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The prose and poetry of mystics like John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila and Edith Stein – all informed by the Gospel – is my ‘melody’. The ‘new composition’ is this blog and my indie novel ‘The Age for Love’. To buy my book go to amazon.com or smashwords.com and download to your kindle, iPad, phone or any reading device.
Thursday, 23 November 2023
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"Solidarity for Reiner Fuellmich" (supporters outside his German prison)
Whatever happened to Reiner Fuëllmich? You know, the 'Nuremberg 2' hero who was going to bring those responsible for the most heinous crime in human history - the Covid 'Pandemic' hoax which is killing millions of the jabbed around the world - to justice?
Wouldn't you know it: he's in prison. Kidnapped and flown back to Germany by two Mexican heavies to be charged with embezzlement. Does this sound a teensy bit like dirty work at the crossroads? The mainstream media are quiet as mice about it - which would only serve to support such reasonable suspicion.
It's a story as old as human nature: you want to take someone out, you accuse them of wrongdoing and pay a third party to swear it's true.
As many people know, German lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuëllmich, who had been working on a project known as the “Second Nuremberg,” was arrested on October 12 by German authorities in Mexico where he and his wife had been staying.
Since then there have been two updates from a friend of Fuellmich, Elsa Schieder. The first was on October 16, when she confirmed that following his arrest in Mexico, Dr Fuellmich was flown to Germany and was at that time still in prison.
An announcement had been made on Bittel.tv (in German) by a friend of Fuëllmich, who is now his defence attorney, Dagmar Schoen, which Elsa translated. Source.
16th October Update
“Reiner and his wife lost their passports and visas quite some time ago, and needed to get them replaced. As they have been staying in Mexico, this led to their needing to go to the German embassy in Tijuana, Mexico. The first time they went, on Monday, they needed to come back. Dagmar was already uneasy, but everything seemed all right.
A time was arranged, for Friday, for them to pick up the documents. So the embassy knew exactly when they would be arriving. When they went back on Friday, Reiner’s wife got her documents and was allowed to go. Reiner was arrested. He had nothing with him, only the clothes he was wearing. No toothbrush even.
A warrant for his arrest had been issued in March. A second warrant was issued in May. One was from Germany and the other from the EU. Obviously, he was not informed. As Reiner was in Mexico, which is outside the jurisdiction of the EU, the warrants could not be enforced. So they needed a way to get him onto German soil. Reiner’s needing a new passport and visa gave those who wanted him arrested the perfect opportunity. When he entered the embassy on Friday, there were 6 men waiting to detain him, take him to the airport, and escort him to Germany.
The charges, as Dagmar found out when she had the official papers opened, were 30 pages long – so this was something carefully planned and executed. They related to allegations of one Viviane Fischer, a former team member on the Corona Committee, about financial wrongdoing. “Three people signed the charges against Reiner. Perhaps the craziest aspect of the charges is that the money Reiner allegedly took is in the bank account (or anyway, was in the bank account) of one of those 3 people.”
Latest Update 28th October
By the 28th of October, attorney Dagmar Schoenhad visited Fuëllmich a couple of times since he was imprisoned and claimed that his arrest warrant was “an excellent means of coercion”.
So Reiner was arrested in Frankfurt on October 12 on a warrant dated March 15, this year, ’23, which had been a European arrest warrant since May 24. First it was a normal warrant, and then from end of May it was a European warrant.
“Yes, that was an excellent means of coercion, this arrest warrant. Nevertheless, unfortunately, not enforceable in Mexico since Mexico is not part of the EU.
“And therefore, the enlightened citizen asks himself, how could Reiner Fuëllmich be arrested then? Was he really arrested only in Frankfurt or perhaps already in Tijuana?
“I wish that many first class lawyers, the stars among the international law experts, would engage with this case and send us their analysis. This case must cause concern among all lawyers worldwide.
“Mr. and Mrs. Fuellmich had lost their German passports. They had reported this to the consulate in Tijuana and applied for new passports with a new visa. On October 12, they were registered at the consulate to pick up their new temporary passports and visas.
