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Not allowed to say the TLM in a parish church in France ... note the children |
We await the NZ Catholic Bishops' Conference's response to Ardern, Little&Co's latest manoeuvre in the Covid saga - a maximum of 50 people allowed at Mass this Sunday, indoors - with bated breath.
You will of course, your Excellencies, bear in mind that "we ought to obey God rather than men" (Acts 5:29). And "an unjust law is no law at all" (St Augustine), so Catholics - clergy and lay - may morally ignore it.
How we worship God is His business and yours, is it not, your Excellencies - not the Government's.
- All places of worship must have ways for attendees to record their visit. This can be done by asking everyone to scan in using the NZ COVID Tracer app, or by recording their contact details manually.
Well, ask away. They can ask all they want to. And of course they'll ask nicely.
- Think about how you can reconfigure seating, prayer and other activities to allow for physical distancing. Everyone attending a service at a place of worship needs to keep 2 metres apart.
Many, if not most, churches could house 50 people at that rate. (Note the narrative's been changed: it's 'physical distancing' now. Ardern's bureaucrats must have seen more than a few comments on 'anti-social' distancing.) And it the church isn't big enough to comply, surely our Bishops will decide that our pastors can celebrate more than one Mass, and lead by example. Once upon a time Priests regularly said three Masses per Sunday.
- Encourage attendees to wear a face covering.
Again, feel free to encourage us 'attendees', all you like. Please don't feel discouraged if we don't comply.
- Encourage contactless donations instead of a cash collection box.
Some readers of this blog will see contactless donations as logical, but that doesn't mean they'll continue to donate, any way, anyhow.
- We strongly encourage you to wear a face covering when visiting a place of worship.
'Strongly encourage.' It will be interesting to see exactly how that is implemented.
- Scan in using the NZ COVID Tracer app or give your details to the place of worship to support contact tracing.
Scanning in, however, will only encourage Ardern,Little&Co to think they're getting somewhere in their pointless trying-to-catch-the-wind exercise.
- Take home any personal items you bring in with you — for example, a prayer mat or prayer beads.
We Catholics should feel flattered perhaps, to have Ardern,Little&Co place our rosaries on the same level as Muslims' prayer mats?
- The number of people who can attend a gathering or celebration does not include anyone leading or working at the gathering.
So that's Father, of course. Also altar servers. Ushers. Lectors. 'Ministers of the Eucharist'. The organist. The choir. People taking up the gifts or getting the vacuum cleaner out afterwards. With a little ingenuity the Bishops could manipulate this loophole to achieve literally, at last, that 'full, active, conscious participation' promoted by the Novus Ordo Missae, and get 100 'attendees' in licitly - if the church is big enough.
- Clean and sanitise musical instruments and other shared surfaces thoroughly before and after use.
Just how does one 'clean and santise' an organ?
- Encourage attendees to leave promptly after the service to avoid people gathering or congregating.
The last thing Stalinda wants, apparently, is to foster the 'communidy' she bangs on about so endlessly.
If the Bishops can't organise a Mass for you to attend, in person as you should be able to do, this Sunday, there are wonderful Traditional Latin Masses available online. During the first bout of lockdown lunacy in 2020, a reader of this blog attended a beautiful Mass with eye-watering singing, in Melbourne but being hopelessly absentminded she's forgotten the name of it. Some other reader might be able to remind her - perhaps a certain priest, located in another Melbourne parish, might help.
And for your spiritual reading on Sunday - or any day of the week - there's Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò's latest letter, sent out to the world from his hidey-hole on the feast of St Augustine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church (August 28).
Archbishop Viganò - a latterday Elijah
Our apologies to the good archbishop for condensing his erudite and lengthy missive, but not everyone has the time to read him wholesale - or, one might say, the luxury. Please go to the links to get the whole document; nothing will give you a better understanding of the transcendence and significance of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church as opposed (as she should be) to the world at this dark time.
"(...) Journalists have accepted — without any scruple of conscience prostituting themselves to the powerful, going so far as to censor the truth and spread shameless lies without even trying to give them the appearance of credibility.
Makes you feel better, somehow, to know that Jacinda Ardern's toadies in the New Zealand media are not the only ones.
Up until last year journalists counted the numbers of the “victims” of Covid by presenting anyone who tested positive as terminally ill; today those who die after being vaccinated are always and only taken by a vague “illness,” and even before the post mortem examinations they officially decide that there is no correlation between a person’s death and the administration of the gene serum.
(...) What has been happening for a year and a half had been widely announced, down to the smallest detail, by the creators of the Great Reset themselves; just as we were told the measures that would be adopted.
