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VAERS data from the American CDC shows that as of August 26, 2021 already half a million people had suffered severe side effects, including stroke, heart failure, blood clots, brain disorders, convulsions, seizures, inflammations of brain & spinal cord, life threatening allergic reactions, autoimmune diseases, arthritis, miscarriage, infertility, rapid-onset muscle weakness, deafness, blindness, narcolepsy and cataplexy.
Tonight's post is not for the faint-hearted. It's definitely a War and Peace number - and for those with stamina there's another episode to follow. It comes from David John Sorenson at and Dr Vladimir Zelenko MD.
For those with suspicious and/or enquiring minds, people who've heard of deaths and strange and nasty reactions to the Clotshot aka the Jab aka the Vax aka Dr Doomfield's Patent Medicine, and wonder why is it that our ever-vigilant Fourth Estate are not reporting on these deaths and other assorted disasters, 'The Vaccine Death Report' fills a certain vacuum and answers more than a few questions.
Read on:
Besides the astronomical number of severe side effects, the CDC reports that approx. 16,000 people died as a result of receiving the experimental injections. However, according to a CDC whistleblower who signed a sworn affidavit, the actual number of deaths is at least five times higher. This is what the CDC healthcare fraud detection expert Jane Doe officialy stated in a sworn affidavit: 1
'I have, over the last 25 years, developed over 100 distinct healthcare fraud detection algorithms, both in the public and private sector. (...) When the COVID-19 vaccine clearly became associated with patient death and harm, I was inclined to investigate the matter. It is my professional estimate that VAERS (the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) database, while extremely useful, is under-reported by a conservative factor of at least 5. (...) and have assessed that the deaths occurring within 3 days of vaccination are higher than those reported in VAERS by a factor of at least 5.'
The CDC is also vastly underreporting other adverse events, like severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis). The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) reported that a study showed that the actual number of anaphylaxis is 50 to 120 times higher than claimed by the CDC. 2, 3 On top of that, a private researcher took a close look at the VAERS database, and tried looking up specific case-ID’s. He found countless examples where the original death records were deleted, and in some cases, the numbers have been switched for milder reactions. He says:
'What the analysis of all the case numbers is telling us right now is that there’s approximately 150,000 cases that are missing, that were there, that are no longer there. The question is, are they all deaths?'
4 How criminal the CDC is was revealed a few years ago when researchers investigated the link between vaccines and autism. They found that there indeed is a direct connection. So what did the CDC do? All the researchers came together and a large dustbin was placed in the middle of the room. In it they threw all the documents that showed the link between autism and vaccinations. Thus, the evidence was destroyed. Subsequently, a so-called 'scientific' article was published in Pediatric, stating that vaccinations do not cause autism. However, a leading scientist within the CDC, William Thompson, exposed this crime. He publicly admitted:
'I was involved in misleading millions of people about the possible negative side effects of vaccines. We lied about the scientific findings.' 5
Maybe the worst example of criminal methodology used to hide vaccine deaths is the incredible fact that the CDC doesn't consider a person vaccinated until two weeks after the injection. Therefore everyone who dies withing the first two weeks after being injected, is not considered a vaccine death, further skewing the data.
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A whistleblower from Moderna made a screenshot of an internal company notice labeled “Confidential - For internal distribution only”, showing there were 300,000 adverse events reported in only three months time.” This is a quote from this confidential notice: 'This enabled the team to effectively manage approximately 300,000 adverse event reports and 30,000 medical information requests in a three month span to support the global launch oof their COVID-19 vaccine.'
All this information already shows that the number of adverse events and deaths is of a magnitude far greater than is being told to the public. The situation is however still far worse than most of us can even imagine. The famous Lazarus report from Harvard Pilgrim Health Care inc. in 2009 revealed that in general only 1% of adverse events from vaccines is being reported: 'Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.'
The reason that less than 1% of adverse events is reported, is first of all because the vast majority of the population is not aware of the existence of official reporting systems for vaccine adverse events. Secondly, the pharmaceutical industry has been waging an unrelenting media war over the past few decades against all medical experts who attempted to inform the public about the dangers of vaccines. One deployed strategy is name-calling, and the negative label 'anti-vaxxer' was chosen to shame and blame all scientists, physicians and nurses who speak truth.
