Sunday 14 July 2024



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Fr Anthony Mary and Fr Michael Mary, banished by the Vatican

ROME HAS SPOKEN: acting on 'recommendations' from the Dicastery for Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, Bishop Michael Gielen of Christchurch has expelled the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer (FSSR). +Gielen has removed their faculties to exercise sacred ministry in the Christchurch Diocese. 

'Recommendations'. That's all my eye and Betty Martin. 'Recommendations' is simply a euphemism for 'diktats'. +Gielen reveals himself clearly as the Vatican's man and not one to resist Rome's decrees, no matter how unjust and sinful. Not for +Gielen, evidently, the holy disobedience of St Peter, who told the high priest, "We ought to obey God rather than man” (Acts 5:29). 

It's a Roman axe but morally it's +Gielen who's wielding a blunt instrument which inflicts great pain, not only on Father Michael Mary and Father Anthony Mary, but all Latin Massgoers in Christchurch - and doubtless also from distant parts. A family from Napier, for instance, attended the Latin Mass in Ashhurst yesterday. That's a two-hour+  drive and not uncommon, for lovers of the Mass of Ages. Because what's their alternative? The Novus Ordo, said by NO priests. 

For TLM adherents, blessed as they have been in Christchurch by daily Masses at the FSSR's Oratory which are now reduced by +Rome's diktat to one a week, the NO is no alternative at all. It is the Eucharist, yes, but THE NOVUS ORDO IS A DANGER TO FAITH. Attend at your own risk.  

Bishop Gielen states, in his letter to the Christchurch Diocese:  

"Any ministry (the FSSR) carry out will be unauthorised and liturgical celebrations will be illicit - that is, outside the rules of the Church. All professed members of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer have been asked to leave the Christchurch Diocese."


And the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer will almost certainly humbly accede to +Gielen's request. Where will they go? Presumably, back to Papa Stronsay, the tiny island in the Orkneys that is home to the FSSR, whence they set out to preach the Eternal Truths in the far-away mission field of New Zealand. 

Papa Stronsay, in the North Sea

Bishop Gielen has arranged that the Traditional Latin Mass community founded and fostered by the FSSR will have the TLM celebrated weekly at Kaiapoi, beginning July 21. We suppose we should be grateful for very small mercies. One wonders where +Gielen will find priests to celebrate the Latin Mass? Does he perhaps think Fr John Adams is still parish priest at Kaiapoi? It's not as if a priest can just rock up to a church and say the Traditional Latin Mass, as they can say the Novus Ordo. It takes time, dedication and a degree of intelligence, not to mention love of God and His Mystical Spouse the Church, to learn the Latin Mass.   

The FSSR community has been waiting for the Vatican axe to fall ever since an Apostolic Visitation last November by Australian Bishop Robert McGuckin, following complaints of exorcisms carried out without  permission made to +Gielen's predecessor, Bishop Paul Martin.  And actually long before that, for 6 years during which the Oratory was subjected to a sustained campaign of slander. 

+Gielen claims that these measures have been taken for 'the good of the Church and the faithful in this Diocese'. Just how is it good for the Church or the Diocese at this moment in time, when US president Donald Trump escapes assassination only by a few millimetres and - TLM Catholics in the US believe - the intervention of Our Blessed Mother? 

It's not hard to work this one out, is it? The brouhaha stirred up by the rebarbative Paddy Gower in massaging certain 'Catholic' malcontents over 'exorcisms' was grist to Antipope Bergoglio's mill. It was merely a pretext. That accusation of exorcism was promptly deployed by Antipope Francis as a tool to do away with yet another Traditional Latin Mass community. 

Be under no illusions here: it's the Traditional Latin Mass that Antipope Bergoglio has in his sights, just as surely as the shooter yesterday had Trump in his.  IT'S THE MASS THAT MATTERS!

Bergoglio is Satan's instrument, just as Bishop Michael Gielen is Bergoglio's - unwittingly, no doubt. To rise to the episcopacy in New Zealand these Novus Ordo days requires that candidates be likeable and relatable, rather than brainy. +Gielen didn't get to where he is today by defending the Catholic Faith and our Sovereign Lord, Christ the King, in the teeth of the world's (or Catholic Novus Ordo) opposition.

