Tuesday 23 July 2024


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NOTHING. Nothing so wicked as the Covid hoax ever happened before in human history (except the deicide of Jesus Christ of course). That it was ever perpetrated was wicked. The reasons for perpetrating it were wicked. The result is wicked. But that the result is being hidden is diabolical. 

No one knows the result of the Covid hoax better than funeral directors, who deal with the evidence daily. They don't deal with statistics or conspiracy theories: they just deal with dead bodies and they have to deal with far more now than ever in the past. And the bodies aren't old, like they used to be. Or sick. Some look '"healthy". More than ever before are the babies. Like three times more than before.

But the Ministry of Health Sick, going now by the name of Te Whatu Ora, refuses to release the data on the numbers of still-born babies. Minister Dr Shane Reti must insist that these public servants actually serve the public by revealing all we need to know. And Prime Minister Luxon must ensure that his Covid-19 Inquiry holds his predecessor Ardern, and all the enablers of this evil, to account. Or he himself will be held to account  at the next election in 2026. 

Thank God for NZ Doctors Speaking Out with Science, who are doing much of the spade work for Luxon. Their following report on funeral directors' experiences is pretty grim, but force yourself to read it and pray for the victims of the Covid plandemic - and its perpetrators, that they are brought to justice. In this world as they will certainly be in the next.


 As the devastating evidence of a worldwide death and disability crisis keeps on coming, another sector of the health workforce tells its story of increased mortality, and especialy in younger people, predominantly from sudden cardiac deaths and cancers. But these aren’t doctors sending home chest pains with an anxiety diagnosis, or clot-busting occluded blood vessels. They aren’t even the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff – they are six feet under the bottom. If there really are excess deaths, someone would be disposing of the extra bodies, right?

Funeral directors and the booming business six feet down under

Recently we spoke to four New Zealand funeral directors (FDs).  Two employees at different firms just made contact with us, separately, so then we re-interviewed 2 owners we had first connected with in 2022 about the many deaths within 2 weeks of their first jabs, and the white rubber clots found after death during embalming. 

One of the workers, let’s call her Diane, sent the following summary, which you will see corroborates strongly the accounts of the others. 




“I started in the funeral director industry over a decade ago and trained as a Funeral Director / Embalmer.

Up until Cov19, my experience in funeral trade pretty much dealt with the elderly and expected deaths, nothing suspicious. Just the way it has been for years, there was the occasional younger person, which was generally due to vehicle accidents, suicide and unfortunately illness.

I had only dealt with two unexpected deaths for people under 70 during that time. The only reason I remember only two is because sudden deaths were so rare.

When covid hit, the local hospital had two excessively large, refrigerated containers, to store the promised and unprecedented number of deaths due to Cov19. But the refrigerated containers were never even switched on.

The limited number of grieving whanau that weren’t ‘allowed’ to be present at their loved one’s funeral, that was all wrong.

Then the vax roll out happened, everything changed.

As best as I can recall, the first weeks of the vax roll out, we looked after family deaths that had obviously been vax related. Then the dramatic 
increase in late term miscarriages, and still births, was very obvious.


For example, we usually took care of up to three babies within a two-month period, (which is already too many; one of the hardest aspects of the job). The first week of the vax, we had three babies born dead in the same week! Were these partners of vaccinated border workers? I don’t remember the ‘safe in pregnancy’ message being pushed until after that.

It wasn’t long before the mandates, and in my situation it was no jab, no job. There was no way that poison was going to go near me, especially after what I was witnessing in the funeral home.

After a short stint doing various jobs, I was offered a job back in the funeral industry when the mandates were dumped.

This is where I first discovered these ‘calamari’ clots. The first one I pulled out was over 50cms long. Not all are that big. Never seen anything like these before. Like white rubber bands, a typical blood clot looks like a dark red jelly, and easily breaks apart. Not these bastards, they are tough, and will not break up easily.


I am currently noticing these nasty clots in about 1 out of 3 embalmings, and they were definitely not there prior to the jab.




Also, the number of sudden deaths is up sharply, the youngest person that I had to take care of was only 21 years (died while getting ready to play rugby, fit and healthy). Sudden deaths are spread across all ages and are showing no signs of slowing down.

