Monday 13 November 2023


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Yes. Let's talk about it, Jacinda


How many Kiwis have suffered ill effects, injuries, illness or have died as a result of the Covid v*ccine? Are there any who don't know at least one of these unfortunate individuals whose health has been damaged or even ruined by government diktat? But how many realise that Medsafe stopped reporting adverse reactions in 2022

Just like that. As adverse reactions to the jab started to show up, it slowly dawned on the Health Department oh, so sorry, Te Whatu Ora - or should that be the Department of Sick - and its egghead 'experts' that they had made a massive, dreadful blunder; so they stopped talking about it. You know, least said, soonest mended. 

But it's not mended. Countless lives have been broken or even finished because these medicos and bureaucrats naively believed what they were told by evil globalists who intend to feather their own nests by decimating the world's population. People like Ardern, Bloomfield and Baker and their MSM support group need their noses rubbed in their own mess, and New Zealand needs the people suffering from this poisoned potion to tell us all, publicly, the harm they have done.

Thank God, Kiwis have New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) - men and women of integrity and determination - to ensure that these stories will be told. Please help by telling them your own. Here are just five others to be going on with.

Stories of vaccine injury have been kept silent, deleted from social media and the data unpublished.

But no more.

Real people are being hurt and their stories need to be heard.

Raise awareness and fundraise for the treatment of vaccine-injured Kiwis.

Tell your own story on


“I took two doses of it in 2020, not really understanding what I was doing.”

Isaac felt conflicted about getting the vax. Caught in the middle of two families with complete opposite views on the situation but wanting to protect his diabetic younger brother who he thought was at risk, he chose to get two injections hoping to get on with representative rugby at school and life as an 18-year old with his entire future ahead.

After receiving the first dose, he took to bed for three days with swollen glands under his arms and a raging temperature. 

Then after his second dose, blood blisters appeared on the top of his feet. His passion for rugby started to wane as after each game his feet became infected. Mosquito bites became infected and wouldn’t heal, and a lumpy rash appeared all over his chest. The excruciating itching he felt all over over his body prevented him from getting any proper sleep. 

But when he presented to his family doctor, he was told he had eczema and that his shoes were too tight.

A bad chest infection and pneumonia sent him to the Health Helpline, where he received ivermectin. His rash disappeared and he was able to return to rugby, the gym, and work.

However, Isaac still deals with immune system damage, a consequence that may follow him for the rest of his life.

“I’ve decided that I’ll never take another vaccine in my life ever again.”



“Like others my age, I feel very let down by the government who mandated my job and then did not care when I was injured.”

Three days after her second injection, a Christmas shopping trip with her mother was abruptly halted when she felt intense chest pain, dizziness and she nearly blacked out. She was rushed to the GP, as it was closer than the hospital, where she underwent an ECG and then sent home without medication. 

Her blood test results were abnormal, and even the slightest stress would trigger heart palpitations, chest pain and shortness of breath. Her heart still races for no reason, at times surging to a staggering 172 bpm in an instant. 

Emily received a diagnosis of myocarditis, but her GP would not definitively link it to the vaccine. In fact, she felt gas-lit by many GPs and health services, telling her it couldn’t be the injection that was causing these issues.

More diagnoses followed, including pericarditis and auto-immune disease. She was referred to a cardiologist but she had to wait 14 months before her appointment.

Throughout her ordeal, Emily tried to get help from the government but no MPs were willing to step up.

Since December 2021, Emily’s list of symptoms continues to grow: arrhythmia, shortness of breath, racing heart, severe fatigue, brain fog, high blood pressure, elevated troponins, elevated d-dimer, and swelling in her hands, feet and face.

She still can’t exert herself much, or go to the gym like she previously did. She even lost friends who accused her of being anti-vax when she wasn’t. The repercussions on her young life are incalculable.

“It’s been very hard to have no money and no life.”

A Facebook group directed her to NZDSOS, which started her on the path to regaining her health.

“I believe the care from NZDSOS’s team and the medical treatments they prescribed and their ability to think outside the square is what has helped me make progress.”


Talk about sickening ...


“There were days when I thought I was going to die, and there were days when I wanted to die because I didn’t feel like living.”

