Saturday 31 August 2024


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Father Michael Mary of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer

The Vatican has suspended Bishop Michael Gielen's unexplained expulsion of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer (Transalpine Redemptorists, FSSR) from Christchurch Diocese. Which, considering the fact that +Gielen was directed to move the Sons out of the diocese by the Vatican itself, is intriguing to say the least. 

Father Michael Mary FSSR says the case against the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer and against the Daughters will be properly reviewed by the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life. The priests remain suspended and their Masses will remain private until the review is completed.

Could Rome's suspension of its own diktat be a reaction to the Sons taking court action against Bishop Gielen - if necessary, to the Dicastery which issued the recommendation for expulsion in the first place? In the interests of not causing any further trouble for the Sons, we'll say no more. For the nonce, that is.

The Sons follow the monastic rule of St Alphonsus Liguori (1696 -1787) 

Below is the letter issued yesterday to the Sons' supporters:

My dearly beloved faithful


I am pasting here a message from Fr Michael Mary about our recourse to Rome. This is not the end, but indeed a good beginning. Thanks be to God we are being listened to.


"I have just heard from the Dicastery in Rome that they have SUSPENDED our expulsion from the diocese until they have properly reviewed the case.


The Daughters' expulsion from the diocese and suppression of their community has also been SUSPENDED until the case is properly reviewed.

As expected, the priests remain suspended and their Masses remain private until after the case is reviewed. That is to be expected because it would be a very negative and confrontational thing to force a bishop to return us our faculties. This is not so difficult to live with either.

The term "private Mass" does not refer to Mass with neither a server nor a congregation, but rather to an unscheduled Mass, regardless of the number of faithful present and regardless of the degree of solemnity (a High Mass can still be a private Mass).


We have a priest present for Confessions and the others of us, while in the diocese of Christchurch, offer our Masses privately.

I suppose the Bishop of Christchurch is not going to tell people that his case against us and our expulsion have been suspended by Rome. But we will be able to tell anyone who asks. Please pass the news around."


God bless


Fr Anthony Mary


Raising the Young Man of Naim (Paolo Veronese)

"And he that was dead, sat up, and began to speak."

- Gospel, Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Friday 30 August 2024


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The Vatican officially uses 'Common Era' dating instead of 'BC' and 'AD' 

"America's Bishop" Joseph Strickland - sacked by Antipope Francis for proclaiming the faith of our fathers- has told Catholics worldwide they MUST open their eyes to the Vatican's blasphemies and apostasies against Christ and His Blessed Mother.

Concrete evidence of apostasy is provided by the Vatican's official adoption of  'Common Era' (CE) and 'Before Common Era' (BCE) notations for the world's most widely used calendar, the Gregorian, to replace the usage of 'Before Christ' (BC) and 'Anno Domini' (AD) of the Christian calendar. Anthony Stine of 'Return to Tradition' rightly states that denying that we live in the time after the Incarnation and Resurrection of Our Lord is a blatant public denial of Christ.

What's more, this "mortal sin of absolute apostasy" (to quote a traditional priest unnamed by Stine) dates back to the so-called traditional Pope Benedict XVI in 2007. It's a gigantic red flag of apostasy and extra evidence (if you needed it) that all the post-conciliar popes (so-called saints included) were apostates, advocates for a new religion, a new ecclesiology that came out of Vatican II; a religion to suit the secular world, unburdened by the Catholic faith. 

Which is why "proselytising" as the antipope calls it - you know, converting other people to the Catholic religion - has gone out of fashion. You can't call people to conversion to something you don't believe in yourself. And if you've given up your faith, that's apostasy a Fide or perfidice.

Catholics MUST open their eyes to the falsity of these shepherds


  The following is the full text of a new letter by Bishop Joseph Strickland, the bishop emeritus of Tyler, Texas, warning the faithful about the “evil that grips our world and the Church” and urging them to “be spiritually prepared for whatever may come,” especially by fervent devotion to Our Lady and the Eucharist.


My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I am once again compelled to write and to encourage you to seek life more deeply rooted in the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ.


