Thursday 4 March 2021


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Oops, the mask slipped - she's coming for you

I'm at Tuki Tuki Medical, the local 'health' centre in Central Hawke's Bay. I'm listening to Kieran McAnulty MP, baby-killing associate of Mass Murderess Ardern. McAnulty's propagandising on Central FM Radio on behalf of their socialist neo-Nazi Government.

We absolutely know that it's propaganda now, because we heard it from the horse's mouth (an appropriate metaphor, if I say so myself).

Jacinda Jackboot admitted it. She told us all on telly, on Sunday (the day she and Bishop Patrick Dunn denied Aucklanders their right to worship), that the 21-year-old who came through 'managed isolation' had been through "a two-week period of propaganda."

So there am I, at the Tuki Tuki Medical Centre, listening willy-nilly to Kieran McAnulty MP (NZ's very own Joe Biden) following the leader, dishing out her 'keeping ourselves safe' propaganda on Central FM. I'm writing this on my phone, waiting for the practice nurse.

Everyone in the waiting area, including children, is masked. They're putting them on upside down, back-to-front, they say. One little girl looks quite excited. On arrival I was directed by the receptionist to help myself to a mask. "They're there behind you," she said.

"I have an exemption," I said.

"Oh have you," she said, "the nurse won't be long." I'd primed myself to hear her say, "Where's your exemption", or "Why have you got an exemption?"

Maskless, I took a seat. I felt rather let down. My answer to the second putative question would have been, "I'd rather not say", and to the first, "I don't have to show you", which I am informed is legally my right.

Morally speaking, I am exempted from wearing a mask by my faith in God and my common sense. I looked around at all these masked Kiwis, old people and mothers with children - in a 'health' centre, for goodness' sake - and mourned our nation's surrender of these qualities to TYRANNY.

Why are we surrendering to loss of freedom, financial loss,digital surveillance and forced quarantine and being bullied (ever so kindly) into an unnecessary, untried, untested vaccine for a flu bug that kills only a tiny proportion of the population who are going to die soon anyway?

It's only by wearing a mask herself that Ardern has succeeded in winning Kiwis over to tyranny; and the mask she wears (except when it slips) is, of course, 'kindness'.

Jacinda Jackboot is literally killing our nation with kindness.
For God's sake, Kiwis, throw off her evil spell and RESIST!
"On Monday on TvOne 'News', “she urged people to challenge their family and work colleagues if they do not follow the rules."

In other words, get your family and friends to do what she wants. Bullies want everyone on their side. The bigger their team, the better. That's why Jacinda Jackboot's team has to be 5 million. Count me out, JJ.

“Even with the full understanding of human fallibility, it is not appropriate, and it is not okay for members of a team of five million to let the rest of us down,” Ardern said."

And what about all the people that TvOne 'News' never interviews on their vox pops, the people with faith in God and common sense, who are ABSOLUTELY NOT members of her wretched team of conformists, collaborators, smiling zombies and simply scared-out-of-their-wits people? 

"If there is any question mark right now over there being consequences, you know, those individuals are facing the full judgement of the entire nation. There are consequences, undoubtedly.” "

So we should be shaking in our shoes. And indeed, a friend I told about my 'mask exemption' said, "They'll be coming for you with handcuffs". She was grinning but not really.

The Prime Minister says she knows many New Zealanders were upset, frustrated and angry about the Covid rulebreakers which (sic) plunged Auckland into lockdown. (T)he 21-year-old had come through managed isolation so had been through "a two-week period of propaganda" when the message about the dangers of Covid was drummed into them.

Ardern said early evidence on the Pfizer vaccine was "very promising" about preventing onward transmission.

'Promising'. Really. A vaccine that's foisted on a terrified population surely has to be far more than 'promising'. It has to be PROVEN, not promising. 

"The truth is so important to us," said Ardern, of the incredible run-around that Auckland has been put through. Ardern is a proven liar: she lied for instance,  when she said she supported parental notification for pregnant teenagers.

Ardern said she was constantly in two minds over saving people from dying ...