Unfortunately, it can be a single shot that can damage a life as seen in Charlotte’s story.

Charlotte took the covid jab because she felt coerced into it. As part of the interview process for a new job as a recovery facilitator in mental health and addiction, one requirement meant being vaccinated. Despite her intuition alerting her that it would not have a good outcome, she complied for the sake of her livelihood.

Unfortunately, she reacted very badly to the shot. 

With unbearable pain down her left arm, she went to her GP and ED several times, not knowing if her symptoms meant she was going to have a heart attack, stroke, or both. She was transferred from Hawera Hospital to New Plymouth Hospital with no resolution or answers, leaving her feeling at wits’ end.

The doctors did not do anything to help Charlotte and her condition worsened. With her symptoms becoming increasingly unbearable, she went from being a vibrant, healthy individual to questioning whether she could live.

“There were days when I thought I was going to die, and there were days when I wanted to die because I didn’t feel like living.”

Further diagnoses included POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), anxiety, chronic fatigue, low blood pressure, dehydration and migraine. 

She also received a diagnosis of myocarditis from NZDSOS clinic, where she feels the treatment she received have saved her life.

“If it wasn’t for NZDSOS, I don’t [know] where I would be. NZDSOS have been a lifesaver for me.”


There was no support from my doctor, the government or any specialist.”

Mariya took full advantage of lockdown and increased her exercise regime. Self-described as reasonably healthy at 46, she followed the government’s advice and took the injection.

Pressure headaches, brain fog, and unclear vision started one week after the second jab. 

“I was very scared, not knowing what was going [on] with me as I had never experienced these symptoms before. There was no support from my doctor, the government or any specialist.”

Feeling alone and suffering both mentally and physically, she took a friend’s advice to contact the Health Helpline where she saw Dr Emma Sandford. 

“She was the first person who understood what I was going through and she made a plan [on] how to get better. She had a conventional medicine and holistic approach combined which was the best treatment I could ever [have]. My symptoms improved.”

Administering the jab to the old and infirm: it looks fiendish and it is



“I now have to live with the consequences of the jabs.”

With family concerns guiding her decision, Ruth got two injections three weeks apart so she could travel. With terrible irony, the travel was to visit her daughter in the UK who had suffered a small stroke two weeks after her own jab. 

Within weeks, intense and debilitating pain and inflammation appeared in her right knee. Over the next six months, the pain and inflammation progressed down into her ankle, then foot. It took 16 acupuncture treatments to clear it up and be able to walk again. In addition, she felt breathless walking the shortest of distances and put it down to being unfit from the inactivity of the last half year.

While waiting for spirometry to address shortness of breath, she contacted NZDSOS’s Health Helpline. 

“From my first consultation with [Dr. Emma Sandford], she was so professional, knowledgeable and eager to help with this and my other health problems. I found the fact that she is a qualified doctor, naturopath and herbalist put her in the perfect position to give me the help I had failed to receive from my GP.”

Ruth’s diagnosis of bronchiectasis was an unexpected blow since she’d previously never had respiratory problems in her life. 

“I now have to live with the consequences of the jabs, which is shortness of breath on even the slightest exertion, which has had a major impact on just about every aspect of my life.”

A common thread that we have constantly heard from the injured is that they felt alone in what they were going through. Unacknowledged by mainstream medicine, gas-lit by authority figures to doubt their own experiences, and dismissed out of hand.

No one should be alone in this journey, and that’s why every vaccine injury story needs to be heard. The stories are a testament to the challenges faced by individuals who experience adverse reactions, and the uphill battle they often face in seeking recognition, support, and healing. 

NZDSOS will not allow the vaccine injured to be swept under the carpet. We need to hear their stories because lives can be improved when we stop the silence.

If you would like to speak out about your vaccine injury, or injuries suffered from the mandates in general (whether or not you’re vaccinated), we welcome your story. At you can submit your video or written story so that the population is never harmed to this extent ever again.

As Charlotte asserts, “If it wasn’t for you [NZDSOS], many of us who are vaccine injured would be in serious trouble or not even be here.”

Share Your Story.

Sharing our stories can lend strength to others and is an important step towards healing. If you would like to share your experience navigating covid vaccine mandates (whether you took the vax or not), visit and submit your story in either written or video format. Your story can heal, inspire, and empower. 