The day after Donald Trump, Republican nominee for the US presidency, was shot in the ear with a bullet clearly meant for his brain - and the day after his rival, President Joe Biden stated publicly"Most importantly, and I mean this from the bottom of my heart, TRUMP IS A THREAT TO THIS NATION" - is not a good day to have official confirmation that The Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer (FSSR) have been expelled from Christchurch.

A note in passing: the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to the children at Fatima on the 13th of 6 consecutive months. She asked that the 13th of every month be observed as her day. Yesterday, July 13, is also the Feast day of our Lady of Rosa Mystica. She saved Pope John Paul II from dying of a bullet shot on May 13th. And now Trump on July 13th. Just saying ...

Rosa Mystica (Mystical Rose)

"What's the FSSR got to do with Trump?" you ask. Nothing, superficially. But an assassination attempt on the man the Davos globalists will stop at nothing to prevent winning the US election - and the likely outcome, had the bullet hit its target, of the end of America, leader of the free world - demonstrates humanity's desperate need of prayer, and holy priests to offer that prayer. Like the Sons. Exactly the sort of priest that Antipope Bergoglio is determined to exterminate, probably just as much as his chum Joe Biden wants to exterminate Trump. For the real oil on the Sons, go here:

The monstrous Fr Marko Rupnik SJ for example, who abused 30 nuns and sacramentally and sacrilegiously forgave one of them, in the confessional, for having sexual relations with him, is back in Rome now, close to 'the Holy Father' and free to continue doing his own thing. (Not to mention all the priestly pederasts in Francis Church because it's literally far too long to publish here). And the same 'Holy Father' gets +Gielen to kick the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer out of their Oratory and onto the street. Apparently for performing exorcisms, which the Church has done for millennia, with probably less reason than there is to do exorcisms now, with demonic influence more evident in society than ever it was in history.  

The Catholic faithful can only assume that exorcism is the reason for the FSSR's expulsion, as we're not likely to see the Apostolic Visitation's report to the Vatican. But if indigenous Maori beliefs and spiritual practices must be respected and accepted in the Church in New Zealand, even during holy Mass and other Catholic rituals, why not the age-old, thoroughly Christian and Catholic of exorcism? Are we seeing a double standard?

Just listen to the popesplainers and papaloters try to tell us that kicking the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer out of Christchurch was the infallibly Right Thing To Do. Or maybe the ubiquitous Professor Peter Lineham, an Anglican Baptist who's the media's go-to talking head on all things Catholic, could be wheeled out again to tell us all about it.  

Our responsibility is, as Our Lady of Fatima teaches us so clearly, to transform the situation of the world and the Church by overcoming in our lives any sin and darkness, by daily turning to Christ and seeking to follow him with all our heart.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us



  1. Don't listen to Barnhardt, a vicious hate filled neo prot

  2. Julia, Zionist Trump is Fake News. I’m over the Con-man. He gave us the mRNA Jab and boasts being ‘ the father of the vaccine’. He supported the moving of the capital of Israel from
    Tel Aviv to Jerusalem which was the final piece in place allowing the Genocide in Gaza to proceed. Zionists are 21st Century Nazi’s.
    Jared Kushner then got a US$2 Billion loan ‘from the Saudi’s’. There are no coincidences. There is only ‘connections’.

    1. All you say may be true - I wouldn't know. But this I do know: the alternative to Trump as president of the US - Joe Biden - is unthinkable.

  3. Jane Kellahan Artist14 July 2024 at 14:44

    Staged event

  4. Very very sad news about the Sons of the Holy Redeemer.
    Where will they go? Can they stay in NZ?

    1. Shameful, absolute lies and by one that I know. Not at all surprised by what she has done.

  5. RIP 🙏 the person who was killed and those critically injured also.

  6. I’ll bet that hurt, ears are sensitive

  7. Isn't it ,so cool! That the Media hates him!. They
    Provided a picture of how close he came to death!?. Isn't even cooler,that nobody can see the problem with that !?.
    How do you know, when you're been played!?.

