Monday 22 March 2021


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"I'm so angry with this 'Pope'," said a Latin Massgoer in Napier yesterday evening, "that I can hardly speak."

He was trying to express his fury over Jorge Bergoglio's ultimate betrayal of the unborn by exerting his supposed moral force as Pontiff to foist a vaccine which was developed, demonically, from babies slaughtered by abortion, on faithful Catholics worldwide.

It sounds unreal, and it is unreal.  Welcom - still stumbing along in the dark, we see - proclaims Bergoglio in his Ash Wednesday homily as telling the faithful that to embark on the journey of Lent "we have to unmask illusions". 

The first illusion to be unmasked might be that the Church Bergoglio leads is the Catholic Church. It's not, any more. 

Bergoglio's Church is a faux Church, a farce, a hoax perpetrated on souls softened up by 70 years of Novus Ordo inanities, by modernist bishops and priests (among whom are numbered most of New Zealand's) - and subterraneously, in the horrible nether regions he inhabits, and nefariously in our souls, by Satan who persuades us all to sin.

"It is impossible for those who have been once enlightened, and have tasted the Heavenly Gift, and of the good Word of God, and of the powers of the world to come, if they shall fall away, to be renewed again to repentance." (Heb. 6:4-6). All those who, having had full light and knowledge of God in His revelation, turn from it with their eyes open — of whom St. John says, "They went out from us, because they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have remained with us" (1 John 2:19) — those who so sin, sin unto death, and are left to the judgment of God.

...The natural powers of the soul are also affected when a man is in a state of sin. The heart becomes corrupt, the soul becomes weak... The very will loses its power of repenting.

Ay, and there is a still more terrible thought than this. Sometimes the sins that men have committed long ago are the cause of their instability, their inconsistency, their wavering and irresolution at this day. They have never yet returned to God; they have never yet been really restored to the grace of God and vitally united to Him. They carry within them that which we read of in the Book of Job, where it says: "His bones are full of the vices of his youth, and they shall go down with him to his grave." (Job 20:11).- Cardinal Henry Edward Manning.

When did we Novus Ordo Massgoers last hear the truth spoken as it was once by churchmen like Cardinal Manning? Seventy years of being lulled into a sense of false security by the soothing texts of the New Mass, and by bishops and priests who've been persuaded likewise, we've come to regard the Church as a nice club we go to on Sunday. And heaven as a nice place we go to when we die. 

That terrible self-deceit is one thing. To have the man the world calls the Pope magnify the evil of a latter-day slaughter of the innocents - 500,000+ in NZ since 1977 - by recommending its deployment in the manufacture of a vaccine which supposedly will save our miserable lives, is another. The horror of it defies description. 

And now this:

ROME — Pope Francis insists in a new book things will never be the same in a post-pandemic world, calling instead for the establishment of a “new world order.”

Bergoglio has dropped his own, personal mask of illusion. He's quite frankly dreaming of A Great Reset - which will undoubtedly require A Great Religion, and A Great Religion - long since identified as the 150-year old Masonic dream - is The One World Religion -

- with none other than 'His Holiness' himself installed as its Glorious Leader. 

In God and the World to Come, scheduled for release in Italian on Tuesday, the pontiff reiterates his case for the Great Reset with a shift away from financial speculation, fossil fuels, and military build-up toward a green economy based on inclusiveness.

After the coronavirus pandemic, “the world will never be the same again. But it is precisely within this calamity that we must grasp those signs which may prove to be the cornerstones of reconstruction.”

“There is something worse than this crisis: the drama of wasting it,” he states. “We cannot emerge from a crisis the same as before: we either come out better or we come out worse.”

DELINGPOLE: "The Great Reset is real, it’s happening now and will lead to devastation worse — “much, much worse” — than the Weimar Republic, a German economist has warned."

... We can heal injustice “by building a new world order based on solidarity, studying innovative methods to eradicate bullying, poverty and corruption."

What was wrong, your Holiness, with the old world order of Christendom and its traditional methods, which prohibited the greatest injustice - abortion, which you conspicuously fail to mention? And did you forget to mention LGBTQI+? 