Because of this criminal campaign of aggressive suppression of adverse events data, the majority of the population is clueless that vaccines can cause harm. The message the general public constantly hears and sees, couldn't be further from the truth: 'Vaccines are safe and the best way to protect yourself from disease.' The thousands of books, scientific studies, and reports documenting the devastating effects of vaccines in general have been suppressed by all possible means. The undeniable fact that children (and people of all ages, for that matter) are far more ill today than ever before in history, while at the same time they are the most vaccinated population in all of history, is flatly denied.
The widespread propaganda by the vaccine companies, who use government agencies as their main carousel, simply told humanity for decades that adverse events are a very rare occurrence. When vaccinated people suffer from serious adverse events, it doesn't even occur to them that this could be from previous injections, and therefore don't report it as such.
During the current world crisis the attacks on medical experts who are warning about vaccines have gone to an even higher level. Medical experts are now being completely deplatformed from all social media, their websites are deranked by Google, entire YouTube channels are deleted, many have lost their jobs, and in some countries medical experts have been arrested, in an attempt to suppress the truth about the experimental covid injections.
Scientists who speak out against vaccines are even labeled 'domestic terrorists'. All means are deployed by the criminal vaccine cartel to suppress the truth. As a result countless medical professionals are afraid to report adverse events, which further contributes to the underreporting of these side effects. Additionally, the amount of scientific information warning for these dangerous biological agents, and the number of medical experts warning humanity, is so overwhelming and almost omnipresent - despite the aggressive attempts to silence them - that it is virtually impossible for any medical professional not to be at least somewhat aware of the risk they are taking by administering an untested DNA-altering injection without even informing their patients of what is being injected into their body. If they then see their patients suffer or die, they are naturally afraid of being held accountable, so they refuse to report it.
Lastly: many medical professionals receive financial incentives to promote the vaccines. In the United Kingdom for example nurses get ₤10 per needle they put into a child. That again is a reason for them not to report adverse events.
Project Veritas is a journalistic organization that has been exposing crime and corruption in our world for years. They often receive video footage from hidden camera that reveal what is going on behind closed doors. They were contacted by several federal doctors and nurses, who can no longer be silent. They see large numbers of patients come in with serious adverse reactions, like heart failure, and they notice how the authorities of their hospitals are not reporting any of these vaccine injuries.
Dr. Maria Gonzales, ER doctor from the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, expresses her outrage about this in the Phoenix Indian Medical Center. She discusses with a colleague how a patient was vaccinated and as a result got heart failure: ‘They’re not going to blame the vaccine. But he has an obligation to report that, doesn’t he? They are not reporting!’ - ‘Right!’ - ‘Because they want to shove it under the mat. The government doesn’t want to show that the vaccine is full of shit.’
In an interview with James O'Keefe from Project Veritas, nurse Jodi O’Malley testifies: ‘I’ve seen dozens of people come in with adverse reactions.’ She adds that none of these are being reported. When asked if she isn't afraid for repercussions for speaking the truth, she answers: ‘I am not afraid, because my faith is in God. This is evil at the highest level.’ The video also shows nurse Jodi talking to a doctor, who is desperate to break the silence:
'It is bullshit. I am about tired of it. So what we're going to have to do, cause we're on the inside... I've been thinking about it.' - 'And, what do we do?' - 'I don't know, but there's so much I want to blow up.' - 'So much. How do we do that?' - 'You know Project Veritas?'
There are thousands of doctors and nurses like this, whose hearts are burning to speak out, but who are afraid. I have personally been contacted by different groups of hundreds of medical professionals. If you are a medical professional and want to speak out, please contact Project Veritas or Stop World Control:
You will be not be alone, but you will find a vast army of freedom fighters, worldwide, who will stand with you. Please come forward and share your story. Humanity needs you! Watch the videos from Project Veritas with the medical whistleblowers here:
A local ABC News Station posted a request on Facebook for people to share their stories of unvaccinated loved ones that died. They wanted to make a news story on this. What happened was totally unexpected. In five days time over 250,000 people posted comments, but not about unvaccinated beloved ones. All the comments talk about vaccinated loved ones that died shortly after being injected, or that are disabled for life. The 250,000 comments reveal a shocking deathwave among the population, and the heartwrenching suffering these injections are causing. The post was already shared 200,000 times, and counting...
VAERS published 16,000+ deaths and 450,000+ adverse events, as of August 28, 2021. A CDC fraud expert says that number of deaths is at least five times higher: 150,000 reports have been rejected or scrubbed by the VAERS system The actual number of anaphylaxis is 50 to 120 times higher than claimed by the CDC.
