Tuesday 30 July 2024



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The perpetrators of that monstrous blasphemy against Almighty God in the Olympic Games opening ceremony in Paris might have chosen Islam to insult, rather than Christianity. The shocking image above eloquently explains why they did not. 

The LGBTQ++, transgender ideology, being Marxist at its evil heart, is totalitarian, anti-Catholic - and cowardly.  Cowardice is characteristic of bullies; Thomas Jolly, the homosexual Jew who masterminded this affront not just to common decency but especially to Our Lord in the Eucharist, and his sad assembly of perverted souls like the lesbian Barbara Butch - also Jewish -  chose to abuse 2 billion people whose loving God forbids them to retaliate as Muslims certainly would.

But Catholics should be angry now. Justifiably angry. Not to be angry in a right-ordered way at blasphemy, says St Thomas Aquinas, is a sin because blasphemy offends God directly. Compared to blasphemy, every other sin is slight. 

Who in their right mind doesn't get angry when their Father is held up to ridicule on the world stage? When their Brother who saved their eternal life is mocked by perverts? If Antipope Bergoglio is angry, if New Zealand's bishops are angry, they're not saying so. Elon Musk is angry; Donald Trump is angry; Cardinal Müller and San Francisco's Archbishop Cordileone are angry. Elon Musk has said, inter alia, “[u]nless there is more bravery to stand up for what is fair and right, Christianity will perish.” 

'Blood' pouring from headless Marie Antoinettes pours into the Seine

Certainly Christianity, especially Catholicism, is under attack worldwide. Catholics of the sort nourished by Holy Mother Church for centuries are under attack within the Church itself, from Francis, the man it calls pope, himself.  Today, faithful Catholics are mocked - not just in Paris but in Rome, in the Holy See. Tomorrow we may be martyred. Today we're white martyrs; tomorrow we may be red as the 'blood' the latter-day revolutionaries (with not-so-subtle symbolism) poured into the Seine last Friday night. 

Prepare for sainthood now, with prayer, penance and alms-giving, always remembering the spiritual works of mercy, which are:

  • To instruct the ignorant ;
  • To counsel the doubtful ;
  • To admonish sinners ;
  • To bear wrongs patiently;
  • To forgive offences willingly;
  • To comfort the afflicted;
  • To pray for the living and the dead.

The day after the Olympic opening ceremonies

It would be fair to say, however, that the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church is looking like a push-over right now. There's a Jihad (Holy War) well underway in Western Europe, where Catholic churches are attacked and desecrated with impunity, mostly by illegal Muslim immigrants, and nowhere more than in France, the Eldest Daughter of the Church. https://www.meforum.org/65244/growing-jihad-on-churches-in-france

In July 2023, for instance, Muslims attacked and desecrated several churches in France, by breaking the doors and windows of one church and spray-painting anti-Jesus and pro-Muhammad graffiti on its walls. The men also torched at least two historic churches — a 16th century church in Drosnay, and the 12th century Saint-Georges De La Haye-Descartes church — after general riots prompted by the June 27 police shooting of Nahel Merzouk, a Muslim criminal.

Not only did French authorities pretend that these two heritage churches simply "caught fire" — "probably due to a storm" — but they insisted that it was the police killing that prompted otherwise peaceful Muslims to riot at all.


Meanwhile, in the U S, Republican presidential nominee and former President Donald Trump - a Christian who recently was himself the victim of an assassination attempt - has called out his likely Democratic opponent, Vice-President Kamala Harris, for her record of animosity towards Catholic Americans. Donald Trump Slams Kamala Harris for Targeting Christians - LifeNews.com

It looks like the Holy See has only one voice on the issue of the Olympics parody of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and that voice is Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia. +Paglia's the man who had a homoerotic, blasphemous mural painted in his cathedral depicting Our Lord and Saviour carrying nets to heaven filled with naked and semi-nude homosexuals, transsexuals, prostitutes, and drug dealers, jumbled together in erotic interactions. +Paglia’s response was predictably much more conciliatory than those of some other bishops. 

“The mockery of the Last Supper at the #OlympicsParis2024, rightly deplored by @Eglisecatho, [French Catholic bishops’ conference] reveals a profound question," he wrote.

That “profound question” +Paglia described as being that “everyone, but really everyone, wants to sit at that table where Jesus gives life for all and teaches love.”https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/pope-francis-silent-on-olympic-opening-scandal-while-scandal-plagued-vatican-archbishop-def



 The often scandalous Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia has issued a contradictory defense of the Olympic opening ceremony featuring a drag queen mockery of the Last Supper, while Pope Francis has remained notably silent about the incident.

In a social media post on July 27, Archbishop Paglia attempted to straddle both sides of the debate surrounding the Olympics’ infamous opening ceremony, which saw drag queens and dancers perform a mockery of the Last Supper, particularly appearing to faux-imitate Leonardo da Vinci’s “Last Supper” painting. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/pope-francis-silent-on-olympic-opening-scandal-while-scandal-plagued-vatican-archbishop-defends-it/#:~:text=The%20show%20was,prayers%20from%20Catholics.


Bishop Paglia sees himself as being taken by Christ to heaven ... 

Francis made no mention of the Olympic opening ceremony during his Angelus, while nevertheless making a number of special mentions for causes and celebrations around the world.

In fact, Francis did make mention of the Olympics generally but in reference to hunger and arms production. His comments were:

And while there are many people in the world who suffer due to disasters and hunger, we continue to produce and sell weapons and burn resources fueling wars, large and small. This is an outrage that the international community should not tolerate, and it contradicts the spirit of brotherhood of the Olympic Games that have just begun. Let us not forget, brothers and sisters: war is defeat!

