Friday 26 July 2024


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Ngarewa-Packer protesting at Parliament only days into a new government taking office

Debbie Ngarewa-Packer, Red Queen of the Madhatter's Maori Te Pati, obviously never had the advantage of a traditional Catholic education. If she had she would know that for every 'right' she claims there must be a matching responsibility. 

Te Pati Maori (TPM) and their ridiculous claims to privilege for brown people are in great danger of alienating Pakeha and transforming their own proud race (there, we've said that four-letter word) into an albatross around the neck of this nation. New Zealand's built-in advantage of isolation and peace may soon be outweighed by the financial burden of never-ending compensations to Maori for the inestimable benefits to them of what TPM calls 'colonisation'.

When the whingers of TPM attract only 3% of the vote, why do they exert such fascination over the mainstream media? They love dress-ups and photo-opps, which are all grist to a lazy MSM's mill. Like much of the media, they seem to be a prey to demonic influence. And like most of the media, they're Marxist.  

Māori Party co-leaders Debbie Ngarewa-Packer and Rawiri Waititi 

From Michael Bassett for Bassett Brash and Hide:


 Anyone watching and trying to understand last Sunday’s Q&A where Jack Tame interviewed Debbie Ngarewa-Packer will realise that she seems to be beyond reason.


When Tame pushed back, challenging Ngarewa-Packer on whether the new Government is really “genocidal” towards Maori, she replied, “There’s no if, they are.”

Tame tried to examine bits of her blather and her obvious misuse of words, but she immediately slithered like an eel under a rock and made louder assertions about how Maori “korero” and “kaupapa” justified her allegations of “genocide” being perpetrated by a “white supremacist” government against Maori.


Along the way, her most significant assertion was that Maori had never ceded sovereignty to the Crown, despite what the Treaty of Waitangi actually says. Therefore, in her eyes, any claims Maori like to produce must be treated seriously. Amazing stuff really. The meaning of words that the rest of us use is irrelevant to her.


Clearly, she makes up the “korero” and the “kaupapa” as she goes along. For Ngarewa-Packer and her handful of followers her “korero” has no universally accepted meaning. It can be translated any way they like, whenever they feel an urge to do so. 

This lack of respect for the meaning of words is why Maori radicals are terrified of David Seymour’s promise to identify, and put into law, the principles of the Treaty. To do so would threaten their growing practice of making up new “principles of the Treaty” when it suits them. The reality is, they have no respect for the wording of the document that their ancestors signed on 6 February 1840. 

Let’s examine the Treaty: Article One translated into English by Sir Hugh Kawharu from the Maori version of the Treaty that Ngarewa-Packer’s ancestors signed, says that the Chiefs “give absolutely to the Queen of England for ever the complete government over their land”. No leeway there for anyone in the Maori Party to argue that they didn’t cede sovereignty, however hard they might try. 


There is more scope for debate over Article Two that gave the Chiefs and Subtribes “the unqualified exercise of their chieftainship over their lands, villages and all their treasures” even though the Chiefs accepted they would sell land to the Crown at an agreed price. Most reasonable people agree now that governments after 1840 weren’t always as careful as they should have been at respecting that chieftainship.


That’s why so much effort has been made this last half century to settle Maori grievances: billions of dollars paid, the transfer of thousands of acres of land, and a great many state-funded Maori agencies to help improve Maori health and educational outcomes.


In many ways the most significant piece of the Treaty that Ngarewa-Packer and her ilk keep trying to re-write is Article Three. In it, the Queen of England promised to protect all Maori and “give them the same rights and duties of citizenship as the people of England.”


Ngarewa-Packer seems to interpret this as meaning that the Crown signed up to pampering Maori, guaranteeing them, irrespective of how they behaved, that they would live as long as non-Maori, enjoy the same standards of living, and not have any obligation to work. Just please themselves. She constantly stresses Maori rights; never mentions any duties of citizenship in return. Her version of the Treaty is a one-way ride for Maori.  


