Friday 19 July 2024


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Antipope posters pop up in Rome

Ask a lapsed Catholic why they left the Church. The answer most likely is, Fr Tom (or Dick or Harry) said such and such. What Father had said is usually trivial to a degree, and maybe his aggrieved parishioner was looking for an excuse to leave the Faith - which he probably no longer recognises as the faith of our fathers, because the Antipope's usurpation of the See of Peter has resulted in an Ape church pretending to be the Body of Christ.

The Mystical Spouse of Christ subsists, these post-Vat II days, in traditional orders who celebrate the Tridentine Mass which Rome had hoped was as good as dead. But the Mass won't lie down. In the young people and families who flock to the truth and beauty of the TLM and its authoritative teaching, the Mass - as all through the ages - continues to win souls for Christ. And that is precisely why the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer (FSSR) of Christchurch have been banished; that's why Rome and her falsely obedient tool, Bishop Michael Gielen, continue to flail the authentic Catholic Church. 

This is a scandal. It's a scandal because it will cause spiritual ruin to others (St. Thomas (II-II, Q. liii, a. 1). If something a priest says causes people to leave the Church (and proceed to Hell), how much more will the words and actions of a bishop? Or a pope, so-called? The banishment of the FSSR is an act evil in itself - and in appearance (minus rectum, ibid)In charity one assumes this to be an instance of indirect scandal, when without the intention to cause another to fall into sin one says a word or performs a deed which is for that individual an occasion of sin. It is evil in itself because it deprives the FSSR's congregation not only of daily Mass, but of their Sacraments, most vitally Reconciliation. 

"And whosoever shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me: it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and he were cast into the sea" (Mk 9:42).

It looks very much like a case of old-fashioned envy. You know, the sin which is among the seven most deadly. And that's because while the FSSR's Oratory is booming, the Christchurch Diocese is dying by not-so-slow degrees. But it's more than envy. It's a case of downright death-dealing to Christ our Sovereign King - which will not succeed; we have the word of Our Lord and His Blessed Mother, the Immaculata, for that.

Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer

Bishop Gielen's banishment of the FSSR is scandalous also because of its high-handedness. He gives no real explanation for Rome's diktat. The faithful deprived of their daily Mass are deprived also of knowing why for six days out of seven they should lose the best means to their eternal salvation. For Rome's reasons they must resort to the rebarbative Paddy Gower who "has issues" and the lamentable Newshub's gossipy insinuations. 

It is scandalous also for the bishop's obdurate refusal to meet or dialogue with Fathers Michael Mary and Anthony Mary. One can understand +Gielen's reluctance: as a Novus Ordoite born and bred, his understanding of the Church tradition of exorcism which was the grounds for the story being picked up by Gower et al in the first place, would hardly match the learning of the Latin Mass-trained priests of the FSSR. But for a bishop to deny priests in his diocese an opportunity to discuss the isses is surely a failure of charity? 

In the same way, the edict is scandalous for its failure in charity to explain its reasons to the faithful. Pre-Vatican II there was not much need in the Church, for 'comms'. Things were stated clearly, succinctly, by the pope and curia. Now, although there seemingly exists an entity called Catholic Communications, we are abandoned to the likes of CathNews which trots out someone called 'Mark, a prominent Catholic and regular (English) mass-goer' who toes the CathNews modernist, Marxist line in backing the bishop. But even Mark criticises the Christchurch diocese’s communication, and asks for publication of the report from the Vatican's Visitation.

“I accept some parts ... may need redacting, but old-style communications don’t really cut it in a Church that is going synodal.” In a Church that is going to pot, Mark, no communications can cut it. You can't put lipstick on a pig. And that's flat.

Speaking of Marxist, we learn from a former parishioner of the bishop's that +Gielen "supports the whole racist Maori supremacist pagan narrative"; that when our parishioner offered him a couple of books on the subject he took them first to be 'checked' by the 'Marxist'  head of the parish social justice committee - who told him they’d been discredited as white colonial propaganda. It would seem that +Gielen's banishment of the FSSR from his diocese speaks volumes for the value of parish 'social justice' committees, which in our experience never address the most basic issue of social justice: abortion - and that explains partly why three of the four pro-life vigilantes in Hastings are Latin Mass adherents (the fourth being a Marist priest, incognito).

Presumably the bishop obtained legal advice before 'asking' the FSSR to leave Christchurch. For the sake of the Diocesan coffers one hopes so, as the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer's community are about to take legal action to secure justice for their priests - who are New Zealand citizens. Let battle commence!