Vaccinated people who die within two weeks, are not listed as vaccine deaths Moderna received over 300,000 reports of adverse events in only three months. The Lazarus Report shows that only 1% of adverse events is being reported by the public. The majority of the population is not aware of the existence of systems where they can report vaccine adverse events Aggressive censorship and propaganda told the public that adverse events are rare, causing people to not understand how their health problems stem from past injections. The shaming and blaming of medical professionals who say anything against the vaccines, cause many in the medical community to avoid reporting adverse events The fear of being held accountable after administering an injection that killed or disabled patients, further prevents medical personnel from reporting it. Accepting financial incentives to promote, and administer the covid vaccines also stops medical personnel from reporting adverse events Profit-driven vaccine manufacturers have every reason not to report the destruction their untested experimental products are causing 250,000+ Facebook users comment about vaccine deaths and serious injuries Nurses and doctors testify how their hospitals are hiding vaccine injuries.
This alarming data leads world experts, like the Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine Dr. Luc Montagnier, to issue a grave warning that we are currently facing the greatest risk of worldwide genocide in the history of humanity. Even the inventor of the mRNA technology, Dr. Robert Malone, warns against these injections that are using his technology.
The situation is so severe that former Pfizer vice president and chief scientist Dr. Mike Yeadon came forward to warn humanity for these extremely dangerous injections. One of his best known videos is titled 'A Final Warning'.4 Another world renown scientist, Geert Vanden Bossche, former Head of Vaccine Development Office in Germany, and Chief Scientific Officer at Univac, also risks his name and career, by bravely speaking out against administration of the covid shots. The vaccine developer warns that the injections can compromise the immunity of the vaccinated, making them vulnerable for every new variant. WWII holocaust survivors wrote to the European Medicines Agency demanding the injections, which they consider to be a new holocaust, be stopped.
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It would take us too long to list the data from every country in the world, but the situation we described in detail from the United States illustrates sufficiently the destruction caused by these injections, and how the corrupt health agencies and vaccine manufacturers hide the vast majority of adverse events from the public. We will however briefly touch upon some other countries, to prove that the situation in America is not unique.
E U R O P E A N U N I O N:
In the European Union (which consists of only 27 of the 50 European countries) the official reports of EudraVigilance officially admit as of August 18th 2021 that approx. 22,000 people died and 2 million suffered side effects, of which 50% are serious. 1, 2 'It be classified as ‘serious’ if it corresponds to a medical occurrence that results in death, is lifethreatening, requires inpatient hospitalisation, results in another medically important condition, or prolongation of existing hospitalisation, results in persistent or significant disability or incapacity, or is a congenital anomaly/birth defect.'
In The Netherlands, one of the smallest nations in the European Union, an extraparliamentary research commitee set up a platform for citizens to report vaccine adverse events. This is no initiative from the government and has received no attention whatsoever in the media. The vast majority of the Dutch population is therefore unaware of its existence. Yet, despite its narrow scope of influence, this private initiative has already received reports of 1,600 deaths and 1,200 health damages, often permanently disabling the people. 3 What if the entire vaccinated population knew about this platform and filed a report? And what if this was also available in the other E.U. countries, that are much larger than The Netherlands? 2: 3:
U N I T E D K I N G D O M:
Shortly before the national vaccination campaign started, the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency) published the following request: 'The MHRA urgently seeks an Artificial Intelligence (AI) software tool to process the expected high volume of Covid-19 vaccine Adverse Drug Reaction (ADRs) and ensure that no details from the ADRs’ reaction text are missed.' 1 The British government published a report of the first series of adverse events, including blindness, strokes, miscarriages, heart failure, paralysis, auto immune disease, and more. Shortly after the first wave of immunization over 100,000 adverse events were reported, including 1260 cases of loss of eyesight (including total blindness).
The first part of the report praises the vaccines to be the best way to protect people from COVID-19, and then continues to show the incredible destruction these vaccines are causing. The hypocrisy is mind-boggling. 2, 3 Also in the United Kingdom, the number of miscarriages increased by 366% in only six weeks, for vaccinated mothers.4 Furthermore the British Office for National Statistics inadvertently revealed that 30,305 people have died within 21 days of having the injection, during the first 6 months of 2021.5 And a British scientist with 35 years of experience did an in-depth analysis of the British Yellow Card reporting system and found it to be unreliable. 'We can conclude that the Yellow Card reporting scheme can provide some limited information that may be useful for alerting the UK public to possible adverse effects of the COVID-19 vaccines. However, the initial conception of the scheme as a purely descriptive rather than as an experimental undertaking means that it cannot address the real issues that are of crucial importance to the UK public. These issues are whether there are causal relationships between vaccination with the PF and AZ vaccines and serious adverse effects such as death, and if so, what are the size of these effects.'