“The consul himself wanted to receive them at the airport. However, it was not the consul who was waiting at the airport, but six officials from the Mexican Immigration office who were only looking for Reiner Fuëllmich, and took him in. After that, there was no escape.
”He found himself in state custody. The only question is, which state? It may be that the obvious answer to this is not the right one at all. This is a question that many experts in international law should look at very closely. Which state was acting here?
“Normally, no one is expelled from Mexico because they no longer have a valid visa, especially if they didn’t have one because their passports had been lost, and they had just applied for and were supposed to get a new one. It was the case with Mrs. Fuëllmich. She got visa and passport without any problems. She could stay in the country and was not taken into custody.
“Reiner Fuëllich was first flown to New Mexico, and from there by Lufthansa to Frankfurt. There, he was met by the German police upon landing. And one day later on October 13 the grounds for this action, the European arrest warrant, was disclosed to him. His two lawyers, Katja Woermer from Essen and I from Munich, both were present.
Reiner was accompanied on the flight from Mexico to Germany by two Mexicans, one of whom spoke English. Reiner asked him… (He’s a person who talks with everyone you know. You know him.) And asked him, who actually pays for these flights because that was quite a costly action which was taken here. You know, three flights from Mexico to Germany and then two flights back for the two Mexicans. The answer, one could guess, was Germany. Germany has paid for these flights.
“The question for the experts of international law is, therefore, could there be a legal basis for the actions of the German public prosecutor’s office in Göttingen? Is it the determined state for such an action or was it an illegal kidnapping, as some international articles have already suggested?
“The public prosecutors office in Göttingen based his arrest warrant on a criminal complaint filed by three young Berlin lawyers, two of whom were even members of the Corona Committee — had been…”
"Thank you for your work on the Corona Committee"
[…]”…This criminal complaint is 30 pages long and is indeed a remarkable piece of writing, but not because of its legal brilliance. Prosecutors to whom we gave it to read were surprised that an investigation had been initiated at all on the basis of this document and the accusations formulated in it — other prosecutors told us.
“These facts also fueled a suspicion Reiner Fuëllmich’s arrest may have been motivated by political, rather than legal, considerations.
“We need international support through articles, legal analysis and also financial support. In fact, the money that Reiner Fuëllmich is accused of collecting is not with him but, hard to believe, with the person who filed a criminal complaint — at least, with one of them. Because over one million euros were transferred to his account, which actually had to be transferred to an account of Reiner Fuëllmich. There he should have been transferred to, but he somehow managed that it was transferred to his account. It’s a bit [of] a complicated thing. So this is not easy to explain in this situation.
“The criminal complaint is dated on September 2, 2022. September 2, 2022 was exactly the day on which Viviane Fischer, together with Wolfgang Wodarg, announced Reiner’s departure from the Corona Committee, into the camera, allegedly because of financial irregularities.
“So it was 30 pages long, this complaint. That means nobody could write this in one day, so they have probably worked on it for several weeks already. So communicating with Reiner and, behind his back, they were planning his execution. It’s amazing.
“And all people who somehow he still considered as friends. Anyone who has watched the Corona Committee since 2020 could see that Reiner Fuëllmich did 90% of the work here. Because during this time he also created a network of international lawyers and initiated various class actions.
“If he had billed his legal work, which he certainly could have done, he would probably have been entitled to far more than the 700,000 euros that he’s now being accused of being illegally collected by him.
“Everyone who knows Reiner knows that his work is not about money and fame. He received a lot of letters in which people confirmed that he has saved their lives — actually really their lives — with the Corona Committee during the Corona measures. And it’s really what we should keep in mind.
“This one person wrote in a comment, I think it was on the Bittel broadcast. ‘Reiner carried us through dark times. Now we carry Reiner.’
“I hope that many people hear this and follow it.” Dagmar takes questions from the participants. (See video.)
Dagmar concludes:
[…] “…It’s true they have been very jealous of him because he has this energy and this power, and this ability to connect with so many people. “And still to be so precise and clear. And that you can feel his heart. You can feel that he’s a real person… “…If a real person talks then our hearts open because that’s the heart-to-heart connection that happens then.”
