Sunday 21 July 2024



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+Gielen's installation as Bishop of Christchurch - didn't bode well 


The worm has turned. The traditional, faithful Catholic Church - in the shape of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer - trodden on and trodden down by Antipope Francis and his Antichurch Vatican for years, has issued a legal challenge to their hitman Bishop Michael Gielen of Christchurch, New Zealand.

The FSSR - also known as the Transalpine Redemptorists - will take +Gielen to court. Father Michael Mary is resisting the 'recommendations' of the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Aposiolic Life (DICLSAL) which were accepted and carried out by +Gielen in his 'request' that the Fathers and Brothers of the Oratory of Our Mother of Perpetual Succour in St Albans leave Christchurch Diocese. 

RESISTANCE at last! And in the country chosen by the globalists as guinea pig for their Covid experiment in global control partly because of New Zealand's famous attitude of "she'll be right". And when Jacinda Ardern trod all over us, cheered on by  the globalists' spiritual guru 'Pope Francis' who told us taking the J^b was 'an act of love',  New Zealand said "she'll be right". But of course it wasn't. It was wrong

At St Mary of the Angels, Wellington, Ardern's episcopal fellow-travellers (+Gielen 2nd from right) 

It's fascinating to reflect on the fact that it was the Novus Ordo church (aka Francis church, the synodal church, the Ape church), led by their bishops including +Gielen, who joined that chorus of 'she'll be right' and took the Covid-19 experimental gene serum paraded by Pfizer as a 'vaccine'. Traditional Catholics, strong in their faith because of the real food they're fed in the Traditional Latin Mass, RESISTED and escaped that satanic snare.

Now empathetic traditional Catholics in the Diocese of Palmerston North, who suffered under their previous bishops +Drennan and +Cullinane (the former for his dalliance with the ladies, the latter for dalliance with the Freemasons, not to say Marxists) are sitting up and positively begging for Bishop John Adams - if +Gielen refuses the FSSR's petition and  DICLSAL and the Sacred Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura also rule against them - to invite them to their neck of the woods. 

In what was known during the +Drennan/+Cullinane regimes as a spiritual Land of Mordor, the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer would be welcomed by Latin Massgoers with open arms and bended knees.


Today Fr Michael Mary issued the following statement, one which should send chills up the supposed spine of Bishop Gielen, who together with the FSSR of course, is very much in need of our prayer at this time:

Sons Of The Most Holy Redeemer, aka Transalpine Redemptorists


In his letter of 13/14 July 2024, Bishop Michael Gielen publicly announced the measures he was taking towards the FSSR – removing the faculties of the priests who are members of the FSSR, and requesting that members of the FSSR (fathers and brothers) leave the Diocese of Christchurch. He stated that this was a consequence of his accepting the recommendations of the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (DICLSAL), the department of the Vatican responsible for the FSSR and other Religious Congregations.


The formal canonical documents (Decrees and Precepts) issued on 10 July 2024 by Bishop Gielen to the members of the FSSR are now the subject of a challenge in canon law known as ‘Hierarchical Recourse’. The Decrees removed priestly faculties. The Precepts required the departure of the members – it is inaccurate to describe this as a ‘request’.


Through the canon lawyer retained by the FSSR, Bishop Gielen has been petitioned, amongst other things, to revoke his Decrees and Precepts; approaching Bishop Gielen is a compulsory, preliminary step before undertaking Recourse.


If Bishop Gielen refuses the Petition or gives no response, Recourse is then undertaken to DICLSAL which has the power to overrule the Bishop. Should the decision of the Dicastery be unsatisfactory to either the FSSR or to the Bishop of Christchurch, the case would then be taken to the Sacred Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura. The Signatura is something like the Supreme Court for the whole Catholic Church.


What is the basis for the challenge?

1.     The Bishop’s actions amount to a de facto suppression of the Christchurch House of the FSSR. This is something outside the powers of a diocesan Bishop.

2.     In his Precepts, the Bishop of Christchurch has failed to demonstrate how the conditions for requiring each member of the FSSR to leave the diocese have been met. Those conditions are clearly established in canon law.

3.     The Precepts, due to concrete circumstances and canon law, are impossible to fulfill. It is an ancient principle of canon law that no one can be obliged to the impossible.

4.     In his Decrees which remove priestly faculties, the Bishop of Christchurch has failed to give a reason which is proportionate to the loss of a fundamental right – the right of a priest to celebrate Mass publicly.

5.     The Bishop of Christchurch has not undertaken the appropriate consultation with the individuals concerned before issuing these Decrees and Precepts.



