‘Canto fermo’ is the term for an existing melody used as the basis for a new composition.
The prose and poetry of mystics like John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila and Edith Stein – all informed by the Gospel – is my ‘melody’. The ‘new composition’ is this blog and my indie novel ‘The Age for Love’. To buy my book go to amazon.com or smashwords.com and download to your kindle, iPad, phone or any reading device.
Friday, 24 September 2021
To comment please open your gmail account or use my email address or Messenger. Significant FB comments on matters of faith and morals will also be posted on this page.
Holy Mass offered at St Anthony's - note the youthfulness
It's exactly as if you'd escaped from a looney bin. At St Anthony's SSPX Whanganui you can see smiles - and everyone smiles. As you would, when surrounded by icons of your most beloved saints, and breathing in not one's own used air but the smell of incense and lilies - St Anthony's church is adorned with lilies at every statue and on the altar.
No one wears a mask and everyone receives their Eucharistic Lord on the tongue, as is their unalienable right.
This morning at the St Anthony's Traditional Latin Mass version of the 'School Mass' which has become a travesty in so many Novus Ordo parishes, the reverential silence was broken only by the clarity and purity of the young, tonsured American priest's sermon and the singing of the Dominican nuns and their girl pupils, which sounded like honey.
You can't make this stuff up: Cardinal Schonborn's 'Balloon Mass'
In a world gone literally mad in its pursuit of the Holy Grail of 70, 80, 90 percent vaxxed and worshipping its goddess Prime Minister Sinister Jacinda Ardern, St Anthony's is a sanctum of sanctity and sanity.
In his sermon Father Elias told us in no uncertain terms of our need for fasting and penance in these Ember Days of September, coinciding with Daylight Saving as harbingers of summer.
On Rogation and Ember Days the Church is accustomed to entreat the Lord for the various needs of humanity, especially for the fruits of the earth and for human labor, and to give thanks to him publicly. (Universal Norms on the Liturgical Year and the Calendar, 45).
Four times a year, approximately three months apart, near the beginning of each season of the solar cycle (winter, spring, summer and autumn), the Church set aside three days (a total of twelve days in a year) to ask for blessings upon mankind, and to pray in gratitude for the blessings of nature, particularly those used by the Church in her Liturgy, such as olives, grapes, and wheat. This is also a time set apart to thank God for the sacraments and pray for priests, particularly those who were being ordained. These days are marked with prayer, fasting and abstinence and stress spiritual renewal; Ember Days could be regarded as quarterly spiritual check-ups.https://www.catholicculture.org/commentary/contemporary-observation-ember-days/
Have you ever even heard of Ember Days? Don't be afraid to say no: most woefully catechised NO Catholics think they have no need of them now, they don't need prayer fasting and abstinence because they're all going to heaven.
Which just goes to show how and why New Zealand and most of the world has gone mad (although NZ has the advantage in the looney stakes of being more godless than anywhere else). And so the restoration of national sanity absolutely requires a high degree of prayer fasting and abstinence from the blessed few, like us, who know our need of it.
If we can't get to St Anthony's or another Traditional Latin Mass parish - which is impossible now in the Archdiocese of Mordor (oh, sorry, Wellington) except for at least one and possible more clandestine operations - or even if we have that privilege, we need to make prayer, fasting and abstinence our first priority. Then slowly but surely, if we don't know it already and NO Catholics, even the most exemplary, seem to have no idea, the truth will sink in: "Apart from the cross there is no other ladder by which we may get to heaven' - St Rose of Lima. Or to put it another way: "We are here to suffer" (St Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, Doctor of the Church.
Unpalatable, absolutely. But true. Suffering is the "narrow door" spoken of by Christ Jesus Our Lord: .How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it!(Mt 7:14).