This new world order will attend to the environment, the pope affirms.

How, your Holiness, can you pretend to be Catholic while recommending an 'order' based on anything but Jesus Christ?  

“We can no longer blithely accept inequalities and disruptions to the environment,” he declares.

Inequalities and disruptions which result from failure to teach and live the Lord Jesus Christ. 

“The path to humanity’s salvation passes through the creation of a new model of development ...”

And there were we Catholics believing that the path to salvation is Jesus Christ.

“If we don’t roll up our sleeves and immediately take care of the Earth, ... sooner or later our common home will throw us out the window,” he insists.

If you, your Holiness, do not roll up your sleeves and immediately take care of our souls, sooner or later our common home will be Hell.   

The pope also asserts his conviction the world needs to be healed from “the dominant speculative mentality” to be re-established “with a ‘soul’” in order to reduce the gap between those who have access to credit and those who do not.

It's the Catholic Church, your Holiness, which needs to supply the world with a soul. 

Christians and people of good will should choose which enterprises to support based on four criteria, Francis proposes, namely: “inclusion of the excluded, promotion of the least, the common good, and care of Creation.

Oh, he's the Pope of Woke. 


The Great Reset' is upon us. French President Macron declared that in the wake of the Chinese coronavirus modern capitalism "can no longer work" at the Davos summit.

It is time to remove social injustice and marginalization,” he states. “If we seize the current trial as an opportunity, we can prepare for tomorrow under the banner of human fraternity', to which there is no alternative, because without an overall vision there will be no future for anyone.”

"Under the banner of human fraternity" - the banner, that is, of the Freemasons, who exist only to abolish Christianity in general and the Catholic Church in particular..

Part of the Great Reset also entails an end to manufacture and traffic in arms, expending huge amounts of capital which should be used to treat people and save lives.”

Treat people and save lives with your vicious vaccine, your Holiness? Making money for Big Pharma instead of encouraging natural immunity, good diet and common sense, you mean? 

“Against this planetary discord that is nipping the future of humanity in the bud, we need political action that is the fruit of international harmony,” he declares, urging for an end to “short-sighted nationalism”...

Patriots of the world unite, against this mendacity! 

"...and other forms of “political selfishness” in favor of multilateral solutions."

If you multiply the political players, your Holiness will you not multiply political selfishness?


The outlook for the so-called Catholic Church, misguided and misled as it is under the faux pope Bergoglio, is certainly bleak. But a Dutch prelate known for faithfulness to the Gospel, Bishop Robert Mutsaerts, has a message of hope. He stresses that the solution lies in a "reset, but a reset of a totally different kind." 

Bishop Mutsaerts - a faithful bishop

"The Catholic Church in the West is rapidly decreasing. Is that bad? Yes, it is. But if this is the Church which is now manifesting itself, the sooner she evaporates the better," he opined.

Mutsaerts elaborated:

It's better to restart like the young Church started instead of muddling along as we've done for over half a century. It's only driven us from Christ. The Church's future will depend on saints as has always been the case. She will survive for sure as always. She will be small. She will be a Church based on personal commitment.


The bishop described how the reset Church would "put the sacred central — not the environment, inclusive capitalism or false ecumenism that seems to say that it doesn't really matter what you believe or who you put your trust in as long as we call each other brothers and sisters."

"No, I do not promote an exclusive Church: What I do plead for is back to basics," Mutsaerts added, calling for "a temporary withdrawal in order to resource in order to come back stronger."

"The Church will regain credibility," Mutsaerts affirmed.

The angry Latin Massgoer in Napier last night did manage to speak, in connection with Bergoglio and his evil vaccine, of a quote from Dostoevsky, one familiar to me from my reading many years ago of The Brothers Karamazov and which had drifted past me somehow, somewhere, in the last few weeks:

"Imagine that you are creating a fabric of human destiny with the object of making men happy in the end, giving them peace and rest at last.
Imagine that you are doing this but that it is essential and inevitable to torture to death only one tiny order to found that edifice on its unavenged tears.
Would you consent to be the architect on those conditions? Tell me. Tell the truth."