While this case is ongoing, you can send a message to Reiner via Dagmar: rainschoen@kanzlei-schoen.de
I hope he’s ok & doesn’t get ‘suicided’. I watched the whole ICC court proceedings at the start of the cv bullshit. It was absolutely fascinating. The expert witnesses were amazing. Reiner did a great job.
I was concerned to read recently Reiner supported the Maori claim to sovereignty in forming their own govt, did anyone else hear about that!? His arrest by all accounts is true. https://www.globalresearch.ca/free-reiner.../5836797...
yes, but I understand the proceedings were conducted as a prerequisite to getting to the ICC. Not the actual court hearing itself. So once they got to the ICC then they would already have the expert testimonies lined up & ready to go….
true… hopefully if/when he’s released more will happen. Regardless, as time goes on and more comes to light the testimonies & interviews will be extremely helpful. Assuming of course the bad guys get made accountable! Which is anybodies guess.
Was on their home page for ages, and he has written about it. I'm off him. https://www.europereloaded.com/fuellmich-goes-to-bat-for.../ Fuellmich Goes to Bat for the NZ Maoris, a Legally Sovereign People [VIDEO] - Europe Reloaded EUROPERELOADED.COM
i also read about that but my first thought was that he was getting that information from the wrong people - in other words, the so called self-appointed iwi who are getting all the perks whilst the maori people themselves get nothing.
there's a few brief video on Youtube with so called experts explaining it... Mickey mouse court rules and understandings,... It's set up though not sure how and what jurisdiction it has.
You CANNOT stop KARMA.. Karma is an Invisible express train coming upon those entitled smug and evil hiders of the TRUTH.. REINER will be freed and his captors will be punished beyond Human Law.. Karma will also take care of Paddy Gower, Dr Brian Betty, Siouxsie Wiles, Ashley Bloomfield, Jacinda and co too.SOON.. Next yeAR Mr Potato-head, Chris luxon and his stooges will try to shame anyone who wont get the 'POISON JAB" They will require the AI Police to help them.. DO NOT BE AFRAID.. KARMA WILL PROTECT YOU WHO WERE COURAGEOUS ENOUGH TO RESIST...
Well you only need look at what happened to Julian Assange shortly before the Scamdemic to realise how corrupt the global forces that be are and who are really pulling the strings on the news spin that reaches us about such people.
They ensnare the minds of the people, feeding them with toxic, manipulative, lying bulls..t and they lap it up like little sheep who bleat their slogans in unison like 'safe and effective' and 'be kind'. I think I'll just keep playing unbemused forest wolf slyly watching the farmer with his shepherding dogs from outside the paddocks.
Maori is a term which refers to people who live, trade and call NZ home it has been misused to describe a group of people - we are all Maori - do t believe me go do thorough research - just like african is from Africa Maori describes the same - so when he Supported that claim he supported all that live and trade and call NZ home -be careful, people be careful, they use language against us daily. We need to delve in and find the deeper meanings to all words as they use these words against us constantly be awake people. Keep your eyes wide open
I have two misgivings about Fuëllmich in recent months.
When his bid to bring the case against the whole jabby thing failed to materialize in the International Law court he then sought to create a mock trial and try the people involved in their absence. It had a measure of success in terms of raising awareness around the issues, and support for the No Mandate movement, but no official recognition. The first red flag for me was when he had a falling out with fellow lawyer Viviane Fischer who had been with the group since the early days as far as I can tell. She claimed he had sunk all or a major part of the money they had raised for the legal challenge to the vaccine rollout into his house, and from memory it was a unilateral decision without consultation of the team. He retorted he'd done this to protect those funds because "they" the authorities I'd suppose were coming after them. True or not, it does raise a Red Flag. Secondly, after failing to bring a case before an international tribunal he turned to other avenues, other venues which might be willing to hear the complaint.