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I S R A E L:
The Israeli Peoples Commitee is a team of doctors, attorneys, criminologists, epidemiologists and academic researchers, determined to perform an investigation, inquiry, and exposure for the benefit of the public. Although they are a relatively unknown group, they still received 3754 reports, including 480+ deaths, as of August 5th, 2021. The IPC states that these numbers represent only 1-3% of the true prevalence in the population, which means that according to this data the number of deaths in Israel is around 48,000 and adverse events approx. 375,400. Also in Israel, statistics from shows a massive spike in deaths when the vaccinations started. Before the immunization campaign began, there were hardly any daily covid deaths in Israel. Right after the vacccination project was launched, the daily death toll rose from 1-3 to 75-100 deaths a day!
Another Israeli website reporting vaccine injuries is where one can see innumerable testimonials of people who suffered greatly from the shot. In the U.S. a similar website called shows an ever increasing amount of videos from people who died or had severe reactions to the covid shots. Also the website called shows the personal stories of a large number of people who died from the shots.
We must understand that nothing like this has ever happened before in history, where thousands of people come forward to share their suffering following an immunization. The reason people do this now, is because their adverse reactions are not at all, like the criminal 'health' agencies say 'headaches, diziness and flu like symptoms.' The reactions are extremely severe, often disabling people for life. The injuries are in fact so severe, that people around the world are stepping forward to warn humanity
B R A Z I L:
In Brazil the official vaccine death count is 32,000 during a 5 month period. The report was published on, which reportedly has about the same number of pageviews as, according to data from SimilarWeb. Despite these high amounts of deaths following vaccination, the report states: 'Vaccination is still the best way to control the disease.' Source:
The past decades several official government agreements were signed, in nations across the world, that provide every vaccine manufacturer with 100% protection from any and all liability. It doesn't matter how much destruction their products may cause, how many millions of deaths and permanent disabilities they inflict, nobody has any recourse. Governments worldwide made sure that no vaccine company can ever be held accountable for what they are doing to people around the world.
No health insurance will ever cover the costs resulting from vaccine damage. They simply do not reimburse the vaccinated when they get into trouble. You're completely on your own. Nobody will come to your rescue. Yet... the same governments that refuse to protect you from possible destruction of your health, life and beloved ones, mandate these deadly injections, and require them for shopping, travel, gatherings and even banking services.
World-renowned vaccine developer Geert Vanden Bossche MVD, PhD warns that these injections destroy the body's immune system, making the vaccinated vulnerable for every new variant of the disease1 . He also says: 'Mass vaccination campaigns during a pandemic of highly infectious variants fail to control viral transmission. Instead of contributing to building herd immunity, they dramatically delay natural establishment of herd immunity. This is why the ongoing universal vaccination campaigns are absolutely detrimental to public and global health.' 1B
The Nobel prize winner in medicine Dr. Luc Montagnier sounds the alarm that these vaccines are creating the dangerous new variants 2 . And in Israel the statistics show clearly a dramatic increase in covid deaths once immunizations started (see earlier in this report). The Israeli prime minister Naftali Bennet even says that the people who are most at risk now, are those who received two doses of the vaccine.
In the island nation Seychelles there were hardly any covid deaths, but once they started vaccinating the population, the deaths increased a hundred-fold. In Australia a young couple was refused access to their own newborn baby for eight days, even though they were fully vaccinated. The chief health officer from Australia, Dr. Jeannette Young, gave the following revealing explanation for this inhumane situation: 4 'Just because you are vaccinated, doesn't mean that you won't get infected. That's why we could not allow that family to go and visit their baby.'
Anthony Fauci also made it crystal clear: 'the CDC is considering mask mandates for the vaccinated'5 , 'the vaccinated increasingly test positive for covid, therefor they will need to keep wearing masks'6 , 'the vaccinated still need to avoid eating in restaurants'7 , and 'the vaccinated carry the Delta variant as much as the unvaccinated' 8 . So according to Fauci the vaccines basically do nothing. Yet he insists on mandating these useless injections for travel.9
The same was publicly stated by the UK's Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who said: 10 'Can I now meet my friends and family members indoors if they are vaccinated? There I am afraid the answer is no, because we're not yet at that stage, we're still very much in the world where you can meet friends and family outdoors, under the rule of six, or two households. And even if your friends and family members may be vaccinated, the vaccines are not giving 100% protection and that's why we need to be cautious.'
