faith has been grounded on since Christ? How can they do this?


  36. I can go to the local NO Church on sunday...pretty much empty. I can drive an hour to a FSSP Church not too far packed they almost have to turn people away. People all in suits and dresses, amazing atmosphere... Hard to choose.😉


  37. Mark Daney With 80% of the attendees young families with many children.

  38. Martin R. Brewer10 October 2024 at 00:59

    Martin R. Brewer
    You all do know that the FSSP is the counterfeit compromised version of tradition, right? Lefebvre tossed them out a long time ago for disobedience from the SSPX. Bisig and the wayward Priests took refuge in the V2 modernist structure after making concessions to Rome thereby abandoning their fully traditional position. Rome is eating itself.


  39. 🍃❣️My heart breaks at this heretical news. God bless this order and all of the priests involved. God is always in charge and sees everything.❣️🍃😢😢😢😢😢🍃


  40. I don't think anything negative will happen. The FSSP are very much part of the Catholic Church. But I do pray that nothing will happen as well.


    1. Cole Kennedy let's hope so. Depends who they appoint. They did a hit job on Strickland, scraping the barrel to find stuff on him. The Vatican is full of modernists


  41. Cole Kennedy
    I agree. The FSSP plays a very important role of keeping people in the modernist false church. No doubt without FSSP, many would leave the false church and would go to SSPX (which is still in communion with the false church, but separate) or become Sedevacantists (which is outside of the false church and instead is in communion with the pre-vatican II Catholic Church)
    It already doesn't help the false church that Bergoglio's out there telling people God wills all of these other religions and that they're all just a different path (or dialect) that leads to the same place.
    If that's true, then it doesn't matter what religion you are or where you go to church.


  42. so glad i grew up in the pre V2 church. and i pray for those who never had the opportunity to know it. imagine being born into the NO. kind of like being born in N. Korea, you don't know anything else and only hear that there is another way which is evil.


  43. Dominic Schuster unfortunately, the SSPX uses the 1962 missal, created by Annibale the Freemason. The ICKSP (Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest) does the pre-1955 liturgy & actually DOES represent the Catholic Faith as it's been for centuries!!

  44. Nory Jane Christine10 October 2024 at 01:07

    Ed Falvo are they all Vatican1 consecrated?

  45. Michael Herzlík10 October 2024 at 01:09

    Ed Falvo show the source that Institute of Christ the King uses such Missal. I don't meant it in a bad way. I'm curious. If only there were some parishes of the Institute in here... But I mean, it could be even worse.


  46. Michael Herzlík I don't have the source right infront of me, but I know it to be true. I am a member of an ICKSP Parish & they did the pre-1955 Holy Week, with all 12 prophecies. Palm Sunday & Candlemas were also pre-1955.


  47. "I follow Paul, and another, I follow Apollos...." All this bickering, read up 1 Corinthians. St. Paul ora pro nobis.


  48. FSSP are still invalid priests, most of them were "consecrated" by Novusordites. So, who cares?
    Top contributor
    FSSP are still invalid priests, most of them were "consecrated" by Novusordites. So, who cares?

    1. Donald Michael Griffin10 October 2024 at 01:17

      Javier Palos, you also have to include the SSPX and SSPV as invalid


    2. Javier Palos What authority claims that?


  49. just break like the SSPX and ignore the Vatican which is in schism from the faith.


    1. Poppa Bear SSPX is fully with Francis they are not much better modernists who have many paedophiles. Cannot imagine priests wearing a sutanne facing the Tubernakulum and then abuse children. They are modernists as well.. the SSPX priest in USA who molested his OWN NIECE and what about in france the one that raped women or abused children for 30 years
      Dont put them on pedastal. The current sSPX has nothing to do with the God loving St Pius X. Would St Pius X be ok with paedophiles.


    2. Poppa Bear I agree accept your claim "like the SSPX". They're gone. They can't even install a new bishop without getting modern Rome to approve of their selection.
      Poppa Bear I agree accept your claim "like the SSPX". They're gone. They can't even install a new bishop without getting modern Rome to approve of their selection.


    3. Kevin Petersen Ok they are gone....but like the SSPX, break, appoint your own bishops and know like the SSPX did in the past.

  50. Charlotte Weiszer-Hendershot10 October 2024 at 01:23

    Charlotte Weiszer-Hendershot
    OK. Question: With francis spewing out all heretical topics and apostasy I wonder if all the hierarchy in the Church are as complicit or agreeable to what he has to say. Where's the coourage we need?


    1. Charlotte Weiszer-Hendershot bishops are silent. They're too scared and they think obedience is their highest priority. But like I tell border agents who assist Biden/Harris in the child sex slave industry: "The 'I was just following orders' defense didn't work at Nuremberg." It's not going to work for these bishops on judgement day either.

  51. Claire D. Spence10 October 2024 at 01:25

    And the Pope just named 22 new Cardinals. Where are they from,I wonder?

    1. Claire D. Spence all we need know is that he raised Timothy Radcliffe O P to the cardinalate. That casts a shroud of suspicion over all the rest.

    2. Claire D. Spence10 October 2024 at 01:27

      Julia du Fresne help me with this- what is Radcliffe’s resume? I’m not up to date with many of these candidates

    3. Over the last two years, the Wikipedia entry for Pope Francis’ newly named Cardinal Timothy Radcliffe has been edited to remove references to his promotion of LGBT issues. The now-archived web listing notes that Radcliffe was a celebrant at the notorious LGBT Masses in Soho, London; this is absent in the current listing.The now-archived Wiki entry also documented that EWTN canceled plans to cover Ireland’s “Divine Mercy Conference” in 2014 due to Radcliffe’s participation in the event. “Many Catholics in Ireland are concerned” about Radcliffe’s presence at the conference, stated EWTN host and former MEP Kathy Sinnott, due to his “stated views on human sexuality and in particular on homosexuality.” The August 2022 entry included a now-deleted quote from Radcliffe, in which he compared homosexual sexual activity to Christ’s gift of self in the Eucharist.How does all of this bear on the question of gay sexuality? We cannot begin with the question of whether it is permitted or forbidden! We must ask what it means, and how far it is Eucharistic. Certainly it can be generous, vulnerable, tender, mutual and non-violent. So in many ways, I would think that it can be expressive of Christ’s self-gift. We can also see how it can be expressive of mutual fidelity, a covenantal relationship in which two people bind themselves to each other for ever.

      In contrast, the current listing for Radcliffe presents – on the subject of homosexuality – an isolated quotation from a 2012 article in which he stated that the Catholic Church “does not oppose gay marriage. It considers it to be impossible.” While this line appears to defend Catholic teaching, Radcliffe argued in the same article that: "This is not to denigrate committed love of people of the same sex. This too should be cherished and supported, which is why church leaders are slowly coming to support same-sex civil unions. The God of love can be present in every true love." (Redacted.)

  52. Elizabeth Volkmer10 October 2024 at 01:33

    I go to the FSSP for my traditional Latin mass. There is no other option in my state for all 7 days a week. The next closest Latin mass other than Omaha, which is also FSSP is the immaculata in Kansas and that’s just not possible. That’s like a 3 1/2 hour drive one way. I don’t drive. my dad drops me off on Sunday mornings and another couple which lives near me is the one that usually takes me home because they also go to the same mass.

  53. Julia du Fresne thank you for another excellent article and for your unfailing support of the Latin Mass and for the FSSR. Regarding the Maryfest picture you published of a number of devoted holy men, three are now monks and the others are raising holy young children and attend the TLM. These men are caught in the cross hair as you aptly put it. May God bless you, Suzanne