Kerry Campbell cont: The first requirement to get any case heard is to - at least in sufficient measure - give enough preliminary evidence for the seriousness of the case to warrant it being heard in an official court in the first place. Remember that it seems there are only two possibilities that would bring about the refusal to hear a case - the court deems you don't have enough of a case to bring about any sort of conviction or satisfaction, and second the possibility is the courts are corrupt, or at least in that regard have such a bias that such a case couldn't be heard fairly, and it gets summarily dismissed. So, failing a hearing in an international court what did Reiner Fuëllmich do? He set up his own tribunal - as mentioned above. But this, while having the appearance of a genuine court, was really mere theatre for the benefit of those who agree with the claims. Other than that it has no official capacity nor any real credibility with any government court system. Since that time, and still looking for a way to build that credibility that is so desperately needed to bring an official decision on the whole pandemic affair, Fuëllmich has now thrown his lot in with an "alternative" government. Yes Fuëllmich is now endeavouring to get the credibility and so called offficial recognition of the need for this case to be heard by associating with the He Whakaputanga movement in New Zealand.
Kerry Campbell cont: This is the other red flag, for me of monstrous implications. You cannot get credibility for a case, by going to a defacto government. It must be a real court and a real government to get real results in a real world scenario. To employ this tactic rather than give credibility to the pandemic case, in my view it seriously undermines it. Why? Because He Whakaputanga doesn't have a case itself, it doesn't have credibility as a government. And therefore it has no legitimate court in which to convene a case. Even a legitimate case. He Whakaputanga - the Maori sovereignty movement was initiated when Maori commercial interests - which even before the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840 were significant, like shipping - needed protection from marauding nations that without a national flag, could legally seize their ships as pirate ships and confiscate everything. So that set the stage for the signing of in 1835, the Declaration of the Independence of New Zealand which proclaimed the sovereign independence of New Zealand. Initially it was more of a commercial decision than for reasons of a truly united and independent sense of nationhood.
Kerry Campbell cont: Nevertheless it served the purpose of recognition more or less of an independent New Zealand, but eventually served an even bigger purpose. As far as I remember, the exact same chiefs involved in signing the 1835 declaration, were the first to sign the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi which made New Zealand a protectorate of Great Britain. So the first signing declaring independence in 1835 gave those chiefs sufficient official recognition, to make their subsequent signing of the Treaty of Waitangi have enough weight and official acknowledgement to warrant that their signing of the Treaty of Waitangi was genuinely and credibly in an official capacity on behalf of all Maori. This includes even those who at the time didn't wish to sign, in much the same way we don't agree with some things our government officials do, but nevertheless agree they have the official capacity to do them. So the upshot of this in a brief timeline of events, New Zealand was - before 1831 - a haphazardly arranged group of tribes with no semblance of a national presence or united national group, or even some would say, without a national identity. Then that all changed when Europeans came, and quick to take up opportunities, Maori national and international commerce commenced among the Maori people. This commerce required an official capacity, thus an official "Independent" flag was flown to protect their shipping. New Zealand gained independence. However this proved not to be enough security for Maori, both for problems within the land and in their relations outside. There needed to be laws governing the relations between Maori and settlers, as well as security from for example French overtones of colonization or conquest which was taken seriously by Maori. In answer to this, Maori gave up their recently realized independence, and became a dependent of Great Britain. Which therefore abrogated their earlier stance on independence and therefore annuls any claim to an independent Maori government today. For Fuëllmich to consider enlisting a so-called Maori government "court" to hear his case, is not only an affront to the genuine case to be heard on behalf of all those that have suffered as a result of measures taken regarding the pandemic, it does New Zealanders a disservice attempting to propose that New Zealand hosts two competing governments in the same land.
Fortunately someone has exhausted all of their resources.... So they are desperate... https://www.bitchute.com/video/hSrt5UNmXzCX/ BLUEBERRY HILL - VLADIMIR PUTIN BITCHUTE.COM
They only used embezzlement because a sexual assault accusation would come under too much scrutiny since they have over used that card recently on other truth tellers like Russell Brand, Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk and Donal Trump. Not to mention historically on a man who is still newsworthy, Julian Assange.
The same thing, but different has happened in New Zealand to Free Graham Philip & he is stashed away out of sight with no way to get free. Absolute silence from our media.