All you holy saints of the Order of St Benedict, please pray for us


  1. Jacqueline Dollard13 November 2023 at 12:33

    That was really shitty when her office - & her- deleted that post. So many comments sharing stories. And then acted like she didn’t understand why people were protesting. I’ve never seen someone other than Trudeau carry on in such delusional manner. She was rewarded well. Loathesome.

  2. Lets not forget the journalists when the firing squad loads up.

    1. I refer in the post to 'Ardern, Bloomfield, Baker and their MSM support group'.

  3. Teresa Taumau Van Kuylenburg13 November 2023 at 12:37

    Teresa Taumau Van Kuylenburg
    Te Whatu Ora along side Ardern, Bloomfield and the rest. They all need to be arrested brought to trial and face the death penalty for the criminals; that they are. 💩💩💩

    1. they should be made to work FOR those injured and provide assistance, unpaid, 24/7 for the rest of their miserable lives

    2. 👏👏 yes indeed and mandatory for them to wipe 10 people's a$$ 3 times a day is also befitting as 'extra duties' since they're familiar with crap they dished out

    3. but no one would trust the murdering pigs for that job

  4. Youre completely wrong, i know at least 500 people that have had the vaccine, not one adverse reaction or health issues. You need to get out of the rabbithole of misinformation.

    1. Please listen to Dr Aseem Malhotra, a British cardiologist who is very well informed about the cardiac damage caused by the Covid jab. Dr Malhotra recently came to N.Z. and I had the privilege of hearing him.
      Some of us may not know people who have been jab injured or died (after the Covid jab), however Dr Malhotra practising evidence based medicine and can see the tragic cardiac injured patients on a daily basis.

    2. Yes indeed. My husband is among the cardiac injured.

    3. I had an adverse reaction to my covid vaccination. That's fact not misinformation. No one was interested in my experience at all.
      There was a negative effect on my heart so had I died they would have said age related heart attack. It has never properly recovered.

    4. and we accept a few people had issues but the rubbish spouted has been overblown, thats the issue i have, the lies over the vax. No vaccine is 100% effective or safe, but given the billions of doses given its not bad

    5. a person can only judge from their own experience really and from their close friends as well. There is a perception amongst folk of being sold a lemon.
      I will never be pushed again going forward. I will literally have to know people dying to listen again. I remain unmoved by your words sorry.

    6. and there it is, as usual

    7. Personal Freedom is my right. It is certainly there again, as usual.
      You do as you please too, which is your right as well.

    8. I know six people (3 family) with adverse reactions and one of them died so suggest you take your blinkers off and stop believing the bs that is shoved down our throats at every opportunity… & effective is all lies.

    9. Lorraine Littleton14 November 2023 at 17:17

      I also know people who died from the vax within days, weeks, months of getting vaxxed. I also know people who are suffering today who got vaxxed. The DEATH RATE of blood clotting deaths let alone generally has spiked gregarious, beyond anything witnessed in history. It's like a wave has contaminated the world. AND the majority are vaxxed! So yip, I don't know how you were involved in distributing this killer vax but I thank God people like myself refused to take it...

  5. Medical Abuse Gynaecology New Zealand13 November 2023 at 12:44

    Medical Abuse Gynaecology New Zealand
    They do not stop barbaric gynaecologist procedures either.
    They want everyone dead.

  6. And they are still pushing it ?
    They are not health officials trying to maintain good health standards
    They are monsters who ALL need to be exposed and held to account before they hurt anyone else

  7. Better still if it's done in their prison cells.

  8. What ever happened to the list of people who reported on Cindy's page their injuries or loss of family member
    She asked people to let her know and got hit with I think 22,000 in the first few hrs
    Her minions deleted many as fast as poss but the post had to be taken down.
    But no word about it afterwards.

  9. Wouldnt it be awesome to rub their noses in their own s..t.

  10. A woman never ever to be trusted!

  11. Ardern promised it was safe, she was P.M. why is she not in jail?

  12. What about insurance brokers involved in all the claims...

  13. Criminals (poster image of Ardern, Hipkins, Bloomfield and Wiles).

    1. would be good to make into a poster to put up around the might wake up lots of sleeping people!