On February 17, 1950, testifying before the United States Senate, the well-known banker James Warburg said, “We will have a world government, whether you like it or not. The only question that arises is whether this world government will be established by consensus or by force.”
In 1991, David Rockefeller wrote: “The world is ready for a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is certainly preferable to the national self-determination practiced in past centuries.” And he added: “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the ‘right’ global crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."
And so along comes the Wuhan virus, most likely manufactured and deliberately released by the Communist Party of China.
They have created a false problem in order to be able to impose population control measures as an apparent solution, cancel small and medium-sized businesses with lockdowns and the green pass to the benefit of a few international groups, demolish education by imposing distance learning, lower the cost of manpower and employees with “smart working,” privatize public health for the benefit of BigPharma, and allow governments to use the state of emergency to legislate in derogation of the law and impose so-called vaccines on the entire population, making citizens traceable in all their movements and either chronically ill or sterile.
South Australia's on to tracing citizens already. The app's coming to a phone near you, soonish.
Everything the elite wanted to do, they have done. And what is incomprehensible is that in the face of the evidence of the premeditation of this terrible crime against humanity, which sees the leaders of almost the whole world as accomplices and traitors, there is not a single magistrate who opens a file against them to ascertain the truth and condemn the guilty and complicit.
Now, in the face of a criminal plan it would be at least logical to denounce it and make it known, in order to then be able to avert it and try those who are guilty.
The list of traitors should start with the heads of government, with cabinet members and elected officials, and then continue with the virologists and corrupt doctors, the complicit officials, the leaders of the armed forces incapable of opposing the violation of the Constitution, the sold-out journalists, the cowardly judges and the obsequious unions.
In that long list that will perhaps be drawn up one day, the leaders of the Catholic Church should also be listed, starting with Bergoglio and not a few of the Bishops, who have become zealous executors of the will of the prince (Satan - ed) against the mandate received from Christ.
Cardinal Parolin defends Bergoglio's 'deal with the devil' (China) |
NZ's Bishops, headed by Cardinal John Atcherley Dew, should be on that infernal list.
It is necessary to recognize the spiritual and eschatological dimension of the present conflict, framing it in the context of the war that Lucifer, ever since his fall, has waged against God.
This war, whose outcomes have been decided ab æterno with the inexorable defeat of Satan and the Antichrist and the overwhelming victory of the Woman encircled with the stars, is now approaching its conclusion.
From the very initial phase of the globalist plan, it was essential to corrupt the Hierarchy in morals and doctrine, to infiltrate it with fifth columns and sleeper cells, to deprive it of any supernatural yearning, and to make it vulnerable to blackmail thanks to financial and sexual scandals; all with the purpose of excluding it and eliminating it once its purpose has been achieved, according to established practice.
This infiltration operation began at the end of the 1950s, when the project of the New World Order was just taking shape.
It began its own work of subversion a few years later, with the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, in view of which the election of Roncalli and the expulsion of Cardinal Siri, Pacelli’s “dauphin” or probable successor as pope, represented a reason for enthusiasm both for the progressive and modernist element within the Church, as well as for the communist, liberal, and Masonic element of the civil world.
Vatican II represented within the ecclesial body what the Tennis Court Oath [of the French Revolution] was for civil society: the beginning of the Revolution.
Msgr. Hélder Câmara, Archbishop of Olinda and Recife in Brazil, had a meeting in those years with the young Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum and theorizer of the Great Reset.
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Monsignor Helder Camara, inspiration for Klaus Schwab and the Great Reset |
As reported on this blog in a recent post.
He invited him to the Davos Forum, considering his participation in this event as extremely important in view of the project of the New Order.
We know that Hélder Câmara was among the organizers of the “Pact of the Catacombs,” which was signed by about forty ultra-progressivist Bishops on 16 November 1965, a few days before the closing of the Council.
Among the heretical theses of that document, there is also collaboration in the establishment of “another, new social order”(here, n. 9) based on justice and equality.On 20 October 2019, during the Synod on the Amazon, the celebration of the pact between the conspirators was repeated in the Catacombs of Santa Domitilla (here), confirming that the plan begun at the Council had found fulfilment precisely in Jorge Mario Bergoglio.
Bergoglio never misses an opportunity to give proof of his perfect coherence with the plan of the New World Order, beginning with the collaboration of Vatican commissions and dicasteries with environmentalism of a Malthusian matrix and their participation in the Council for Inclusive Capitalism, a global alliance with the Rothschilds, the Rockefeller Foundation, and large banks.