Concerned members of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer faithful have grave concerns regarding the calculated mischaracterisation of our Christchurch community and have prepared the following statement:

The Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer and its congregation have been targeted by a deliberate and coordinated misinformation campaign.

This campaign along with the outrageous, false, and fanciful allegations have not resulted in any discernible findings and have lacked any of the components of rigour or natural justice.

The bishop of Christchurch only managed to turn up minor administrative issues which are being used to suppress and shut down the Holy Latin Mass and issue proxy deportation orders to several New Zealand citizens.

The Bishop of Christchurch has repeatedly and continues to refuse to meet or open any dialogue with members of our congregation and community.

Overall, this is a direct attack on a strong and vibrant multicultural Roman Catholic community that provides much fruit for Holy Church in the way of vocations.

The bishop has patronisingly offered ONE Latin Mass at a different location in place of the 9+ masses, catechism, and confessions, said and heard weekly for 300+ souls.

This is grossly inadequate for a congregation of our size and given the bishop’s hostility toward the Holy Traditional Latin Mass, we have grave concerns for the longevity of this alternative arrangement.

We believe the bishop is violating the human rights of members of The Sons of The Most Holy Redeemer and potentially violating various criminal laws.

We know that the Church has clear guidelines around taking such draconian actions and we know these have been suspended.

We the Faithful have engaged with lawyers and will pursue these cases in lengthy civil and canonical court cases until we are satisfied with the resolution.

There is a global movement to reduce the number of Traditional orders and this agenda is being pursued vigorously by those who claim to have absolute power in the Church and those with a destructive agenda.Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer speak out against allegations (


It's orders like the FSSR, not the bishops (as +Grayland claims) who protect authentic tradition

But oh, how could we overlook Cathnews' Dr Joe Grayland, 'New Zealand’s only liturgically trained theologian'. Only he's not New Zealand's any longer, thank God, he's Germany's (teaching at the University of Tubingen) and may he stay Germany's. For the rest of his natural. 

In Fr Grayland's considered, liturgically-trained theological opinion, "Bishop Michael Gielen’s decision to remove the faculties of the clerical members of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer and to ask them to leave the diocese is a courageous act."

Pity poor Bishop Gielen, who if Fr Grayland is his best supporter in the media (even if it's only in the non-Catholic Cathnews) is very much in need of our prayers. He was between a rock and a hard place. He acted courageously in courting criticism from the 'rad trads'. But he would have acted far more courageously and meritoriously in the eyes of God, had he resisted the unjst verdict of the Vatican on these Holy Sons.

"One must hope," +Grayland piously intones, "that the other New Zealand bishops will support Bishop Gielen by not undercutting his decision by offering this fringe group a home in their dioceses ... The bishops are the protectors of the authentic tradition of the Church and are not there to further a fringe group."

Even from a 'liturgically trained theologian' this statement is simply risible. Fr Grayland is indeed blessed in having 'a fringe group' in the Palmerston North Diocese offering prayers on his behalf. Even if some of them are for the intention of prolonging his sojourn in Germany indefinitely.

"The scandal-plagued group" says +Grayland, "came to prominence through their illicit use of the rites of exorcism and have been investigated by both the local media and by the Church." 

'Illicit use of the rites of exorcism' has been denied by the Holy Sons and there is no evidence of investigation either by media or the Church.  Theologian +Grayland may call 'Paddy Gower Has Issues' and Newshub 'investigation'; a journalist would not.

John answered him, saying: Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name, who followeth not us: and we forbade him. But Jesus said: Do not forbid him. For there is no man that doth a miracle in my name and can soon speak ill of me. For he that is not against you is for you (Mk 9:38-41).

St Dominic Exorcising

St Dominic, please pray for us 


  1. Yes, it is an absolute disgrace what has happened to the FSSR. I say we welcome them to Palmerston North. I love the TLM and always attend their masses when in Christchurch. It’s a disgrace that the bishop is refusing to release their report and could only cough up to the media the flaccid quote “the action speaks for themselves”. I pray for justice.

    1. I am disgusted that Bishop Gielen is refusing to meet with the faithful who attend the FSSR and it is quite right that they should take him to court. Where is Bishop Gielen's love of neighbour and fatherly care for all the flock in the Christchurch diocese? Evidently it doesn't extend to those attending the TLM. So much for the synodal process where everyone is supposed to have a voice.