A research article published in 'Trends in Internal Medicine' by Dr. J. Bar Classen MD, is titled: 11 'US COVID-19 Vaccines Proven to Cause More Harm than Good Based on Pivotal Clinical Trial Data Analyzed Using the Proper Scientific Endpoint, “All Cause Severe Morbidity”' Even the CDC admitted that the injections offer no protection against the Delta variants, and coming variants and all covid measures therefor need to stay in place. 12 Yet they keep insisting that everybody must be vaccinated.
The chief health officer of New South Wales, Australia said we have to prepare to live with a constant cycle of ongoing covid booster injections for the foreseeable future.13 Moderna's chief medical officer, Dr. Tal Zaks, said that the vacccines do not bring life back to normal.14 This was confirmed by the director of the World Health Organization Tedros Adhanom, who said: 15 'A vaccine on its own will not end the pandemic. Surveillance will need to continue, people will still need to be tested, isolated and cared for. Contacts will still need to be traced and quarantined, communities will still need to be engaged.'
A study by The Lancet showed that the Delta variant is freely transmitted among the vaccinated. 16 This was confirmed by a study that showed how a in July 2021, following multiple large public events in a Barnstable County, Massachusetts, town, 469 COVID-19 cases were identified among Massachusetts residents who had travelled to the town during July 3–17; 346 (74%) occurred in fully- vaccinated persons. 17
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Dr. Carrie Madej studied vaccines and transhumanism for two decades. She issued a warning to humanity, in her documentary 'The Battle For Humanity', produced by Stop World Control. She warned that these injections could permanently change the human DNA, with potentially disastrous outcomes.
Fact checkers around the world - who are often paid by the vaccine industry - jumped to deny this and label it as fake news. Facebook also made it their policy to censor all voices that warned how this experimental gene therapy could potentially alter the human genome. Until... a Facebook employee recorded and released an insider zoom meeting with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who literally told his staff that the injections do indeed change the human DNA! These are his exact words: 'We just don't know the long term side effects of basically modifying people's DNA and RNA to directly encode in a person's DNA and RNA, basically the ability to produce those antibodies and whether that causes other mutations or other risks downstream.'
Dr. Chinda Brandolino is a Latin-American physician who has been speaking out about the fact that once the human genome is altered, that person is no longer considered an original human being, but has become a transhuman, and therefore loses human rights. Furthermore, she explains, that the altered DNA and RNA can be patented, making that genetically modified person property of the patent holders. The implications of this are highly alarming.
The world- renowned biophysicist Andreas Kalcker developed an effective treatment for COVID-19 which is used by over 5,000 physicians in 23 countries. His treatment, which consists of therapeutic grade chlorine dioxide, slashed the daily death rates in Bolivia from 100 deaths a day to virtually zero, at the beginning of the pandemic. It was used by the police, military and politicians in several Latin American countries.
This same biophysicist has discovered that the vaccines contain large amounts of graphene oxide (up to 95%). He warns that the graphene oxide which is being injected into humans is altering their electro-magnetic field. 1 'What we are concerned about is the side effects. This isn’t described in medicine, but it’s described in my field, biophysics. What happens? The body needs its electromolecular capabilities to work. The heart beats because there’s a magnetic field that creates, subsequently, the electricity for pumping and everything else. Graphene is completely altering our electromagnetic field, something that has never happened before. What we’re seeing is something ‘in vivo’ with some dramatic effects.
We have been watching a lot of videos of people who are dying after being vaccinated. You see people spasming. These spasms have, for example, very specific frequencies, and they are the same in all kinds of spasms. These spasms clearly indicate that there is a disruption of the human electromagnetic fields.'
The presence of graphene oxide, among other toxic materials like aluminum, LNP capsids, PEG and parasites in the vaccines was further confirmed by Dr. Robert Young. 2,3 The Scientist's Club also released a report with abundant microphotographic evidence of nanoparticles being present in the vaccines.4 'Major revelations on what is in the CoV - 2 - 19 vaccines, with the use of electron, pHase, dark field, bright field and other types of microscopy from the original research of Dr. Robert Young and his scientific team, confirming what the La Quinta Columna researchers found - toxic nanometallic content with magneticotoxic, cytotoxic and genotoxic effects, as well as identified life-threatening parasites.
