Tuesday 9 July 2024



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New Zealand never elected Darleen Tana to Parliament. The Greens foisted her on us. But since being stood down, after allegations she was involved in exploitation of migrants Tana has continued to draw her Parliamentary salary - $40,000 and counting (but not counting the $43,000 the Green Party's investigation into the allegations has cost. So far).

No wonder the Green-as-Grass Party is embarrassed, and wants to see the back of  darling Darleen. Winston Peters says they should "swallow their pride" and use the Waka-Jumping legislation they've consistently opposed, but unfortunately Green pride is such that it sticks in their craw. 

They were once proud of Golriz Ghahraman who was convicted of stealing $9000 of fab gear in Ponsonby, and of Julie Anne Genter who physically intimidated a National Party Minister in the House.

But dinna fash y'sel'. The Greens have got one Benjamin Doyle ready to fill Darleen's shoes - if she goes, but why should she? With such a record of behaving badly where else would she get a job? 

Doyle doesn't look Maori but his middle name is Kauri so he must be. His PhD thesis was about "self-determination for queer rangatahi Māori, an alternative to the conventions of hegemonic empirical academia by centering the voices and lived experiences of those who have historically been subjected to the dehumanising objectification of Western research practices." Sounds perfick for the Greens.


Darleen Tana and Chloe Swarbrick: all smiles then but not now

Darleen Tana really is a piece of work.

Her husband is a piece of work.
The Greens are a piece of work. 
Today's “Swarbrick show” live on TV was fascinating… it showed she loves the limelight but is weak on leadership. 
Swarbrick and her cohorts have known exactly what Darlene Tana was accused of for months.
Now Swarbrick gives us a self-serving speech to soothe her own nerves. 


Swarbrick and friend at the Rainbow Games

Tana knows leaving Parliament will see her being totally unemployable, and she knows it. 
Some have suggested to this site that criminal charges could be on the horizon. We can only hope. 
The mess Darlene and the Greens have made create the need to take a very serious look at the structure of our Parliament, and those who are allowed to work in it.


Today Swarbrick made the revelation that Darleen Tana knew of her impending issues prior to making it into Parliament … our view is Tana lied when it came to her full personal and  business disclosure. That should mean immediate expulsion from Parliament.
Now we have a situation where an alleged immigration abuser is continuing to take a massive taxpayer-funded salary whilst swanning around Parliament doing nothing. 
At 116 days of paid leave, and no further finality to all this, Ms Tana appears happy to dig her  toes in. 

The pot of gold at the end of the Darleen Tana rainbow is of course the Greens now have the unenviable task of being mired in a media nightmare and public ridicule – as they say ‘the gift that keeps giving’.
Will Darleen Tana become an Independent MP or jump ship to Te Pati Maori? A waka jump.
The Green Party has so much to lose.https://marcspring.com/index.php/2024/07/08/i-am-not-leaving/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2CRwqiHk74f9Ej_Kx6XA99bsxwdRWflI5Fx9ozB1eBJ5kPEYWozwrfhpA_aem_5PuK38TcsMk9froF-VUC5Q


The Greens are looking quite pathetic as they are now literally begging Darleen Tana to resign from parliament, mainly because she’s embarrassed them but also because they want her to resign so the next Green womble can come in on the list.

The Green Party has asked MP Darleen Tana to resign from Parliament following the conclusion of the independent investigation into allegations of migrant exploitation.

Green Party co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick said Tana’s conduct had “fallen far short of the expectations Marama [Davidson, fellow co-leader] and I have of our caucus, and of the values the Green Party upholds”.

Swarbrick said Tana was not upfront with her and she felt “utterly betrayed”. She put the message out to Tana to “please resign”.

 “It is our very strong view that she misled myself and Marama,” Swarbrick said.

“I am finding it really hard to reconcile somebody I thought I knew and loved with the behaviour that is outlined in this report.”

NZ Herald

In my experience grifters always keep on grifting. She’s resigned from the Green Party, but is yet to resign from parliament. She may well stay on to vex the Greens, take up her seat and continue to spend all her time on Waiheke or attending pro-Palestine rallies while on full pay from parliament, essentially doing the bare minimum to continue to score her fat salary.

Tana was suspended from caucus in March after allegations she was linked to migrant exploitation at her husband Christian Hoff-Nielsen’s bicycle company Bikes and Beyond. Hoff-Nielsen denied all the exploitation allegations at the time and told the Herald: “This is not a news story, there is no news.”

NZ Herald

Except it was a news story and still is a news story.

On top of that, Darleen Tana might yet be before the courts and facing charges. There could well be criminal prosecution under the Immigration Act. It sounds serious enough for that to be possible. Let’s see, shall we?  https://thebfd.co.nz/2024/07/09/greens-beg-tana-to-resign/


St Elizabeth of Hungary 

“How could I bear a crown of gold

when the Lord bears a crown of thorns?…

and bears it for me!”

St Elizabeth of Hungary, pray for us


  1. Judith Furlong9 July 2024 at 14:38

    Boy oh boy this b has been on a full salary for doing nothing 😡

  2. Pauline Barcello9 July 2024 at 14:39

    Chloe Swarbrick is an embarrassment anyway. Have to wonder if it has been shopping with the old shoplifter lately. 🤔

  3. 3 totally useless politicians.

  4. O, let her stink up the rotten Green party

  5. Colleen Synott9 July 2024 at 14:42

    It looks like they may have blocked it

  6. I'm guessing they get to keep their perks when they're gone also

  7. They should all leave.

  8. No one should be in Parliament unless elected, the Party vote freebie should never have been allowed.

  9. She’s a freeloader, parasite on the tax payer.

  10. She should go, the greens are going to pay dearly at the nxt election if they dont use the Waka jumping law, why have it if no one uses it .Just a bunch of pussies

  11. The ugly party, what have they achieved for NZ,
    NOTHING there are anti life's