  2. Here in the USA, NovusOrdo Redemptorist Fathers don't say a critical word about the heterodox Fiducia Suplicans and Amoris Latetia edicts

  3. Greg Rasmusen
    Oh you pathetic, short sighted lost humans.

    1. Heidi Wekenborg19 July 2024 at 16:25

      Greg Rasmusen , I’m unsure whom you are addressing here. Is it those who are faithful to the catholic church or those who have left the faith?


    2. Greg Rasmusen, Catholics, of course, do not rely on 'God's (sic) of how many faiths'. They rely on One, Triune, Almighty God. I encourage you to learn about Him while you have time: before you meet Him, which could be at any moment. May He enlighten and bless you.

    3. Heidi Wekenborg19 July 2024 at 16:35

      Greg Rasmusen, for me God is the energy that is in us, created us and IS us.
      Energy which continues forever in all its forms.

    4. Each for their own Heidi.
      Other dimensions, I believe exist for us to find,
      where humans motivation by fear, greed or self aggrandisement is non existent.
      Knowledge is truth in flux.
      Seek within, then depart in another form forever.
      Leave Einsteins theory behind.

    5. Yes, seek God within. That's the teaching of all the great Catholic mystics. Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, Therese of Lisieux, etc. Do seek them out as your guides to the Truth.

    6. Heidi Wekenborg19 July 2024 at 16:41

      Greg Rasmusen, perhaps you could re-read what I wrote.
      Don’t get hung up about the word god.

  4. Helen McFarlane19 July 2024 at 16:43

    Article on front of todays Press about a Catholic nuns order that is not anything to do with Catholic church or endorsed by the ‘old chap’ but we stupidly give hundreds of thousands to it as it’s registered as a charity. Time someone in Govt had a look at this list of misfit organisations sponging off us while lazing around in the sun, making money for the boys at the top & wearing stupid clothes.
    Gloriavale a prime example.

  5. Like all religions the poor never get to see the money collected, case in point Billy Graham died with 23 million American dollars in his bank account. Bishop Estuary has a his and her car and a couple of spares.

    1. Errol Dyer, Helen McFarlane, one sometimes wonders whether discussion on the affairs of the Cathollc Church which elicits misinformed responses such as yours is worthwhile. No wonder Christ was crucified: if He came again in human form He'd be crucified again. But He loved us enough to die for our eternal salvation and He asks us to continue His work on earth.
      In today's world Helen, it's hard for non-Christians to understand the love of God which motivated the Catholics who built those magnificent works of art, the cathedrals and abbeys, and taught and fed and nursed the poor and the sick, all for the glory of God.
      And Errol Dyer, the Catholic Church had nothing to do with Billy Graham. He was a Baptist and as such lacked the truth which is to be found only in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

    2. Julia, Julia, Julia.
      Oh ye of little faith.
      Cast....., no hurl your mind out into space; beyond this Milky way I million light years across; faster than the speed of light, to other galaxies, past Andromeda, forever onwards with no end, no barriers to distort another dimension of your mind.
      No God's for they are the invention of men.

  6. Candy-Jane James19 July 2024 at 17:13

    A few weeks ago, visiting Christchurch, I looked up the nearest Catholic Church to where I was staying and it was Our Lady of Perpetual Succour in St Albans. Such a beautiful TLM with a full and very welcoming congregation. Hadn't attended a TLM since I was a child and I found it very moving. Feeling sad.

    1. Yes, it's tragic, the damage the Vatican is inflicting, and the souls being lost as a result. You can find the Traditional Latin Mass online, on google. For example

  7. Christine Blandford19 July 2024 at 17:19

    It’s heartbreaking that this has happened in Chch 💔 I’m keeping the priests in my prayers and pray that justice and truth will prevail. This Catholic community stood up to the mandates, the only one in Chch. They were part of the protests in Chch and courageously stood up for truth. It’s no coincidence that corrupt media, such as Gower had to smear lies about them. Apparently Gower was brought up a Catholic, but sadly he’s let Satan taken over

    1. And that will have been noted by those in church power. This decision to kick them all out is political, they would not have been popular attending the protests. The Church is left leaning and ran with Jacindas shut downs.

  8. There was no Jesus Christ it’s all a man made up name lord is another name for satan

    1. well if you believe in Satan there must also be a God.

  9. Aaron Henderson19 July 2024 at 17:22

    Most Christians have had the covid vaccine, this is described in the Bible as "the mark of the Beast" it also says two working in the field and one is taken, this is whats happening with the sudden death syndrome. Probably pay for the Christians to read their Bible from time to time.

