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"You've really got it in for her, haven't you?" One committed Catholic was talking to another today, after not having seen each other for months.
'Her' is of course, J A: Jacinda Ardern, our kind Prime Minister.
"Yes, I have got it in for her. I've had it in for her ever since she passed the Abortion Law Act," was the reply. And both being committed Catholics, they agreed on that.
But when the topic veered towards vaxxes, the conversation became rather strained. The Catholic who "has it in" for Ardern refuses to take the Clotshot. She refuses to wear a mask. She hasn't even got a mask (although her husband keeps offering).
Her friend (they're old friends) has had the jab; she said she wants to travel (to family overseas) and she has to keep well because she has no one to look after her if she becomes ill.
After months of separation - months of COVID and lockdown and vaccinations - the two friends have arrived at very different perspectives on same. At the risk of raising eyebrows at best, and at worst, raising blood pressure in a certain reader of this blog, one ventures to suggest that it seems Novus Ordo Massgoers tend to go along with Ardern,Little&Co and 'keeping ourselves safe', and possibly are worshippers in the Church of Covid because, after all, by order of Cardinal Dew they haven't got a Catholic church to worship in.
Adherents of the Traditional Latin Mass, on the other hand, tend rather more strongly to be Covid deniers and utterly opposed to the vax.
The jabbed Catholic is of course Novus Ordo, and is understandably toeing the line drawn up by the NZ Conference of 'Catholic' Bishops, who toe the line drawn up by Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who toes the line drawn up by the global elite in their ambitions for depopulating the planet to make it more livable for those (themselves) who are left after the jabbed have passed away.
The unjabbed Catholic mentioned here is one of those undesirables who toots when passing a sign saying "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty", one of those 'rigid' people who attend the TLM (or did until Bergoglio&+Dew cancelled same) and whose mind and heart is permeated by the profundity of its texts and reverence; who is influenced by such radical TLM renegades as Michael Matt, Dr Taylor Marshall, Bishop Athanasius Schneider and Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, who ferociously pursue the truth (tellingly, the N O Catholic had never heard of Viganò).
So, for her and for so many other NO Catholics who've never heard of this "new Elijah" who's been forced into hiding, here's a Viganò snippet:
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò: Catholics are naturally oriented towards order, to respect for authority and the hierarchy, because this order and authority emanate from the wisdom of God and are necessary for the government of both public affairs as well as the Church.
But precisely because the authority of men comes from God, Catholics – like all citizens in general – cannot accept the usurpation of authority by those who set goals opposed to the very reasons for which that authority is constituted...
The realisation that so many Catholics are buying this socialist Government's COVID clap-trap would seem a very good reason to wheel out yet another cogent piece explaining what Ardern,Little&Co, Death Dealers to the Nation, and their international gang of global elitist criminals, are doing their utmost - with the help of assorted MSM lapdogs - to stop us finding out.
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Assorted lapdogs |
"This article has been produced by PANDA, a politically economic and independent organisation which stands for open science and rational debate. It aims to unravel the events that led us into deleterious lockdowns.
WHILE citizens focus on the latest Covid issue to which the Government directs their attention, many have lost sight of the big picture and grown accustomed to severe limitations on their rights, like the proverbial frogs in hot water.
As a number of countries now seek to concentrate the discussion on further coercive measures and even mandatory vaccination, PANDA is increasingly aware of the elephants in the room, the topics no one is talking about. So let’s examine them …
According to the World Health Organisation, the mean infection fatality rate (IFR) for Covid-19 is less than 0.2 per cent. This is the percentage of people infected who die. That data has now been fleshed out in more detail in a recent paper. Across all countries, the median IFR and the infection survival rates were as follows (rounded to two decimal places):
Age Infection Fatality Rate Infection Survival Rate 0-19 0.00% 100% 20-29 0.01% 99.99% 30-39 0.03% 99.97% 40-49 0.08% 99.92% 50-59 0.30% 99.73% 60-69 0.60% 99.41% That is the extent of the problem that public health policies such as lockdowns and mandatory vaccines are ‘solving’. And that is the first elephant no one is talking about.
Before a report from members of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee found that ‘there is a preponderance of evidence that the coronavirus leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology’, healthcare ‘experts’ were adamant that the virus had come to humans from bats.
At the onset of the outbreak, Denmark culled 17million minks to prevent them passing the virus on to humans and the CDC, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – the US national public health agency – confirmed that even domestic cats and dogs can spread the virus to humans.
The ‘animal reservoir’ no longer attracts much attention in the media and it is the second of our elephants in the room. When one recognises that the virus has been circulating in animals possibly for hundreds of years, and that it can make the jump to humans at any time, the myth of ‘zero Covid’ – eliminating the virus from the planet through vaccination – is revealed.