By the time this is posted, it will be one year since my first letter was written which was posted on August 22, 2023, the Queenship of Mary. I truly believe that letter was guided by divine providence, and the central point of this letter, a year later, is to urge, even beg, that all of us begin to see the hand of God in all that is unfolding in the Church and in the world.


The letter a year ago looked to the ongoing Synod on Synodality which was approaching in October 2023. It was followed by seven letters amplifying the concerns I raised in that original letter.


As many of you know, I have continued to write these letters as prompted by the Holy Spirit. Let me be clear that I am not claiming to have received any special revelation. I have simply been prompted by deep faith and my love for Jesus Christ to open my eyes to what is happening around us.


That call to “open our eyes” is at the heart of the letter you are now reading. I have done my best to urge all who have read these letters to see the corruption and the powerful evil forces that are slowly but surely pushing us toward a devastating calamity.


I have no desire to be a “prophet of doom,” but I believe I must speak out and point to the evil that grips our world and the Church. At this point, I have to say – We MUST open our eyes before it is too late! 


Our national political system, the Vatican, and too many influential organizations around the world are engaged in a program that is nothing short of a twenty-first century betrayal of Jesus Christ and His Church. Like the betrayal of Judas Iscariot almost two thousand years ago, this present-day betrayal is emanating even from those at the very heart of the Church and the state.


Blasphemy? Apostasy? Idolatry? Take your pick 


We must open our eyes to these attacks on the mystical body of Christ in order to remain in Christ Who is Truth Incarnate, and to embrace the salvation He won for us on the cross. We must also strive to lead as many other souls as possible to the fullness of truth found only in Our Lord Jesus Christ and safeguarded by His Bride, the Catholic Church.


The attempts to explain away this modern-day betrayal of Christ have lost any semblance of credibility. We must acknowledge that one evil hand is moving all of these disparate forces – and that it is no less than the hand of Satan, the prince of darkness.


As I write this, shortly after August 15th, the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we are reading reports of the death of Sister Agnes Sasagawa, the visionary of the Church-approved messages of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Akita, Japan in 1973.


I emphasize that I am not claiming any special knowledge of her messages, but I do not believe any special revelation is necessary in order to understand the content. If we simply look at the messages of Akita with eyes of faith, we must conclude that what we see in the world today corresponds with what was foretold in these messages.


The messages of Akita give us a dire warning of what we see unfolding before our eyes. Not only do we see cardinal against cardinal and bishop against bishop, but we see bishops against priests and Pope against cardinals. We see blasphemies against Our Lord and Blessed Mother and attacks on doctrine emanating from Vatican offices with Pope Francis either remaining silent or, by inaction, giving tacit approval.


The messages of Akita remind us also of Our Lady’s messages in Fatima in 1917. In these messages, Our Lady warned that the errors of Russia, which included Freemasonry from which communism had its birth, would spread throughout the world unless and until Russia was consecrated in the manner that she described – in a public ceremony by the Pope, in union with all the bishops of the world, to Her Immaculate Heart.


This was never done in complete accordance with Our Lady’s instructions. Furthermore, Our Lady specifically requested that the Third Secret of Fatima was to be revealed in 1960, but it was suppressed instead, and there is much reason to doubt that the full Third Secret has ever been released. 

The fact that the Vatican saw fit to cancel the words of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God - in a clumsy, ill-conceived attempt to suppress evidence of apostasy at the highest levels of the hierarchy, - is surely in itself evidence of that apostasy.



In 2019, Pope Francis, when asked why God “allows” so many religions in the world, answered that “…there are many religions. Some are born from culture, but they always look to heaven; they look to God.” He said that “what God wants is fraternity among us,” and he said “we must not be frightened by difference. God has allowed this.”

God also allows sin. God gave us a free will and allows the so-called pope of His Mystical Body to promote the heresy of false ecumenism and indifferentism. But God expects His faithful priests and people to recognise heresy and RESIST and denounce heresy and its practitioners.  


However, if there was really no difference in the religions of the world, and if what God wanted was just “fraternity among us,” then one might conclude that the Catholic Church is no longer the one true religion, and that it is indeed not the ark of our salvation. However, we know that this is not the truth. Therefore, we must be concerned about the reported words of the Virgin about an apostasy which would begin at the top.


