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In the Archdiocese of Wellington, where Cardinal John Dew has cancelled "this treasure" - the Traditional Latin Mass - who would not want to sign this letter "to Catholics of the whole world"? It will be applauded by Novus Ordo Massgoers and adherents of the Immemorial Mass alike.
Years of revelations of sex crimes by clergy have served to unite the lay faithful against all forms of clerical abuse, especially at the highest levels, as evident in Bergoglio's cancellation of the TLM and its implementation by +Dew. We must resist.
Michael Matt of the traditional Catholic newspaper The Remnant - always such a good read! - is one of the signatories, who have a distinctly Gallic flavour. That's because the letter originated in France, where The Remnant has a presence. Vive la France! But many more signatures are expected that many more will sign, from all over the world. Michael Matt explains:
"An international group of laymen (journalists, professors, writers, activists) has signed an open letter to Catholics of the world, demanding retraction of
Francis’ cataclysmic motu proprio, Traditionis Custodes, attempting to abrogate
the Traditional Latin Mass.
"I was very pleased," says Matt, "to join this august body as one of the signatories of this
letter, which includes the following as its penultimate paragraph:
“Before God and before all men, we solemnly affirm that we will not allow anyone to deprive the faithful of this treasure which is first and foremost that of the Church. We will not remain inactive in the face of the spiritual suffocation of vocations that the Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes will bring about. We will not deprive our children of the unique means of transmitting the faith that is faithfulness to the traditional liturgy.”
Rumors out of the Vatican just now are not good, as they suggest Francis is about to make yet another move against the Traditional Latin Mass. Whether these rumors are true or not, the time to strike back is right now.
For the sake of your children as well as the future of our Church, please share this letter with everyone you know."
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Letter from the Faithful Attached to the Traditional Latin Mass, to Catholics of the Whole World
“What man is there among you, of whom if his son shall ask bread, will he reach him a stone?” (Mt 7:9)
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We have been deeply saddened to learn of Pope Francis’ decision to revoke the main provisions of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum promulgated by Pope Benedict XVI on July 7, 2007. After decades of division and quarrels, Summorum Pontificum was a source of peace and reconciliation for all Catholics.
Rome has violated Pope Benedict XVI’s solemn word in a brutal and rigid manner that is a far cry from the fraternal welcome that is nowadays so widely proclaimed.
Pope Francis’ explicit intent, as expressed in the Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes of July 16, 2021, is to see an end of the celebration of the Holy Mass handed down by the Tradition of the Church. We are deeply shocked by this decision.
How can we comprehend this radical break with the traditional Missal, which is the “venerable and ancient” enactment of the “law of the faith”, and has borne fruit in so many peoples, saints and missionaries? And what harm is being done by those faithful who simply want to pray as their fathers have prayed for so many centuries?
Who can ignore the fact that the Tridentine Mass converts many souls, attracts young and fervent congregations, and inspires many vocations; that it has been the wellspring of seminaries, religious communities, and monasteries; that it is the mainstay of many schools, youth ministries, catechetical work, spiritual retreats and pilgrimages?
Many of you – our Catholic brothers, priests and bishops – have expressed to us your incomprehension and deep sorrow: we thank you for your numerous testimonies of support.
Summorum Pontificum’s stated purpose was to promote peace within the Church in order to build unity in charity, but it was also designed to lead Catholics to renew their ties with their own inheritance, by helping as many people as possible to discover the rich liturgical tradition that is the treasure of the Church. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI is witnessing the destruction of his work of reconciliation in his own lifetime.
In this age of materialism and of harrowing social and cultural division, liturgical peace is an absolute necessity for the faith and spiritual life of Catholics, in a world that is dying of thirst. The drastic curtailment of the authorization to celebrate Mass in its traditional form will rekindle mistrust and doubt, and heralds the resurgence of a devastating liturgical quarrel that will rip apart the Christian people.
Before God and before all men, we solemnly affirm that we will not allow anyone to deprive the faithful of this treasure which is first and foremost that of the Church. We will not remain inactive in the face of the spiritual suffocation of vocations that the Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes will bring about. We will not deprive our children of the unique means of transmitting the faith that is faithfulness to the traditional liturgy.
As loyal sons of their father, we ask of Pope Francis that he reverse his decision, repealing Traditionis Custodes and restoring full freedom to celebrate the Tridentine Mass, for the glory of God and the good of the faithful. Bread rather than stones.
September 8, 2021
Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Jeanne Smits, Journalist - Director of the Jeanne Smits Blog
Jean-Pierre Maugendre, Renaissance Catholique
Philippe Maxence, Rédacteur en Chef de L'Homme Nouveau journaliste et écrivain
Jean de Tauriers, Président de ND de Chrétienté
Guillaume de Thieulloy, Editeur de presse Editeur de presse
Charles de Meyer, Président de SOS Chrétiens d'Orient
Benjamin Blanchard, DG de SOS Chrétiens d'Orient
Christian Marquant, Président de Paix Liturgique
Michel De Jaeghere, Journaliste et essayiste
Hervé Rolland, Vice-Président de ND de Chrétienté
Maike Hickson, LifeSiteNews Ecrivain
Robert Hickson, Ecrivain
Roberto de Mattei, Professeur
Michael Matt, The Remnant Editor in chief
Professeur Marie-Pauline Deswarte
Jean-Baptiste Pierchon, Docteur en Droit Mtre de conférences
Hugues Petit, Docteur en Droit Professeur
Jean Sévillia, Journaliste, Historien, Ecrivain
Xavier Arnaud, Forum catholique Directeur
Laurent Dandrieu, Journaliste
Henri Sire, Ecrivain
Jacques Charles-Gaffiot, Historien d'art
Victor Aubert, Academia Christiana Président
Bernard Antony, AGRIF Président
Reynald Seycher, Professeur d'université
François Billot de Lochner, Fondation de Service politique Président
Anne Brassié, journaliste et écrivain
Jérôme Triomphe, Avocat
Cyrille Dounot, Professeur avocat eccl.
Thibaud Collin, Philosophe et professeur
Alvino-Mario Fantini, The European Conservative Editor in chief
Paweł Milcarek, Christianitas Dir. Rédaction
Marek Jurek, Ancien pdt de la Diète de Pologne
Philippe Pichot-Bravard, Maître de conférence
Philippe Lauvaux, ULB Paris Assas Professeur
Claude Goyard, Paris Assas Professeur
Philippe de Villiers, Ancien ministre, écrivain
Max Guazzini
Pierre de Lauzun, Haut fonctionnaire Ecrivain
Yves Daoudal, Journaliste - Directeur de Blog
Jean-Marie Molitor, Journaliste
Michael Hageböck, Summorum Pontificum Freiburg Président
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Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for the Church.
United we kneel.
ReplyDeleteDieu, le Roi!
The synodal Church is on its way. Looks like we may be banished to the catacombs by Bishop Lindsey.