There's another lie, right there. New Zealanders are not dying of COVID, and even if they were, PCR tests and masks will do nothing to stop them.

...and keeping people onside to follow rules.

Well, at least she's at least partly succeeding in doing that. Amazing what you can do with propaganda.  


Way back in May 2020 when we had four dead from COVID (or was it with COVID and will we ever know?) Andrea Vance of Stuff was saying Jacinda employs 'soft propaganda' - and Vance should know because she and the rest of the Stuffers-Up use it too. 

" A little low-level propaganda is more favourable than police and military enforcement."

Unfortunately, police and military enforcement is just what propaganda leads to. Just look at Victoria, Australia: 

A Herald-Sun photographer arrested for doing his job

It's definitely preferable to Covid-19 rampaging through the community."

Well I guess it's preferable to the sun falling out of the sky, Chicken Little, and about as likely. 

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” That of course was infamously said by Joseph Goebbels, the Minister of Propaganda in Hitler’s Third Reich.
‘If you control the language you control the mind’ was an important theme explored by British writer George Orwell in his iconic novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. Psychological tactics (manipulation of people through language) can be continuously applied to the general public without raising great public opposition or fear — and that is where its strength lies.
Without a doubt, language is now being used in New Zealand as an instrument of political control ...

Opposition parties also need to step up. At present there is virtually no political opposition – they are letting us all down.

New Zealand’s democracy is under attack. Masked by a propaganda campaign, most people are failing to recognise that the enemy of democracy is within."

Muriel Newman, quoted above in a piece for the Otago Daily Times in December 2020, is writing about Maori extremists' claim that "Maori are in partnership with the Crown" but she might as well have been writing about the language employed by Ardern and her tame mainstream media team re the Pandemic That Never Was.  

An anti-freedom Karen - looks familiar ...

"I'm teaching anti-freedom Karens about why I live freely and will no longer comply with idiotic stay at home orders from a jackbooted totalitarian drunk on power. 

The people demanding lockdowns are almost entirely in state-funded jobs and haven’t missed a pay cheque yet. They aren’t suffering like business owners or people who have lost their jobs, so they clearly aren’t on the team either, but bizarrely they demand that we play on their team, but without the cushy benefits they enjoy. So let’s pull together? Yeah, nah. 

I AM doing my bit for my country by educating people to think for themselves, to love freedom and to seek freedom. I am empowering people to stand up to totalitarianism

Meekly tugging one’s forelock in blind obeisance to inane and illogical orders from the ‘podium of truth’ is not good for this country. We need to collectively tell the Government and ‘Jackboot’ Jacinda to take their knees off of the neck of Auckland and to get stuffed.

We should seek to live freely. It is criminal and economic sabotage to lock up healthy people, torture those in MIQ with “sustained propaganda” and demand that the whole population quiver in fear of a disease where 99.91% of people under 65 live after contracting it. Worse still, many people who have had it have not even noticed."

"Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has urged people to call out family and colleagues who are not following the rules of the alert levels.I’m asking everyone now more than ever to continue to back and support one another and if that means calling a family member or colleague out for not following the rules then we should do that. Do it with kindness, but do it. 

It’s time to take your life back from the controlling Karen who is our Prime Minister.

Start that process by your own actions and words. Feel the freedom, just say, “No, Get Stuffed!”

It is no use whinging about things. Just take action and tell the Prime Minister and her army of Karens to get stuffed."

I couldn't have put it better myself. Except I wouldn't have split an infinitive.

"But I say to you, Love your enemies: do good to them that hate you: and pray for them that persecute and calumniate you"                                                      - Mt 5:44



  1. Ray McKendry says:
    It's a prelude to dystopian type of secret-service-monitored hell. It's a mythologically inspired pre-tyrannical (socialism and communism are built on the myth of humans are the measure of all things) rule. It's a wholly incomplete, incapacitated, insufficient and incomprehensible method of promoting the welfare of the people. Socialism will always fall very far short of what it promises and it can only be waited on in the NZ example to see how dangerous this regime will be in the end.

