Wednesday 15 September 2021


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The day before yesterday, a 'small but perfectly formed' protest took place on the steps of the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, Palmerston North. 

"Please unlock our cathedral", said the signs. Only four took part (they had only 24-hour notice). A faithful remnant, one might say. They prayed the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary, for the feast of the Holy Cross.

Informed that a protest was in progress, Father Vijay Dungdung, cathedral assistant priest, turned up, smiled nicely at the protestors and took off. He was back in time for the Mystery of the Crucifixion with the cathedral catechist, Kate Bell, who proceeded forthwith, predictably, to catechise.

Ms Bell implored the protestors to obey Cardinal Dew. Cardinal Dew, Apostolic Administrator for Palmerston North in the prolonged absence of any bishop, continues to keep the cathedral door key locked tight only to "keep us safe"! 

To say that her catechising fell on deaf ears would not be accurate: one of the protestors took fairly extreme exception to her remarks, and order was restored only when the Rosary was resumed, with Bell and Father Vijay taking part. The Queen of Peace prevailed.

One of the activists involved - not a 'Palmy' person - was appalled to see  the level of compliance in the city with the mask mandates of Ardern, Little&Co, Death Dealers to the Nation.  Very few were those to be seen out of doors, in the famously fresh PN air, who were not masked up to the satisfaction of Kommissar Doomfield and the detriment of their health - physical, mental and spiritual.

In a supermarket, having told the bouncer she had an exemption, the activist was Spoken To by a fellow shopper. "You're not wearing a mask!" said he, accusingly. Said activist spontaneously spake these words: "I. Have. Not. Got. A mask." The shopper registered her full stops, and beat a retreat. 



Has anyone noticed that the directive to "dear Fathers" emailed by John A Cardinal Dew to all priests of the Palmerston North Diocese on September 7, stating inter alia that "churches are to be closed, is entirely lacking in any reference to Jesus Christ Our Lord - or even to the Church (capital 'C')?

An eagle-eyed reader who'd printed it out objected to its meaningless (to Pakeha but perhaps highly significant to Maori) logos and the total absence of even the most basic Christian symbol, the Cross. 'BISHOP'S OFFICE', is the address given by +Dew.

But Palmerston North, your Eminence, doesn't have a bishop. What it has is just an office, with catechist Kate Bell inside it, handy for dealing with protestors who do not want to keep themselves 'safe', but to live and die for Our Lord Jesus Christ Who lived and died for them.

Except for 'no public Masses' and 'Council of Priests' this missive could have issued from the Office of the Prime Minister Herself. She could have written it, and +Dew could have put in the bits about Mass and Priests.The document is a glaring example of the heresy of Modernism, "the synthesis of all heresies" (Pope St Pius X), against which the cardinal and many of his priests swore a solemn oath at their ordination.

Palmerston North is a university city. Is academia - all those socialist, bespectacled university 'experts', enjoying their day in the sun of MSM attention like never before and, we probably vainly hope, never again - the reason for the extremely high ratio of sheople in PN's streets and cafes? Is it because if Professor So-and-So, interviewed by an excited teenager on telly, tells us something, it must be true? Or is it because Palmerston North is a Labour stranglehold? Of course, academia being very largely Labour, those two aspects of PN's over-the-top masking madness are inextricably linked.   

The vacuum left in most Kiwi lives by the absence of God must inevitably be filled with something. That something in New Zealand now is the god of COVID, and the Church of COVID with High Priestess Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and attendant acolytes Little, Robertson, Hipkins et al is ferociously pursuing the Holy Grail of 80% Vaccination - which once achieved will morph into something more.

Look at Singapore, where Alex Cook, an 'infectious diseases modelling expert' at the National University of Singapore, says life has not improved “by as much as we might have hoped”, despite Singapore being one of the world’s most vaccinated countries […]

“The community cases have actually gone up since reaching 80 per cent coverage, in part because we’re allowing more social events for those who are vaccinated and, I dare say, more fatigue at the control measures,” Mr Cook told the ABC.

Singapore, accordingly, has delayed re-opening measures and re-imposed restrictions. Leong Hoe Nam, an infectious diseases expert from Singapore’s Rophi Clinic, said the Delta strain had moved the goalposts, in terms of what level of community vaccination was necessary. For Delta, he says, Singapore needs 90% vaccination, at least. 