The other noticeable difference is in cancer: much more but especially in the young. Before the vax, my observations were that the time between the first diagnoses and death was at least a year minimum (there were some exceptions), now the majority are less than 3 months. I looked after a younger person not so long ago, the time between diagnosis and death was 4 days….. there are no words……

I’m exhausted working in this industry, being awake and knowing what is going on for the families that lost someone because of the vax, and being unable to do anything but to offer my deepest condolences.

This makes me very sad and angry at the same time. It is going to get ugly. ” 



Many funeral directors endorse Diane’s findings

We agree entirely with her sentiments. How can this end well for all the officials, the silent enablers?


These four workers are separated geographically but all have obervations in common, and are connected with other funeral home staff telling a similar story in private.


They are uniformly busy, with some months’ funerals up by as much as 50% since early 2021. Seasonal flow has gone; summers are just as busy.


They are seeing more younger people. One commented on the healthy look (sic!) of many of the suddenly dead bodies they collect now, compared to the usual elderly and chronically ill corpses, as well as the much higher stress of collecting from homes where a younger person has died suddenly. Another mentioned the knowing looks that emergency responders give each other these days.


They say the commonest demographic they now handle seems to be late middle age, but the overall spread is much wider. Young people are far more commonly represented then ‘usual’. Two noted with surprise how post mortems are often no longer done in these previously standout cases. NZDSOS has certainly complained about inadequate investigations by coroners. 


Cancer deaths are far increased, as discussed by eminent oncologists, particularly in younger adults, and with a sad trend of families who do not even have time to plan funerals properly in the very short time between diagnosis and death. (A probate lawyer confirmed this with us too. He has never been busier, with increased disorganised estates and younger people dying intestate (without making a will). He knows the Public Trust is much busier with handling these cases).

In the same week as this is written, incidentally, we hear from a medical sonographer who confirms she is seeing a major increase in younger women presenting with ovarian cancer on their ultrasound scans. Typically this tends to present late, so some of these women will die from these tumours. 


 A very alarming change for the ​​​​​​​funeral directors are that still births, where a baby dies during labour or before labour starts, any time from 22 weeks of pregnancy, have increased dramatically, with 1 owner and both employees estimating at least a tripling in numbers.


(Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand has been asked for this data under the OIA but have refused to release it  the same HNZ that has marketed the covid jabs (egregiously and unprecedentedly) as safe and effective in all stages of pregnancy, in lying lockstep with other countries, like Canada. One worker cited a recent week with 2 stillbirths, both just a week before the due dates. The chance of this being random coincidence is very low indeed. 

The latest Perinatal and Maternal Mortality report has recently been released and it covers data up to 2021 only!

One funeral director recently attended a trade convention in Australia and was surprised to find Aussie FDs much more open to acknowledging the jab campaign’s effect on their businesses, and the fact that many families were claiming a death benefit from the federal government’s vaccine injury fund. And yes, some are seeing the strange pale clots too.  

Back in New Zealand however, the Funeral Director’s Association (FDANZ) is discouraging any such conversations. 



the white thrombus clots keep on coming

In the US, ex USAF Colonel Tom Haviland found 70% of embalmers he surveyed are now seeing a brand new phenomenon in the dead vaccinated people. All four of our funeral professionals, too, have seen these new long rubbery white clots. Three are also embalmers, and agree that in around 30% of cases, where they try to inject embalming fluid to preserve the body, they have to extract these clots first, in order to get the formalin in.


Found in veins and arteries, they are attached to the vessel walls and have propagated in the direction of the blood flow. These observations, along with risky work being done by international scientists to unravel the mystery, and accounts from interventional radiologists and catheter lab technicians, confirm that these highly abnormal structures were forming whilst the person was still alive, some certainly dying from their effects.


We knew already that increased strokes, heart attacks, clots in the lungs, limbs, abdomen and brain are the new normal, and these grossly abnormal signs of a drastic change in the blood vessels are certainly a culprit. 


We have asked that the Medical Council and speciality colleges, drug regulators and the Ministry of Health do their own investigations. You might think that, surely, autopsy pathologists would spot these clots quickly, but we have complained that very few cases of sudden, and we say suspicious, deaths get a post mortem these days, following deliberate changes to the Coroners Act last year such that deaths can be signed off as ‘presumed natural causes’.