  14. I won’t forget Luxon’s statement at the debate when asked if the vaccine injured should be compensated.

    1. tried to warn people this "admirer of K laus" is worse than the last.

    2. Dead right, he is.

    3. Duncan Belmont Takao13 November 2023 at 13:27

      luxons, lower case L, on the night of the debate is guilty of knowingly expressing comments that were in my opinion damaging to all vaccine injured there families and this Nation of 5 million. It's unfortunate that this criminal speaks on our behalf
      Especially on the international platform provided by this position. it's clear that the local issues of concern at home far exceed his pay grade and I for one do not agree with the electoral commissions fraudulent behavior concerning allowing the use of video surveillance in shopping malls and store's. Ma Te wa..

  15. It was never a blunder. All planned. Some of us didn't buy the narrative

  16. As an asthmatic regular gym work is important, when the gyms closed during lockdowns i couldnt go and in one year I became fairly ill with asthma and an ongoing cough which I still have, i was really fit and healthy before the lockdowns started now im not. All my covid tests were negative.

  17. Debi Lockhart PLUS WHERE IS LIZ HIDING?

    1. Fact checkers. Really! You do know who pays the Factcheckers, right?

    2. where is Liz? where is this proof? why do you listen to conspiracy theorists? where are all the families of all these so called vax injured? where is the PROOF?????

    3. The proof is all around us in real time. Open your eyes. Explain the massive increase in excess deaths all over the world in the last two years, since Covid. Explain why young fit people are dropping dead. Explain the increase in Myocarditis and Pericarditis. Explain why so many jabbed are getting sick and dying 'suddenly'. Explain why it's generally only the jabbed who are getting 'Long Covid'. Explain why the unjabbed got Covid once and don't seem to get it again. Explain why these jabs were mandated when they KNEW they did not stop transmission or prevent you from getting Covid. Explain the increase in Shingles, blood clots, heart issues, immune-related issues.

    4. Janet Marshall Fox Blackwell/13 November 2023 at 17:06

      Janet Marshall Fox Blackwell

    5. Soooooo true hundreds died they admit two died from clot shot

    6. ther will be more proof soon their day is commin

    7. Janet Marshall Fox Blackwell - Not NZ

    8. Janet Marshall Fox Blackwell13 November 2023 at 17:21

      Have you watched it? NZ is there, in all it's glorious 10% + excess deaths.

    9. Debi Lockhart, tThe proof is all around us in real time. Open your eyes. Explain the massive increase in excess deaths all over the world in the last two years, since Covid. Explain why young fit people are dropping dead. Explain the increase in Myocarditis and Pericarditis. Explain why so many jabbed are getting sick and dying 'suddenly'. Explain why it's generally only the jabbed who are getting 'Long Covid'. Explain why the unjabbed got Covid once and don't seem to get it again. Explain why these jabs were mandated when they KNEW they did not stop transmission or prevent you from getting Covid. Explain the increase in Shingles, blood clots, heart issues, immune-related issues.

    10. Geraldine Armstrong13 November 2023 at 17:56

      Your comments are nothing short of a slap in the face. Myself and my daughter to start off with have more issues than I care to share with you. I have spoken to more people than not that have issues of some sort and Oh about 6 people in my work area have died.

    11. Watch her podcasts over the past few years. She interviews many.
      They are your proof.

  18. Mark John Feringa13 November 2023 at 16:53

    right from the start went hard in ,now over 1500 hours--am in business and personally now talked to around 1000 customers concerning all the injuries and deaths--8 customers have reported Myocarditis to me,my best friends son 24 hours after the first jab--this injury alone is huge considering on average 80 to 100 normally per year---i have been on all the Governmental health stats to check out---We are currently seeing a huge ALL CAUSE DEATH RATE INCREASE WORLDWIDE ,in fact this year 2023 is showing a %70 increase---SADLY where there is accountability ,there WILL BE A ATTEMTED COVER UP,human nature as it is---i have ALL the videos,whistle blowers ,DOCTORS who have worked in emergency departed telling about all the deaths and injuries---QUESTION,what is the point of posting THESE VIDEOS, my experience is ,when i make these claims DIRECTLY from the doctors ex that cannot be disputed,THEY WILL NOT VIEW THEM,JUDGES without viewing the evidence--up to you,can let you listen to thses doctors.funeral directors etc if you want me to send to you?