The current model of historic sex offenses’ seems to work exceptionally well, destroy the poor victim’s reputation and take them out of circulation - Elon Musk has been attacked constantly by MSM simply bcos he bought Twitter a platform staffed by 98.5% Democrat donors, it’s disgusting partisan corrupt practice, CNN are overjoyed advertisers are leaving as a result of their bent as a banana fake reportage
So now it's out in the open he made no secret of bringing all these criminals to justice only to have this bulls..t happen to him. I'm sure he's a smart man and wiii have a backup plan. The nuremburg code is still law in NZ. Ardern was on his list. Oh and a lot more, The swamp will get cleaned one way or another.
The dirty b......ds 🤬 I hate their guts. Reiner had these evil murdering losers by the balls, he'd found a place of hope here in NZ to take them down legally under Tikanga law which is not subject to any law in the world. Sound like s..t? Then move on or do your research just like Reiner and his international team of 100 lawyers from all over the globe working for free to take these bastards out. They'd win their case but soon realized it was just so it'd be appealed until it reached the highest courts and Reiner's team would lose and be unable to appeal. His team heard about the 1835 Declaration of Independence, closely went over it and confirmed its power of sovereignty.
I was asking someone the other day if that story was true and where he is now.
ReplyDeleteWe need to look into this -something has a bad odour & it's not the doctor .
ReplyDeleteYeah - funny that eh 😡😡😡
ReplyDeleteThe federal postal court judge Mark-kishon Christopher also held in custody. Work it out
ReplyDeleteI hope he’s ok & doesn’t get ‘suicided’. I watched the whole ICC court proceedings at the start of the cv bullshit. It was absolutely fascinating. The expert witnesses were amazing. Reiner did a great job.
ReplyDeleteI agree it was very good. Problem is it was never in the ICC, which I found out later
DeleteI was concerned to read recently Reiner supported the Maori claim to sovereignty in forming their own govt, did anyone else hear about that!?
ReplyDeleteHis arrest by all accounts is true.
yes, but I understand the proceedings were conducted as a prerequisite to getting to the ICC. Not the actual court hearing itself. So once they got to the ICC then they would already have the expert testimonies lined up & ready to go….
DeleteOK MAYBE, but nothing afaik appears to be happening in that regard TO Reiner filing a case with the ICC.
Deletetrue… hopefully if/when he’s released more will happen. Regardless, as time goes on and more comes to light the testimonies & interviews will be extremely helpful. Assuming of course the bad guys get made accountable! Which is anybodies guess.
DeleteHe supported the maori claim to sovereignty???
ReplyDeleteThen I for one have no interest in him.
Was on their home page for ages, and he has written about it. I'm off him. https://www.europereloaded.com/fuellmich-goes-to-bat-for.../
DeleteFuellmich Goes to Bat for the NZ Maoris, a Legally Sovereign People [VIDEO] - Europe Reloaded
i also read about that but my first thought was that he was getting that information from the wrong people - in other words, the so called self-appointed iwi who are getting all the perks whilst the maori people themselves get nothing.
Deleteyes it appears it's possible he was ambushed but idk. He is a lawyer and there are always 2 sides to every story.
Deletehe was told that Maori already had a seperate judicial system and he talked abouti bringing international claims here under indigenous rights
DeleteWakaminenga Maori Government – The de jure ... https://govt.maori.nz/
Deleteoverall I think it a bad idea and would cause more problems than solving any.
Deletethere's a few brief video on Youtube with so called experts explaining it... Mickey mouse court rules and understandings,... It's set up though not sure how and what jurisdiction it has.
DeleteYou CANNOT stop KARMA.. Karma is an Invisible express train coming upon those entitled smug and evil hiders of the TRUTH.. REINER will be freed and his captors will be punished beyond Human Law.. Karma will also take care of Paddy Gower, Dr Brian Betty, Siouxsie Wiles, Ashley Bloomfield, Jacinda and co too.SOON.. Next yeAR Mr Potato-head, Chris luxon and his stooges will try to shame anyone who wont get the 'POISON JAB" They will require the AI Police to help them.. DO NOT BE AFRAID.. KARMA WILL PROTECT YOU WHO WERE COURAGEOUS ENOUGH TO RESIST...