  8. The judgement is on the wicked for attempting to kill the anointed

  9. Thank you
    Mother Mary

  10. Scott Hamilton14 July 2024 at 14:59

    Trump being the way he is just may have set this up himself. We will never know

    1. Trump has his faults, as we all do. But I don't think deviousness is one of them.

  11. "A person who spoke to Trump in the last 12 hours told The Washington Post he was almost “spiritual” about the situation — “and that’s totally not normal for him". “He thinks he was handed a gift from God. He can’t believe it,” the person said."
    Pray Trump has got the message.
    It seems to me the mainstream media is hardly covering how incredible it was that Trump survived a bullet that was clearly aimed at his head. The bullet nicked his ear, Kennedy had half his brain blown away. It also seems incredible the secret service did not cover all the obvious shooting vantage points. It also seems incredible the authorities did not close the Capitol building on 6 January 2021 when a large crowd of protestors was moving towards it. Coincidences I suppose. (sarc).

  12. It is now official the FSSR are not welcome in the Christchurch diocese. We should welcome them with open arms to the Palmerston North area. An absolute disgrace and attack on the church itself.

  13. Bishop Gielen, your excellency. Your edict is massive, it has denied many Catholics in your diocese daily access to the latin mass at FSSR. What have you to say to them please? Please tell us all why you have done this? Please, what did FSSR do wrong? Please publish the report from the Vatican. Surely in the age of 'synodality' and 'co-responsibility' all us Catholics deserve an explanation, please?

  14. The obvious inconsistencies of this graphic (AI) notwithstanding, the text is on point.

  15. Tone it down America.

  16. Ian Williamson15 July 2024 at 14:29

    " leader of the free world" ?? Isn't that title intended for someone a bit more Holy than Trump??

    1. Yes it should be but the alternative to president Trump - Biden - is anything but less holy, in fact he acts as if he's demonically driven.

  17. The Greatest Political stunt I have ever seen. This is how you get in on a land slide. What a money shot.

    1. Stunt? Are you talking tongue in cheek?


  19. I do believe it was God, the father who had a hand in saving Trump’s life

  20. Your all being played. The attempt on his life was called months ago by Analysts closer to the game than we are.

  21. The real
    alternative Independent
    Dr.SHIVA For President 2024 | Be the Light!
    Dr.SHIVA For President 2024 | Be the Light!

  22. RFK jnr is a beneficiary of a Kennedy Trust Fund. As such he wouldn’t have a clue how ordinary people live. Kennedy was pro-Lockdown, pro- vaccine and you couldn’t attend a Party at his place unless your were Covid Jabbed.
    He talks a lot of good talk but he also went to Israel to kiss Zionist ass to proceed into the Presidential race and he was funded $20 Million USD.
    He describes the Palestinians, at the time they are suffering a disgusting and horrific Genocide of their Civilian population as ‘ the most pampered people on Earth”.
    He is disgusting.
    Look out for the Expose book coming, on him by a Ms Callahan, I believe.
    Here’s a site in the meantime ..

  23. Lincoln Cobham15 July 2024 at 14:43

    Its interesting Julia that yet again they have censored you, your link has been taken down 😞

  24. Kerry Campbell15 July 2024 at 15:05

    I'm a Christian. Which means I do not hold with the divinity of Mary. Mary is dead and buried and will be in the resurrection of all the saints. Mary had nothing to do with Trump's near miss. Mary was a person who received great grace, but she is not divine, not the mother of God, (blasphemy), and in need of saving as much as anyone else. She was the recipient of great favour and that means it was unmerited.

    1. You sound a bit divine yourself, knowing as you think you do that the BVM had nothing to do with Trump's near-miss.
      I don't 'hold with the divinity of Mary' either. So you deny then, that the BVM gave birth to the Son of God, by the power of the Spirit of God? If that's so - and Scripture tells us it is - what else can Mary be, but the Mother of God?
      Great temporal favours are often merited and all supernatural favour is grace, and unmerited. I'm a Catholic Christian which gives me a great, 'unmerited' advantage. Deo gratias.
      And what does Our Lord Jesus Christ think of your theory that His Blessed Mother is dead and buried? If you were God, would you be happy in heaven while your beloved mother was - where, do you think? Do you actually think, or do you just regurgitate Protestant brainwash?
      God bless you.