In addition, in 2008, Hongjie Dai and colleagues at Stanford University found graphene oxide.' 1: 2: 3: 4:
Dr. Robert Young also discovered how the blood of vaccinated people changes dramatically, after the injection with mRNA. (Some images couldn't be copied: see them on the full report - ed.)
There is even far more going on with these injections. A quick search on Bitchute or Rumble reveals many more videos with footage of the vaccines or the blood of the vaccinated. What is uncovered is horrific: living organisms in the vaccines, red blood cells clogging together, all kinds of dangerous toxins, crystals that are performing mysterious tasks, nanorobots that are injected in the bloodstream after which they spread to the brain and all the organs in the body, self assembling nanoparticles that begin to form different structures inside the blood, and so on.
Nothing of all of this is being made public by the vaccine manufacturers, but since all their vaccines appear to have the same kind of highly dangerous contents, it is clear they are all collaborating in a hidden nefarious agenda. Self-assembling graphene oxide nanotech in Pfizer vaccine: Self assembling nanotech in Moderna vaccines: networks forming.
The excuse for murdering millions of people with these extremely dangerous injections is that it supposedly prevents people from dying from covid. The reality is however that the worldwide number of so called covid deaths is the greatest lie in history. All over the world it was revealed that over 95% of all people who were registered as covid deaths, died from other causes.
The Italian politician Vittorio Sgarbi exclaimed in the Italian Chamber of Deputies:1 ‘It is necessary to be united against dictatorships and to be united in the truth. Let's not make this the chamber of lies. Don't lie! Tell the truth. Don't say there's 25,000 dead. It's not true. Don't use the dead for rhetoric and terrorism. Figures from the Higher Institute of Health say 96.3% died of other diseases.’
While supposed covid deaths went through the roof, statistics in several countries showed that suddenly there are no more flu deaths. In the USA alone there are almost 40 million cases of the flu every year, but since covid hit, this number dropped to less than 2,000. Where did all the tens of millions of flu patients go? They are now all being registered as covid.
Forensic German coroner Prof. Dr. Klaus Püschel examined more than 140 coronadalities in Hamburg at the start of the pandemic. On German TV he said that the hysteria around the coronavirus has been gravely exaggerated. All the people who died had underlying disorders and would have died quickly anyway, with or without the virus, according to Püschel, adding that there is no 'killer virus'. Eighty percent of patients suffered from cardiovascular disease and the average age was 80 years. Healthy people don't have to worry, says Püschel. The coroner also predicted that corona will not even cause a peak in the annual mortality rate, a prediction which turned out to be accurate.
2 A prominent newspaper in Belgium, De Tijd, discussed how the government announced that some three thousand elderly people had died of covid-19. Partly because of these figures, the entire country was placed in an extreme lockdown, with horrifying destruction as a result. However, further research showed that only 3% of the deceased had been tested. This means that not 3,000 but only 90 people might have had covid.
3 Medical professionals around the world have testified of being pressured by their supervisors to report every and all patients as covid, and register every death - no matter what the cause was - as a covid death. The internet has been flooded by thousands of testimonies of outraged people who said that they went to a doctor or hospital for issues unrelated to COVID-19 and to their amazement they were registered as a covid patient.4
Dr. Elke de Klerk, the founder of Doctors for Truth in the Netherlands, testified that she received secret messages in the dossiers of terminally ill patients, requesting that these people should be registered as covid deaths.5 Project Veritas called several funeral directors in New York, and they testified how every dead person was registered as covid, while everybody knew that was not correct.
6 Minnesota senator Scott Jensen, who is also a practicing physician, revealed on Fox News that U.S. hospitals receive huge financial incentives to register patients as covid. For every person they registered as a covid death they are paid 39,000 USD. This has been confirmed by medical professionals around the world. 7 The technical director of CNN Charlie Chester was secretly filmed by a Project Veritas undercover journalist, while he admitted that CNN inflated the death rates 'because fear sells'. 8 A zoom meeting with African officials was leaked, revealing how they were discussing ways to ramp up covid numbers, in order to continue the lockdowns.