DeleteI wouldnt be surprised if he ends up like Epstein but I'm praying he doesn't.
DeleteWell you only need look at what happened to Julian Assange shortly before the Scamdemic to realise how corrupt the global forces that be are and who are really pulling the strings on the news spin that reaches us about such people.
ReplyDeleteTruly we are ruled over by criminals, the scum of the earth.
DeleteThey ensnare the minds of the people, feeding them with toxic, manipulative, lying bulls..t and they lap it up like little sheep who bleat their slogans in unison like 'safe and effective' and 'be kind'. I think I'll just keep playing unbemused forest wolf slyly watching the farmer with his shepherding dogs from outside the paddocks.
DeleteJust awful.
ReplyDeleteJust like what they have done, and continue to do, to DONALD TRUMP.
They are frightened of him because THEY CANNOT BUY HIM.
cant stump the trump
DeleteMaori is a term which refers to people who live, trade and call NZ home it has been misused to describe a group of people - we are all Maori - do t believe me go do thorough research - just like african is from Africa Maori describes the same - so when he
DeleteSupported that claim he supported all that live and trade and call NZ home -be careful, people be careful, they use language against us daily. We need to delve in and find the deeper meanings to all words as they use these words against us constantly be awake people. Keep your eyes wide open
I have two misgivings about Fuëllmich in recent months.
ReplyDeleteWhen his bid to bring the case against the whole jabby thing failed to materialize in the International Law court he then sought to create a mock trial and try the people involved in their absence. It had a measure of success in terms of raising awareness around the issues, and support for the No Mandate movement, but no official recognition.
The first red flag for me was when he had a falling out with fellow lawyer
Viviane Fischer who had been with the group since the early days as far as I can tell. She claimed he had sunk all or a major part of the money they had raised for the legal challenge to the vaccine rollout into his house, and from memory it was a unilateral decision without consultation of the team. He retorted he'd done this to protect those funds because "they" the authorities I'd suppose were coming after them.
True or not, it does raise a Red Flag.
Secondly, after failing to bring a case before an international tribunal he turned to other avenues, other venues which might be willing to hear the complaint.
Kerry Campbell cont:
DeleteThe first requirement to get any case heard is to - at least in sufficient measure - give enough preliminary evidence for the seriousness of the case to warrant it being heard in an official court in the first place. Remember that it seems there are only two possibilities that would bring about the refusal to hear a case - the court deems you don't have enough of a case to bring about any sort of conviction or satisfaction, and second the possibility is the courts are corrupt, or at least in that regard have such a bias that such a case couldn't be heard fairly, and it gets summarily dismissed.
So, failing a hearing in an international court what did Reiner Fuëllmich do?
He set up his own tribunal - as mentioned above. But this, while having the appearance of a genuine court, was really mere theatre for the benefit of those who agree with the claims. Other than that it has no official capacity nor any real credibility with any government court system.
Since that time, and still looking for a way to build that credibility that is so desperately needed to bring an official decision on the whole pandemic affair, Fuëllmich has now thrown his lot in with an "alternative" government. Yes Fuëllmich is now endeavouring to get the credibility and so called offficial recognition of the need for this case to be heard by associating with the He Whakaputanga movement in New Zealand.
Kerry Campbell cont:
ReplyDeleteThis is the other red flag, for me of monstrous implications. You cannot get credibility for a case, by going to a defacto government. It must be a real court and a real government to get real results in a real world scenario. To employ this tactic rather than give credibility to the pandemic case, in my view it seriously undermines it.
Because He Whakaputanga doesn't have a case itself, it doesn't have credibility as a government. And therefore it has no legitimate court in which to convene a case. Even a legitimate case.
He Whakaputanga - the Maori sovereignty movement was initiated when Maori commercial interests - which even before the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840 were significant, like shipping - needed protection from marauding nations that without a national flag, could legally seize their ships as pirate ships and confiscate everything.
