Friday 17 September 2021


 To comment please open your gmail account, or use my email address or Messenger. Significant Facebook comments on matters of faith and morals will be posted here also. 

"Parents with children 12 yrs and up!!! A warning!

"I had a nurse ring today and ask for my daughter. I had a little feeling as to why, so I stayed on the phone and I said I was her.

"The nurse then said that the vaccines are available now for 12 years and up and if you like, come and book in for a vaccination.

"Like wow, really??? !!!!!! No parental consent. Just go straight to the kids.

How would that child get to the doctor?? Soon they will be at the schools doing 12 yr olds without parents consent.

That warning on Facebook today leads to the following from Dr Joel S Hirschhorn, published three days ago:

Revolting against the dystopian COVID vaccine manifesto with data, science, in order to save humanity

 Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn, author of Pandemic Blunder and many articles on the pandemic, worked on health issues for decades.  As a full professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, he directed a medical research program between the colleges of engineering and medicine.  As a senior official at the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment and the National Governors Association, he directed major studies on health-related subjects; he testified at over 50 U.S. Senate and House hearings and authored hundreds of articles and op-ed articles in major newspapers.  He has served as an executive volunteer at a major hospital for more than 10 years.  He is a member of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons and America’s Frontline Doctors.

We are at the edge of history, in a global society where there is great suffering and injustice because of the widespread commitment to get the entire population jabbed with a COVID vaccine. Ever increasing deaths result from all the COVID vaccines. Presently, it does not look like governments will recognize the many awful health impacts of the vaccines, no matter how many esteemed physicians and medical researchers present evidence for stopping the vaccination efforts.

The political and medical establishments keep using the same insensitive argument. No matter how many people die from the vaccines they proclaim that more lives are saved from using the vaccines against COVID than are lost due to them. So many thousands of people worldwide have died from the jabs, probably 100,000 or more. But these are ignored by big media, the public health system and authoritarian politicians. Sneaking into the public limelight are some famous people dying from the shots from the realms of sports, entertainment and politics. But these are easily forgotten or ignored. Or seen as exceptions, statistically speaking.

In our quickly evolving vaccine dystopia the vaccinated are granted many rewards and the unvaccinated are shamed, castigated and bullied. We have not yet reached the critical inflection point where the many medical voices against vaccines prevail. In large measure because big media suppresses their arguments and data. In our burgeoning dystopia most of the population remains victims and slaves to massive propaganda about the benefits of vaccines. Ignored are the financial benefits obtained by the makers of vaccines, perhaps the chief purpose of so many vaccine proponents. Medical experts are unable to win the battle despite mountains of data against the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines. Yet what else can they do?

Insanity is often defined as maintaining behavior that is proven wrong, destructive and unhealthy. In our nascent vaccine dystopia, those with power keep pushing more vaccinations even as the death toll and harmful health impacts keep mounting. They really do not work, but keep pushing more shots as if a magical solution to COVID will emerge. Of course, it will not. COVID will never be completely eradicated. Proven cheap, safe and effective treatments using generic medicines like ivermectin must be seen as alternatives to vaccines.

But over time vaccine induced deaths and serious adverse health impacts will hopefully become so visible that the whole vaccine machine will grind to a halt. Why? Because authoritarian and dystopian societies eventually collapse.  However, only after incredible numbers of people have died and suffered.  The anti-vaccine medical experts will have little pleasure from being ignored and criticized for so long only, eventually, to be seen as correct. Some kind of revolution is needed to overturn the multi-pronged vaccine empire.

In this article I present data, scientific opinions, and a number of new studies and analyses that present compelling positions against mass COVID vaccination. This is all we can do right now to fight vaccine dystopia and nourish the needed revolution.

New analysis of all major vaccines

Physician J. Bart Classen published an extremely valuable analysis. He examined clinical trial data from all three of the major vaccine makers and found their vaccines cause more harm than good. Here are highlights from his article.

Data were “reanalyzed using ‘all cause severe morbidity,’ a scientific measure of health, as the primary endpoint. ‘All cause severe morbidity’ in the treatment group and control group was calculated by adding all severe events reported in the clinical trials. Severe events included both severe infections with COVID-19 and all other severe adverse events in the treatment arm and control arm respectively. This analysis gives reduction in severe COVID-19 infections the same weight as adverse events of equivalent severity. Results prove that none of the vaccines provide a health benefit and all pivotal trials show a statically significant increase in ‘all cause severe morbidity’ in the vaccinated group compared to the placebo group.”

In other words, he found that each of the vaccines caused more severe events in the immunized group than in the control group. No safety.

This was his main conclusion: “Based on this data it is all but a certainty that mass COVID-19 immunization is hurting the health of the population in general.  Scientific principles dictate that the mass immunization with COVID-19 vaccines must be halted immediately because we face a looming vaccine induced public health catastrophe.”

Manipulation of data

So many actions are pure fraud, designed to deceive the public and push a media story that makes unvaccinated people look bad.

