Wednesday 17 July 2024



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All he needs now is to convert to Catholicism - authentic, traditional Catholicism

New Zealand continues careening down the literally suicidal path of killing its unborn children: the Ministry of Health (aka Ministry of Sick) has just closed the door to a last-minute change of mind for any mother who regrets having taken the drug mifestrone to kill the child in her womb.  

 Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) is now illegal. Doctors and nurses and individuals  promoting the practice are threatened with 6 months' imprisonment and fines up to $20,000. Body corporates can be fined $100,000. The Ministry of Health  Sick displayed woeful stupidity and told persuasive porkies during the Covid scamdemic, and now it's at it again. Same goes for all the 'Royal' medical professional bodies who are backing the Ministry up. Why are we not surprised? 

The Ukrainian Catholic priest Fr Jason Charron, who gave a benediction at the Trump rally on Saturday shortly before the shot was fired which missed its target by millimetres, has said, “I think what immediately has contributed to this is abortion.

We have raised generations of children with the understanding that it is okay to butcher and dispose of precious human life in the most sacred place: the womb of the mother.

“If that sacred gift is disposable in that sacred place, then we are all up for extinction and anything else after that is a step down.

“If we want peace in our nation, we have to eliminate abortion because it trivializes human life.”

Fr Charron told CNA a group of about 15 to 20 people called him over to a barricade within the rally site as he was trying to leave shortly before Trump began speaking. I prayed for him and his safety, but that they have to pray, as well, because there are people who want to kill him. 


Fr Jason Charron - "there are people who want to kill him"  


Charron said he is aware of Trump’s policy pronouncements that conflict with Catholic teaching, including saying he favors the availability of abortion pills. But he alluded to Trump’s pro-life actions, which include while he was president appointing three U.S. Supreme Court justices who helped form a majority that overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022, which enabled states to ban abortion.

“If people wonder why I was at a Trump rally, it wasn’t to canonize him or absolve him from his many imperfections,” Charron told CNA.

“His recent shyness on championing pro-life legislation is undesirable, and it’s not for that I’m there, but to encourage him to build on the pro-life victories of his first administration,” he said.

“My prayer was one of protection. My prayer there was for the restoration of right relationships in our society — relationships at the individual level, at the familial level, at the societal level, such that our nation would be made great again in God’s sight. And our nation be made great again, I said, that our world be made great again, in God’s sight.

“All of this presupposes that people, first of all, begin to live their daily lives in accordance with God’s will.” 

New Zealand’s Ministry of Health has issued a scathing position statement against the life-saving intervention known as Abortion Pill Reversal (APR), threatening doctors and anyone who promotes the practice with imprisonment and fines.

A statement published on the Ministry of Health’s website on July 11, 2024, claims that APR “is not established by clinical research trials.” It asserts that the intervention “could lead to severe side effects and adverse outcomes.”

The severe side effects and adverse outcomes are not listed in the statement.   However, links are provided to the position statements of the following bodies, all of whom oppose abortion pill reversal:
 Royal Australia New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners
Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners
American College of Obstetrician and Gynaecologists and the 
Royal College of Obstetricians,
the British Society of Abortion Care Providers,
the Royal College of Midwives, and the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (joint statement).

Providers and advertisers threatened with fines and imprisonment

According to the Ministry, those who “sell, distribute or advertise” APR are in breach of section 20(2) of the Medicines Act, 1981.  This section of the Act restricts the sale or supply of new medicines.  Those convicted can face imprisonment of up to six months or be fined up to $20,000.  Convicted body corporates can be fined up to $100,000.
Although progesterone has been restricted in the past, it is not a new medicine.

The Ministry of Health claims in the press release that the breach of the Medicines Act 1981 arises “because progesterone is not approved for this purpose.”  This reasoning does not appear in the actual position statement.

PHARMAC opens access to progesterone in 2022

On December 1, 2022, PHARMAC, New Zealand’s governmental agency that decides which medicines are funded, removed all restrictions on progesterone.

According to PHARMAC’s website, removing restrictions means that progesterone “will be funded for any relevant use.”
The only caveat presented is that prescriptions are administered in accordance with Section 25 of the Medicines Act 1981.  As interpreted by PHARMAC, this section of the Medicines Act provides for authorised prescribers acting within the scope of their practice to “ ’procure the supply of any medicine’ for a particular patient in their care.”  The medication may be “approved” or “unapproved medicines.”

Further, the section allows for “an authorised prescriber to use an approved medicine for an unapproved use. For example, in an unapproved patient population, or with an unapproved dosage regimen, or for an unapproved indication or against a contraindication.”

On their website, PHARMAC provides commentary regarding the use of progesterone in so-called gender-affirming therapy, stating, “We acknowledge the need for funded efficacious and safe treatments for all uses, including for gender-affirming therapy.”  

The governmental agency reaffirms that progesterone will have all funding restrictions removed, placing the responsibility on the prescriber.  “It is the responsibility of prescribers to practice within their scope,” they explain, “and prescribe medicines for relevant use that they and their patient consider safe and appropriate.”

Although the circumstances illustrated above are different to that of attempting to reverse a chemical abortion, the position is consistent with the removal of restrictions.  PHARMAC tasks prescribers with the responsibility of deciding, along with their patient experiencing gender dissonance, what is “safe and appropriate,” therefore, the same logic must apply in assisting mothers wishing to attempt to reverse a chemical abortion.

The Ministry of Health’s position statement and the threat of fines and imprisonment to anyone who prescribes or promotes progesterone use to attempt to reverse a chemical abortion contradicts the position of PHARMAC.

Pro-life physicians and others who support them believe that every woman ought to have an opportunity to choose to reverse a chemical abortion if they change their mind.  The use of progesterone to reverse the effects of mifepristone has been shown to be safe and effective.  The thousands of lives that this intervention has saved speak for themselves.  The Ministry of Health, if serious about offering women choice, ought to reconsider its position. 
(Family Life International).



                   Our Lady of Mt Carmel, pray for us







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