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Today is Sunday. At St Anthony's SSPX Whanganui, six Masses have been celebrated, but in the entire Archdiocese of Wellington, not one Holy Mass. None. Nix. Nil. By order of Cardinal John Atcherley Dew, by order of Jorge Mario Bergoglio.
So, starved of the Most Holy Eucharist, Novus Ordo Massgoers can at least turn to their emailed parish newsletter as their spiritual food for the week.
But instead they may find themselves confronted with a newsletter politically weaponised as a tool for the socialist revolution, led by Bergoglio, which would turn the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church into a New World Church, with the dictator Bergoglio himself as its spiritual head.
But will the average (pace, pious NO Massgoers, it's a fact that there are at least three of you out there) recognise it as such? No. The average NO Massgoer is the epitome of the proverbial boiled frog, placed in cold water in the 1960s during Vatican II, and slowly brought to the boil over years of the 'New Order' Mass, with the result that their faith and life in the Spirit has died.
How else could a parish produce a newsletter without a single reference to our Catholic faith and beliefs, and how else could parishioners accept such a publication? It reads more as if proceeding from our evil, socialist Prime Minister's 'podium of truth' than an organ of the Catholic Church.
On a normal Sunday - that is, when Cardinal Dew allows the parish to celebrate Holy Mass - literally a handful of Maori attend. But the banner headline reads as follows:
'Ratini Kupu 19th Mahuru'. Give up? It's pidgin, like we'll all be speaking in a couple of generations if we let Radio New Zealand and television browbeat us into it. We could make an educated guess on the second phrase meaning '19th September' but as to the first we're at a loss. To save parishioners time looking it up, the best translation found for 'Ratini Kupu' was 'Latin Word' ... Get it?
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What's this got to do with the price of fish? |
At least the image above, which prefaces the newsletter, does give a translation. But one has to wonder what it means at all, let alone what its relevance is to a Catholic parish newsletter.
Next, parishioners are treated to 'A Culture of Encounter - a call to social friendship as a single human family'. Insofar as that means anything at all, it means eliminating national borders, customs and patriotism. In other words, it means the Great Reset.
" What the architects of the Great Reset are aiming for - the New World Order — a name which significantly echoes the conciliar Novus Ordo — overturns the divine cosmos in order to spread infernal chaos, in which everything that civilization has painstakingly constructed over the course of millennia under the inspiration of Grace is overturned and perverted, corrupted and cancelled.
"Each of us must understand that what is happening is not the fruit of an unfortunate sequence of chance occurrences, but corresponds rather to a diabolical plan — in the sense that the Evil One is behind all this — which over the centuries pursues a single goal: destroying the work of Creation, nullifying the Redemption, and cancelling every trace of Good on the earth.
"And in order to obtain this, the final step is the establishment of a synarchy in which command is seized by a few faceless tyrants who thirst for power, who are given over to the worship of death and sin and to the hatred of Life, Virtue, and Beauty because in them shines forth the greatness of that God against whom they still cry out their infernal “Non serviam.”
"The members of this accursed sect are not only Bill Gates, George Soros, or Klaus Schwab, but also those who for centuries have been plotting in the shadows in order to overthrow the Kingdom of Christ: the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Warburgs, and those who today have formed an alliance with the highest levels of the Church, using the moral authority of the Pope and Bishops to convince the faithful to get vaccinated" - Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò.
"A Culture of Encounter" is served up by the NZ Council of Catholic Bishops, who to do them credit have probably little inkling of the significance of this burble. They are only parroting 'Pope Francis' and the irony of calling for 'social friendship', when the recipients of their missive are reading it via email because they're not allowed into their church to read the hard copy - and even if they were they'd have to anti-'social distance' - obviously entirely escapes them.
The bishops name a place called Aotearoa New Zealand, which does not exist. There are the usual, obligatory references to:
- the 'violent mosque attacks' - to remind us of just what a dangerous place this 'Aotearoa New Zealand' (wherever that may be) really is
- the 'Covid pandemic'. Are the bishops in their palaces unaware of the facts accumulating around the world showing it's no 'pandemic' but a 'plandemic' intended to depopulate the planet?