National File has obtained a recording of a Zoom video conference call between physicians and a marketing director at Novant Heath New Hanover Regional Medical Center, a group of 20 hospitals, clinics, and offices that treat patients in North Carolina and South Carolina. In the recording, Mary Rudyk, MD tells Director of Marketing Carolyn Fisher and another hospital employee that she wants the hospitals to become more 'scary to the public' by inflating the number of COVID-19 patients, and by using messaging that falsely tells individuals 'if you don’t get vaccinated, you know you’re going to die.'
10 New York was the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the heart of New York is the famous Elmhurst hospital where supposedly more people died from this virus than anywhere else in the world. It was literally the epicenter within the epicenter of the pandemic. For this reason, an experienced nurse from Florida, Erin Olszewski, decided to go there to help with the crisis. What she saw in this world-famous hospital, however, filled her with so much horror, that she decided to take a hidden camera with her to film what was going on. Patients who repeatedly tested negative for COVID-19 are still registered as 'confirmed COVID-19' and treated as such. They are put on a respirator in a covid ward... which causes them to die.
In a revealing documentary by Journeyman Pictures, this nurse talks about the crimes she constantly sees happening in Elmhurst. She shows on her smartphone how a patient indeed tested negative for COVID-19 twice... and yet was registered as 'confirmed' COVID-19'. She explains that this happens all the time in Elmhurst: deception and murder resulting in high COVID-19 mortality rates that are trumpeted by the media. 11 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11:
One very revealing eyewitness account comes from a funeral director from the UK, John O'Looney. For 10 years he was part of one of the largest funeral companies in the United Kingdom. John worked with the BBC to document what was going on with the pandemic, and closely worked with a government official appointed for the pandemic. This undertaker is connected to 45 other funeral directors, and has therefor a very clear overview of what is going on. What he discloses is shocking. First of all he testifies that neither he or any of the other funeral directors he knows saw an increase of deaths during the so called pandemic.
That was striking, as on television they constantly saw mass numbers of deaths propagated, but in the real world there was not a sign of that.
During March 2020 however, John was suddenly called night after night, for three weeks, specifically to care homes. All who died there were labeled as covid. He never saw a doctor in attendance, nor a covid test once. At the same time there was a sudden 1,000% increase of purchases of Midazolam. A nurse told him secretly how they were instructed to administer lethal doses of this drug to the elderly, to mass exterminate them. These high numbers of deaths were then used to promote the narrative of a 'covid pandemic'.
He was also approached by a government pandemic official, who told him they had to label each and every death as covid. People run over by cars, heart attacks, cancer patients, it didn't matter what killed them, they all had to be labeled as covid deaths. That was a direct instruction from the government!
Once the government started mass-vaccinating the British population, John says the deaths suddenly skyrocketed. 'I've never seen anything like it, as a funeral director for fifteen years. And it began exactly when they began putting needles in arms. I've never seen a death rate like that again. It was awful, awful. That were pandemic numbers, but it was only after they started vaccinating, never before that point'.
John explains that as many as possibly could were labeled as covid deaths. That first wave of immunizations and resulting deaths lasted for about twelve weeks. Then there was a very quiet period, followed again by a wave of deaths of new people who were vaccinated. 'Every funeral director with an ounce of honesty will tell you that all those who are dying all around us are vaccine recipients. There is no covid pandemic and I am living proof of that.
'It's all designed to make you take the vaccine. In my network of funeral directors not a single child has died of covid. So there is no reason whatsoever to put these gene therapies into children. Here we have a depopulation agenda. It's the vaccines that are killing the people, and I am seeing that firsthand as a funeral director.'
If the toxic covid injections offer no solution for the COVID-19 disease, how can we then help humanity? The answer is simple: from the very start of this worldwide health crisis there were many prominent scientists and medical doctors who exclaimed how they were successfully treating many thousands of covid patients using existing drugs that are known for their safety and efficacy. There is for example the world famous French professor Didier Raoult, director of one of the largest research groups in infectious diseases and microbiology. He is the most cited microbiologist in Europe according to ISI and trained more than 457 foreign scientists in his lab since 1998 with more than 1950 articles referred in ISI or Pubmed and is considered the world's foremost expert on infectious diseases.
Professor Raoult started treating covid patients with a medicine that has been around for over sixty years and is famous for its safety and efficiency in defeating coronaviruses: hydroxychloroquine. Professor Raoult treated over four thousand patients with hydroxychloroquine + azitromycine and virtually all of them recovered, with the exception of a handful very elderly who already had several morbidities.