The trick used by CDC that was revealed in some publications, but not big media, is to count the deaths of fully vaccinated people as unvaccinated if the deaths occurred within 14 days of their final vaccination.

Their goal was to make unvaccinated people look like pandemic culprits causing the continued spread of COVID. Indeed, what big media did produce to influence public opinion was that unvaccinated people were the problem. All this to help convince more people to get vaccinated.

In truth, the medical reality is that vaccinated people are dying for two reasons. Some are inflicted with serious health impacts from the vaccines themselves, such as blood clots that kill people from strokes and other maladies. Second, many are victims of breakthrough COVID infections that can cause death because vaccines over time become increasingly ineffective in protecting against COVID.

One astute critic said this: “This means if someone was hospitalized, admitted to ICU, required mechanical ventilation or died within two weeks of getting the jab they are being counted as ‘unvaccinated,’” said Kelen McBreen. “The entire [CDC] report can basically be tossed into the trash thanks to the inclusion of the recently vaccinated in the unvaccinated category,” wrote McBreen. “This intentionally misleading data is now being used to infringe on the rights of the people of California and across the entire United States as vaccine mandates and passports are being rolled out nationwide.”

To add more context to what CDC has done, consider the following report of a revelation by a whistleblower.

In sworn testimony she is claiming to have proof that 45,000 Americans have died within three days of receiving their COVID-19 shot. The declaration is part of a lawsuit America’s Frontline Doctors (AFD) have against U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra. That is a remarkably higher number than CDC has reported. According to the whistleblower’s sworn document, she is “a computer programmer with subject matter expertise in the healthcare data analytics field, an honor that allows me access to Medicare and Medicaid data maintained by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).”

After verifying data from the CDC’s adverse reaction tracking system VAERS, the whistleblower focused only on individuals who died within three days of receiving their shot.

“It is my professional estimate that VAERS (the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) database, while extremely useful, is under-reported by a conservative factor of at least 5,” she added. She came to that conclusion by examining the Medicare and Medicaid data in respect to those who died within three days of vaccination.

It should be noted that some years ago a Harvard study found that the system could be undercounting by a factor of 10 to 100.

Her statement also made an important point regarding how the COVID pandemic is not being managed the way previous vaccines have been treated. “Put in perspective, the swine flu vaccine was taken off the market which only resulted in 53 deaths,” said the statement.

Example of why the 12-day CDC practice is fraudelent: Back in January there was a news story about the death of 56-year old Florida doctor Gregory Michael who died from a rare autoimmune disorder he developed on December 21 three days after receiving the Pfizer vaccine. His wife said that in her mind, his death was 100% linked to the vaccine. One doctor came forward publicly to say he also believed the vaccine caused the victim to develop acute Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP), the blood disorder and brain hemorrhage that killed him. Dr. Jerry L. Spivak, an expert on blood disorders at Johns Hopkins University, who was not involved in Dr. Michael’s care, said “I think it is a medical certainty that the vaccine was related. It happened and it could happen again.” His medical reasons were that the disorder came on quickly after the shot, and “was so severe that it made his platelet count ‘rocket’ down.” Over following months huge amounts of medical research documented vaccine induced blood problems, including the one that hit the Florida physician.

There is still more to the data corruption designed to send a deceitful message to the public. A July story noted:

“a physician contacted the Globe and said testing protocol from Scripts [health care system] is indicating that they aren’t testing the vaccinated in the hospitals – they are only testing the unvaccinated for COVID despite the many COVID breakthrough cases reported. The physician contacted another hospital and reported to the Globe: ‘They HAVE NOT been testing the vaccinated for COVID routinely like they have the unvaccinated, but they JUST changed their policy to begin doing this.’  Unbelievable!  So all this BS in the newspapers has been spewing about the vaccinated NOT having COVID BECAUSE THEY DON’T TEST FOR IT!”

All this was done very likely in hospitals all over the nation so that big media could push the story that there was a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

There is still more corruption to acknowledge.

In 2020 CDC issued new instructions  for medical examiners, coroners and physicians to give more credit for COVID as the cause of death. Pre-existing conditions or comorbidities were to be recorded in Part II rather than Part I of death certificates. This was a major rule change from the 2003 handbooks to be used for reporting deaths. This single change resulted in a significant inflation of COVID-19 fatalities by instructing that COVID-19 be listed in Part I of death certificates as a definitive cause of death regardless of confirmatory evidence, rather than listed in Part II as a contributor to death in the presence of pre-existing conditions, as would have been done using the 2003 guidelines. The result was significant inflation in COVID fatality totals by as much as 1600% above what they would be had the CDC used the 2003 handbooks. It comes down to what many people now understand, namely so many people die with COVID but not from COVID.

As a final example of data corruption and shortcomings, consider what was revealed at a recent meeting of nurses. They explained what they are facing in their hospital work, which also helps explain why so many nurses and physicians have refused vaccination. One nurse said she ran an ER department, and that it was tragic that they were seeing so many heart attacks and strokes, and that it is obvious that they are related to the COVID-19 shots. Another nurse stated that she was never trained about how to submit a report to VAERS about vaccine adverse events, and did not even know it existed until she did some research on her own. She said there is pressure to NOT report vaccine injuries and deaths, and it takes about 30 minutes to fill out the report, which few will do.