Even if we were able to vaccinate every human, we cannot possibly vaccinate every creature in the animal reservoir. Even if we were to vaccinate every human and every animal, the vaccine does not stop infection or transmission. The virus will always be with us.
Fearmongers don’t like counterfactuals. As the virus took hold, most governments told us that we would be saved only by lockdowns, masks and giving up hard-won human rights.
But Sweden said: ‘We’ll stick to the plan, thanks.’ Its government did very little to try to stop the virus. The country did not lock down, Swedes did not wear masks, most schools remained open, few businesses were shut.
For more than a year, Sweden’s demise was predicted. Time Magazine said that the country’s ‘experiment of not implementing early and strong measures to safeguard the population … is almost certain to result in a net failure in terms of death and suffering’.
However, it was not Sweden that was conducting an experiment. It followed the plans that had been prepared all over the world for dealing with respiratory pandemics. Lockdowns are the experiment.
Sweden’s economy has performed better than any other in Europe in 2020 and shows spectacular growth in 2021. That performance has not been at the expense of lives.
Comparing mortality across countries is difficult, given the differences in the way each counts deaths. Sweden is in 39th position on the Worldometer rankings in terms of deaths per million from Covid – ahead of countries such as the UK and the USA, where harsh lockdowns were implemented.
However, it is easy to manipulate death data to make people afraid. Simply use very sensitive tests to ‘diagnose’ the virus and use very inclusive definitions to decide which deaths are linked to the virus.
In Sweden if you tested positive for Covid and died 29 days later, you were counted as a Covid death. That wasn’t the case in all parts of the US for example. However, one constant metric is ‘all-cause mortality’, i.e. the total number of people that die from all causes in any year. What does Sweden look like?
Sweden’s all-cause mortality in 2020-2021 was unchanged from prior years. 2019-2020 was only slightly above average, probably explained by the lower than usual preceding year.
If there hadn’t been a magnifying glass on Covid infections, no one in Sweden would have noticed a pandemic. The reason? There were not actually that many deaths from Covid – there were simply a lot of deaths ‘with’ Covid, most of which took place amongst those at high risk of death.
Life expectancy in Sweden is about 82 years. Around 26 per cent of deaths were of those over 90, about 67 per cent were over 80 and 89 per cent were over 70. Less than one per cent of those who died were under 50.
Let that sink for a moment. In Sweden, where there were essentially no lockdowns, less than one per cent of the victims who were captured by a very broad definition of deaths with Covid were under 50 and more than two-thirds of the deaths occurred in those who had lived about as long as they were expected to live.
Countries wich imposed the novel lockdown policy do not look like Sweden. South Africa brought in lockdowns before the first Covid death occurred. It has one of the highest excess death rates in the world, despite imposing one of the harshest and longest lockdowns.
It also has a government that has been caught manipulating the excess deaths data to generate the highest possible death numbers. The US similarly fared badly.
The only conclusion to draw from this is that the lockdown experiment and other poorly-conceived public health responses killed people who did not need to die.
Cancelling sports and closing gyms makes people less healthy, causing the number 1 Covid comorbidity – obesity. Making people miserable and afraid causes the number two comorbidity – fear and anxiety-based disorders.
Covid vaccinations are voluntary in Sweden. It does not try to diminish the side-effects of the vaccines, but refers citizens to the manufacturers’ documentation, which also lists serious side-effects.
Sweden promises citizens that, ‘if you are offered a vaccination against Covid-19, you will be able to decide for yourself, based on the available knowledge of the disease and the vaccine. You will also be given information about the vaccine before you need to make a decision’.
This is called informed consent and it is a basic principle of medicine that other countries have ignored. Sweden tells its citizens openly that vaccines will not stop the pandemic, rather than saying normality will return only when everyone has been jabbed.
Sweden has delivered enough vaccines to cover about 50 per cent of the population since it began its rollout in December 2020. It has zero deaths currently.
It turns out that Sweden was a country to emulate, not to disparage. It turns out that you don’t need to vaccinate the population to control Covid; you just need to do what centuries of science told us to do.
Israel was one of the first countries to vaccinate a significant portion of its population. More than 78 per cent of those eligible for vaccination have had two shots and more than ten per cent of the population has now received a third inoculation. And yet Israel is seeing a surge in cases and deaths. At the time of this article, it has the highest number of per capita Covid cases in the world.
Unlike Covid vaccines, flu vaccine performance has always been judged over a full season. Pfizer’s claim of 95 per cent effectiveness of its Covid vaccine was measured only two months after administration.
The trial designs also exhibit numerous manipulations, including the problem that they were selected from healthy young people who are at negligible risk from Covid.
Waning vaccine immunity is a known problem for influenza shots and certain studies have shown near zero effectiveness after only three months.