And pathologists do not usually open all the blood vessels, and even if they do find evidence of damaged blood vessels that oughtn’t to be there they may not pursue any explanation. Remember, they are doctors and were subject to the Medical Council’s instructions not to encourage vaccine hesitancy. Since the MCNZ quietly rescinded this “guidance” and delayed notifying doctors formally, many may think these threats to their licences are still in effect. 



the jabs do not discriminate

Back across the ditch, Dr Keryn Phelps, a past president of the Australian Medical Association – she and her partner both having significant vaccine damage – has made some strong comments about medicine’s failure to deal with the unprecedented jab fallout.


In yet another recent sad example, star Kiwi sportsman Connor Garden-Bachop, 25, played a professional rugby game, went to bed that night and was found dead by his cousin the next morning. But there was no post mortem! See this sad montage of other bright lives suddenly ended.

Connor’s death reminds us of the very clumsily-handled case of his Maori All Black colleague Sean Wainui who died in suspicious circumstances, without a post mortem, nor seemingly a proper police investigation. 



funeral workers are the final witnesses

These professionals in after-death care provide yet another line of evidence that the jab campaign has caused unimaginable harms. Several have tried to speak about what they are seeing but have been censured or attacked. We thank the ones who shared with us. Perhaps the FDANZ may be ‘invited’ to give evidence, under oath, at the Royal Commission of Inquiry when it finally gets going properly in November. 

We wonder if many of the recent rush of newly buried will be subjected to investigative exhumation in future years. 

But has much of the evidence gone up in smoke already?https://nzdsos.com/2024/07/16/business-is-booming-six-feet-down-under/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=weekly-posts&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR2T7gTr-7IhF_EN7HniNGWHJuvxzn5vy5RMJW3RrhNMnJoQC1x6y4-TVPY_aem_cC5o2d2gYW8XwmiEfPKNgA

St Apollinaris Apse in Classe, Ravenna

St Apollinaris, Bishop and Martyr, pray for us




  1. Scottie Mackrell23 July 2024 at 15:44

    The TPPA (Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement - ed) gives them all immunity and protection it's all a Corporation and all for the Corporation.

  2. Don't expect eneything from Luxon he's in with Blackrock just like Jacinda he's selling every Kiwi down the drain

    1. Rochelle Ashmore23 July 2024 at 15:46

      bang on ..Luxon is a luciferian and will happily mandate jabs in the nxt plandemic and change laws to suit

  3. Authorities broke all the laws because they made them.
    They control the judiciary.
    Unless the people revolt,
    there'll be no change.

  4. This a-hole Borla from Pfizer is just plain evil.

  5. all condoned from the top down. Legalized genocide! Sickening

  6. Dr John Campbell is very good in his thorough investigation into the statistics of all excess deaths from all over the world due to the unlicensed jab..Pity some people just don’t want to know and continue getting jabbed ,so they won’t get covid..What a laugh…

  7. Sally-Anne Hall23 July 2024 at 16:02

    Disgusting & the Drs & Funeral Directors aren't making a united stand for the people either !!
    All sold out making a kil ling

    1. I think it's pretty obvious that 'Diane' and others who spoke to NZDSOS have not 'sold out' to make 'a killing'.

  8. The politians are all tarred with the same brush and they know it all premeditated murderers

  9. Jonathan Macrae23 July 2024 at 19:42

    During the "COVID Inquiry " there must be an absolute insistence for " Yes or No " answers to those politicians who were involved in the jab rollout as to whether or not there was a prior knowledge of the jab ingredients or the projected contraindications / side effects given that it is now public knowledge of the consequential devastations to people's health ?????

  10. Jaime B Sunnex23 July 2024 at 20:25

    Spanish flu. Polio. There’s been many most people just didn’t know

  11. Agree with you.....

  12. Would Pfizer be legally protected if they signed the deal in bad faith?Knowing the potentially fatal side effects?

  13. Luxon is pathetic
    We have the pandemic rules for the next plandemic

    1. yes these control freaks at the top can't wait to launch the next PLANDEMIC on the world.🤬

    2. these rules (in the NZ Pandemic Plan - ed) are all one sided again. Nothing in there suggests transparency of information from " the only source of truth ". These top loaders think the people have short memories. It will take generations to forget the impact of the past 4 years. We , the people , will make sure of that. The stories will be told and reiterated. People suffered unnecessarily for the greed of a few.

  14. Reti is proud to push the Jab
    I thought briefly we have new blood new ideas. But he is no different
    We in NZ will be the last in the World to stop this BS the way it’s going.