Armed with her re-written version of the Treaty, Ngarewa-Packer runs it over any problem that emerges. Pharmac is, and always will be, short of money as new drugs flow on to the international market. All New Zealanders who are keen to maintain their health keep an eye on the agency that buys and distributes drugs. But the crazy Maori fringe argues that the Treaty has some special relevance to Pharmac’s operation when, as David Seymour has pointed out, all people, Pakeha, Maori, and new New Zealanders from India, China and elsewhere have the same legitimate expectations of access to new drugs. 


 On its website Pharmac prints its own rewrite of Articles 1-3 of the Treaty.

Without a trace of embarrassment they have added a 4th article:

Article Four: Wairuatanga 

Spiritual practices and wellbeing. A defining characteristic and determinant of good health.

Matauranga Maori has always known that malevolent spirits cause all disease.

It's time the govt funded practitioners trained in the exorcism of these spirits.

It is this perverse use of a constantly re-interpreted Treaty that David Seymour wants to counter by defining and legislating the actual, rather than the crazy Maori fringe’s changing version that pops up when it suits them. If Ngarewa-Packer’s use of English was the same as everyone else’s then she would realise that her version of what non-Maori owe to Maori is preposterous. She would turn her attention to the many ways in which her people could improve their lives by making an effort on several fronts. 


Why are Ngarewa-Packer and the Maori Party never at the forefront of urging Maori to take more care with their diets, reduce their intake of drugs and alcohol, and cut back on smoking? Why does she never draw attention to the demonstrably violent upbringing that so many of her people inflict upon their children? And why does the Maori Party seem to possess no policies to encourage their children to attend school that is just as readily available to them as to everyone else? Educating the young is vital to their progress.


Setting aside Ngarewa-Packer’s dishonest misuse of the English language, she would quickly find more support from the rest of New Zealand if instead of eternally grizzling, she was seen herself to be making an effort to do something positive on behalf of those she claims are her people.


She and they have no future in constantly trying to advance an absurd reinterpretation of the Treaty of Waitangi. But then perhaps we can count ourselves lucky that the Maori Party fetches only 3% of the total vote at election time and that, overwhelmingly, a majority of New Zealanders possessing some Maori ancestry give them a wide berth.



The Education of the Virgin, Diego Velázquez

Saints Anne and Joachim, please pray for us


  1. Donald Johnston26 July 2024 at 15:36

    All heil the maniac.

  2. Troughers the lot of them

  3. Endell Johnstone26 July 2024 at 15:42

    Just maggots !!!

  4. while this s**t is going on, our country will never heal

  5. Brett Connolly26 July 2024 at 15:45

    What the govt need to do is make them irrelevant . Dismantle the Waitangi Tribunal is a good start. Goldsmith is doing a good job in stopping their claims for the foreshore and seabed. We need to start coming down hard on their incessant demands for special treatment and non stop demands for compensation for ridiculous grievances.

    1. Bonnie Leonard27 July 2024 at 00:48

      since when did the sea belong to anyone, it is for all to enjoy surely.

    2. Brett Connolly27 July 2024 at 00:50

      Of course it does. If we had started saying no to their ridiculous demands 20 years ago we wouldn’t still be putting up with their crap today.

    3. Bonnie Leonard27 July 2024 at 00:51

      No PM has the intestinal fortitude!

    4. Deep forensic audit required yesterday for any payments to do with the eternal grievance industry of these peoples.

  6. We are all over this.

  7. look at the clown

  8. They should pay a tax for being colonised! Where else would they get their fancy hats, sunglasses and KFC?

  9. Elizabeth Cooper26 July 2024 at 15:48

    That anchor around their necks will eventually take them down.

    1. Unfortunately the TPM is the albatross around NZ's neck and the whole country will go down with them.

    2. Elizabeth Cooper26 July 2024 at 20:26

      I believe they will fail eventually. The biggest problem is when. It really needs to be very soon.

  10. Very dangerous

  11. Shamus O'Shite26 July 2024 at 15:53

    shes a f**king halfwit

  12. she a racist and she knows exactly what she is doing.