    2. It is interesting too that in another assassination attempt the bullet struck Mary's medal worn by JP2. He credited her with saving his life.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Kerry Campbell17 July 2024 at 23:35

      Re "I don't 'hold with the divinity of Mary' either." Then why do you promulgate the idea that she has divine power, which is what it would take to influence that bullet? I don't deny that Mary is the mother of Jesus, who is God incarnate, God the Son, or the second person of the Trinity. But Mary was a surrogate mother, Jesus bears no physical relationship to Jesus other than that of being his bodily host for his gestation. This is why Jesus is designated the "second Adam" or the :"last Adam", he was the progenitor of the new creation, and all that are "born again" are of the new generation of Adam. She was indeed "blessed among women" but if God had a mother, then the mother would be God's superior, and that denies the definition of God, who has no superior. If Jesus bore any actual ancestral connection to Mary, then He too would have needed a saviour, because "through Adam sin entered the world" and all have sinned including Mary, because she bears the image of corruptible humankind. The doctrine of original sin, means that necessarily Mary was tainted with sin, and needed saving by her Son just as anyone else bearing a physical relation to the first Adam. My authority means nothing, the authority I speak from is the Word of god. And if you wish to dispute that authority then please feel free to quote from scripture because that's the ony authority I try to follow over questions such as this.
      Ephesians 2:3 "
      Among these also we all had our manner of living in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.
      In that reference St Paul under inspiration has iterated that all were "by nature children of wrath." What does that phrase mean?
      But first note that "all" in this instance is a universal. Therefore, Mary - as along with all of us - was included in this designation.
      Second, what do we inherit from our ancestors? We inherit the same nature. We inherit all the characteristics of what it means to be human ancestors of the first man Adam.
      Adam was born wholly human and good, but sin entered the world through him and that changed the nature of humanity forever. Original sin.
      Thirdly, original sin, thus affecting the whole human race is why we all (all the children of the original Adam), without exception are under God's wrath, until we have confessed faith in the Son. "Children of wrath is a reference to the change in relationship between God and humankind since sin entered the nature of the human race. Therefore who ever is born of Adam is a sinner. Mary came from a long line of natural born sinners just like the rest of us. If Mary was divine then she would have had a divine origin. It's equally clear she did not. The same is not true of Jesus.

    5. And Yeshua is the Head of His Church, and to Him, alone, ( NOT priests, Mary, or even the pope, can forgive sins ), no matter how high people, or they exalt their status in life, because we were ALL created equal.

    6. So you don't accept the Scripture verse, "What you bind on earth is bound also in heaven, what you loose on earth is loosed also in heaven"?
      You remind me of Martin Luther, who did away with seven books of the Bible which disproved his theories.

    7. Kerry Campbell, does it not occur to you that Mary might have asked her Divine Son to deflect that bullet? As a good Protestant you clearly don't believe in miracles. As a good Protestant you miss out on 90% of the greatest love story ever told. Please emulate millions of other good Protestants and investigate the whole truth, in the Catholic Church.

  25. Trump is a Con-Man. It’s how he has lived his life. He would have gone broke in the ‘87 Stockmarket Crash but got saved by the Rockefeller’s Associate after they witnessed the popularity on the New York streets, of the failing Trump. People ‘pinned’ money on him.Realising they could use that, theyprevented his demise and allowed him to keep 50% of his Business.
    That would never normally have happened. And so the mythos of Trump has been built through his appearance in Movies playing himself ( Home Alone) and his Reality Show. He was ‘on the shelf’ awaiting the time for him to Manipulate the White Working Class ( and mislead them) just as Obama was utilised to Manipulate the Black Working Class and mislead them.
    The Reality of Trump’s apparent hypocrisy ( “ father of the vaccine” and ‘Warp Speed’ of the jab and the resultant maiming and killing of Millions aside) is that two weeks ago The Judge in the Epstein Island Case released the Deposition Evidence from the Ghislaine Maxwell Trial.
    In it was a Deposition claiming that not only did Trump Travel on the ‘Epstein Express’ and was present on Epstein Island but Alleges Trump raped a 13 year old girl there ! That is an allegation that Trump is a Pedophile. Good luck getting the Evangelical Vote if that information is made Public, by MSM !
    So, this week there is a claimed ‘Assassination Attempt’ on Trump ! What perfect Cover for Trump. I don’t buy ‘coincidence’s’ there are only ‘connections’.