In early July, Israel reported that Covid vaccine efficacy against infection and symptomatic disease, fell to 64 per cent. By late July it had fallen to 39 per cent. Vaccines are not eligible for approval by the Food and Drug Administration if efficacy is less than 50 per cent.
The story is similar in the US. Recently, the CDC issued a report confirming a decline in vaccine effectiveness observable in its data.
Pfizer initially promised vaccine efficacy for up to six months and the CDC is now recommending a booster shot starting eight months after the second dose of an mRNA vaccine (either Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna).
Waning immunity and the real-life experience of Israel is the fourth elephant in the room. Citizens in most countries are taking the vaccine on the basis that they will be subjected to two shots at most. In fact, countries that mandate Covid vaccines will be committing their populations to vaccination every six months. Certain of the risks attached to the vaccines are faced each time they are administered.
Those who have recovered from Covid are the next elephant in the room. Society has nothing to gain from vaccinating recovered people. In most countries, recovered people already constitute a significant portion of the population.
We know now that natural immunity is stronger and lasts longer than vaccine immunity (potentially until late-age immunosenescence, the process of immune dysfunction that occurs with age).
Moreover, we know that vaccinated people carry viral loads similar to those of unvaccinated people and that these are 251 times higher than recovered people. This means that recovered people are far less likely to transmit the virus than vaccinated people. There is no sound argument in science for requiring recovered people to be vaccinated.
One sees many academics and other ‘experts’ claiming in the media that vaccinated people are less likely to transmit Covid than the unvaccinated, or that vaccine immunity is stronger than infection-induced immunity.
These claims are almost never referenced and most of those making them are funded by pharmaceutical companies or foundations with vested interests in vaccines. They will not readily admit that the vaccines’ target market is not 100 per cent, because it impacts them financially.
Next time your company or government tells you that you need to get vaccinated so that you don’t infect those around you, ask them what science they rely on to make that statement.
Companies all over the world are setting themselves up for massive liability claims by forcing their workers to get vaccinated without having any scientific evidence for the benefit they claim exists.
A study by the University of Wisconsin published on July 31, 2021 deals the coup de grace to any coercive or mandatory vaccination policy. ‘We find no difference in viral loads when comparing unvaccinated individuals to those who have vaccine “breakthrough” infections,’ it said. ‘Furthermore, individuals with vaccine breakthrough infections frequently test positive with viral loads consistent with the ability to shed infectious viruses.’
This means that a vaccinated person is just as infectious as an unvaccinated person. The vaccines therefore only protect the people who take them – and no one else.
Taken in the round, the elephants in the room expose the absurdity of mandatory vaccination schemes and of coercive measures to vaccinate.
A large percentage of our population has a more robust immunity than the vaccine can offer and already poses less of a risk to society than vaccinated people will pose.
We cannot rid the world of Covid, given the animal reservoir and the practical impossibility of vaccinating everyone. The vaccines cannot stop Covid, since they do not stop infection or transmission and we see in other countries that the virus continues to circulate in vaccinated populations at pre-vaccination levels.
We also see that normal mortality rates have been achieved in countries that applied tried and tested policies for responding to respiratory viruses rather than novel lockdowns. Low hospitalisation and death rates were also achieved in countries with low vaccination rates.
The vaccines provide protection for the person taking them, not for people exposed to vaccinated people. There is no rational basis for mandatory vaccination schemes and any court that is properly informed of the science and not misled by pro-vaccine propaganda will undoubtedly find that the limitation of citizens’ rights are not reasonable, justifiable or proportionate.
Note: We have linked to all of the science confirming the statements made in this article, unlike others in the media who make claims that are not referenced.
From the Divine Office for this evening:
"I cried to the Lord with my voice: with my voice I made supplication to the Lord.
In his sight I pour out my prayer, and before him I declare my trouble:
When my spirit failed me, then thou newest my paths.
I looked on my right hand, and beheld, and there was no one that would know me.
Flight hath failed me: and there is no one that hath regard to my soul."
"I cried to thee, O Lord: I said: Thou art my hope, my portion in the land of the living.
Attend to my supplication: for I am brought very low.
Deliver me from my persecutors; for they are stronger than I.
Bring my soul out of prison, that I may praise thy name: the just wait for me, until thou reward me - Psalm 141.
Sarah Oconnor:
ReplyDeleteExcellent article.
"When one recognises that the virus has been circulating in animals possibly for hundreds of years..."
ReplyDeleteJulia, you wrote in your blog of September 6th: “And so along comes the Wuhan virus, most likely manufactured and deliberately released by the Communist Party of China”.
'When one recognises' etc was not my own statement but a quote. And why should the CCP not have capitalised on the virus circulating in animals by concocting a version fit for human consumption, and then deliberately releasing it?
DeleteSeems the Pope likes a lap dog media. He is critical of EWTN according to Spiritdaily.