- 'misinformation which quickly spreads in the digital world' - doubtless including reportage on this blog which runs counter to the propaganda served up by Ardern's lapdogs in the media (ably assisted by the bishops themselves)
- Fratelli Tutti in which " 'Pope Francis' reminds us that "isolation and withdrawal into one's own interests are never the way to restore hope and bring about renewal"," say the bishops. Really? That's rich, coming from a man who has so recently withdrawn into his own interest by shoring up the wreckage of the Novus Ordo through cancellation of nearly 2000 years of Church tradition, trying to bully the world's bishops into cancelling the Immemorial Latin Mass - but succeeding only with his fellow ideologues and cowards
- Social Justice - that call to the barricades by the revolutionaries, thinly disguised as being nice and kind to people.
Even more depressing - Community. "Face to face communication, kanohi ki te kanohi," is what the bishops recommend - when their readers in the Wellington Archdiocese, at least, are not allowed any sort of communication - not inside their churches, anyway. They talk about people "becoming increasingly isolated, lonely and less resilient." Can they not see their own absurdity? "We need a community that supports and helps us", they say, "in which we can help one another to keep looking ahead".
Carry me home to die. Emailing newsletters, especially like this one, is not 'community'. Verbiage such as this supports and helps no one. Apparently the "desire to feel himself a brother to every human being", which inspired Blessed Charles de Foucauld, also inspired 'Pope Francis'. Oh spare me. Did that desire inspire him to write Traditionis Custodes, destroying the sacred communities of millions of human beings who are not just his brothers but his children in Christ?
Speaking of Christ, the bishops do mention His name. Twice.
So that's the newsletter's piece de resistance. Then there's a set piece on Maori Language Week (oh sorry, Te Wiki O Te Reo Maori). We have to embrace this gift in all our liturgies (one reason why the Traditional Latin Mass is cancelled, then. Imagine the Mass of Ages in Te Reo.) It is a taonga kahurangi - not just a gift but a precious gift.
"Sometimes people ask why we use Maori in our liturgies". People are braver than you'd think, then, because asking such a question, let alone ranting as in this post, now renders you liable to charges of 'rashism'. It's not a question of racism, it's a question of politeness, of reasonableness, wanting others to understand what you say. When your hearers are English-speaking, it's good manners and good sense to speak in English. If Maori really want to speak Te Reo, they will.
The answer to the question people sometimes ask is, apparently, "It's an official language of New Zealand". So is sign language but hearing-impaired people don't insist on that. The comparison might be a bit forced but the principle is the same.
What else does the newsletter have to offer? - The usual lengthy notice from a college attended by the newsletter editor and parish secretary's sons
- An appeal for Planned Giving. "With cheques now being phased out you may wish to make a donation by direct payment to the Parish" etc etc. We do not wish to do any such thing. Why would any faithful, orthodox Catholic wish to donate as much as a dollar to the kind of 'Church' reflected in this newsletter? We would rather make our usual donation to an organisation in accord with Catholic belief and dogma, e.g. Ken Orr's Right to Life, Family Life International, or Voice for Life
- An ad for the Food Bank,because that's kind
- An ad about the same size for 'Sacramental Programme'. "We are currently offering the opportunity for baptised children to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion." 'Offering the opportunity': not 'baptised children are invited, encouraged, or expected'. No. We can only hope and pray it means a few more school-age children will be baptised, because so many are not.
- What there isn't, in this newsletter, is the weekly pro-life bulletin. The last edition seen published, delineating the disastrous Abortion Law Act of March 2020 - the worst abortion legislation in the world - was edited down to read like an advertisement for late-term abortions.
- There's something called Titipounamu Study and Joy featuring - oh dear - 'Kieran Fenn fms'. Kieran Fenn is a religious but obviously doesn't want to be known as such, any more than 'Pope Francis' wants to be known as the Vicar of Christ on earth - which he isn't, of course.
