Wednesday 29 November 2023


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A cannula for intravenous treatment on the pope’s right hand is visible as he gives the Angelus blessing November 26

The tyrant Pope Francis is authoritatively reported as saying he will evict US Cardinal Raymond Burke from his Vatican apartment because he is a source of "disunity" in the Church. The same sources say the pope will stop +Burke's salary because he is using these privileges against the Church. There is no doubt about his making these statements but as of this morning +Burke had not been officially alerted to his disciplining. 

Unfortunately it's only God Almighty Who has the power to evict Pope Francis from Santa Marta and stop his papal pay - and his breath. Is it sinful for faithful Catholics to importune Him for this great favour? Some say He may do that quite soon. Respected Catholic commentator Kennedy Hall, for example, tweeted this morning that he thinks the pope will die soon.

It's a night of long knives in the Church. First 'America's Bishop' +Joseph Strickland was fired, in defiance of canon law and violating the guarantee of due process. Now it's +Burke's turn and logically next in line for a tune-up would be Bishop Athanasius Schneider. It's abundantly clear that Jorge Mario Bergoglio will brook no criticism of his demolition of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

It just goes to show how traditional, faithful heads are rolling in the Catholic Church: +Raymond Burke, +Gerhard Mueller - it could have been either or both that Bergoglio evicted from his apartment. Of course it was Cardinal Burke but somehow in the mind of this writer their names, as prelates prepared to speak up in defence of the Deposit of Faith, had become interchangeable and a gremlin in the works allowed +Mueller to be reported as kicked out instead of +Burke. Is it only a matter of time? Watch this space ...

Cardinal Raymond Burke


“I was asked to meet with the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, and in that meeting I was read a list of the reasons I was being removed.  I would make these reasons available to you if possible; however, I was not given a copy of this list at that time, and I have not been able as of yet to obtain a copy despite my requests” - Bishop Joseph Strickland in a Nov. 27th letter to the faithful.
According to both Scripture and Tradition ... and according to the Second Vatican Council, the bishop has a native jurisdiction that cannot be taken away by the Pope, except in a case where the bishop has committed a grave crime and must be punished by the universal visible head of the Church. The difference with other ecclesiastical offices is that by the very nature of the bishop’s office he cannot be removed unjustly because he is free to use his native jurisdictional power to oppose an arbitrary and openly tyrannical act of the pope. ...
...The pastoral office or the habitual and daily care of their sheep is entrusted to (bishops) completely; nor are they to be regarded as vicars of the Roman Pontiffs, for they exercise an authority that is proper to them ... Their power, therefore, is not destroyed by the supreme and universal power, but on the contrary it is affirmed, strengthened and vindicated by it, since the Holy Spirit unfailingly preserves the form of government established by Christ the Lord in His Church (27). ... 
A fortiori, the pope, even if in some sense he is above canon law as the one who promulgates it, has no right to act against the principles of natural and divine law that the Code embodies and particularizes. When he acts against the provisions set forth in the Code, he demonstrates his unwillingness to be bound by the deeper and immutable law that canon law exists to serve. He demonstrates, in short, contempt for rights and duties, which is the definition of an unjust ruler or, in the ancient title, a tyrant.
For all these reasons, the universal power of jurisdiction possessed by the pope cannot annul and destroy the native power of the local bishop, as would be the case if the pope could whimsically remove any bishop without due process, stated grave cause, and the opportunity for defense, as Francis has now done with many successors of the Apostles. It is tragic that these men have not exercised their God-given rights and duties by resisting the false and injurious exercise of the primacy of Peter. ...
Bishops have to withstand the current arbitrary use of power by the Roman See, because this resistance is required by the need to preserve divine Revelation, as the case of Bishop Strickland has made exceedingly clear. This means that no bishop should comply with a “dismissal” that is not the result of a canonical procedure in which a grave crime committed by the bishop himself (not any of his inferiors) has been fully proved.




Jesus Christ Himself is calling the faithful bishops to be brave and to withstand this most subtle attack against the divine constitution of the Church. What is at stake here is not just the “guarantee of due process.” This attack is directed against the structure that He Himself established. It is an attack that is perhaps fulfilling the ancient prophecy by Leo XIII:
"Most cunning enemies have filled with bitterness and drenched with gall the Church, the Spouse of the Lamb without spot, and have lifted impious hands against all that is most sacred in it. Even in the holy place where the See of Blessed Peter and the chair of truth was set up to enlighten the world, they have raised the abominable throne of their impiety…"The Pope Cannot Depose Bishops Without Grave Cause - OnePeterFive


St Saturninus of Carthage (Nov 29)

St Saturninus, please pray for the Church

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  1. So much for dialogue! Burke always made a sensible contribution to the debate no matter what your opinion. I hope he doesn't retire to a monastery. That would be exactly what Bergoglio wants.
    Pope Francis is at his worst and nastiest when he is involved in a public argument he thinks he has to win. Then he is boorish, rude, devious, often not entirely honest and very personal.

  2. This is not a Labour Party subject.

    1. I wouldn't be so sure. Francis is a socialist. So funny: I joined this group because I thought it was a spoof. The idea of grown-ups joining a Chris Hipkins Fan Club is enough to make a cat laugh.

  3. Francis does not have any appeal. No personality, no godliness. Definitely not Christ's representative on earth.

  4. The sooner he is dispatched to the pit the better.

  5. The whole post is self-explanatory!