  13. Chris Campbell26 July 2024 at 16:06

    Was over this crap years ago and it still goes on we need to stand up and fight this but it needs to be more than just on here maybe we need to get out and protest like they do remember that there's a lot more of us than them

  14. So true our country is being ruined by this out of control forcing Māori in every single thing!
    Please be strong enough to stop this Luxon Peters and Seymour otherwise we are doomed just like Rhodesia (Zimbabwe and South Africa!!
    We need strong leadership now!! Cancel all this put in place by the last communist government led by the biggest fraud Arden and her communist party

  15. That’s not the bloody first time this racist has shown the black power hand signal

  16. Robert Mathewson26 July 2024 at 16:10

    While the focus is on them Ngai Tahu bleed us dry.

  17. he was irish steve o regan before he thought he was a maori

    1. Robert Mathewson26 July 2024 at 16:11

      Indeed but its what they did to the Train driver Mark Solomon's brother that stinks.

    2. gravy train

  18. What a f**ked up white maori

  19. It us the role of mass media to keep us divided, so we can be "saved" by the owners of the media

    1. Kahi Harawira they answer to something much more dangerous than us !

  20. What rush to alienating the rest of us? It’s already happened!

    1. "Great danger" were the words used, not "rush".
      And however sympathetic I am to most of the comments here, I wouldn't say they're typical of Kiwis, whose attitude generally I suspect is "as long as it doesn't affect me personally". Which is very short-sighted, not to say selfish. Which is why this blog gives space to issues such as this, to raise awareness and consciences.

    2. actually ‘rush’ was a typo..should have been ‘risk’. Nah, she and her idiot mates are just weirdo nutters.

  21. Raving scriible faces

  22. Mad as a cut cat

  23. If she had a brain in her head she would realise she was voted into parliament to help her people. The way she carries on she is turning the average NZer against them. And that is a disaster.

  24. Maori Elites ( including joke M.P. Debbie N-P ) don’t care about ‘alienating Pakeha’. They know that the Maorification Agenda (including the UN. Indigenous Rights B.S.) is about creating a ‘Caste System’ with Maori Elites at the Top of the Pyramid. All the legal aspects and financial wherewithal have being put in place.
    The reintroduction of the then-waning Caste System in India was how the British Subjugated the sub-Continent when Indians were well pissed off and seeking Revolution similar to America’s.
    Pakeha need to wake up to this Introduction of a Caste System and reject it resoundingly.
    Because Maori Elites Greed will get in the way of any Sense from them. It is up to us.

  25. Theresa Parata26 July 2024 at 16:33

    You know what all you haters, if we had a crisis in this country . All Māori would help you , the marae’s and all, just like we opened the door and let non Māori stay here in the 1800s. Our people are good people and we trusted you

    1. Theresa Parata I agree and don’t misinterpret my post as hating Maori as a people, if you happen to be doing that. I don’t and count a number of Maori amongst my closest acquaintances. The alleged Maori I object to, are the Fake elitists who are only after PowerProfitControl and who intend to destroy our Free Country and Free Peoples to satisfy their hunger for PowerProfitControl.
      Real people from
      all Races need to come together in a ‘Workers’ Movement to take our Country back for the Working People - who come from all Races.

    2. Theresa Parata you never let anyone stay in the 1800s

    3. Theresa Parata yeah same with our Marae's in Otautahi, they're all civil service emergency building's for all New Zealanders in a crisis, and we happily open up our Marae's doors during the earthquakes & help awhi as many as those we could & needed it in Christchurch, whose home's that were affected & asked for help & had nowhere to go, we happily gave away food, clothing, housing & a roof over head for those hundreds of Kiwi's, colour, race never became an issue, which it shouldn't in times like that.

    4. Graham Jenkins30 July 2024 at 15:55

      I'm sorry but the "real Haters" are a bunch of maori elites who are creating this race division for their own selfish reasons & certainly not to help Maoridom or the country as a whole. We all bleed red.

  26. Thank goodness Seymour and Jones, both have Maori DNA, are 'calling out' these raving racist Maori Party 'story-tellers' .....they must be a little short on intellect with all the baseless rankings!!!....and claims such as living in 'castles' in the 1860s!!! What a friken joke!!!!. They obviously also believe 'pigs fly'!!!
    The barcodes worn only in the last 5-10 years demonstrate a tribal 'and- me-to' mentality. All of a sudden, these primitive tattoos are the in-thing...nothing really to do with family roots!!!
    Time all this postering and attention seeking is not given any more airtime!!!!