We have David Rockefeller with the Trilateral Commission, and Klaus Schwab, who is related by marriage with the Rothschilds (here), with the World Economic Forum, and both of them are arm-in-arm with the head of the Catholic Church to establish the New Order by means of the Great Reset, as has been planned since the 1950s.
Among the associates of this pactum sceleris (evil agreement - ed) there must also be counted some members of the Pontifical Academy for Life, which recently had its organizational structure overturned by Bergoglio himself when he removed the members who were most faithful to the Magisterium, replacing them with supporters of depopulation, contraception, and abortion.
In June 2011 the Sovereign Independent carried the headline on its front page: “Depopulation Through Forced Vaccination: The Zero Carbon Solution!”(here).
Beside the headline, a photograph of Bill Gates was accompanied by a quote from him: “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive services [abortion and contraception], we lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.
See what we mean about the effects of the Traditional Latin Mass?
Today Gates is one of the shareholders of the Black Rock group that finances the pharmaceutical companies that produce the vaccines, one of the main sponsors of the World Health Organization (WHO), and also of a myriad of public and private entities connected to health.
At his side we curiously find George Soros, the “philanthropist” of the Open Society, which together with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation recently invested in a British company that produces swabs for Covid testing (here).
The Holy See has held shares worth about €20 million in two pharmaceutical companies that have produced a contraceptive drug (here), and more recently it invested in a fund that guaranteed very high profits in the event of a geopolitical or pandemic crisis thanks to speculation on international currencies, the “Geo-Risk” fund managed by the Merrill Lynch investment bank, which had to close it because of its skyrocketing yields after the first few months of the pandemic (here).
Other capital, coming from the “Peter’s Pence” collection, had been used to finance various other initiatives, even collaborating with [Italian businessman] Lapo Elkann, whose endeavors include Rocketman, the autobiographical film of Elton John.
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Still feel like putting your money in the plate next Good Friday???
There are those who believe that the secret Accord prepared by the Jesuits and former-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick may have obtained substantial funding from the communist regime in Beijing in exchange for the Vatican’s silence over the persecution of Catholics and the violation of human rights (here).
The same is true for the immigration racket: among those drawing profit from the industry of welcoming immigrants are the Vatican commissions and the Bishops’ Conferences, to which various nations give substantial funding for the reception of illegal immigrants.
The emails of John Podesta and Hillary Clinton show the intention to oust Benedict XVI from the papacy and so to initiate a new “springtime of the Church” that would be progressivist and globalist, which later came about with the resignation of Benedict and the election of the Argentine.
Leaders of the Left and of progressivism, along with expressions of enthusiastic satisfaction on the occasion of their election.
(Many of the leaders of the Left and of progressivism who showed enthusiastic satisfaction at Bergoglio's) election owe their success to having attended universities run by the Society of Jesus or circles of Catholicism that in Italy would be called Dossettian,[1] where the network of social and political relations constitutes a sort of progressive Freemasonry and ensures dazzling careers for so-called “adult Catholics,” those who use the name “Christian” without behaving consistently with Christian faith and morality in their service of public affairs: Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi; Romano Prodi, Mario Monti, Giuseppe Conte, and Mario Draghi; to name only a few.
Cooperation between the deep state and deep church is long-standing and has now produced the results hoped for by its supporters, with very serious damage to both the State and religion.
Closure of churches in early 2020, even before the civil authorities imposed the lockdowns; the prohibition of the celebration of Masses and the administration of the Sacraments during the pandemic emergency; the grotesque ceremony performed on 27 March 2020 in Saint Peter’s Square (here); the insistence on vaccines and their promotion as morally legitimate despite having been produced with cell lines originating with aborted fetuses; Bergoglio’s declarations that the genetic serum represents a “moral duty” for every Christian; the introduction of the “Green Pass”health passport in the Vatican and more recently in Catholic schools and in some seminaries; the Holy See prohibiting Bishops from announcing that they are against the vaccination obligation, promptly endorsed by certain Bishops’ Conferences — these are all elements that demonstrate the subordination of the deep church to the orders of the deep state, and the way in which the Bergoglian church is an integral part of the globalist plan.
It is one thing to impose the “Green Pass” with the excuse of the pandemic; but it is quite another to recognize that the purpose of the passport is to accustom us to being tracked; and still another to say that this total control is the “mark of the Beast” of which the Book of the Apocalypse speaks (Rev 13:16-18).
Jorge Mario Bergoglio is carrying out the task entrusted to him by the globalist elite, which wants him to be the liquidator of the Catholic Church and the founder of a philanthropic and ecumenical sect of Masonic inspiration that is meant to constitute the Universal Religion in support of the New Order.