And good Lord, it's not as if we don't have enough opportunities for suffering, as this evil Government tightens its totalitarian grip on our nation. Apart from offering the hostility of office girls and fellow shoppers shown to the unmasked, the countless incoveniences of mail undelivered (where's the latest Remnant?) and goods and services unavailable, and the pain inflicted by excitable teenagers posing as reporters on telly - and we could go on - we can and should do something positive.
We must RESIST and peacefully PROTEST.
Enough is enough!
Come stand with us in Auckland on Saturday the 2nd of October! We demand our freedoms back! NO MORE LOCKDOWNS!
We want to be…
• Free to Choose • Free to Work • Free to Farm • Free to Trade • Free to Parent • Free to Travel • Free from Debt• Free from Control
• Free to Live
I’m sending a message this morning to this Government. “Take your hands off my home! Take your hands off my business! Take your hands off my job. Take your hands off my farm! Take your hands off my freedoms! And, finally, take your hands off my life.” “I did not vote you in to take my freedoms. I did not vote you in to control us! I did not vote you in to be our parent.”
This government has broken the law, by creating its own laws to break previous laws eg. overriding The New Zealand Bill of Rights 1990.
They are violating our Freedom of Speech and our Freedom to Choose. Democracy has disappeared while this government has gained excessive state control. Their incompetence and failure at protecting our borders and quarantine centres, has resulted in all of these community cases coming through. Covid is only in the New Zealand community due to this government’s multiple failures.
The government has “Let the team of 5 million down badly.” The real criminals have been Jacinda Ardern and this weak government…not the team of 5 million. Jacinda…you have committed crimes against your own people! Jacinda is not our saviour, she has been our oppressor.
What can we do about it? We sin by silence when we must speak by protest! Your voice matters! Your life and your children’s lives matter! We must stand together! Let’s put our differences aside and stand on what we agree on! “OUR FREEDOMS”
I propose a peaceful stand to regain our democracy back again. We need not repeat the violent protests that are happening in Australia and around the world. We can be an example to the world, and protest peacefully.The power is and always should be with “We The People” not with power-hungry politicians. We give them the power to govern. They are supposed to serve us, the people. BUT when a government steps over the line…it’s time for we the people to step up to the line.
I’m calling every concerned citizen, every hard-working Kiwi family to stand together for True Democracy.
This government MUST get their hands off our freedoms, off our businesses, off our jobs, off our lives and off our country. Do you want a life of levels or a life of living? You choose! We are choosing a life of living.
FREEDOMSNZ is asking the government to:
As of midnight Friday, October 1st 2021…All lockdowns and levels must CEASE
Otherwise, on Saturday the 2nd October 2021…A national peaceful stand will take place in Auckland and Christchurch.We want to be free from all levels of restriction in New Zealand. Even at Level 2, we are not free to worship, we are not free to gather or party. Unless this government physically SEE how many of us are frustrated with lockdowns, they will continue to control us and destroy our country.
There will be 2 venues, Saturday 2nd October 2021 at 10 am:
Auckland – Auckland Domain
Christchurch – Cramner Square
We will then encourage every business and workplace to officially open at 12 pm to do business and trade freely on Saturday 2nd October 2021!
It’s time for this government to do their job properly. You have from today through to Friday 1st October 2021 to sort this Covid business out. Work it out, but you will no longer punish us anymore.BUT WE MUST STAND NZ. If not NOW then when? We must do this in mass numbers to remind this government where the power really lies. The power is with the people, not politicians.
DON'T DO IT!PLEASE don't wear a mask. Just smile and say, "No thank you, I don't want a mask." The Church can't insist on masks, because it's not a legal requirement. Masks at Mass are an absurdity and an insult to our Eucharistic Lord, as I try to explain in TWELVE RULES FOR FAITHFUL CATHOLICS FROM FAITHLESS CLERGY https://juliadufresne.blogspot.com/2021/09/12-rules-for-faithful-catholics-from.html
Boy O boy, they cite Canon 223? The Bishop regulating the rights of the faithful the Bishop is not meant to deny them those same sacramental rights by imposing extraneous rules not fitting for the sacraments.