    1. So by a single 'Deposition' Trump is tried and convicted of paedophilia? I don't buy 'coincidences' either. There is only God's Providence.

    2. All you say may be true - I wouldn't know. But this I do know: the alternative to Trump as president of the US - Joe Biden - is unthinkable.

    3. No. You miss my Stating the word ‘Alleged’ and I mean it.
      Proof would come from a Trial that will never occur. He is an Agent of the Swarm and has a ‘Teflon’ coating. But, the Deposition Evidence is real and does exist. Realise what it means if it is True. And also what doubt it casts on this weeks Events.

    4. Not 'claimed' assassination attempt. That kind of thing can't be faked, photo shopped or anything else. I believe Trump has divine protection. God does not choose perfect people to do His work. He chooses those least able or worthy, so people will understand the works are from God.

  26. Unfortunately this comment section has evolved into a comment fest about President Trump when the immediate problem for us is the banishing of the FSSR from Christchurch. I have heard that even people who attend the NO Mass are very upset with the way the order has been treated by Bishop Gielen. People need to make their feelings known to Bishop Gielen. This continual persecution of Traditional Latin Mass attendees is not acceptable and if not stopped not doubt will become as big a blot on the Church as the abuse of minors and could lead to a formal schism.

  27. It appears most likely the reason FSSR in Christchurch was shut down was envy. FSSR was having huge success gathering parishioners, especially young people. The media assault on FSSR, led by disgruntled persons of dubious intent, focused on exorcisms, presented in a salacious way that appealed to the media. Bp Gielen, you must publish the evidence you have against FSSR, and please dont hide behind privacy or other excuses.

  28. Catholics must all pray for this country & the holy Catholic Church

  29. Where is the hole in his ear or even a nick. The Greatest Political stunt I have ever seen. This is how you get in on a land slide. What a money shot.

    1. David Kerr is referring to the pic of President Trump with the bloodied ear which I exchanged on this post for an image of the FSSR priests.

    2. David Kerr, what vomit.

    3. All of the snipers were in the employ of the government. The police and secret service were warned about the guy on the roof. There is no way Trump would have been able to orchestrate that but, as many are saying, the fact that the Biden government could blatantly organise this and get away with it is truly frightening.

  30. Jane Kellahan Artist15 July 2024 at 19:50

    No, it was all staged, its code actually. Refer to card 'enough is enough' on the illuminati card game 1995. "At any time, any place our snipers can drop you, have a nice day". This refers to anyone that goes against their 2030 agenda. Trump is the false prophet!

  31. As a visitor to the Oratory when the letters regarding their dismissal were read, I was disgusted by what I heard. Bishop Gielen has obviously used this chance to get rid of a real threat to the NO church of Canterbury. As churches close down in that Diocese the Oratory thrive with many young families, loads of children and a long future... well that had to be stopped. I know one of the complainants, sadly she is not a well person. They all have had a long history of trying to get rid of the Oratory. I'm left wondering how much Bishop Gielen had to do in this behind the scenes as well. Absolutely shameful. To take out all of them and not just one priest (who has done no wrong anyway)... well that speaks volumes.

    1. Please email your concerns to Bishop Gielen. He needs to know that many in his diocese and elsewhere do not agree with his decision.

  32. If that is supposed to be Mary, she would not have had blue eyes, and definitely a darker skin

    1. It's entirely possible that Mary had blue eyes and pale skin. That colouring is not uncommon among Jews today.

    2. Golly Mike, get a grip. I have no issues with Maori Mary's or any other nation dipicting Our dear Lady as their nationality.

