Sunday 7 July 2024


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+Vigano condemned for faithfulness, Fr Jimmy Martin encouraged to blaspheme the BVM

British society is - or was, once- a polite society, but petitioning the Holy See not to restrict the traditional Latin Mass is carrying courtesy too far, and holy obedience into the realm of false obedience. 

In his attempts to bludgeon the Mass of Ages to death, Jorge Mario Bergoglio commits yet another heresy: the Latin Mass was codified by the Council of Trent in 1570 and Pope Benedict XVI declared that it cannot be abrogated. It simply can't be done. So although their good will, discernment and intelligence is to their credit, the British cultural icons who've gone cap in hand to Rome are pandering to liars - namely, Antipope Francis and the UK's very own Cardinal Arthur Roche (rhymes with 'roach).

These notables aren't all British: New Zealand's opera star Kiri te Kanawa is among them. Many Kiwis would say it's not typical of Maori these days, to kowtow to authority - and the thing is, Antipope Francis by virtue of his illicit election by the conclave-that-never-was (because Benedict XVI was the Pope at the time), has NO AUTHORITY. None. Zilch. He is that man who Christ said "entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up by another way, the same is a thief and a robber"(Jn 10,1). 

The British nobs have the courage which is conspicuously lacking in cardinals (with exceptions of course, like Müller, Sarah and the white martyr, Zen). And it's wonderful that they - like the celebrated murder mystery writer Agatha Christie in 1971- defend truth, beauty and Sacred Tradition in  the Usus Antiquior.  But these latter-day Agathas have nothing to fear except the age-old, virulent anti-Catholic sentiment which still lurks in England's "fair and pleasant land". 

By writing this letter they may not win friends and influence Brits who are bigots, but neither do icons like these go about shadowed by the threat of blackmail manufactured by some sodomite pimp as faithful cardinals do - or in fear for their very lives, of being tossed into the Tiber as Bergoglio's idol Pachamama was (and rightly so). 

Or suffocated to death with such force as to break their nose, as it now seems likely was the way that Australia's Cardinal George Pell (who “came too close to uncovering dangerous things”) died.  

It doesn't pay to mess with Bergoglio's Vatican.

Cardinal George Pell - a big man and not one to take suffocation lying down 

What a tragedy, that cardinals, bishops and priests who consider themselves loyal to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church lack the courage to act in and by the truth, and RESIST Bergoglio, or openly defy him by continuing to celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass as they have every right, by power of the Magisterium of the Church, to do. 

Hyper-papalist prelates

But you see, these cardinals, bishops and priests are all, to a man, Novus Ordo-ites. That's why they can't bring themselves to defend the rights of Christ the King and His social reign on earth. That's why the Novus Ordo was penned, by the notoriously Freemason Annibale Bugnini with the assistance of Protestant clergy: expressly to render God's lions lambs, and send among them out ravening wolves - Communists and Freemasons - who dress "in the clothing of sheep (Mt 7,15). The Novus Ordo has turned the Church Militant into the Church Effeminate. The Novus Ordo has made soldiers of Christ into servants of Satan.

Archbishop Viganò - if bishops keep silent, "the stones will cry out"

A poll taken by Dr Taylor Marshall shows that 80%+ of Catholics do not accept the Vatican's 'excommunication' of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò on a charge of schism, two days ago.  Thank God for such evidence of common sense, at least.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to enter into schism or be in schism by the act of holding the Catholic Faith whole and entire, and by being in union with and subject to the Vicar of Christ on Earth, and the Petrine See in se.   
+Viganò holds the Catholic Faith whole and entire, and has always been in union with and subject to the Vicar of Christ on earth - who is certainly not Bergoglio, who has rejected that title.  And please note:

Canon 748. §1. All persons are bound to seek the truth in those things which regard God and His Church and by virtue of divine law are bound by the obligation and possess the right of embracing and observing the truth which they have come to know. 