In conclusion, I must cry out that ignoring the requests and the admonitions of Our Blessed Mother at Fatima and Akita has put the Church and the world in an extremely perilous condition.


I do not write these strong words about Fatima and Akita to shake your faith, but instead with the fervent hope that you will awaken to the need for us to repent, confess our sins and cling fiercely to the two pillars of faith which St. John Bosco saw so clearly and prophetically in a dream in 1862 – the pillars of our Eucharistic Lord, and of His Mother – the Blessed Virgin Mary.


I pray that our response to all of the turmoil and evil today may be for us to find a deeper faith and hope in Our Lord. We must never leave Christ’s Bride, but neither can we remain silent as others attempt to change her or make her a caricature of the vessel of salvation she is meant to be. 


None of us have the power to avert catastrophe, but we can and must be spiritually prepared for whatever may come. It is imperative that we ensure that we remain always in a state of grace and that we embrace every act of reparation possible before it is too late.


Let us take Joshua 24:15 as our inspiration: “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” 


May Almighty God bless you and may our Queen and Mother the Blessed Virgin Mary intercede for you and lead you always to her Son. 

Bishop Joseph E. Strickland 


The Church needs Catholics like Chesterton


Tuesday 27 August 2024



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Banksy nails it

This blog holds no brief for feminism. Not even "Christian feminism" which is an oxymoron. But making an issue of men who say they're women and get away with it is far beyond feminism. It's Christian and so it's true, to claim that "Male and female He created them" (Gen 5:2), and to defend women from the men who dishonestly and with predatory intent intrude on women's privacy, their right to women's only-spaces, physical or online.

The Law Commission wants the Human Rights Act changed to include something it calls "gender identity". The Law Commission is woke and broke, bereft of principle, compromised (like Health NZ) by its complicity in the crime (as it was in decent days) of abortion. As the Human Rights Act failed to protect the unborn from murderous parents, it may be idle to expect it to protect women from cocks in frocks. 

The Law Commission, the Human Rights Act and society have gone bonkers. Evidence abounds: a Sydney women's soccer team, The Flying Bats, have won their grand final with a team that included 5 blokes and the soccer authorities had allowed them to compete as women all year.

Please don't tell us that our argument is socially constructed and so can be socially deconstructed. It's God-constructed and therefore irrefutable. 

Jenny Ruth, a financial journalist for more than 37 years who publishes commentary on New Zealand companies, stock exchange matters and on banking in NZ, is a self-confessed feminist but what she says otherwise makes sense:


This is a departure from my usual business focus but I feel strongly that the rights of all women in New Zealand are in danger.

I've written the following submission to the Law Commission because it has recommended that the Human Rights Act be changed to include “gender identity” which would override the rights of biological – ie real – women.

My submission:

I was one of the women who set up the first feminist Halfway House for battered women in Auckland in the 1970s from which the current Women's Refuge organisation grew.

We aimed to have two woman on duty at the house at all times. We were all volunteers.

Many of us had husbands, male partners and/or flatmates but we had made it a rule that no man should know exactly where the house was – when such men were giving us lifts, they had to stop a few streets from the house.

Those men did understand that the Halfway House had to be a refuge for women.

Inevitably, the police and taxi drivers soon discovered the house's location and a few angry men, husbands or partners of residents, did also.


Violence and men

One thing that is obvious is that while all men are capable of violence against women, not all men are actually violent, just as all men are capable of rape, but not all men do rape.

The trouble is, there's no way of telling by looking at them which men are violent and/or rapists.

We also have centuries of criminal history that tells us most violent crimes are committed by men and that it is very rare for women to commit crimes of violence.

Women need private spaces in which they can be assured no man will be allowed and that the reason for such spaces is basic safety.

Women who have been battered or raped are frightened of all men, not because they think all men will beat or rape them, but because there is no way of telling which ones are dangerous.

If I'm walking down a quiet street at night, if a man is walking behind me, I will be frightened in a way that I would never be frightened of a woman. That would be just as true if that man claimed to be a woman.

Tickle vs Giggle

Human beings are programmed to know the difference and very few men are able to “pass” as women.

Sometimes, women need spaces that do not include men.