+Gielen: "continuing +Martin’s work to consolidate parishes"




The Daughters of the Most Holy Redeemer is a Private Association of Christ’s Lay Faithful. On 10 July 2024 Bishop Gielen issued a Decree of Suppression of the Association.


The members of the Association have retained the same canon lawyer as the Sons to challenge that Decree through Hierarchical Recourse. Bishop Gielen is asked to revoke the Decree because it is null due to error of law and of fact.


What is the basis for the challenge?

1.     The Decree seeks to suppress the Association because it was established without the consent of the Bishop of Christchurch. Canon law does not require any such consent. This is an error of law.

2.     The Association informed the predecessors of Bishop Gielen of its existence and the activities of its members which they in turn acknowledged in writing. In as much as the Decree relies on absence of knowledge about the Association on the part of the Bishop of Christchurch, it is wrong in fact.



+Gielen: “put out into the deep” (in a dinghy with no crucifix)




Conflicts and tensions between Religious Congregations and Diocesan Bishops are nothing new in the Catholic Church. Whilst a Bishop and the Diocese form the essential structure of the Church, it is not the exclusive way that the Church is organised or power is distributed.


Religious Congregations like the FSSR are given what the canons refer to as a ‘just autonomy’. This just autonomy deliberately limits the rights a diocesan Bishop enjoys in his territory when it comes to the members of a religious congregation who are present there. An established house of a Congregation has an independent existence in canon law which a Bishop must also observe.


Christ driving the Money Changers out of the Temple (Rembrandt)

And he entered into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold
-Gospel, Ninth Sunday after Pentecost 


  1. It seems Bishop Geilen has forced FSSR into a position where they must take conanical legal action. It seems Bishop Geilen won't even talk to the parishioners who are being denied their worship, or make public any reasonable explanation for expelling FSSR. The media circus has been a disaster for the Church. What is going on?

    1. Bishop Gielen won't even talk to the parishioners? That's not true. Bishop Gielen was present along with the parish priest throughout the sung Latin Mass yesterday, which was made available, and weekly hereafter, for those affected by the situation of the FSSR. He reverently and prayerfully engaged with the Mass which was very well attended. There was ample opportunity for everyone to speak with him afterwards. The parish had made a significant effort to welcome everyone. I asked one young man if he was from Rutland Street, I think he was a 'part-timer' naming other Masses he attended. He thought about 3 families were there from the FSSR, but those who were in the habit of going to other Masses anyway. There were more new faces than that, but nowhere near what would have represented the FSSR community. The Bishop has made every effort to welcome them, but I don't think they came. There is no persecution on the Latin Mass as such, but quite the opposite, the Bishop is doing what he can. Fr Isaiah, who kindly celebrated the Latin Mass, is a wonderful priest and giving his time generously just at the hour when his own Beatitudes Community likely needs his priestly services. He is generous, kindly, prayerful, and prepares wonderful homilies. His Latin is clear and perfect and his reverent kindly demeanour a delight to experience. I love attending every Mass he celebrates. We have a good Bishop, a generous parish priest and his confrere expert, Fr Isaiah. Why will they not come?

    2. Yes, it's very regrettable that the Beatitudes Community is now deprived of Fr Isaiah's priestly services. But that of course was a consequence of the persecution of the FSSR, and through them of the Latin Mass, which the Vatican would have foreseen, and condones as yet another punishment inflicted on those who love the Mass, and the One, True, Catholic and Apostolic Church which opposes Antipope Francis' Synodal Ape church.
      The FSSR community may have stayed away from +Gielen's attempted substitute Mass because of a sense of injustice and unwillingness to be seen as patsies. They need our empathy and prayer.
      The time for Bishop Gielen to talk to FSSR parishioners was before he expelled their priests, not afterwards. He too is very much in need of prayer which I'm sure the FSSR community and priests - and the TLM community nationwide - are offering on his behalf.

    3. Why will they not come? Isn't that obvious?! Bp Gielen's attendance at the weekly Latin Mass is like an executioner belatedly offering a penny as compensation to the family of an innocent man who he has executed. It was incumbent on the executioner to ensure the man got a fair trial in the first place. Hopefully, with the legal process started by FSSR the true facts will come out.

  2. Good and so they should. The bishop has not been transparent through any of this and is quite clear it’s a hit job on the TLM. I hope our local + John will welcome the FSSR with the open arms they deserve.

  3. Which Christchurch Bishop approved the establishment of Daughters of The Most Holy Redeemer who depend on the Sons for Mass etc?