1 This incredible success inspired many other medical doctors around the world to start using the same drug. In The Netherlands Dr. Rob Elens gave all his covid patients hydroxychloroquine combined with zinc, and saw a 100% recovery rate in an average of four days. Nobody needed to be hospitalized. Along with 2,700+ (!) other medical professionals this physician sent a letter to the Dutch government, asking them to include HCQ into the standard protocol. Dr. Elens and other Dutch medical doctors set up a 'COVID-19 Self Care' website, with information on how to prevent and overcome COVID-19, using HCQ and zinc.
2 In New York the family practitioner Dr. Vladimir Zelenko treated over 500 covid patients at the beginning of the pandemic with hydroxychloroquine + zinc + azitromycine. He also had a 100% recovery rate, with hardly any side effects, and no hospitalizations. 3 As of August 2021 Dr. Zelenko and his team succesfully treated over 6,000 covid patients. He developed a protocol to treat COVID-19 which became world famous and is saving the lives of millions of thousands of people around the world. The Zelenko Protocol is used by for example the online telemedicine platform and the vast network of 800,000+ members of Americas Frontline Doctors.
Hundreds of studies confirm the effectiveness of HCQ in treating COVID-19 and preventing hospitalization and death. 5, 6, 7 World leading scientists Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Peter McCullough are both the most published medical experts in their field. Both these physicians and their teams have succesfully treated tens of thousands of covid patients using for example Ivermectin.
Dr. Kory and his team of top medical experts studied the entire medical literature for over nine months and found that ivermectin proves to be a miracle drug, that effectively prevents and treats COVID-19. 63 studies have confirmed the effectiveness of Ivermectin in treating COVID-19. 8, 9, 10
Biophysicist Andreas Kalcker used chlorine dioxide to slash the daily death rate of 100 to 0, in Bolivia, and was asked to treat the military, police and politicians in several Latin American nations. His worldwide network consists of thousands of physicans, academics, scientists and lawyers who are promoting this effective treatment. 11, 12, 13 1: 2: / 3: 4: 5: 6: / 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: https://andreaska
With so many available options to successfully treat COVID-19, why is there still such an outcry for a vaccine? And why is the majority of the population not even aware of the available treatments? The answer is shocking and shows once more what is going on in our world... All over the world physicians who were successfully treating covid patients, encountered the unthinkable: they were intimidated and shut down by the government. Americas Frontline Doctors informed the world about the safe and effective cures for covid, during their first White Coat Summit in 2020. This broadcast was viewed over twenty million times in a few hours, but then they were shut down all across the board: Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, and even their website was taken down by Squarespace.
Dr David Brownstein from Michigan, a leading holistic practitioner, had successfully treated over 120 covid patients, but his entire medical blog was removed. Dr. Rob Elens who successfully treated al his covid patients in the Netherlands was threatened by the government that he would lose his license if he continued treating these people.
Dr. Joseph Mercola, a leading voice worldwide in healthy living, published information on how to treat covid, and was forced to delete his content, after Google had already banned him. Professor Raoult, who is one of the most respected scientists in the world, is suddenly slandered all over the internet. Dr. Zelenko who succesfully treated over 6,000 patients, among whom two presidents and the Israeli health minister, is also bashed all over the web, and even had to leave his community because of the backlash.
The biophysicist Andreas Kalcker was deplatformed from all major social media, his book was removed from Amazon and even his scientific account on ResearchGate was deleted.
All these are just a few of the examples of physicians and scientists who succesfuly treat covid patients, who faced massive opposition. Never before in the history of mankind has it occured that a proven working and safe drug for an illness has been kept from the world, through such an internationallly coordinated effort. It's clear that people are not supposed to recover from covid, because the world population needs to be scared into accepting this lethal injection. All the evidence for this censoring of physicians can be found here:
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The Three Archangels with Tobias, by Francesco Botticini |
Craig Zakory Vincent says:
ReplyDeleteLong but well worth the read.
Dave Bowden:
And it's speculated that only about 1% of adverse events are even reported, so now do the math!
Terry Bowden:
Suppose you convince a dear friend or relative to take the jabs, and though healthy they die within 2 weeks. Will you push for an autopsy? Will you insist on an adverse events report? What if you are the doctor making that recommendation? No, it will sit in your heart and in your mind, and you won't want to be made out to be wrong, to be a contributor to the death. You won't want to confirm your mistake.