All this love your neighbour coercion, if someone has had a vaccine then why is it only supposed to work if I follow certain rituals. If they are still that vulnerable they need an exemption not to go to Mass. If someone hasn't had the vaccine then they are exercising their right as I am I.
I am not holding my breath, I expect all the Bishops to demand proof of vaccination in order to go to Mass, when the government restricts the unvaccinated from this or that venue.
If they do that, I will redirect my parish support to other Catholic charitable works overseas. Then I will seek out an rely on a priest who doesn't discriminate and make plans in due course move to where we can access the Mass.
This is a chastisement and we are being sifted like wheat.
Isn't the government mandate (not that I will follow any mandate necessarily) that you must wear masks in supermarkets and closed places. That said, if you are in a restaurant you don't have to once seated.
So all this is confusing, won't they be obliged because of the government law they follow (which is another question) to try and turn you away?
Okay, now I reading the Twelve Rules. What a cheek being handed a mask while praying. This is like a cult. The line in the sand for me is mandatory vaccination, and if the Church bars the unvaccinated I will go underground and seek out a priest who can help us.
Pauline Berry: Posted an image of text that says '"People used to get a cold, flu, the occasional respiratory virus and beat it with chicken soup and rest, not worldwide communism."' Pauline Berry adds: Who is going to the 2nd October freedom event at the domain? 10am.
Justine Vollert I would if I could but three hours away.
Jason Pearson: Justine come up on Friday and stay my place n then you and I can go up together. Have spare gas mask in case police decide to pepper spray everyone.
Justine Vollert: Jason my daughter and grandson are visitng on Saturday now so thanks for the offer. Will keep it in mind for next time.
Jason Pearson: There's another March in November. Groundswell. Keep in touch.
Justine Vollert: Yes i will. Our Groundswell leader down here is a friend of ours. We joined the Groundswell protest last time. I was so surprised as to how many farmers turned out here in our little town.
Erica Tate-Vuyk: Hey folks, the Freedom Event is now a nationwide thing.
Justine Vollert: So where is the nearest freedom eveny to Te Kuiti? Is there one in Hamilton?
Norman Sutton: I live in Tauranga...are we allowed into Auckland ATM?
Justine Vollert: If its nationwide it would be in smaller places as well, like Hamilton.
and the level 2 rules from the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, Palmerston North:
The Cathedral rules in many instances far exceed the government rules. Why? Does this not create confusion, and potentially create arguments? There are going to be stand up fights as parishioners are told they must wear masks when there is no legal imperative. It will exclude from mass many who can't wear masks at all, and make mass tough for those who struggle with masks.
The situation that has been created is a classic setup for trouble.
Are there sound reasons for these variances in the rules? Or is this an opportunity for parish busybodies to boss everyone around?
This is the age of dialogue and synodality, we even have a synod on synodality.
Please, we need some explanation, some dialogue, some synodality, on why these contradictory rules are being promulgated by the parish, and the diocese.
I'm not pointing at your average parish helper, I'm asking the hierarchy to explain please.
Run a church? They couldn't run a bath! Pat Dunn's dreadful clericalism re: a convicted priest was a shocker. The professional standards Committee had him on the mat for that, according to Stuff.