  19. Medical Abuse Gynaecology NZ13 November 2023 at 17:11

    RANZCOG also should be done for crimes against humanity.

    1. yes definitely these so called pm's must answer to crimes of humanity

  20. Ardern blocked me from reporting mine.

  21. Medsafe advised tbe government to NOT roll it out, as they found no safety an efficacy data on the jab. Ardern already knew this

  22. They all should immediately be arrested and charged with crimes against the New Zealand people.

  23. Andy Thompson
    Jacinda will receive global accolades while hiding from us.. Ashley was a moron who Anika Moa has been worshipping; She's part of the payroll for promoting "boosters" Siouxsie Wiles needs body -guards and we know why... Paddy Gower (who caused many to lose their jobs and income, while he got a HUGE promotion, Paddy needs armed guards when on walkabout to his next ISSUE..) All the TV3 EXPERTS who pushed the jab are now ducking for cover.. The vaccine-injured need to be COMPENSATED.. There will be riots in 2024.. I know there will... and thsat meens MORE HELMETS AND PEPPERSPRAY AND TRUNCHEONS for the Police.. It is a'comin..

  24. Medsafe has not stopped collecting reports. They are now in the SMARS repository and are being published in the same way all SMARS reports have always been reported which is quarterly three months in arrears.

  25. The latest numbers from Medsafe (near end of last year) showed approximately 1 in 3,000 reporting a serious adverse event.. and it was trending up so go figure

  26. LIvingman-House Mark-Thompson14 November 2023 at 13:23

    When Christendom wakes to the reality that it was hijacked by the Luciferians firmly with Constantine 300AD - and that since then it’s only led folk AWAY from their Creator - only THEN can we reclaim our true birthrights.
    On this specific argument- Truth may actually sit in all corners - as “the deposit of faith” referred to is a complete mystery.
    I see it as “the essence of divinity” imparted into us at conception - which for some is fanned into a flame. Yet for others barely burns at all.

  27. Penelope Armstrong14 November 2023 at 13:25

    Hold That dreadful Woman down and give her the shot or make it half a dozen

  28. Bloomfield and Ardern don't deserve their titles as they are both criminals, feel likecstsrting a petition to have them removed. Like the fluoridation has now been ruled unlawful but in 2018 the Supreme Court said it was mandatory and both of them were behind it

  29. TiS all Xposed now

  30. Chippie , we will knock on your door to jab you. Never forget

    1. Michael Bones Steele15 November 2023 at 20:29

      Colville SIGNS he wouldn't have left if he had "a come a knocking". This is what a friend had said GCSB.

  31. Lorraine Bellingan Windsor15 November 2023 at 12:40

    While everyone is focusing on something that has happened because of their personal choice the worse crime is being implemented where our children and all future generations will not have freedom and they will belong to WEF and AI.
    We need to pick our fights.

    1. Jacqueline Dollard15 November 2023 at 12:41

      I look at it as all part of the same war and still worth remembering and discussing. It’s bonkers that we all pretend that ever happened. Relationships were destroyed, lost jobs in key health & public services, people had to sell their homes. Because they felt that strongly about their body autonomy and had every right . Because the experts were wrong. Lest we forget.

    2. Hardly 'personal choice' for all those who were mandated. The Covid response was thoroughly evil and evil must always be resisted. 'The only thing necessary to the triumph of evil is the silence of good men' - Edmund Burke.

    3. Lorraine Bellingan Windsor15 November 2023 at 20:34

      acquiesce is what is required for agenda 2030. A world of digital ID is being implemented right this minute. If we all comply then what is the purpose of this group? To "biatch and complain"? Since everyone has been complying fast forward 4 yrs and there has been no change to the plan. Check out biometric requirements for travelling... it seems that pleading victim has not done much for the children's future.

    4. who is "pleading victim"? My aunt who is now dead due to covid vaccine injury? Is she pleading victim?

  32. David N Lesley Melville15 November 2023 at 20:27

    Why are they still pushing boosters ???