- One and a half columns on Covid protocols. As if we didn't know them off by heart, and they're all baseless, illogical and ridiculous.
- Then as well, two columns devoted to vaccination propaganda. "It's a fact that most Christian Church leaders in New Zealand support the Covid health measures - including vaxxing i.e. getting the Covid vaccination." Yes, regrettably and shamefully, most Christian leaders do support or even promote the vax. That's a fact.
But these so-called 'health measures' are in fact sickness measures. And if most Christian Church leaders in New Zealand don't know that yet, then as statistics of deaths and adverse reactions to the vax are leaked more and more by wicked social media outlets like this one (see and, they will become cognisant of the facts before very long - and wish they weren't.
The newsletter resorts then to Cathnews (good grief!) which makes fun, in a kind way, of the pastors of an evangelical Christchurch church, their belief in 'the end times' and 'the mark of the beast' depicted in the Book of Revelations, their utterly realistic fear of the unvaxxed not being allowed to enter supermarkets, and quote their wise observation, "You'd have to be spiritually blind not to realise there's something going on behind the Covid."
Amen to that. Spiritually blind, our Catholic leaders certainly are - and a great deal worse than blind. They are not physically blind, any more than Bergoglio is blind, to the use of unborn babies, aborted and dismembered live, for the Pfizer vaccine they are promoting and prepared to peddle themselves, in our churches.
If Our Lord was angry at money changers in His Father's house, how angry is He at the very suggestion that a vaccine prepared with His most innocent children's blood should be dished out in the house of God?
In the whole of this 'Catholic' newsletter the word 'Catholic' is mentioned just three times: once as in 'Catholic social teaching' (aaargh!) and twice in an 'Anglican and Catholic' context. Christ is mentioned twice; His Blessed Mother, Co-Redemptrix, and His earthly father St Joseph, Patron of the Church whose name the parish school bears, not at all (except as in 'St Joseph St').
No offence (no pun intended) to the many holy Novus Ordo Massgoers out there, but this newsletter is testimony to the Novus Ordo effect. We'd be better off reading The Watchtower. It makes a mockery of the death Christ endured for our salvation, of the beliefs and practices and sacrifices and prayers of the saints, and of our forebears who built the churches and presbyteries our clergy occupy - and in Wellington Archdiocese at least, at the moment do very little more than occupy.
It's nauseating and literally and truly beyond belief.
We are the Church Militant. It's time to RESIST. It's time to fight for the Faith.
Note the rainbow colored cover.
ReplyDeleteSweet darling, the New Mass is an effect, not a cause.
DeleteSorry, Anonymous, I wasn't addressing you.
DeleteThe "spirit of Vatican II" is the cause.
DeleteWhich parish does this emailed newsletter emanate from ?
ReplyDeleteAng just to top things off dear Bishop Dunn has really made a hash of dealing with a convicted priest. Seems Dunn wanted to break all the rules. It is reported by Stuff 7 days ago. A Google search reveals the full story. What an insult to Catholics.
ReplyDeleteDominique Greenslade:
ReplyDeleteBe warned: the pope isn'it what you think!
I say:
Dominique, so what do I think he is?
Teresa Coles:
Dominique, I agree he is making decisions that are hard to bear in this changing world,so so sad.We need to pray for his conversion... New World Church on the way….Pray the Rosary every day...
Paul Young:
"Pray for his conversion " ... give me strength ... woo woo woo ...
Beverley Bennett:
Paul I pray for his conversion every day of my life. I am convinced that he is not a Catholic. He's done and said too many horrendous things. May God help us all.
Dominique Greenslade:
Julia du Fresne The neww world church is NOT for the good & love of the born again Christian, it's a FRAUD!
I say:
Dominique, agreed.
Sharon Crooks:
Paul, you are still here😷😂…your interest in all this is a
so refreshing
Sharon, you're very cruel. ��
DeleteKrauss Miles:
ReplyDeleteLiberation theology? Agreed with the with the sentiments expressed.
Terry Bowden:
People who have given up on the power of prayer will never experience it.