In our blossoming vaccine dystopia, you cannot trust information coming from big media, government and the medical establishment.

British and other international data show vaccine truths

A new report with detailed data from Public Health England provides some startling numbers. For the period of February 1 through August 2, there were COVID Delta variant cases for 47,000 people who had received 2 vaccine doses, and for 151,054 people who were unvaccinated.

In the first group of vaccinated people there was a total of 402 deaths. In the second much larger group with more than three times unvaccinated people there were just 253 deaths. In other words, of the total COVID deaths 61 percent were in fully vaccinated people.

To get the death rate you divide the number of deaths by the total number of infection cases. That gives a death rate of .86 percent among the vaccinated and .17 percent among the unvaccinated.

That is an amazing difference. The death rate among vaccinated was just over five times greater than that for the unvaccinated.

Five times greater! In other words, unvaccinated people who got infected were eno mously safer from death. Proving that COVID vaccines are not safe.

How can we explain this huge difference in terms of medical science?

It should also be noted that it was determined that the measured viral load in both groups was the same. So, why are vaccinated people dying more frequently than the unvaccinated. Here are some plausible explanations.

First, there is something very dangerous and unsafe in the COVID vaccines associated with spike proteins that are causing people to die at a higher rate. For example, as discussed elsewhere, all current vaccines have been associated with serious blood problems, notably both large and microscopic blood clots. Many people have died from brain bleeds and strokes, for example. There are also many, many other types of adverse side effects causing a host of medical problems.

Two famous virologists warned against using the current vaccines because they are fundamentally unsafe and could be killing people. They envisioned a vaccine dystopia and loudly proclaimed that the mass vaccination program should be halted. Instead, they advocated use of treatments using generic medicines like ivermectin, as detailed in Pandemic Blunder. As well as strengthening natural immunity.

Second, it is reasonable to believe that most unvaccinated people have acquired natural immunity from some prior COVID infection.  And that natural immunity is far more protective than the artificial or vaccine immunity obtained from jabs. Their natural immunity translates to fewer deaths. Yet the US, like many other countries, does not give credit for natural immunity on a par with vaccine immunity when it comes to COVID passports and mandates, though a few nations do the right thing by honestly following the science.

Third, vaccinated people are susceptible to breakthrough infections, which means that they are not protected against infection after they have been originally infected. Phony and dangerous COVID vaccines do not destroy the virus, nor prevent transmitting it to others. Some breakthrough infections are lethal.

Putting aside problems with CDC data, the death rate found in the UK for vaccinated people translates to about 1,300 deaths for vaccinated Americans. Indeed, an August report revealed that new CDC data indicated 1,507 people of those fully vaccinated died. It seems like these figures are only for breakthrough infection deaths, because the CDC VAERS database indicates more than 6,000 vaccine deaths (through August 27) that are reported as vaccine adverse effects. [But nearly 14,000 deaths apparently when non-US data are included.]

A higher death rate from COVID for vaccinated people in the US compared to other countries might be related to a generally unhealthier population with more serious health conditions, notably high levels of obesity.

Just days ago, it was reported that West Virginia saw a 25% increase in deaths of people that are fully vaccinated over the last eight weeks. At the same time it was reported that in Massachusetts 144 people fully vaccinated also died from COVID, an 80 percent increase from several weeks earlier, and that new total translates to about 4,800 for the whole nation. In New Jersey there was a 16 percent increase in breakthrough deaths recently.

The new data from England involving very large numbers of people should be headline news. But the biased and dishonest big media suppress this kind of critical data. Why? Clearly, if vaccinated people die at a much higher rate than unvaccinated people, then why should people be enthusiastic about being vaccinated for initial shots or later booster ones? They should not. This is especially true for the millions of people who have natural immunity.

Data from other countries merits attention because of still more proof of the deficiencies of the COVID vaccines.

In August director of Israel’s Public Health Services, Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, announced half of all COVID-19 infections were among the fully vaccinated. Signs of more serious disease among fully vaccinated are also emerging, she said, particularly in those over the age of 60.

A few days later, Dr. Kobi Haviv, director of the Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem, reported that 95% of severely ill COVID-19 patients are fully vaccinated, and that they make up 85% to 90% of COVID-related hospitalizations overall.

In Scotland, official data on hospitalizations and deaths show 87% of those who have died from COVID-19 in the third wave that began in early July were vaccinated.

In Ireland, 18 percent of COVID deaths were in fully vaccinated people.

There is only one rational conclusion from examining all the foreign data: COVID vaccines are both unsafe and ineffective.




1 comment:

  1. Tony Pearce says:
    An excellent and fulsome explanation. Worth printing and distributing. I’m sharing online and will print and share with vulnerable friends.

    I say:
    Thanks Tony - I did wonder how many would have the intestinal fortitude to read it all. But it is very rewarding.