USA based post shared There are many people "thinking" they have Covid now. I would attest & bet that most do not. The reason I say this is because all of the Doctors that fight for real health & so on have told us over the summer this would happen. What is happening you're probably thinking.....The same thing that happens every year. People detox & get sick. Only now we have the added pressure of SPIKE PROTEINS. Spike proteins are the worst toxins ever been introduced en mass to the general public of the world. They ARE going to kill many healthy people who have no seriois underlying conditions. Depending on how much spike is in there system. The "tests" you buy in the store have many different companies. Yet the have nothing in common when it comes to what they are testing for. Because Covid has never been isolated to find the parameters to test for. So please do NOT buy these home Covid test kits. You could test positive for 7up or Apple Pie or lint but be called Covid. I used ridiculous examples to show the hypocrisy of a positive test. Please be prepared as more people get the Satanic Jab that more innocent people will be affected by "them". Yes I emphasized "them" for there is no other moniker I can call them for "they" are no longer human. They have volunteered to become something else. I don't know what to call them exactly but their DNA is altered. Our DNA is the foundation of our physiological characteristics that define us as humans or DNA is our distinct blueprint to life. Signed by God & given to us to make us all individual yet the same in many ways. Spike proteins have been & will continue to affect more & more innocents. They are the real plandemic. They are what the evil left has wanted all along. They will kill many that got injected & passively affect many many others in the process. Producing a supposed "rise" of variants. TAKE your detox drinks, take your Pine needle tea, take your multi-vitamins, take your anti-oxidants, take your supplements. Because as is the name they "supplement" your daily nutrient intake & give you they things you don't get in your diet naturally to give us a more balanced diet & basis for a healthy life. Don't get tested TAKE your supplements Spend as little time with the "spikes" as they are not human anymore. Not intending to be mean as I know that some are family & friends. Just keep in mind that essentially when they chose to get I jected they chose to become "something else". What I don't know exactly but they aren't human & that's a fact. So if your family & friends took the jab then they have essentially passed on & in their place is someone that looks similar but is in fact no longer human. Thays a provable scientific fact. Keep your body protected & take care of it. We're in for a rough winter.
The instructions are that when Mass is permitted again we have to wear masks.
ReplyDeleteI'm gutted, I don't think I can do that.
I say:
DeleteDON'T DO IT!PLEASE don't wear a mask. Just smile and say, "No thank you, I don't want a mask." The Church can't insist on masks, because it's not a legal requirement. Masks at Mass are an absurdity and an insult to our Eucharistic Lord, as I try to explain in TWELVE RULES FOR FAITHFUL CATHOLICS FROM FAITHLESS CLERGY https://juliadufresne.blogspot.com/2021/09/12-rules-for-faithful-catholics-from.html
Boy O boy, they cite Canon 223? The Bishop regulating the rights of the faithful the Bishop is not meant to deny them those same sacramental rights by imposing extraneous rules not fitting for the sacraments.
DeleteAll this love your neighbour coercion, if someone has had a vaccine then why is it only supposed to work if I follow certain rituals. If they are still that vulnerable they need an exemption not to go to Mass. If someone hasn't had the vaccine then they are exercising their right as I am I.
I am not holding my breath, I expect all the Bishops to demand proof of vaccination in order to go to Mass, when the government restricts the unvaccinated from this or that venue.
If they do that, I will redirect my parish support to other Catholic charitable works overseas. Then I will seek out an rely on a priest who doesn't discriminate and make plans in due course move to where we can access the Mass.
This is a chastisement and we are being sifted like wheat.
Isn't the government mandate (not that I will follow any mandate necessarily) that you must wear masks in supermarkets and closed places. That said, if you are in a restaurant you don't have to once seated.
ReplyDeleteSo all this is confusing, won't they be obliged because of the government law they follow (which is another question) to try and turn you away?
Okay, now I reading the Twelve Rules. What a cheek being handed a mask while praying. This is like a cult. The line in the sand for me is mandatory vaccination, and if the Church bars the unvaccinated I will go underground and seek out a priest who can help us.
ReplyDeleteBeverley Bennett:
ReplyDeleteMake sure you read to the end, to see what is organised in Auckland and Christchurch.
DeletePauline Berry:
Posted an image of text that says '"People used to get a cold, flu, the occasional respiratory virus and beat it with chicken soup and rest, not worldwide communism."'
Pauline Berry adds:
Who is going to the 2nd October freedom event at the domain? 10am.
Justine Vollert
I would if I could but three hours away.
Jason Pearson:
Justine come up on Friday and stay my place n then you and I can go up together.
Have spare gas mask in case police decide to pepper spray everyone.
