Wednesday 31 March 2021


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"In the documentary Francesco, Pope Francis encourages homosexuals to bring 'their' children to Mass and into Catholic schools."

M T and T A Walton of Palmerston North are venting today on the doco screened on Choice Tv on Monday, which he describes as "a promotion of Pope Francis and his vision for the Church."

Monday, as you all know, was Monday of Holy Week. Not so many will know it's also called "Fig Monday". I didn't, until I received an email from another reader of this blog, who was similarly incensed by Jorge Bergoglio's latest essay in self-advertisement.

"Blessed Holy Week, Julia," he says.

"As a Fig Monday penance, Prime is screening propaganda Bergoglio style at 8:30pm.

The film " provides an intimate look at HHPF, a global leader" [of godless abortionists and one world religion delusionists ] "who approaches challenging and complex issues" [by ignoring them and creating bigger disasters as a smokescreen] "with tremendous humility" [arrogance], "wisdom" [muddle-headed heretical claptrap] "and generosity" [using other peoples' money like true leftards] "towards all" [ except those who hold or teach the holy catholic and apostolic faith.].

Doing anything else would be preferable to sitting through 135 minutes of this hogwash. 

A film about Pope St Pius X would be something to pray for!"

Now I have to explain why Monday in Holy Week is called "Fig Monday" (by erudite Latin Massgoers such as my correspondent, who like me is privileged to attend the SSPX TLM every third Sunday at Dunstall's, a funeral parlour in Napier). I had to google it. It's because the Gospel of the day used to be the account in St Mark’s Gospel of Christ cursing the fig tree. 

To return to the Waltons:

"(Pope Francis) "is encouraging homosexual unions with a right to raise children in a Catholic school environment. Yet just last week he approved a CDF (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) statement that the Church cannot bless such unions."

Now here, I'm caught between a rock and a hard place (if you'll excuse the expression). Yet another reader of this blog - one not known especially for keeping an even temper - says he'll never read it again if ever I use the adjective and noun in common use for homosexuals and what they get up to (pardon me). But 'homosexual' doesn't necessarily imply the latter. Basically it describes an individual who is sexually attracted to others of the same sex. Nothing wrong with that.

So when it comes to what M T and T A Walton are talking about in reference to Francesco (which certainly sounds like a puff piece), I prefer to call a spade a spade and use that biblically-inspired term 'sodomite' and its adjective 'sodomitic'. M T Walton continues: 

"(In "Francesco") Pope Francis was heavily promoting mass immigration, selectively focussing on Muslims - albeit for goodwill, on the face of it. The problem is that every country has the right to national sovereignty and to protect its own borders, and to decide the composition of its population. Masses of people, in waves, puts a lot of pressure on population and infrastructure.


Child immigrants in cages in the United States

"The Pope has the view that the UN needs the power to restrict the rights of nations, to limit their sovereignty in the interests of world peace. There were various hints of this in Fratelli Tutti. In saying Bergoglio wants "The New World Order", M T and T A Walton reference 


Migrant crisis in Europe 



  1. Philippa O'Neill says:
    I could not lend myself to watching it... I'd rather watch 'Paul, Apostle of Christ'. No feet washing this Holy Thursday... but Jesus was very keen to touch and be near lepers if I remember correctly!

    I say:
    I hope my post made it clear that I didn't watch it either.

  2. Janet Curran says:
    Philippa, I intended to watch it just to see what might be said but I found that he has such a boring personality that I couldn't listen to it!

    Frans Van Schie says:
    This pope is a sad one, he needs to read his Bible and repent!

    Jeanette Hancock:
    Frans, advice for ALL of us.

    Frans Van Schie"
    Jeanette, working on it!

  3. Philippa O'Neill says:
    Jeanette, totally.. but what he says and does makes headlines... and shapes our church.. he is very influential.

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