    3. Sorry, when were you last in Israel ? I have been travelling Israel since 1983, and was last there in 2015. You need the truth, friend

    4. I was last in the holy land in 2007. Perhaps I should have said 'not SO uncommon' and possibly this link will provide information you more credible:
      And thank you for insinuating that I was not telling the truth. "Blessed are the persecuted."

    5. St Bernadette described Our Lady when she appeared in Lourdes as having blue eyes and anthropological studies of the Jews find that there are some who have fair hair and blue eyes. When in Brazil I came across many Brazilians with fair hair and blue eyes as well, and also in Italy.

  33. It was as if staged by Hollywood.. They shot the wee arse who fired, shot him dead.. Why didnt these "expert" marksmen shoot him in the legs to disable him, then question his motives..?? WAKE UP.. HE WAS A TRUMP SUPPORTER WHO HAD OBVIOUSLY TURNED .. Next day Trump gets off his Jet and his ear isnt bandaged.. yet suddenly by tuesday, he has his ear bandaged,.. what is going on..?? The classic photo (like the famous IWO JIMA pHOTO DURING ww2 ), SHOWS TRUMP WITH RAISED FIST AND THE STARS N STRIPES ABOVE HIM..POsED LIKE HEROIC..???. ??? And in that photo there are no supporters.. they have been photo-shopped out, replaced by a BLUE SKY.. ?? i,m just saying...

  34. The sniper was deliberately allowed to set up and fire 5-6 shots before he was eliminated. Black cloths on a white roof, several members of the crowd saw him on the foot, police and security were informed, but they chose to ignore. Anti sniper had him in sights for 45 seconds before 1st shot, then allowed him to shoot 4 more rounds before he was eliminated. Sounds like he was given a free hand by the FBI.

  35. Trumps survival of the assassination attempt was incredible. There was another leader who survived many assassination attempts, while others were killed around him, to the point he began to believe in his own divine protection. His name; Adolf Hitler.

    1. I personally don't see how you can connect the two if you are serious. Actions define people.

    2. I was not comparing the actions of Hitler to those of Trump. Trump has had an incredible escape from death. Hitler had many. My point was, even the devil looks after his own (in the case of Hitler yes, Trump I don't know).

  36. Mike Kuipers von Lande17 July 2024 at 23:43

    I used to know Michael Gielen quite well, when he was our parish priest. At the time he was a reasonably conservative priest, though unwilling to examine the status quo if it meant rocking the boat. He supports the whole racist Maori supremacist pagan narrative for example. He refused to read a couple of books on the subject I recommended to him as he ‘checked them’ first with the Marxist head of the parish social justice committee, who told him they’d been discredited as white colonial propaganda. Such are the attitudes of those who follow fashion and cancel culture, rather than God, Truth, and logical principle.
    An even clearer indication of his loyalty was covid. Senior NZ clergy fell in behind the satanic witch to support her destruction of Church and society. They raised no objection to the horrific child-sacrifice abortion laws she ushered in under covid, and agreed to ban Catholics from attending Holy Mass, receiving the Eucharist, and other sacraments. They confirmed their positions as unholy political pawns. Until they resign or face their actions, repent, and assume the position they are supposed to have - Christ’s shepherds on earth - the NZ Catholic Church will remain in crisis, carried by Christ and the faithful priests and laity.

  37. It's trial by media as usual. You know it's not the right course of action when you see who is delighted in the move eg (Fr) Joe Grayland (should have been defrocked many years ago ironically). It might be more about the abolition of the traditional Mass which is moving at pace than the actions of the FSSR order in Canterbury. I smell a rat. It seems to me that any group growing and flourishing is attacked by the church, this is senseless and contrary to the concept of 'synodal listening'. Opus Dei has also been targeted and asked to change their statutes in order to eliminate lay people from their institution.

    A sad reality of jealousy of success, the biblical concept (Mark 9:38-40) seems to have fallen by the wayside.