Since Vatican II, no prelate except Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre (and look what happened to him - excommunication!) has "held the Catholic Faith whole and entire" or been in closer "union with and subject to the Vicar of Christ on Earth", or sought, proclaimed and defended the truth "in those things which regard God  and His Church" so indefatigably as Archbishop Viganò. 

Just how does it LOOK to the world, as well as to the Catholic Church, for the LGBTQ++ -friendly, soft porn artist Cardinal 'Tucho' Fernandez, to convict the towering intellect and moral intransigence of Archbishop Viganò of schism, and summarily excommunicate him?

It took the Vatican decades to deal with Cardinal Theodore McCarrick (and the entire Church owes +Viganò thanks and prayers for having blown the whistle on his depredations among seminarians) and yet the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) can despatch God's true and loyal servant, +Viganò, inside a month. 

Why so fast? He's accused Francis church over recent years of being a deep Church complicit and colluding with the global deep state of Davos to bring about totalitarian, communist control of the planet.  But Jorge Bergoglio and his minions have allowed him to go unchecked, until +Viganò made allegations of sex abuse of a seminarian in Argentina - by Bergoglio. And whammo! suddenly the Dicastery springs into action.

And do remember that McCarrick was merely laicised: his filthy misdeeds apparently don't rank with +Viganò's, who's excommunicated.

Think about it, please, all you Novus Ordo bishops, priests and lay people. The sexual predator Cardinal McCarrick, and Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, proponents of worldwide mass abortion (i.e. mass murderers) can still receive the Sacraments, but Archbishop +Viganò cannot. McCarrick, Biden and Pelosi are still in good standing with Francis church and can go to Mass and receive Our Eucharistic Lord Jesus Christ into their soul - but not +Viganò.

Think also about Bergoglio's infamous "Who am I to judge?" which was touted as humility, when in reality his question was prompted, in its contradiction of the Magisterium, by Luciferian pride. One realises that now, in regard to excommunications, the emphasis has changed from "Who am I to judge?" to Who am I to judge?" Whose head shall I decide to roll next?"

Not Father Marko Rupnik's. Not Father James Martin's. Oh no. Bergoglio and the DDF give carte blanche to Father Marko Rupnik, who sacrilegiously and sexually abused nuns, and Father James Martin who blesses sodomites and drapes a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary - the Immaculata -  in a LGBTQ++ banner (and if you don't know what the ++ stands for, it's paedophilia and bestiality) - but  +Viganò loses his membership of the Body of Christ. That's what they think but in reality, as Francis is an Antipope, they've done no such thing. In losing his standing with Francis and his faux church, in reality this unjust persecution will surely gain +Viganò immeasurable graces.

+Viganò himself quoted Scripture to his brother bishops two days ago: "If you keep silent, the stones will cry out".  


Vaticanistas have noted that the Society of St Pius X (SSPX) has distanced itself from Archbishop Viganò, who has cited Archbishop Lefebvre's criticisms of the shonky theology of Vatican II as being also his own. The SSPX position vis-a-vis the Vatican - for obvious reasons, hopes of being fully integrated with the Church - is that Francis is the reigning pontiff, whereas Viganò believes him to have been a heretic from the day of his election and that therefore his election was invalid. 

The implicit thesis, that had Francis not been a heretic, he would have become pope alongside Benedict, is a curious lapse in logic in a man of such incisive thought. It's more than likely that Viganò, like so many faithful Catholic thinkers, has several reasons for rejecting the putative pontificate of Francis.  

We might seem to have gone off-topic, to have forgotten the Important British Personages who are defending the Traditional Latin Mass. Not really. Bergoglio wants to do away with the Mass of Ages for the very reason that it produces people like Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò - thorns in Bergoglio's side who RESIST and REFUSE to let him get away with demolishing the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, an impossibility simply because Christ our Sovereign King deploys people like Viganò to do His will, which is to prevent the gates of hell from prevailing. 