  1. The angry Latin Massgoer says:
    I remember when I read the interview transcript with the Catholic bio-scientist on Lifesite (the one you quote) a few weeks back I started sobbing uncontrollably.

    I initially thought that was odd (probably connected with grieving) but then came to see that was the natural human reaction to the horror and thanked God for it.

    What disgusts me is that two men who should be most reconciled to their imminent deaths - above all others - are prepared to try to extend their lives built on the torture and deaths of unborn innocents.

    And those two men ought to be the pre-eminent defenders of the right to life.

    If only we had a Pope/Magisterium speaking out against the culture of death, defending the right to life, and the sane catholic acceptance that dying in mortal sin is the only thing to fear, not death itself!

    Isn't it telling that every vaccine developed against Covid19 uses the same abortion-tainted biotechnology? And as for a's like Polpot's Year Zero. Any talk of reset promotes collective historic amnesia and runs completely counter to the Christian understanding of salvation history and sacred memory.

    All the above 'in my humble opinion' but you did ask.

    I am looking forward to reading your next written witness against the madness.

  2. Mandy Turner says (in reference to the pic of Bergoglio with his co-religionists):
    You will not see followers of Jesus Christ in this lot!

    Teresa Coles says:
    I belong to the One ,Holy ,Catholic and Apostolic church and always will...

    Jeanette Hancock says:
    There's been worse Popes than Francis .
    Christ said the gates of Hell would not prevail, to think Pope Francis is the head of a fake Church, is basically calling Christ a liar. Pope Francis will move on, either through death or retirement, and then we'll have another Pope, and on and on it will go until The End. And just like with Benedict and JPII and everyone else before them, there will be people who think they are more Catholic than the Pope, people who will love him, people who will loath him, but ultimately, The Catholic Church maintains.
    If you think the Catholic Church that Pope Francis rightfully leads with the annointing of the Holy Spirit is fake, then I suggesting jumping ship to one of the 40 odd thousand Protestant flavours. Or start your own. Looks like a few German bishops might be doing that. It seems pretty easy.

    Paul Young says:
    You're in great territory when you're talking about 'worse' popes ... just how worse do they get ...?

    Bob Gill says:
    I've just made a mental note that it was a year ago tomorrow, Feast of the Annunciation, NZ first went into lock-down and all the churches were closed hours before the official lock-down of 11:59pm – for some reason I have never been able to work out. No mention in my church newsletter of this great feast, but hopefully we will be celebrating it tomorrow.

    Julia du Fresne
    No mention of the Solemnity (even more than a great feast) in your parish newsletter. Words fail me. I must check mine. Thanks for the reminder of the lockdown date. As to closing hours before the official time, I suppose the bishops and priests wanted their tea.
    A failure to celebrate the Solemnity would be grossly offensive to Our Lord and His Blessed Mother.

  3. I say:
    Jeanette, you misunderstand me. I answer you not in my own defence but for fear of causing scandal if I don't.
    'Pope Francis' I believe, and have stated on my blog in the past, is not the head of the Catholic Church. He was fraudulently elected: Pope Benedict is the head of the Catholic Church. So - as he makes painfully obvious - Bergoglio does not rightfully lead 'with the anointing of the Holy Spirit'.
    I confirm that, like Teresa - and as I've surely confirmed surely by my posts, I believe in the One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church 'and always will'.
    What else is there, in truth, to believe in?

  4. Philippa O'Neill says:
    Why they are so keen to destroy the Church (makes Dr. Taylor Marshall book look even more believable)... yesterday it was announced by our bishop that during Level 1 there will be no communion on the tonuge... like after months of no issue suddenly it is a problem. The Traditional Mass Community is obviously the target.. and the elderly that still like communion on the tonuge. So it is ok for our priests to touch every hand while giving communion on the hand?? That's not unhygenic?

  5. Philippa O'Neill adds:
    Plain and simply it is to stand on the throat of those that attend the TLM. There is no Covid in NZ, under level 1 we have always had communion on the tongue.. there is no reason why.. just that there is a global pandemic. I guess it will lead to forcing us to take the vaccine or never receive Our Lord again... that's what I'm thinking anyway.