Meanwhile in Israel, most of the patients in one hospital with coronavirus are fully vaccinated. 95% of the severely ill are vaccinated. 
Data from the Israeli Minister of Health released on July 22 declared that the effectiveness of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine at preventing COVID-19 has plummeted from 90 percent to only 39 percent, coinciding with the spread of the Delta variant in the country. 

The Israeli Minister of Health has stated in an interview- speaking to the Minister of Interior - that "there is no medical or epidemiological justification for the Covid passport, it is only intended to pressure the unvaccinated to vaccinate".

But Ardern the Goddess of COVID on her podium of Truth According to Herself is insanely determined, in spite of all the evidence, that New Zealand will become the first country in the world to Eliminate the Virus, thereby also (incidentally, of course) achieving her megalomaniac ambition to be reinstalled on the cover of Time.


If by now you're feeling thoroughly nauseated and almost prepared to give in to the Thought Police and roll up your sleeve for the Clotshot, please read the following limpid words of wisdom and true kindness from Bishop Athanasius Schneider. 


Today, I greet all of those workers who at this very hour who are being forced to choose between keeping their job and getting the Covid-19 vaccine or being fired for not getting the vaccine.

Through this brief letter I extend some encouragement in your trials. The Confraternity of Our Lady of Fatima can also offer a religious exemption.

Some of you have already paid the price for the truth about the Covid-19 vaccine and its causal link to abortion.

I am deeply touched by the witness of a lady in the U.S. who writes:

"Today was my last day of packing up the remainder of my stuff. As I would not take the vaccine, I was told to leave last Friday. They called over and asked me to tidy up my desk and said that today would be my last day. My boss is hoping that I will cave in, get vaccinated, and come back. I am extremely sad."

I am moved by the witness of this woman. I would say to her: "Today you pack your things from your place of work, and while you pack, your treasure is being transferred to the room that Jesus has already prepared for you in the Kingdom of Heaven."

There are thousands and thousands of Catholics like her who have the courage to choose Christ and who will not throw a pinch of incense to Caesar, just like the very first Catholics of old.

I encourage all of you to hold fast to your conviction and to your faithfulness to Christ.

The sufferings and the losses that you will have to endure are tiny when compared to the
reward that God prepared for you in heaven.

"For I reckon that the sufferings of this time are not worthy to be compared with the glory to come, that shall be revealed in us." Romans 8:18

I urge you to continue on this path that you have chosen of witnessing to the truth that unborn life is sacred and that the trafficking of fetal body parts is an evil industry that cries out to Almighty God for His justice!

As you seek His Kingdom, first and above all, believe that you will be provided for.

Jesus and Mary will open up new ways to provide for your families. I also exhort and encourage the lay faithful of means to step in and help your fellow Catholics to find new meaningful work.

My dear brothers and sisters, these are the prices that we knew we always had to pay to be faithful to Jesus Christ.

And now at this very hour the payment is being required and so we must pray that we will pass the test and be faithful to the Lord Jesus. I give all of you God’s abundant blessing!


  1. Bob Gill says:
    The whole thing's a joke! Even the government allows us to open the churches, probably following advice from health professionals, so what superior health qualifications has Cardinal Dew got that says he can keep the churches closed to keep us safe on the one hand, but on the other hand we are allowed to open the churches for funerals?
    I wonder if the real reason for keeping the churches closed is tied in with large parishes needing to have more than one daily Mass to satisfy the parishioner numbers, with us being allowed only 50 persons per Mass? The "keep us safe" thing then would just be an excuse to keep all churches closed.
    It's looking like parishioners should give serious thought to buying their own local church so we can open it whenever we want.
    My non-Catholic wife popped into Hamilton Cathedral yesterday to say a prayer for a sick friend she had been visiting as it was open - and it is open all week for weekday Masses. We knew it was open beforehand because we know from previous dealings with Dew that not all NZ bishops agree with Cardinal Dew's "keep us safe" shenanigans.
    I sent Cardinal Dew an email yesterday telling him I don't understand his tack and would he please elaborate on his philosophy.