A new book and one worth reading

In a demonstration echoing the 1971 Agatha Christie letter, a number of leading members of British society have signed an open letter in The Times petitioning the Holy See not to restrict the traditional Mass.   

Published late July 2, an open letter appeared in The Times, signed by a cross-section of leading members of British society – including Catholics, Protestants, non-Christians, and atheists – praising the “magnificent spiritual and cultural heritage” of the traditional Mass. (A copy can be read here)

Referencing the recent rumors about potential new restrictions, or bans, on the traditional Mass coming from the Vatican, the signatories stated that such news “is a painful and confusing prospect, especially for the growing number of young Catholics whose faith has been nurtured by it.” 

“The traditional liturgy is a ‘cathedral’ of text and gesture, developing as those venerable buildings did over many centuries,” they wrote. “Not everyone appreciates its value and that is fine; but to destroy it seems an unnecessary and insensitive act in a world where history can all too easily slip away forgotten. The old rite’s ability to encourage silence and contemplation is a treasure not easily replicated, and, when gone, impossible to reconstruct.” 


Fashion designer Paul Smith, novelist Agatha Christie, historian Tom Holland
- appealing for retention of the Traditional Latin Mass 

The open letter is notable for its signatories, who are as prominent as they are varied. Certain notable Catholics in public life are unsurprisingly listed, such as Lord Alton of Liverpool, soprano Sophie Bevan, pianist Sir Stephen Hough, musician and organizer of the endeavor Sir James MacMillan, and prominent journalists Fraser Nelson and Charles Moore.

But the letter is also signed by famous individuals who do not necessarily all count themselves as Catholic, including: 

  • Sir Nicholas Coleridge CBE, former chairman of the prestigious Victoria and Albert Musuem and incoming provost of the similarly prestigious Eton College. 
  • Michael Gove, former cabinet minister and current member of His Majesty’s Most Honorable Privy Council. 
  • Steven Isserlis CBE, world famous cellist.
  • Bianca Jagger, ex-wife of Rolling Stones band member Mick Jagger.
  • Lord Lloyd-Webber and Julian Lloyd Webber: brothers, who are respectively a leading composer and musical theatre leader, and world-renowned cellist.
  • Dame Felicity Lott DBE, soprano.
  • Tom Holland, prominent historian. 
  • Princess Michael of Kent.
  • Rory Stewart, former politician and diplomat, former private tutor to the current Prince of Wales and current member of His Majesty’s Most Honorable Privy Council. 
  • Lord Stirrup KG, highly decorated Marshall of the Royal Air Force and former Chief of the Defence Staff. 
  • Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, internationally famous opera singer.The letter harks back to the famous 1971 Agatha Christie letter, published by The Times, in which Catholics and non-Catholics (including Agatha Christie and leading members of British society) appealed to Pope Paul VI in support of the traditional Mass. As Sir James MacMillan noted – in an accompanying op-ed in The Times – the 1971 letter “became known as the ‘Agatha Christie letter’ because, apparently, Pope Paul VI was so startled to see the name of the ‘queen of crime’ that he allowed the old Mass to survive.”

    “If it’s good enough for Agatha Christie…,” wrote Tom Holland on X, sharing news of the letter he co-signed.

    Signatories of the current open letter highlighted the link they have with the 1971 original: 

    This appeal, like its predecessor, is ‘entirely ecumenical and non-political.’ The signatories include Catholics and non-Catholics, believers and non-believers. We implore the Holy See to reconsider any further restriction of access to this magnificent spiritual and cultural heritage.

  • While not yet confirmed officially by the Vatican, often conflicting rumors have been growing in recent weeks about imminent restrictions on the traditional Mass. Pope Francis’ 2021 Traditionis Custodes already ushered in sweeping restrictions on the liturgy, and Cardinal Arthur Roche – prefect of the Dicastery for Divine Worship – has gone on record expressing his firm opposition to the ancient rite of the Mass.