Justine Vollert:
Jason my daughter and grandson are visitng on Saturday now so thanks for the offer. Will keep it in mind for next time.
Jason Pearson:
There's another March in November. Groundswell. Keep in touch.
Justine Vollert:
Yes i will. Our Groundswell leader down here is a friend of ours. We joined the Groundswell protest last time. I was so surprised as to how many farmers turned out here in our little town.
Erica Tate-Vuyk:
Hey folks, the Freedom Event is now a nationwide thing.
Justine Vollert:
So where is the nearest freedom eveny to Te Kuiti? Is there one in Hamilton?
Norman Sutton:
I live in Tauranga...are we allowed into Auckland ATM?
Justine Vollert:
If its nationwide it would be in smaller places as well, like Hamilton.
ReplyDeleteWe now have the governments level 2 rules:
and the level 2 rules from the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, Palmerston North:
The Cathedral rules in many instances far exceed the government rules. Why? Does this not create confusion, and potentially create arguments? There are going to be stand up fights as parishioners are told they must wear masks when there is no legal imperative. It will exclude from mass many who can't wear masks at all, and make mass tough for those who struggle with masks.
The situation that has been created is a classic setup for trouble.
Are there sound reasons for these variances in the rules? Or is this an opportunity for parish busybodies to boss everyone around?
This is the age of dialogue and synodality, we even have a synod on synodality.
Please, we need some explanation, some dialogue, some synodality, on why these contradictory rules are being promulgated by the parish, and the diocese.
I'm not pointing at your average parish helper, I'm asking the hierarchy to explain please.
Run a church? They couldn't run a bath! Pat Dunn's dreadful clericalism re: a convicted priest was a shocker. The professional standards Committee had him on the mat for that, according to Stuff.
ReplyDeleteUSA based post shared There are many people "thinking" they have Covid now. I would attest & bet that most do not. The reason I say this is because all of the Doctors that fight for real health & so on have told us over the summer this would happen.
ReplyDeleteWhat is happening you're probably thinking.....The same thing that happens every year. People detox & get sick. Only now we have the added pressure of SPIKE PROTEINS. Spike proteins are the worst toxins ever been introduced en mass to the general public of the world. They ARE going to kill many healthy people who have no seriois underlying conditions. Depending on how much spike is in there system.
The "tests" you buy in the store have many different companies. Yet the have nothing in common when it comes to what they are testing for. Because Covid has never been isolated to find the parameters to test for. So please do NOT buy these home Covid test kits. You could test positive for 7up or Apple Pie or lint but be called Covid. I used ridiculous examples to show the hypocrisy of a positive test.
Please be prepared as more people get the Satanic Jab that more innocent people will be affected by "them". Yes I emphasized "them" for there is no other moniker I can call them for "they" are no longer human. They have volunteered to become something else. I don't know what to call them exactly but their DNA is altered. Our DNA is the foundation of our physiological characteristics that define us as humans or DNA is our distinct blueprint to life. Signed by God & given to us to make us all individual yet the same in many ways.
Spike proteins have been & will continue to affect more & more innocents. They are the real plandemic. They are what the evil left has wanted all along. They will kill many that got injected & passively affect many many others in the process. Producing a supposed "rise" of variants.
TAKE your detox drinks, take your Pine needle tea, take your multi-vitamins, take your anti-oxidants, take your supplements. Because as is the name they "supplement" your daily nutrient intake & give you they things you don't get in your diet naturally to give us a more balanced diet & basis for a healthy life.
Don't get tested
TAKE your supplements
Spend as little time with the "spikes" as they are not human anymore. Not intending to be mean as I know that some are family & friends. Just keep in mind that essentially when they chose to get I jected they chose to become "something else". What I don't know exactly but they aren't human & that's a fact. So if your family & friends took the jab then they have essentially passed on & in their place is someone that looks similar but is in fact no longer human. Thays a provable scientific fact.
Keep your body protected & take care of it. We're in for a rough winter.