Tuesday 16 March 2021


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Kind ol' Uncle Joe Biden is considering allowing Americans to celebrate their Independence Day. 

He reckons there's a "good chance" they'll get to party up it if "we do our part" to end the COVID-19 pandemic. So a more-than-average bad seasonal flu could put a stop to their fireworks and barbies. Again. Like it did last year.

"Look, we know what we need to do to beat this virus,” said kind ol' Uncle Joe. "Tell the truth." 

Now who does he remind you of? He stopped short of telling Amurricans to nark on one another, but goodness me, Joe Biden and Jacinda Ardern are two hearts that beat as one

Biden says, "follow the scientists and the science. Work together. Put trust and faith in our government to fulfill its most important function, which is protecting the American people — no function more important. We need to remember the government isn’t some foreign force in a distant capital. No, it’s us. All of us. ‘We the People.’”https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/biden-patronizes-americans-with-chance-of-celebrating-4th-of-july-after-more-covid-compliance

Biden has created a White House Gender Policy Council to "combat systemic biases and discrimination” and “support gender equity and combat gender stereotypes in education,  “increase access to comprehensive health care (aka contraception and abortion), address health disparities, and promote sexual and reproductive health and rights” (more contraception and abortion.)

The US Department of Education has been executively ordered by Biden to ensure gender-confused males can burst in on real girls and women in their locker rooms and toilets. 

He's taking a leaf out of Ardern's book here: in New Zealand schools unisex loos are all the go. Way back in 2016 a certain school led the way by installing a separate toilet specially for one, six-year old 'transgender' pupil. You can bet that school won the 'Rainbow Tick' that  Auckland Grammar went for also by building unisex loos two years later.

Auckland Grammar with the trendy toilets

'Rainbow Tick'. Sounds like a gaudy, but nasty, little insect. But anyway on the transgender front our own 'kind' mass murderess Ardern would be justified in saying to Joe, "do try to keep up."

Moving right along, we see that Joe Biden has reintroduced the horrendous Obama-era policy which permits biological boys to compete in girls’ sports. So, an end we may suppose, to girls' sports in the States.

And he's nominated the first openly transgender person to be confirmed to a federal appointment by the US Senate. Dr. Rachel Levine, as this person has chosen to be known, is to be the assistant secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. God only knows where Dr Rachel will take her department, but we can guess.

Dr Rachel Levine - spooky

So in view of all the above, should we actually pray for the day that Kamala hangs her new curtains in the Oval office at the White House? Yeah, as they say, nah.

Joe Biden - for all or any of the above - is the most famous Catholic sinner in the States. In the world. He's famous also, at least among Catholics, for quoting St Augustine and hymns in his speeches, and carrying around a rosary that belonged to his son Beau (much good may it do him). 

But he's welcomed by his Archbishop in Washington DC, Wilton Gregory, the first black archbishop in the States, at "any church in my diocese". He means, at Holy Communion although Biden's public sinning absolutely bars him from receiving the Eucharist.

Bishop Charles Chaput, the recently retired bishop of Philadelphia, says Biden is "not in full communion with the Catholic Church." He has criticised his fellow bishops for speaking out in support of giving Biden communion. 

“When bishops publicly announce their willingness to give Communion to Mr. Biden," he wrote, "without clearly teaching the gravity of his facilitating the evil of abortion (and his approval of same-sex relationships), they do a serious disservice to their brother bishops and their people. Catholics are taught to receive communion only if they are in good standing and without sin, but a more specific rule instructing pastors to refuse communion to politicians who support abortion rights was added to canon law in 2004.

The remarks of Bishop Athanasius Schneider, Auxiliary Bishop of Kazkhstan, seem pertinent. He points to a desire among Catholics - lay people like Biden, priests like Father Kevin Gillespie at Holy Trinity Church where Biden receives Communion, and bishops like +Wilton Gregory who would allow that to happen - "a desire to speak as the world likes, or to speak in order to win the world's sympathy, or not to be marginalised or persecuted by the world. reveals itself  indeed as an inferiority complex. 

"My greatest concern about the Church today is the fact that on a large scale there is a process — already started with the Second Vatican Council — of a “conformation to the world,” against which the apostles and the Fathers of the Church have already warned: “Do not be conformed to this world” (Romans 12:2). There is, since the Second Vatican Council, a clearly articulated tendency to please the world. When clergy start to please the world, they are in danger of becoming false prophets, of which St. John the Apostle spoke: 

"They belong to the world; accordingly, their teaching belongs to the world, and the world listens to them.” (1 John 4:5)

1 comment:

  1. Anon says:
    The Bible and Bishop Schneider are correct. As the mainstream Church tries to please the world it pays a bitter price. The mainstream Church has become lukewarm, it has become less relevant, and once neutralised by the world, the world will be able to ignore its fundamental Truth. Increasingly it seems to be up to orthodox groups to keep the Truth alive. Are orthodox groups, so often despised by the mainstream Church, becoming the Church?