    I say:
    Yes, I couriered a letter to Cardinal Dew yesterday asking pretty much the same thing, and enclosing a letter to the priest who changed the lock on the door of St Joseph's Waipukurau.

  2. Mike Kuipers von Lande:
    Bishop Stephen Lowe of Hamilton is just as hopeless as Dew. They all are.

    Bob Gill:
    Yes, Mike, I have had dealings with Bishop Lowe on a couple of matters. I organised an annual Mass on behalf of Our Lady of Medjugore for nearly 10 years at the Cathedral and St Matthews, with most of the local priests and the previous Bishop Browne electing to celebrate a Mass for our group during that time. As soon as Bishop Lowe was elected he advised me not to celebrate any more Masses until the Church acknowledged the veracity of the Medjugorje apparitions. Recently the Church accepted the first few apparitions as being authentic, but none after that. Bishop Lowe still wouldn't allow us to celebrate Masses.
    At the start of the 'pandemic' many countries, including England and Australia, opted to re-consecrate their countries to the Blessed Mother. I asked Bishop Lowe if the NZ bishops had plans to do the same, but I never received a response. Must admit, though, the recent NZ re-dedication some 18 months later took me by surprise.
    Even though Bishop Lowe is not one of my favourites, at least he and Bishop Dooley have elected to open the churches during Level 2.

  3. The Pope says he never denies the eucharist to anyone. This comment made in relation to pro abort Catholic politicians, people who are willfully blind and vote to liberalise abortion on demand. Seems the church just can't cope with this issue. Surely it's a matter of public scandal?

  4. Anon says:
    Our churches and cathedral are closed, while virtually every other premises in town is open. Our Church is being emasculated, robbed of its Christ-like vigour.

    I think this is more about power than the physical health or spiritual welfare of parishioners

    1. I say:
      Yes, our Church is emasculated, in part because she is in effect, run by women.

  5. Did you see in the NZ Catholic a group of women are presenting a message to the Cardinal high lighting all the unpaid work women have done in the church? Contents of the message have not been revealed. No doubt a plea for more women in leadership. I can assure you my father worked for the church without a dime. It was considered a labor of love. Many did the 'books' at no charge. Seems certain people want the church to be run along the lines of market forces. Lindsey has been paid for years. Fair enough in her full time role. Is it not too much to recall the sacrifices of Our Lord and add our own? We are in danger of reducing the church to a club or corporation. How strange it was to see a member of the Catholic Equestrian Order to die recently and become aware she was also a member of ACT the free market no morals party. What a disgrace. This poor soul did not know Catholic social teaching but paraded around in medals and mantle.

    1. I say:
      Aucklander, you just nailed it. Prayers for her soul.

    2. You read "NZ Catholic" ??!!

    3. So that's what C.E.O. stands for.

  6. Teresa MJ Borer:
    Perfect picture!!

    Philippa O'Neill:
    spot on..

    Alan Brzozowski:
    This is awesome!

    Janete Chaney:
    cdon1991 - #trump #biden #covid19 #democrat #republican #liberal #conservative #vaccine #grandma
    Janete Chaney:
    This is really funny. Grandma answers about vaxine

    I say:
    Janete, yes funny is so important to staying sane. But not so important as clinging to Our Lord and His Blessed Mother.

  7. Garry Fergusson:
    The Catholic Church is a bullshit organisation. They have billions of dollars worth of assets, yet they don't really help the needy, they prefer to exhibit gold goblets, old masterpieces, and other treasures, when they would be far better off to dispose of these baubles, invest wisely with the proceeds, and help those who genuinely need assistance.

    I say: Spoken like a good Proddy.

    Paul Young:
    So often Catholics assume that people who criticise Catholicism must therefore be of some other denomination ... I think you'll find now days that they mostly think that all religion is shit ...

    Garry Ferguson:
    Julia, I see the good work done by Salvation Army, and some of the other churches. I am not a "proddy". I am a believer in Christ and god. I believe you can worship where-ever you are.

    I say:
    If you're not a Catholic but are a believer in Christ and God (with a capital 'G') you're a Protestant. Sorry if 'Proddy' offended you; most men take the term as intended, almost as an endearment.