    1. they don’t know their own coulter the mojo was given to them by the chief of the tribe because they did something special in the tribe

    2. what a crack up! even still, after everything you've seen, heard & should know, you still believe that these politicians are there to serve you & other New Zealanders & haven't been brought, paid off & there gonna set things right & get this country back on track again!
      Funny! you's are so funny!

  27. Unfortunately she Jabbed her supporters with the Pfizer poison, but took the exemption allowed to parliamentarians.

    1. Why would anyone need exemption from a 'safe and effective' 'vaccination' for a deadly 'virus' ?

    2. Dale Jacobson self preservation!

  28. Without the backing of our pathetic media these insane arseholes wouldn't exist!! NZ media is totally controlled by the UN !

  29. Foul mouthed little Irish git

    1. Richie Bolstad26 July 2024 at 16:44

      This coming from someone with a French name..😂

    2. Divide and conquer agenda people stay United

    3. Correct

  30. Steven Hone Reid26 July 2024 at 16:46

    Could I say Jacinda Aderns views represent all those of NZ European decent? So please do not assume Packer, Waititi, & TPM represent all Māori!
    Have you not been listening to Shane Jones & Winnie? Besides Labour (not my choice) got more Māori votes than TPM they just didn’t win the Māori seats!

  31. Judith C Richards26 July 2024 at 16:48

    So has she disclaimed her mother.

  32. When the native peoples of Aotearoas parliament reopens ,she will not be apart of it.

  33. Silly b.... is whiter than Casper……amazing what hair dye, tattoos and sun tans can achieve to fake her naritive

  34. Nutters club

  35. Maurice Whitford26 July 2024 at 16:51

    They are all bloody clowns . And that's an insult to clowns ..

  36. Claire Gourlay26 July 2024 at 16:51

    This is a great photo totally summing it up

  37. She will go too far and fall over . The media is the biggest villain in all this . They inciting this behaviour .
    The pendulum is slowly coming back to normal

    1. Robin Williams26 July 2024 at 20:35

      You might be right, her former allies might turn on her with a vengeance.

  38. Why don't they fk off to some off shore Island and live in the bare-arsed dirt where they started from.

  39. Neurologically impaired by Pfizer. That’s what she needs to think about


    1. Gavin Sims Nice one. I wish I'd thought of that.

  40. The P word Pa keha pa means a place or a community keha meaning smells bad or stinks or a flea. Like calling a Black person the N word. Disgusting

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Sticks and stones. Doesn't bother me.

  41. Martin Welborn26 July 2024 at 20:31

    I see she has her flutter board around her neck....

    1. Brett Connolly26 July 2024 at 20:32

      She puts on the cheap plastic ornament gets her chin tattooed and then pretends she’s a Maori. She 98% Irish. She honestly believes we think she’s Maori . Not overly bright.

    2. I very much doubt that it's cheap plastic. She - or rather, the taxpayer - can afford the best pounamu.

  42. And Brainless!

  43. It is trouble with a capital T

  44. William Wallace26 July 2024 at 23:21

    she has long since 'lost', and disgusted pakeha. its only the MAD, INDOCTRINATED, NUTTERS, and those who are in the 'snouts-in-the-trough' game? that are all over it. and the SINGLE, PROSCRIBED, AUTHORITARIAN, (read stalinist) 'MAORI WORLD VIEW'? well, thats straight out of 'the book of MAO'.

  45. Great post and so accurate, I’ve shared it

  46. They don't even know what marxism is. Packer didn't know she was Maori until she got the makeover to go into politics. All their focus is greed and power wherever they may find it. The lies alone: the co-leader doesn't know he's Maori either. He thought tattooing his face would make it happen. He says: "Maori were peaceful pre colonisation, Maori were not cannibals, Maori drown because colonisation taught them to swim - before that they didn't drown..."