On Friday, Aug 23, the Australian High Court ruled in the Tickle vs Giggle case that sex is changeable and that therefore any man who decides they are a woman is entitled to demand entrance into women's spaces.

The court decided that the wishes of a man who claims to be a woman overrides the wishes of women who want a space that is for women only.

This is in defiance of science which shows it is impossible for a human to change sex.

Giggle's founders, Sal Grover and her mother, intended the website Giggle for Girls to be a safe space online for women and the only criteria for membership was that you had to be a woman. Women who choose to live as men were as welcome as any other woman. But no man was welcome.

The Australian court's decision, if allowed to stand, means that women cannot count on being in any online space that is free from male harassment.

If allowed to stand, it is highly unlikely that many women will want to belong to such online spaces.

No place for a woman

There is plenty of evidence of lesbians, for example, being driven away from online dating sites for lesbians because so many men claiming to be both women and lesbians have joined and proceeded to behave like the worst of men.

It is also true that most men who are decent would not attempt to join an online space designated as being for women only.

The men who demand entrance are precisely the kind of men we want such spaces to be free of.

There is a growing body of evidence in Britain that predatory men often claim to be women, such as rapists who demand to be housed in women's prisons.

This is hideously dangerous to the actual women in those prisons because, by definition, they have no way to escape such predators.

With the advent of self-identification laws, such as the one in New Zealand that came into effect in 2023, it is possible for men who claim to be women to simply make a statutory declaration to that effect.

The international evidence available shows the vast majority of such men remain physically intact.


Angela Carini had never been punched so hard: IOC should resign

A growing body of evidence

The following websites are among those documenting the many cases of men who say they are women assaulting women.

There certainly are men who chose to live as women who are not predators, but, just as with all men, we can't readily tell which are the dangerous ones. For that very reason, all such men must be excluded from women-only spaces.

Otherwise, none of the women in such spaces are safe.

Do you think men who claim to be women are more important and have more rights than actual women?

I strongly object to the term “cis” woman being used to describe what are in fact real women. In fact, I regard this term as hate speech because of the anti-women and anti-gay ideology underlying it.

We need no qualifier

Real women need no qualifier of the word woman and the use of the term “cis” implies real women are only one category of women. This is obscene.

The Law Commission's wide usage of this term suggests it is already biased against those of us who believe sex is real and immutable and know that our view is backed by science.

Science shows us that sex is far more than just genitals. We can tell what sex somebody is from a mouth swab or blood test; we are either male or female in every cell of our bodies.

That cannot be changed.

The only people who are “assigned” sex at birth are those unfortunate people known as intersex. However, science tells us even these people are either male or female. No human has ever produced both male and female gametes.

We are often exhorted to “be kind” and to pretend that men who claim to be female are actually female, but this is not at all being kind to real women.

It is obnoxious to the belief in free speech that we should be compelled to pretend to live in somebody else's fantasy.

As a life-long feminist, I have lived my life believing that women can do and be anything they choose, within the usual limitations of ability and talent that affect us all.

Toss out stereotypes

Being a woman isn't a matter of putting on a costume with fake breasts, wearing dresses and makeup.

Many women, including me, choose not to wear makeup and many women choose to always wear trousers. I happen to like dresses.

All the Commission's concern appears to be for what it regards as a persecuted minority, those who believe they were “born in the wrong body,” but nobody is actually born in the “wrong” body.


How long before this is declared to be 'hate speech'?

In so doing, you are ignoring the interests and safety of the half the population who are women.

I absolutely agree that “trans rights are human rights” and believe such people should be able to live their lives as they choose, without discrimination against them.

But a line needs to be drawn where their rights negate women's rights, especially in matters relating to women's safety.

The law will be putting all women at risk if the Human Rights Act is amended to allow “gender identity” to override the rights of biological – ie real – women, and Australia's Tickle vs Giggle decision amply demonstrates this.

For anyone who wishes to make a submission on this matter:

Submissions close on Sept 5.

For anyone who wants to contribute to the costs of Sal Grover's appeal of the Tickle vs Giggle decision:

For anyone interested in the local NZ group Speak Up For Women:



St Augustine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church, please pray for us