So that set the stage for the signing of in 1835, the Declaration of the Independence of New Zealand which proclaimed the sovereign independence of New Zealand. Initially it was more of a commercial decision than for reasons of a truly united and independent sense of nationhood.
Kerry Campbell cont:
ReplyDeleteNevertheless it served the purpose of recognition more or less of an independent New Zealand, but eventually served an even bigger purpose.
As far as I remember, the exact same chiefs involved in signing the 1835 declaration, were the first to sign the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi which made New Zealand a protectorate of Great Britain.
So the first signing declaring independence in 1835 gave those chiefs sufficient official recognition, to make their subsequent signing of the Treaty of Waitangi have enough weight and official acknowledgement to warrant that their signing of the Treaty of Waitangi was genuinely and credibly in an official capacity on behalf of all Maori.
This includes even those who at the time didn't wish to sign, in much the same way we don't agree with some things our government officials do, but nevertheless agree they have the official capacity to do them.
So the upshot of this in a brief timeline of events, New Zealand was - before 1831 - a haphazardly arranged group of tribes with no semblance of a national presence or united national group, or even some would say, without a national identity. Then that all changed when Europeans came, and quick to take up opportunities, Maori national and international commerce commenced among the Maori people.
This commerce required an official capacity, thus an official "Independent" flag was flown to protect their shipping. New Zealand gained independence.
However this proved not to be enough security for Maori, both for problems within the land and in their relations outside. There needed to be laws governing the relations between Maori and settlers, as well as security from for example French overtones of colonization or conquest which was taken seriously by Maori.
In answer to this, Maori gave up their recently realized independence, and became a dependent of Great Britain.
Which therefore abrogated their earlier stance on independence and therefore annuls any claim to an independent Maori government today.
For Fuëllmich to consider enlisting a so-called Maori government "court" to hear his case, is not only an affront to the genuine case to be heard on behalf of all those that have suffered as a result of measures taken regarding the pandemic, it does New Zealanders a disservice attempting to propose that New Zealand hosts two competing governments in the same land.
Yes the D/S Cabal were getting worried, it’s what happens when people pose a threat to their illegal global coup.
ReplyDeleteI hope someone is working to get him out
ReplyDeleteAnother Julian Assange..
ReplyDeleteFortunately someone has exhausted all of their resources....
ReplyDeleteSo they are desperate...
They only used embezzlement because a sexual assault accusation would come under too much scrutiny since they have over used that card recently on other truth tellers like Russell Brand, Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk and Donal Trump.
ReplyDeleteNot to mention historically on a man who is still newsworthy, Julian Assange.
The same thing, but different has happened in New Zealand to
ReplyDeleteFree Graham Philip & he is stashed away out of sight with no way to get free.
Absolute silence from our media.
Serious stuff to be kept a watch on.
ReplyDeleteThe current model of historic sex offenses’ seems to work exceptionally well, destroy the poor victim’s reputation and take them out of circulation - Elon Musk has been attacked constantly by MSM simply bcos he bought Twitter a platform staffed by 98.5% Democrat donors, it’s disgusting partisan corrupt practice, CNN are overjoyed advertisers are leaving as a result of their bent as a banana fake reportage
ReplyDeleteSo now it's out in the open he made no secret of bringing all these criminals to justice only to have this bulls..t happen to him.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure he's a smart man and wiii have a backup plan.
The nuremburg code is still law in NZ. Ardern was on his list.
Oh and a lot more, The swamp will get cleaned one way or another.
The dirty b......ds 🤬 I hate their guts. Reiner had these evil murdering losers by the balls, he'd found a place of hope here in NZ to take them down legally under Tikanga law which is not subject to any law in the world. Sound like s..t? Then move on or do your research just like Reiner and his international team of 100 lawyers from all over the globe working for free to take these bastards out. They'd win their case but soon realized it was just so it'd be appealed until it reached the highest courts and Reiner's team would lose and be unable to appeal. His team heard about the 1835 Declaration of Independence, closely went over it and confirmed its power of sovereignty.
ReplyDeleteWhen people find out how deep this goes, there will be chaos...
ReplyDeleteI just put on an video clip from his Wifes first interview..... love and light ...