If one does not understand that the ideological roots of ecumenism are intrinsically linked to Masonic Luciferian esoterism, one cannot grasp the connection that links the doctrinal deviations of Vatican II to the plan of the New World Order.
The revolution of 1968 was a sad example of those pacifist and ecumenist ambitions, in which the “Age of Aquarius” was celebrated by the musical Hair (1969) and then by John Lennon with Imagine (1971):
Imagine there’s no heaven. It’s easy if you try.
No hell below us. Above us only sky.
Imagine all the people, living for today.
Imagine there’s no countries. It isn’t hard to do.
Nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too.
Imagine all the people, living life in peace.
You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.
I hope someday you’ll join us, and the world will be as one.
Imagine no possessions. I wonder if you can.
No need for greed or hunger, a brotherhood of man.
Imagine all the people, sharing all the world.
This manifesto of Masonic nihilism can be considered the hymn of globalism and the new universal religion: it is no coincidence that it was used as the theme song for the 2012 Olympic Games in London, and more recently for those in Tokyo.
There were Masonic prelates who succeeded in introducing their ideas into the Council by disguising them, but in the full awareness that they would inexorably lead to the realization of that demolition of Religion that is the premise for the establishment of the New Era — the Age of Aquarius — in which Our Lord is banished from society in order to welcome the Antichrist.
The enthusiasm of the Masonic Lodges at the election of Bergoglio, and conversely their ill-concealed hatred toward Benedict XVI, considered as the kathèkon [“the one who restrains” (cfr. 2 Thess 6:7)] to be eliminated.
Robert Muller, who was the Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations: “We must move as quickly as possible towards a one-world government, a one-world religion, and a single world leader.”
It is indispensable that all those who are not subservient to the globalist plan unite in a compact and cohesive front, in order to defend their natural and religious rights, their own health and that of their loved ones, their freedom, and their goods.
Where authority fails in its duties and indeed betrays the purpose for which it has been established, disobedience is not only lawful but obligatory: non-violent disobedience, at least for now, but determined and courageous.
There are two sides, the side of God and the side of Satan, the side of the children of Light and the side of the children of darkness.
"No one will be part of the New World Order unless he carries out an act of worship to Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he receives Luciferian initiation" - David Spangler, Director of the United Nations Planetary Initiative Project (Reflections on The Christ, Findhorn, 1978).
It is not possible to come to terms with the Enemy, nor is it possible to serve two masters (Mt 6:24).
The words of Our Lord must be engraved in our minds: “Whoever is not with Me is against Me, and whoever does not gather with Me scatters” (Mt 12:30).
Hoping to build a world government in which the Divine Kingship of Jesus Christ is outlawed is insane and blasphemous, and no one who has such a plan will ever succeed.
Where Christ reigns, peace, harmony and justice reign; where Christ does not reign, Satan is a tyrant.
Disobedience to the illegitimate and tyrannical diktats of ecclesiastical authority, wherever it shows itself to be an accomplice of the infernal plan of the New World Order.
Let us consider this well, whenever we have to choose whether to make agreements with the adversary in the name of a false peaceful coexistence!
And let those prelates and civil leaders who think that their complicity only affects economic or health issues, pretending not to know what is behind all this, also consider this well.
Let us turn to Christ, Christ who is the King of hearts, of families, of societies, and of nations.
Let us proclaim Him as Our King and Mary Most Holy as Our Queen.Only in this way can the wicked project of the New World Order be defeated. Only in this way can the Holy Church be purified of traitors and renegades. And may God listen to our prayer.+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
28 August 2021
S. Augustini Episcopi et Confessoris et Ecclesiae Doctoris
Mark Gasparini:
ReplyDeleteWell said. I admire your passion.
Mark Thompson:
ReplyDeleteSo those of noble heart gather OUTSIDE instead….we need to stand as living men/women against all who would seek to claim dominion over us…including governments and the ecclesiastical
Bob Gill:
ReplyDeleteRe "We await the NZ Catholic Bishops' Conference response....." Don't hold your breath! Online NZ Church sources I have checked today don't mention anything about churches opening tomorrow as allowed, so I have emailed my church coordinator for verification. I also recall having to chase the powers that be the last time we were in Level 2.
I say:
Yes, it's business as usual. God help us.
Sarah Oconnor:
ReplyDeleteDon’t feel too flattered about the mention of prayer beads, that’s what Buddhists call their beads.
Oh yes of course, I forgot.