    Sally Anne Hall says:
    Her kind of kindness we can do without

  2. Bob Gill says:
    Sadly, though, fake news will probably record her as the kindest prime minister in NZ history!

  3. Can't see the Nats offering much different.

  4. Jack Knight says:
    Our country is already becoming a socialist state by the most radically left pm we've ever had. And no one, not rival politicians or the msm is saying anything about it ffs.

    1. I say:
      My brother, journalist Karl du Fresne, had something to say about it in the Australian 'Spectator' (as I have mentioned on this blog).

  5. I say:
    I just wish I'd known when writing this piece last night that Seven Sharp's Hilary Barry had said "Jesus would have the jab".
    That would have clinched my argument nicely.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


  7. Jack Knight says:
    Julia, good article, accurate and informative. Shame no one in our msm writes like this.

    I say:
    Jack, I think you're referring to Karl du Fresne's article?

    Andy Harland says:
    I believe we will have an antidote for this Chinese Virus thing a long time before there is any antidote for those poor deluded, pathetic souls that are blindly in love with this very dangerous little dictator and commie cult leader Jacinda Ardern.

    Karen Raglan says:
    Don't we have an eloquent PM, whose reaction to an earthquake is "bugger it"!

    I say:
    Karen, pretty much what I thought.

    Piripi Thomas says:
    That makes her folksy, in a Toyoda Hilux sort of way, which will further her appeal to the gormless. The true measure of her "kindness" is the refusal to apologise to "Case L" and family for insinuating that the 19-year-old is a liar and allowing that young lady's family to suffer online abuse. And just because they were trying to work their way, legitimately, out of poverdee. What an absolute shower!

    Julia du Fresne says:
    Piripi, yes, I had included that story in my post but deleted it because there was simply too much to say on the subject of Stalinda's 'kindness' for most people to have time or stomach to read. Glad you've brought it up, thank you.
    Mark Scott says:
    What an extraordinary crazy trumpian tirade...ashamed to be related to you

    I say:
    God bless you, Mark. I hope that not sharing the same surname will spare you some embarrassment.

    Bob Gill says:
    Crazy trumpian tirade? Fake news, surely!

    1. Kevin de Lacy says:
      Mark Scott, ashamed to be related? Unless you're related by your own marriage, you didn't have a choice - so why do you feel shame? Or perhaps you are a branch of those twats who look for things to be offended by?
      I'm a blood relative of Julia's, and although I don't agree with many of her points of view, I admire her willingness to voice them!!
      In these days of wokeness, it's refreshing to have people like Julia who aren't afraid to voice what they think, as opposed to those who voice what they think will be popular (but who, in reality, don't have the intellect to form, let alone voice, an opinion of their own, formed from their own research).
      On the subject of our PM, I too, believe her to be particularly dangerous to our once wonderful country.
      If you so choose, you can be ashamed whether you're related to me on not - in fact, be my guest - wallow in your shame! 😀

      Judy Macdonald says:
      Long read, but there is a link to the video if you scroll down Could answer some questions
      Panic Paper – Foreign Affairs Intelligence Council

      June Tania Mita says
      Your a true hater Julia du France lol

      Will Tk says:
      Oh I know that. Be kind yeah right. But the people voted for. They are already awake. They know what they voted for and they love her. They think she is wonderful.

    2. Stella McLeod says:
      Not to mention the lack of kindness shown when the PM didn’t intervene to release a mother and baby from quarantine who were being kept in captivity longer than two weeks because the mother quite rightly did not want her six month old subjected to an invasive nasal swab.

    3. Leo says:
      Andy Harland, Jackboot Cindie is a feminist ahead of being a Communist. Feminism requires its adherents to seek the annihilation of the family unit. Parental killing of children is a big help in that.
      A while back, I read the remark of a former feminist who had become a Catholic. She said women have become so addicted to sex that they’re willing to kill for it.