    1. first thing I said about the covid vaccines was the mark of the beast

    2. biblically it doesn’t resemble the mark of the beast but I do believe it is the absolute pre cursor….. and unless someone wakes from their slumber they will fall for it as readily as they did the jab.
      The way many churches turned on the unvaccinated was outrageous, but I definitely saw it coming. The church is FULL self righteousness and sanctimony!

    3. It's so INTERESTING to note that so very few - if any - Traditional Latin Mass adherents willingly accepted the Jab while in the Novus Ordo they all fell for it. If the Antipope hadn't tried so hard to suppress the TLM, far fewer would have fallen victim to the Covid scamdemic.

    4. SSPX said the jab was a personal decision and told my friend she should take it due to health reasons!!!

    5. I've heard that said, and it's very disappointing. I can't believe the holy SSPX priests I know personally would say any such thing.

  10. Christina Horton19 July 2024 at 17:40

    The novus ordo church is not the Catholic Church.

    1. sure thing Judas, I prefer the TLM but to say that is insulting to Christ

    2. You're right a church is just a building and just to correct you it's the Holy Roman Catholic Faith👌 end of discussion!

    3. Christina Horton, et al, as I've stated repeatedly on this page, the Novus Ordo/Synodal Church is the 'Ape Church' prophesied by Ven Fulton Sheen in the '50s. It's a counterfeit church, a sham.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. sounds like sede 🗑️ garbage, false sense of traditionalism

    6. Christina Horton21 July 2024 at 16:24

      refute anything in the letter. Vatican II teaches condemned heresies.

    7. sede nonsense! Church has authority to change certain teaching, It may not change the teachings of Jesus! Which V2 has not. Sorry lady your the one in schism which lead to heresy sad part is you don’t realize it. You have to loose the Pharisee mentality. I would
      Agree there are teachings that should have been left alone (the baby was thrown out with the bath water) but the Church is a living thing living things grow and change as the Church has done since its founding with the exception of Jesus teachings which I repeat V2 has not. You and every other sede has or rouge bishop/priest has NO authority to say it’s heresy. The biggest issues with V2 is how it was interpreted and implemented. You are proof of that!

  11. Bernadette Milliken19 July 2024 at 17:54

    Take him to court. Stop the evil attacks.

  12. Mike Kuipers von Lande19 July 2024 at 18:00

    Mike Kuipers von Lande
    I used to know Michael Gielen quite well, when he was our parish priest. At the time he was a reasonably conservative priest, though unwilling to examine the status quo if it meant rocking the boat. He supports the whole racist Maori supremacist pagan narrative for example. He refused to read a couple of books on the subject I recommended to him as he ‘checked them’ first with the Marxist head of the parish social justice committee, who told him they’d been discredited as white colonial propaganda. Such are the attitudes of those who follow fashion and cancel culture, rather than God, Truth, and logical principle.
    An even clearer indication of his loyalty was covid. Senior NZ clergy fell in behind the satanic witch to support her destruction of Church and society. They raised no objection to the horrific child-sacrifice abortion laws she ushered in under covid, and agreed to ban Catholics from attending Holy Mass, receiving the Eucharist, and other sacraments. They confirmed their positions as unholy political pawns. Until they resign or face their actions, repent, and assume the position they are supposed to have - Christ’s shepherds on earth - the NZ Catholic Church will remain in crisis, carried by Christ and the faithful priests and laity.

    1. Kerry Campbell19 July 2024 at 18:01

      I think your appraisal of what has happened proves the depravity of your denomination. I am a Christian, with no denominational loyalties, but will attend wherever I feel the Bible is best represented.

  13. Kerry Campbell, you do realise it was the Catholic Church which compiled and published the Bible? And which was instituted by Christ, when He said "Whatever you bind on earth will be bound also in heaven and what you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven"? That means the Catholic Church, and only the Catholic Church, has the authority to 'represent' the Bible.

  14. Much as I revere Bishop Schneider, I must point out that in logic Bergoglio is not a pope, but an antipope, so none of +Schneider's statement quoted here pertains to 'Pope Francis'.

  15. Dan-El LeVeille19 July 2024 at 18:22

    Pray much for Pope Francis and all the clergy.

  16. Helen McFarlane19 July 2024 at 18:29

    Really have little interest in this particular religion but remember my husband being quite angry at the huge expenditure, gold etc in the cathedrals, abbeys etc in Europe while the parishioners were starving. Strange way to live.

    1. Could you cite the parishioners who were starving, please?

    2. Helen McFarlane19 July 2024 at 18:30

      not referring to present day but when these edifices were erected.

