Friday 12 July 2024


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It's not just cardinals and bishops now, in Francis church, who are AFRAID. Many of the Trad Catholic commentariat who until very recently stood with Archbishop Carlo Maria +Viganò, for his trenchant criticisms of Antipope Francis and the Curia's Lavender Mafia, are now suddenly tut-tutting about the archbishop they once fêted. In a somewhat snide and pusillanimous article Eric Sammons, editor in chief at Crisis Magazine for example, goes so far as to call +Viganò 'unhinged'. 

It's like the children's game, "What's the Time, Mr Wolf?" Catholic commentators, clergy and lay (led by +Viganò) fearlessly stalked the Wolf Bergoglio for years, asking awkward questions, leaking damaging documents - until, when they're all lulled into a sense of false security, the wolf suddenly he turns on them and yells, "Excommunicado!" And they run for their lives. And then like little boys everywhere they gang up on the guy who got them into trouble. +Viganò. 

They've got skin in the game, remember. Online publications, websites and blogs have a living to earn, just like priests bishops and cardinals who depend on their stipends and the "money in the plate". Journos who churn out videos and podcasts have to mind their subscribers, 'hits' and donations to keep the revenue flowing in. They don't want to alienate their readers and viewers, especially not the influencers in the hierarchy. Hence Sammons says 'virtually all the bishops' are opposed to +Viganò, perhaps hoping the sheep will follow their so-called shepherds and continue to be good click-bait. 

But the reality is that Francis/Bergoglio has NOT excommunicated Archbishop +Viganò. Jorge Mario Bergoglio is NOT THE POPE. He's an antipope, with no Petrine authority to excommunicate anyone. 

Why should anyone who has a well-formed conscience, and can think for themselves, tug their forelock and kowtow to a man whose deeds - going right back to his sham 'election' in 2013, when Pope Benedict occupied the See of Peter and which was massaged and manipulated by the Sankt Galen Mafia - all prove his unfitness to be called a Catholic, let alone a pope?

Because they're AFRAID. It's not for nothing that the phrase "Fear not" is repeated more often than any other in Sacred Scripture. God knows our fallen nature, what cowardy-custards we are. Even lay people are AFRAID. They should be afraid, of course - of offending God - but the Novus Ordo has largely obliterated that fear and supplanted it with fear of offending His usurpers - the secular 'communidy', the 'Team of 5 Million' who fell victim to Jacinda Ardern's cajolery and the counterfeit church community of Francis, and got themselves jabbed with a death-dealing drug. 

Mel Gibson - he ain't afraid

Cardinals, bishops, priests and lay people are also AFRAID of saying that Pope Francis is not the pope. They're AFRAID of saying it out loud. Because if they haven't got a pope, look out! the sky will fall on their heads.  

"(Viganò) feared for his life", writes Sammons.  He tells us that, goodness me, after all this time he's still in hiding. That's not fear of losing your living, or of  'what people might think' or 'how can I/the Church survive with a pope?'  

+Viganò knows better than most the risks he's run by blowing the whistle on Cardinal McCarrick and the "Deep Church". He knows more than the Vaticanistas about the nasty fates which have befallen critics of Bergoglio, from his time in Argentina onward. The LGBTQI+ contingent protected and nourished by Francis aren't just sodomites, they're vicious sodomites. As in violent, reckless sodomites.

The story about Cardinal George Pell suddenly having a heart attack in the recovery room while chatting with the anesthesiologist is a lie.
++Pell was alone in a room after surgery when “the electricity went out.” When the “electricity came back on” and the staff checked on him, he was dead.The only way to cut power in a hospital barring a massive natural disaster or act of war, is intentionally.  ++Pell had a broken nose. I’m with Liz Yore. They cut the power, assassins went in and leaned HARD on the pillow, because ++Pell was a physically huge man – even weakened he would have put up non-trivial resistance whilst being suffocated- and then the lights were turned back on and the staff were allowed back in to discover the corpse.



Cardinal Pell - who wouldn't have have taken kindly to suffocation  

(A)ny journalists out there who want to pursue this and aren’t terrified of literally being murdered by Antipope Bergoglio and his coven of faggot satanist toadies and their paymasters in the Chinese Communist Party (the CCP funds the Vatican to the tune of $2 BILLION PER YEAR) and the American/NWO (Novus Ordo Orbis) Deep State, should probably get with it.

But back to Mr Sammons, who thinks that because +Viganò now calls Bergoglio by his given name he must be a sede. Mr Sammons conflates denial of the legitimacy of the current papacy with the position held by sedevacantists, which is that the See of Peter has been vacant since 1958. So that's another reason to be AFRAID, and join the +Viganò pile-on. Who wants to be called a 'sede'?

Archbishop +Viganò has done what all the cowardy-custard cardinals should have done. He denounced the Deep State and the Deep Church and the villainous Bergoglio. He's no more perfect than the rest of us but he has defended Christ, our Sovereign King, and His Mystical Body, the Church.