  8. Mark Smith-Bingham says:
    Why indeed??? Takedown of democracy in action. Team of 5mil?? Idfts - not any more!!!

  9. Dave Bowden says:
    Never forget she is a full blown communist.

  10. Anon says:
    Julia, what will you do if you need to travel on public transport in Aotearoa (I mean NZ, just being trendy), where a mask is required? I have watched a webcam of a building site in Texas (where men are still men and women are still women, not like the USA East and West coasts). The Texas workers were wearing masks, many were not, and many were wearing cowboy bandanas (the odd ten gallon hat too). I might try to get a bandana; its hip and it bucks the system, which deserves to be bucked. For ladies the bandana could double as a head scarf in latin mass.

  11. Michael Hallager says:
    Julia adds a diversity of viewpoint to my feed. I agree with her on some things and not others and happy to post differing views on the latter....

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Sarah Oconnor says:
    Obviously not in your vocabulary. However, There is a God. And he does not appreciate being blasphemed. You’ll find that out eventually.

    Paul Young says:
    Gee ... that sounds threatening ...

    I say:
    No, it's a warning. A warning you really need to heed.

    Donna Wilson says:
    Sarah, doesn’t he? Good on you Julia.

    Sarah O'Connor says:
    Just telling you the truth. If you don’t believe in God, it’s not much of a threat to you is it? Carry on In your sin. But know, that you can no longer claim to be ignorant of it.

    Luke Selby says:
    Well Paul , i wonder how many Maori with ta moko like being called scribbles the clown or inked dick like your comments on your post in your face book profile calls a certain political figure(who I don’t support by the way) at your age sir sir , you should know that a Baldhead is not a race, it’s a ideology, who the cap fits , let them wear it!!! Bald head

    Luke Selby says:
    Julia du Fresne check his Facebook profile, he calls a Maori political figure scribbles the clown

    Donna Wilson says:
    Luke, I actually agree with that. Tattoo face is a racist.

    Luke Selby says:
    Donna, that he may be, but it is derogatory to mock something that others also wear, that has meaning and respect behind it, I suppose it’s a case of one small apple can spoil the whole box, stay safe

    Owen Thompson says:
    Amazing that they're wearing masks at Level 2. Yet in Auckland very few wear them in supermarkets and most of those are under the chin.

    Sally Anne Hall says:
    Jacinda's version of kindness is not kind at all 😊

    Anne Perratt says:
    Research shows the mask worn wrong causes illness.

    Caroline Waite says:
    So wear it correctly, its not hard

    Anne Perratt says:
    Caroline, young children are fundamentally at risk.

    Michael Hallager
    I have never had that issue in this part of the country. I was in Waipukurau today and it looked to be business as usual.

    I say:
    Michael, not at the 'Health' Centre. I was there last Friday, no masking, so today's todo must be a reaction to the 'level 2' nonsense - or whatever level Waipuk's supposed to be on; I don't pay much attention.

    Kasey O'Brien says:

  14. Paul Young says:
    ****** you sound like a bitter and twisted, marginalized old shrew with a monstrous chip on your shoulder about life in general ... why don't you just lighten up a little and look for something happy in life ... you must be able to find something ... surely.

    Owen Thompson says:
    I thought she was being factual about what she saw.

    Sarah Oconnor says:
    Paul, and you sound like a blaspheming old hippy.

    I say:
    Paul, thank you and God bless you.

    Kizza Jo says:
    Paul Young missed Aderns "be kind" memo did you champ.
    What a disgraceful way to speak to another adult, particularly a woman.

    Claudia Louis says:
    Paul, ok boomer

    Ray McKendry says:
    Claudia, not all Boomers think like that. I love the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Paul Young says:
    Sarah Smith, blasphemy requires a god to be blasphemed ... so there is no such word in my language ...

    Paul Young adds:
    Julia du Fresne ... interesting that all your sycophants are women ... says a lot to

    1. Paul is obviously an ex priest or religious.

  15. Chris O'Brien says:
    Mass resistance!

    I say: I wish! Or is that a clever pun? Because the Mass is our best form of resistance.