    3. Monks and nuns performed many practical services in the Middle Ages, for they housed travelers, nursed the sick, and assisted the poor; abbots and abbesses dispensed advice to secular rulers. But monasticism also offered society a spiritual outlet and ideal with important consequences for medieval culture as a whole. Monasteries encouraged literacy, promoted learning, and preserved the classics of ancient literature, including the works of Cicero, Virgil, Ovid, and Aristotle. To beautify the celebration of the liturgy, monastic composers enriched the scope and sophistication of choral music, and to create the best environment for devotion, monasticism developed a close and fruitful partnership with the visual arts. The need for books and buildings made religious houses active patrons of the arts, and the monastic obligation to perform manual work allowed many monks and nuns to serve God as creative artists. Exceptionally, some of them signed their works in words that seem intended not only to name the maker but also to identify the object as a prayerful offering.

  17. The FSSR folks are reacting. They are angry as they appear to be getting treated so unjustly. Clearly FSSR believes there is no substantive case against them.


  18. Julia,

    How do we get them up here? They could fill the gap inHawke's Bay.

    Plus we may need someone to grow grapes and wheat. None GMO.

  19. Tell me, what is your take on how Francis usurped the Church from Benedict overpowering the College of Cardinals “making them” elect him?

    1. Try this post:

  20. Try this post:

  21. And you believe all this clap trap because Vigano and others say so. I’ll admit that whoever put this together ought to receive a Nobel award for fiction.

  22. I believe it because when you know the back stories it's only common sense (as well as the discernment inculcated by the Latin Mass) to believe it. We must try to keep up and to inform our conscience.

  23. There can be no argument that the Latin Mass is one beautiful expression of our faith. But some would have everyone believe that it is the only true expression. I lived it and participated in it the first 15 years of my life. But our Church through much prayer and deliberation found a legitimate but new expression as it did after the first 500 years when it changed to the Latin Mass. The Novus Ordo was a new expression with the Word and Eucharist as its base. Nothing changed other than format and orientation. Christ today is present in both as He always has been. The problem comes not from Vatican II but those who felt things were taken away. Think about those who lived prior to the Latin Masses institution. Were we right in taking that from them? Just some thoughts!

  24. The Church never 'changed to the Latin Mass'. The TLM was not a result of change but of organic growth and development.
    But in the NO, EVERYTHING changed except for the Eucharist. Even the Word changed, drastically, in that no longer were they the same every year, ensuring that Massgoers became very familiar with the readings most relevant and instructive to living their Faith.
    No one lived 'prior to the Latin Masses (sic) institution' because the TLM was never instituted, but rather made uniform by the Council of Trent.
    Please watch the 'late. great Michael Davies' explain Vatican Council II here (you could skip over Michael Matt's introduction):

  25. Tom McNally
    Really, “never changed to the LM”and “organic growth “ Let’s see, so that means that Novus Ordo could be considered as organic growth and development after Vatican II when it was felt a switch to the vernacular would bring people closer to understanding the Word and prayers in the Mass. And the Word did not become stagnant and repetitive (same every year) but more opportunity to within a three year cycle hear more of the Old and New Testament scriptures. The TLM is a beautiful expression of Word, Eucharist in liturgy. But it is not the end all and be all of expression. I lived and loved it for the first fifteen years of my life. I’ve witnessed it when Ihad the opportunity in recent times. But the Church has moved to the new expression. If one can not realize the congruity of the two they are not opening their eyes, eats, minds and hearts to the gift we have.

  26. I'm sorry, but the N O by comparison with the organic growth of the TLM over the centuries was conceived and written in the space of 5 years by a prelate widely regarded as a Freemason, who was later exiled to Iran by Paul VI. I realise there are many Catholics who for reasons presumably known to themselves who prefer the N O (my husband and two sons are among them), and that it is licit. But I believe that in time the Tridentine Mass, the Mass of Ages, will by sheer weight of its adherents resume its rightful place as the greatest treasure of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

  27. How could it be organic since it was put into the Latin language which although prevalent in the world was not that of the uneducated masses? With the translation of the Bible into Latin by Jerome, it was not so much for the people to understand but for those who were transcribing it and yes to bring things into a unity. The Word itself was in Greek and other languages of the area including the writings of Paul and was done after in most cases the original Apostles were gone. So organic not so much.

  28. Latin has always been the official language of the Catholic Church. "The Church used Latin for centuries because it was born in the Roman Empire and when that empire fell, it KEPT it as a way to unify Catholics around the entire world."

  29. excellent article. Thank you & God Bless 🙏🙏