    MacMillan wrote how Traditionis Custodes already came as “a shattering blow to Generation Z Catholics who have found their spiritual home in the old liturgy.” 

    Such Catholics “are bewildered by the new hostility they face – but now it appears that worse is to come. Sources report that the Vatican is planning an almost total ban on the ‘Mass of the Ages,’ as it’s known,” he added.

    Continuing, MacMillan issued an excoriating critique of opponents of the traditional liturgy, commenting that “the fact that there are Vatican functionaries indulging in this petty, philistine authoritarianism against their own co-religionists is shocking for a non-Catholic audience.”

    He described the open letter as an action “in defence of religious freedom.” 

    “It represents a broad political spectrum and artists born 60 years apart,” he wrote. “In the spirit of our common humanity, we appeal to the Holy See to restore to Catholics the precious freedom to participate in the glorious liturgy of their ancestors.”The Latin Mass Society of the U.K., of which MacMillan and Charles Moore are patrons, welcomed the open letter, noting that the “strong support for the Traditional Mass by non-Catholic cultural figures derives from its place in world culture.”As we all know, Rorate broke the new ‘well-founded rumour’ that a new anti-TLM document exists and is looming on the horizon. Our friends at Rorate are entirely reliable as they themselves rightly reminded us in that post. Then, Miss Diane Montagna confirmed the news:

    Having made several inquiries regarding recent reports, I have been informed by reliable sources that a new Vatican document more restrictive than Traditionis Custodes does indeed exist, is backed by Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin, and has been presented to Pope Francis. 

    Well-informed sources have confirmed that the new document, if published, would prohibit all priests other than those belonging to approved ex-Ecclesia Dei institutes from offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Vetus Ordo, or old rite as it is commonly called.

    Even if Rorate’s report had not been confirmed, we would have trusted Rorate. The fact that this report was confirmed by such an impeccable Vatican journalist as Miss Montagna only elevates this ‘well-founded rumour’ to a category of news approaching ‘all but certain.’ Nevertheless, yesterday La Croix dismissed the rumours:

    Loup Besmond de Senneville reports on (July 1) that according to “several sources” there is no document in preparation against the Mass of the Roman Rite.

    Such rumors were first spread by the usually well-informed blog on June 17. They are said to have come from one official in the Dicastery for Divine Worship.

    The rumors initially spoke of a total “prohibition” of the Roman Rite, then of an exception for institutes dedicated to the Roman Rite. responds: “No such document is currently being prepared by the Dicastery for Divine Worship.”

    “It’s all just talk,” said a senior Vatican official. The same official denounced the rumors as “fantasy”.

    Another source said the rumors were completely unfounded.

    If we assume that La Croix is also reporting accurately from other reliable Vatican sources, we can conclude that either 1.) the Vatican document exists but is being worked on with the utmost secrecy, so that the normal officials who are indeed on a “need-to-know basis” (as we say in the States) are being kept in the dark; or 2.) the New Iconoclasts who hate the ancient Roman Rite are terrified and are leaking false information by means of these officials. In either case, it is safe to assume that the Vatican regime is trying to be as careful as possible in order to do the impossible: finally end the Apostolic Roman Rite once and for all.

    As we know, whatever they attempt to do will be fruitless, since these poor heretics are fighting against Almighty God Who will Himself vindicate and restore the Latin Mass in His due time.

 Parce, Domine

Spare, Lord, spare your people



Parce, Domine (Adolphe Leon Willette)


  1. The timing of Cardinal Pell's death was interesting too. Immediately after Pope Benedict XVI.

  2. Yes. Very suspicious. As in, he got killed, suspicious.

  3. The Catholic Church is being torn apart. What is amazing is how few people understand, or seem to care. 60 years of Vatican II has produced a unique torpor.

    Pray for the Church.