Then +Viganò went too far. He mentioned a seminarian in Argentina who says he was sexually abused by the man the illogical, immoral and uninformed world calls the POPE. 

So while McCarrick, +Rupnik, +Jimmy Martin and the rest of the sodomitical clergy continue as they have for YEARS to roam free to do as they and the devil please, wham, bam! thank you Ma'm - within a month, +Viganò is summonsed, tried, convicted and excommunicated. 

Who would want to call Bergoglio Pope? Who would want to belong to Bergoglio's church? 

St Catherine of Siena, Doctor of the Church, pray for us 


  1. It’s unfortunately all part of this larger agenda that their plans will cause us to lose our beloved church. This is the Bigger Picture.

    1. Dina Cash Wink13 July 2024 at 22:38


    2. yes, and going on for a long time!

    3. Dina Cash WInk13 July 2024 at 22:39

      we are in serious trouble. The most frighting thing are the Pope haters.

    4. We must have faith in Christ Who said "the gates of hell shall not prevail against it". Nothing can cause us to lose our beloved Church.

  2. Dina Cash Wink, not really, the most frightening thing is the enemy behind the hateable anti-popes.

    1. Donna Owen Yes, they're 'hateable' but we must love our enemies.

  3. Vivianne Holmes13 July 2024 at 22:46

    I stand with Archbishop Vigano.

    1. So does every Catholic who possesses faith and logic.

  4. Joshua Dowling13 July 2024 at 22:48

    To stand with him is to stand outside the church and be in a schismatic (even if not formally recognised)

    1. I'm afraid that it's the so-called pope who is outside the Church: Bergoglio can no longer even be called a Catholic.

    2. Joshua Dowling13 July 2024 at 22:49

      so you believe that the whole church follows an anti-pope meaning you think the gates of hell have prevailed against the church?
      Does that also mean you must think the church is no longer indefectible not only lacking a valid pope but is also teaching universally that a man who is not pope is the pope so is actively teaching error universally?
      Does that also mean you think that all masses are being offered illicitly since they are formally offered in union with a false pope and the bishop who is in union with him (which would put him outside the church as well under your theory)? And all the bishops of the world at the same time meaning again that the gates of hell have prevailed since no valid masses are being offered?
      My my you must have a lot of faith in the abilities of the devil to overcome the bride of Christ if any of these are the case?
      I myself do not believe Christ is a liar, nor do I believe that the gates of hell have prevailed which is what I would be required to believe if any of the answer to any of the above was yes. I sadly think what is far more likely my friend is the devil has taken you for ride and you are badly in need of a wake up call and some repentance.

    3. I presume you're familiar with the history of the Arian heresy, when St Athanasius was virtually alone among the bishops for opposing Arius? The saint came in for a whole lot of criticism for his stance but finally of course, was vindicated.
      But by no means does the whole Church now follow the anti-pope. The remnant of the truly faithful - led by Archbishop Vigano - do not follow Bergoglio.
      Remember that Christ said "When I return, will I find faith on earth?" Yes, He will - but only in the remnant.

    4. Joshua Dowling13 July 2024 at 22:57

      a formal schismatic and his followers are not part of the church no matter how much they pretend they do not have communion if they had communion they vatican would not be denying that there is communion.
      Sspx theories just remind of brach theory/heresy

    5. No heretic who doesn’t follow God (and is automatically excommunicated) can validly excommunicate anyone WHO FOLLOWS GOD and not a heresy against God, His Church, souls.

  5. I'd like to give you credit for charity in believing that the vatican could not be untruthful, but I must say it smacks more of naivety.
    Bergoglio does not have the Petrine authority to excommunicate even a cat.

  6. Joshua Dowling13 July 2024 at 23:01

    The personal holiness of the man matters not in the execution of a validly held office. Which he clearly holds. When every bishop holds that the man is the valid people we can be sure it falls under infallibility that he is. The faithful as a whole cannot fall into error and your position requires that for you to be correct.
    At this point i am just going pray for your soul. I dont think you are actually hearing me. To much hate and pride in you to see things clearly.
    So may God be with you, may God be merciful to you.

  7. But every bishop does NOT hold that Francis is 'the valid people' (sic).
    "The body of the faithful as a whole, anointed as they are by the Holy One (cf. 1 Jn 2:20, 27), cannot err in matters of belief. Thanks to a supernatural instinct of faith which characterizes the people as a whole, it manifests this unerring quality when, 'from the bishops down to the last member of the laity' (St. Augustine, De Praed. Sanct., 14, 27), it SHOWS UNIVERSAL AGREEMENT IN MATTERS OF FAITH AND MORALS.") (Emphasis mine.)
    Even Novus Ordo Massgoers do not show this universal agreement with Bergoglio. They have too much common sense and logic to do so.

  8. Ramon V. Zamora Jr.13 July 2024 at 23:39

    Ramon V. Zamora Jr.
    Jesus and Mary will give glory to all persecuted but faithful priests and bishops who have stood by the True Faith until the end.