Paglia, appointed by Pope Francis as the president of the now scandal-plagued Pontifical Academy for Life, is a notable Vatican official. His Pontifical Academy for Life has been mired by controversy, often spear-led by him personally, regarding the Catholic Church’s moral teaching.

Spain’s Bishop José Munilla termed the show “blasphemous & deplorable,” and added that “[o]ur culture is giving its last breaths in the midst of woke decadence.”

“Fundamentalist Islamism rubs its hands together seeing how we ourselves ‘commit suicide’ spiritually and physically,” Bishop Munilla added.

To this is added the declaration of Cardinal Gerhard Müller, who attested that by the “sacrilegious and vulgar representation” the Olympics body “has managed in one fell swoop to sully the noble face of the Olympics and to offend millions of believers around the world.”

Nor has the reaction to the drag queen ceremony been limited to religious figures, an aspect that makes the Pope’s silence even more striking.


U S House Speaker Mike Johnson stated that “[t]he war on our faith and traditional values knows no bounds today,” and tech billionaire Elon Musk has issued a number of criticisms, including the warning that “[u]nless there is more bravery to stand up for what is fair and right, Christianity will perish.”


The Martyrdom of Ss Felix, Simplicius, Faustinus and Beatrice (from a 14th century                                                            manuscript)

         Ss Felix, Simplicius, Faustinus and Beatrice, pray for the                                                                   Church 


  1. Michael Dennis30 July 2024 at 15:30

    The Catholic Church allows the death penalty. If France were still a catholic country and had blasphemy laws punishable by death, the Church would not object. Francis is against the death penalty but the Church is not. And Francis is not catholic.

  2. forbids them to retaliate.... interesting set of words.

    1. Forbids them to retaliate as Muslims often do, with violence and death to non-Muslims.

  3. Ave Maria

  4. let isreal sort the b*******s out.!!!!!

  5. Funny now the " rainbow " community avoid condemnation of this yet find the time to " perform " for the Olympic Games.

  6. John Kelly Butler30 July 2024 at 15:49

    I’d like to hear what the pope has to say about this..!

    1. He's not the pope; he's an antipope and as such predictably isn't saying anything.

    2. With all due respect, who decided Pope Francis is "an antipope". Do Catholic laity now have this ability?

    3. Catholic laity - notably represented by St Catherine of Siena - have always had the ability to discern when a 'pope' is in fact an antipope. God gave Catholic laity a brain. And common sense. And the 'sensus fidelium', which tells them that a man who proposed and advanced heresy even before his 'election' (in a faux conclave) cannot be the visible head of the Church on earth. It's only effeminacy and sloth in the hierarchy, accepted by laity out of false obedience, which allows 'Pope Francis' to carry on, largely unchallenged, in his business of sending millions of souls to hell.

  7. Remember the things that occured in Germany made lawful in the 1930's.

  8. Hitlers boys in some instances had the right mind set but not in all.

  9. Why is it when you talk about Christianity, Catholicism is your first port of call it's probably the worst religion to represent Almighty god. Catholic people I'm sure are sincere in their belief, But the hierarchy including the poop is corrupt to the core they hold all information gathered over hundreds of years and lock it away in the Vatican, Which is a country within itself "The Holy sea" Who was it the killed Jesus? Romans and the have the cheek to call Roman Catholic 🤫👿

  10. Not in the Bible.

    1. that some sin is minor.

    2. "The Catholic Church holds it better for the sun and moon to drop from heaven, for the earth to fail, and for all the many millions on it to die of starvation in extremest agony, as far as temporal affliction goes, than that one soul, I will not say, should be lost, but should commit one single venial sin, should tell one wilful untruth, or should steal one poor farthing without excuse" St John Henry Newman).
      Are you referring in particular to sodomy?

  11. Do you realize that when Christians take Holy Communion, believing through Transubstantiation that the bread and wine become the actual body and blood of Christ, ...It is CANNIBALISM !

    1. It's only Catholics who take Holy Communion believing through Transubstantiation that 'the bread and wine become the actual body and blood of Christ' (sic).
      No other Christian religion possesses the Real Presence (note the capital letters which denote same). Let me try to explain the difference between the natural and the supernatural: if we were to consume Christ as Man, yes that would be cannibalism. But we consume Christ Who is God as well as Man, Who as God exercises in the Blessed Sacrament the same power that said "Let there be light, and light was made".
      We must learn to lift our gaze from earthly things and contemplate the divine Reality of Almighty God Who can do all things.

    2. Julia I respect your belief in your faith, and quite envy it, however although I believe there was a man called Jesus Christ, I don't believe that Almighty God needs any relatives, especially human ones. The Bible is a book, written by MEN for MEN. In the East one can see so called,
      " Miracles" every day. Taking 12 men away from their families, probably their source of income, is not very charitable, but then again Female's are not really that important, are they ? There is so much I could discuss with you, but this is neither the time or place. I believe the Catholic Church and its cohorts are the epitome of Evil...
      Being Pagan , I believe in ONE GOD, and that Nature was given as our teacher.... everything is there, we just haven't found it yet 😔.

    3. Of course you are free to believe or not. God gave you a free will, as He gave you everything that is good. Most of all He sent His Son Jesus Christ to show us how to attain eternal life by choosing to do His will, which is taught and found only in the Catholic Church. In the One, True, Catholic and Apostolic Church that is, not the counterfeit church of Vatican II and 'Pope Francis'. I urge you to seek out a traditional Latin Mass and discover "the most beautiful thing this side of heaven". God bless you.
